HVAC Plumbing SEO

How to Protect & Secure Your Plumbing + HVAC Website From Hackers


How Safe is Your Plumbing + HVAC Website?

Do you know that more than 50,000 websites get hacked every day?

As a plumbing + HVAC contractor, you must stay vigilant and prevent the bad guys (hackers) from compromising the integrity of your plumbing + HVAC website.

Website security can be a confusing topic for many plumbing + HVAC contractors because they have a lot of things to handle each day to keep their business running.

This post is meant to provide a clear framework for plumbing + HVAC contractors who want to apply simple security principles and mitigate the risk to their plumbing + HVAC web properties.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the website security for plumbing + HVAC contractors basics!

What is Plumbing + HVAC Website Security?

Simply put, plumbing + HVAC website security refers to actions taken to protect your website from cyber-attacks (the bad guys we mentioned earlier on). That said, website security is an integral part of managing your plumbing + HVAC website.

Common Plumbing + HVAC Website Threats and How to Fix Them

For most plumbing + HVAC contractors, website security practices become a priority only after a data breach has occurred. Others wrongly think that all they need is a good antivirus and a spam filter program to keep the hackers away.

That said, no plumbing + HVAC contractor is safe until he understands the potential security threats that can mess his plumbing + HVAC website. Here are the seven most common plumbing + HVAC website vulnerabilities that every plumbing + HVAC contractor must safeguard against.

SQL Code Injections

Sometimes, hackers can inject a malicious code to corrupt or access your plumbing + HVAC website database content. If successful, the hacker can read, delete, update, steal, or alter information stored in your database. SQL code injection is the most prevalent kind of web security vulnerabilities that any plumbing + HVAC contractor can dread.

SQL code injection can lead to destroyed data, compromised credentials, or make you lose control of your server.

Data Breach

Every plumbing + HVAC contractor knows that a data breach can cause irreversible damage to your plumbing + HVAC website. The most common causes of a data breach include malware, lost hardware, or software misconfiguration. As a plumbing + HVAC contractor, you need to train your employees on how to avoid phishing attacks and practice good password hygiene.

In case, you note that your plumbing + HVAC website data has been compromised, your business may face compliance or legal requirements for alerting regulatory authorities or clients.


Usually, plumbing + HVAC contractors perceive it as something annoying. But we all receive spam emails delivered to our inbox or see regular spam popup every time we are browsing something online.

However, sometimes spam is more disastrous. Spam in the form of comments is prevalent in most plumbing + HVAC websites. Bots can try to create backlinks with links from another site using the comments section of your plumbing + HVAC website.

While those kinds of comments are annoying and don’t look good on your website, they are not that harmful to your site. However, some of these links contain malware, which can adversely affect your plumbing + HVAC prospects if they accidentally click on them.

Furthermore, Google crawlers can quickly identify malicious links and penalize your plumbing + HVAC website for encouraging spamming. This will negatively affect your SEO rankings.

Viruses & Malware

Malware refers to malicious software. Thus, malware and viruses are synonymous. They are, no doubt, the biggest threat to your plumbing + HVAC website.

With malware, both the plumbing + HVAC website owner and visitors are at risk. Some prospects visiting your plumbing + HVAC website might accidentally download a malicious file that could adversely affect their computer performance. Every plumbing + HVAC contractor must strive to keep their site secure and stop that from happening.

DDoS Attacks

DDoS threats attempt to block prospects from visiting your plumbing + HVAC website. Here, the bad guys (hackers) overload your plumbing + HVAC website servers with traffic. Generally, this takes your plumbing + HVAC website offline.

Simple Security Tips to Safeguard Your Plumbing + HVAC Website from Hackers

Now that you know the common threats that can compromise your plumbing + HVAC website security; its time to prevent them from happening!

You can’t just sit down and assume that your plumbing + HVAC website is secure from phishing attacks! If you have not taken proactive steps to improve your plumbing + HVAC website security, then you are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Here are some simple steps you require to take to beef up your plumbing + HVAC website security:

Keep Your Plumbing + HVAC Software Up-to-Date

Any plumbing + HVAC software that your business is using needs to be to be updated regularly. The bad guys are aggressively targeting the gaps in your software to compromise your plumbing + HVAC website integrity. As a plumbing + HVAC contractor, you must update and maintain any plumbing + HVAC software your business is using to keep hackers at bay.

Keep Your Plumbing + HVAC Website Clutter-Free

It is said that never try to judge a book by its cover, but your plumbing + HVAC website appearance will either encourage or turn away hackers from entering your plumbing + HVAC website. You must keep your plumbing + HVAC website design organized and delete any unused files that hackers may use to access information from your plumbing + HVAC website. That’s why it is essential to hire a professional website design agency to build a clean site for your plumbing + HVAC business.

Scan Your Plumbing + HVAC Website for Vulnerabilities Regularly

It is crucial to perform security scans regularly to check for the plumbing + HVAC website and server threats. However, these scans should be done on schedule, or any time you add web components.

Plumbing + HVAC contractors can also use the various free online tools available to assess how safe their site is.

They should also hire a plumbing + HVAC SEO agency to check whether the web security vulnerabilities are affecting their SEO rankings. Hiring a professional plumbing + HVAC web security professional to assess the weaknesses in your plumbing + HVAC website would help secure your plumbing + HVAC business from cyber attacks.

Develop and Enforce a Strong Password Usage Policy

All your team members must create and use strong passwords. Hackers typically use sophisticated software to steal passwords. To avoid this disaster, make sure that your passwords contain lower case and upper case letters, special characters, and numerals. Your password should contain at least ten characters.

Use HTTPS Protocol

If your plumbing + HVAC website is not using HTTPS protocol, then your business is at risk! This protocol essentially tells your site’s visitors that they are interacting with a secure server, and nothing can intercept what they are currently viewing.

Without the HTTPS protocol, the bad guys can quickly gather personal details from your plumbing + HVAC website visitors. This protocol also will help to boost your site SEO rankings. Google is nowadays rewarding secure websites that use https protocol.

Avoid File uploads

Allowing prospects/ clients to upload their files on your plumbing + HVAC website can compromise your site’s security. The risk is that any external file uploaded on your plumbing + HVAC website may contain a script that may open up your website if executed. If you have a file upload option on your website, then you need to treat every file with much suspicion.

Need a Secure Plumbing + HVAC Website? We Can Help!

Plumbing + HVAC website security is imperative because every contractor has a legal responsibility to ensure that their client’s details are safeguarded from the bad guys (hackers). Fortunately, the Blackstorm plumbing + HVAC marketing web design team can help!

Blackstorm Plumbing + HVAC marketing specializes in designing plumbing + HVAC websites that are appealing, secure, and converts lead into long-term clients. We believe that all plumbing + HVAC websites need to be safe. Hacked client personal details and data breach has been significant points of discussion in the recent past-and your prospects know this. Search engines like Bing and Google are giving preference to secure plumbing + HVAC websites.

If you want to improve the security of your plumbing + HVAC website but don’t know where to start, then don’t hesitate to book a free plumbing + HVAC web design strategy session with us today.

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HVAC Marketing Plumbing

How The Modern Day Consumer Makes a Purchase Decision


Meet the Modern Day Consumer

Let’s think of some big-name companies. Circuit City, Sears, Blockbuster, and Polaroid, just to name a few, are companies that were huge in their day. So, what happened to them? In short, they didn’t keep up with the changes or transition to what the modern-day consumer is looking for. Even with a great product line, these major companies have gone out of business. There’s just no way to get around the fact that businesses today have to know what the modern-day consumer is looking for, and has to deliver on it in order to stay in business and thrive.

Many tech startups have come and gone. Major players have fallen out of the public’s eye. Today, with technology and everything it has to offer, Plumbing + HVAC companies have to do more to keep up. It’s imperative that companies stay ahead of the curve if they want to survive in a highly competitive, online-driven world. The companies above have one thing in common. They lived in a seller’s market and weren’t willing to change or adapt to the buyer’s market. Eventually, they went bust.

Modern-Day Technology: It’s all Connected Meaning Your Company Has to be

There’s no need to “log on” any longer. Today, with mobile devices, consumers are always connected. You name it, and we’re connected. TV, our refrigerators, smartwatches, thermostats, and so many other devices are always on. And, with the IoT (internet of things) all around us, it’s virtually impossible for companies to think they can survive if they aren’t always on as well.

Mobility Reigns Supreme in Today’s Online-Driven Buyer’s Marketplace

On average, people are connected to their smart devices for about 17 hours per week. Step back and think about this for a minute. We’re checking email, we’re on our smartphones, tablets, and virtually everything is mobile. This is what the modern-day consumer is looking for, and this is what Plumbing + HVAC companies have to deliver if they want to stay afloat. If your website isn’t mobile-ready or mobile-friendly, it’s greatly going to hinder your ability to compete.

When people are “in need” of a good or service, they have a mobile device at their fingertips. Imagine your customer can look up the best mechanic, repair shop, or virtually any Plumbing + HVAC industry/company, from anywhere. So, if your company doesn’t have a mobile site, and customers can’t find you (or easily navigate your website on a mobile device), you’re going to suffer. Your website has to be responsive. It has to navigate easily on mobile devices, load quickly, and, above all, deliver exactly what the modern-day consumer is looking for when they want it.

And, it’s not only Google’s algorithms telling you that you need a mobile-ready site. With smartphones having GPS and other tracking systems built into them, you need to focus on local, as well as mobile optimization, if you want to ensure your audience can easily find you.

The Modern Consumer: Matching Their Needs with Your Business Practices

The internet has destroyed the Yellow Pages we relied upon in the 1990s. Today, any Plumbing + HVAC business has to have a mobile-ready site, if they want to reach the modern-day consumer. Being a local, Plumbing + HVAC service industry, isn’t enough today. Although it was enough 20 years ago, there’s so much competition that companies have to step their game up to keep up with the competition.

Think of it this way. A smartphone can compare dozens of plumbers (ac repair, mechanics, etc.) side by side. If your Plumbing + HVAC company isn’t easy to find online, you’re missing out on these local searches.

Tech Advances Go Hand-in-Hand with User Advancements

Technology is essential. We use it for communications, to get from point A to point B, to find things, track goals, and improve things. We need it and use it regularly. Therefore, companies have to find ways to keep up with the ever-changing need of modern-day consumers and understand that they’re using technology regularly, in order to remain in those consumers’ minds.

A Change in Mindset and Behavior: Competing in a Buyer’s Marketplace

Today, consumers are looking for the best. They aren’t just settling on a plumber they know or have hired in the past. It’s a buyer’s market. Technology gives consumers more choices and allows them to easily find what they’re looking for. Therefore, businesses have to make transitions to keep up with the modern-day consumer and their needs.

For any Plumbing + HVAC business, you have to remember that consumers are looking for convenience. They want your business to be easy to find, and they are only going to hire you if you are the best. So, you need to transition and you need to create your business as a leader within your Plumbing + HVAC in order to be seen by the modern-day consumer.

What’s Important for Today’s Modern Day Consumer?

Consumers focus on various factors in deciding on a Plumbing + HVAC company to hire. Some of the many important factors that the modern-day consumer is looking at includes

1. Reputation/ratings – Positive reviews from previous customers do wonder for your business and its online visibility and reach.

2. Information – Your company needs to provide relevant information, location, services, and everything the modern-day consumer wants to know, in order for the consumer to select your company, in your Plumbing + HVAC, as opposed to a competitors

3. Readily Available/Accessible – The website has to be responsive. Customers have to quickly find your Plumbing + HVAC site, it has to be mobile-friendly, and it has to be navigable. Can customers schedule an appointment online? Is there an FAQ page on your site? The more information you can provide, and the more readily available it is, the more likely the modern-day consumer is going to consider your company, within your Plumbing + HVAC industry, rather than turn to a competitor.

4. Cater to their needs – You need to go above and beyond to deliver what consumers want. Especially with so much competition online, and the fact that consumers can easily find dozens of Plumbing + HVAC competitors with a quick search on their mobile device, companies have to do as much as possible, to outshine their competitors.

Since a Plumbing + HVAC competitor is just a Google search away, your company has to work harder than in the past to reach the modern-day consumer. You have to cater to their needs, provide the best service, and make things (searches and information) readily accessible. Consumers are pickier today because technological advances allow them to be. If your company isn’t willing to cater to those needs, and the Plumbing + HVAC consumer, you’ll quickly find yourself in the seller’s market (think of those major companies we highlighted above), and out of business before you’d like to be.

Want to Get Chosen? What Your Plumbing + HVAC Business has to Do

Consumers today don’t think in the same manner as consumers of the past. Today, they can shop on Amazon, and buy products for a fraction of the price than they cost at department stores. And, they can have these items delivered in as little as a few hours.

Then, there’s Netflix. We can stream an entire season of a show or a movie over a weekend. The modern-day consumer wants immediacy. Uber and Lyft have basically abolished the Taxi industry. Why? The prices are cheaper, consumers can get a ride in a matter of minutes, plus they can get a driver with the touch of a button on their smartphone.

What does all of this tell you as a business? It should tell you that the modern-day consumer is in control. They want convenience and they’re going to do everything possible in order to get it. It’s possible to shop from virtually anywhere on a smartphone or tablet. And, with lower prices than in department stores, why wouldn’t the consumer do so?

Plumbers, ac technicians, mechanics, and other companies in these Plumbing + HVAC service industries, have to focus on adapting to the “anywhere, anytime,” mentality. If not, they’re going to get outdone by competitors who are willing to transition and are willing to give their Plumbing + HVAC audience exactly what they’re looking for.

A Digital Presence Matters

Consumers can find you virtually anywhere today. Your website is just one source of information for the modern-day consumer. Then, there are social media, there are online review sites, and there are other digital mediums where they can find you. What does this mean for your Plumbing + HVAC company? Basically, it means you have to do everything possible to ensure the information that the modern-day consumer is seeing is accurate. You have to work to ensure they can easily find what they are looking for, and that they are reading positive reviews about your company.

What are some ways you can improve your digital presence? And, what are some things you’ll want to change if the information isn’t correct? For starters, you’ll want to

– Check your email, telephone number, website address, and other contact information online
– Create a professional website, which is mobile friendly and easy to navigate
– Have an excellent logo, which depicts your company’s message and brand
– Have a social presence for your Plumbing + HVAC business on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media outlets.

It’s not enough to have these accounts. Today, you have to make sure that the information the modern-day consumer is seeing, is accurate. Therefore, you’re going to want to vet these sites like a business owner, focus on correcting the information that isn’t accurate, and making it a focal point to ensure you are getting positive information (in the form of online reviews), so that your Plumbing + HVAC consumer audience is seeing you in a positive light, regardless of where they find information about your company online.

Is Your Website User-Friendly?

This is quite possibly one of the most important factors to your Plumbing + HVAC consumer audience. You’ll want to have a desktop website as well as a mobile website. Remember, your audience is going to find you on their smartphone, their tablet, and other mobile devices when they’re on the go. If you’re not catering to the modern-day consumer, you’re going to miss out on reaching your Plumbing + HVAC audience, and you’re going to lose to local competitors within your industry as a business owner.

Are You Social?

The modern-day consumer is on virtually every social media app. Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, are just a few of the many places where they can find your information. As a Plumbing + HVAC business owner, you’ll want to make sure that your audience can easily find you on these platforms. Furthermore, you’re going to want to update your social media accounts regularly, post to these accounts frequently, and engage with your audience as much as possible, in order to ensure you’re capable of keeping up with the industry demands, in today’s highly mobile consumer-driven marketplace.

Are Reviews Positive?

BBB, Yelp, Google reviews, are a few of the many places consumers are going to read about your company. So, what it says on these sites matters. In fact, it matters more than you might imagine in certain Plumbing + HVAC industries. As a business owner, you’re going to want to focus on creating a positive impact for the modern-day consumer online, so you’re going to have to make every effort possible to ensure you’re providing the best service and customer service to your current audience. Ask them to write reviews, and find out ways in which you can furnish more positive reviews, which will have a positive impact on the modern-day consumer that you’re trying to reach.

To Sum it Up…

Everything matters! You might think one negative Yelp review won’t hurt, but it does. Or, you might think that your lack of presence on Facebook isn’t important, but it is. With a buyer-driven marketplace today, and everything being readily accessible on mobile devices, it’s important to focus on being visible on mobile platforms as a business. Doing so will not only help you attract more consumers but also obtain the positive presence you’d like to have online, regardless of the Plumbing + HVAC audience you’re trying to reach as a business owner.

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