How To Make Your Blog Posts More Captivating 

How To Make Your Blog Posts More Captivating

Curiosity… Makes The Blog

Do you want to draw a lot of attention to your blog post but don’t know how to do it? Then you’re not alone; many people don’t… But what they don’t know is that the answer lies in creating curiosity.
Yes, you heard it right. Humans have always been curiosity beings. They live each minute wanting to know what will happen next. And it’s evident from the TV shows, books, movies, and other creative materials as none can be successful without it.
So do you want to learn how to maximize on it to bring success to your blog? If yes, then you’re at the right place. We are going to show you how to use it to increase your traffic, witness more conversion rates and increase those email subscriptions.
Let’s get started!

Create An Information Gap

When creating content for your blog, ensure you come up with an information gap that will trigger their curiosity. This is a very effective way as explained in the Information Gap Theory by George Loewenstein, a professor at Carnegie Melon University. But how?
The answer is simple; you should ensure your posts attract attention. And once they do, keep it and continue growing it.
So once you get that perfect headline and have used the correct images to grab attention, you must combine it with curiosity to keep people coming back for more.
The first sentences of your blog post play a vital role in this. This is because once readers read through the first few lines, they will know whether they want to read to the end or not. And that’s where you should maximize on curiosity.
Don’t provide all the useful information all at once. But rather break it down and spread it throughout your article.

Writing A Curiosity Filled Blog Post

Coming up with curiosity is not as simple as it sounds. It can be frustrating especially for beginners. But once you understand the formula, you will never look back. Here’s one of the simplest one that works for us;

(Fresh, intriguing and Fantastic Thing) + (Anticipated Outcome) = A curiosity filled audience

Feeling confused? Let’s break it down for you with a few example templates

  • Would you like to learn about (intriguing thing) and enjoy (anticipated outcome)?
  • Are you wondering how you can achieve (anticipated outcome) with the help of ( fresh thing)?
  • If you want (anticipated outcome) with this amazing ( fantastic thing)
  • And much more.

You see, it isn’t as difficult as you thought!
We hope you found the above information useful to help turn your blog posts into curiosity filled success stories. If it did, feel free to share your experience in the comment section below. We are looking forward to your feedback! Keep them coming!


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