How to Become a Roofer

How to Become a Roofer


Are you looking for a new job?

Get a great career as a roofer. It will give you access to regular work with a steady stream of projects waiting for you. You need to be equipped with skills to work on different building types, including residential and commercial structures.

Ever wonder what exactly a roofer does, and how to become one? Read on and learn how to get into roofing, and discover what it takes to become one.

How To Get Into Roofing

What is a Roofer?

A roofer repairs make replacements and install roofs of building structures. They work with materials like shingles, metal, and tar. As a roofer, you will get the chance to work both from the ground and on top of buildings. More often than not, you will be standing on a slope.

To give you an idea of how to work in roofing, you will use tools for installing roofs and make assessments in roofing conditions. Part of your duties would be any one of these things, giving a customer an estimate, applying a waterproofing coat, or maybe replace an entire roof. You will be working with certified roofing contractors and operate under a business license, which will allow you to work on both commercial and residential buildings.

All of the above details answers the question as to what do roofers do. Additionally, on any given day, an inspection usually occurs after each completed job.

What Does a Roofer Do?

As a roofing company, they install and repair roofs of all types using all kinds of materials. This includes asphalt, cedar shingles, metal, and more. As a roofer, you will have to be prepared to work in all kinds of weather conditions, and almost any situation involving rooftop conditions.

It is possible that you might be working on a steep-sloped roof in the rain one day, and, on a flat roof under the hot sun the next. Every time a new roof is installed, thick plywood is laid down first, then after that, felt is installed. This contraption makes it easier to keep your footing after that comes to the shingles, which are either metal panels or an asphalt membrane.

Roofers must be detail-oriented since the quality of the work done will depend much on how good of a job was completed. It will be inspected and checked if done properly. It will seal any leak that could cause damage inside the building.

They also install attic fans and vent boots on the roof.

How To Be A Good Roofer

A good roofer is when he gets to finish difficult tasks in not-so-good weather conditions. He or she can also work high above the ground and follow protocols for all kinds of jobs. You must be efficient as you follow guidelines depending on the materials you use.

You will need good communication skills as well as the physical strength to move and carry heavy tools and various materials. All these you will be doing with a positive attitude. Working for both residential and commercial clients will require you to be culturally sensitive, coupled with good customer service skills. These are crucial components to being a good roofer.

What Do Roofers Wear?

Working as a roofer also requires proper gear and clothing. It should be able to protect you from environmental factors such as accidents and other dangerous materials. Eye protection and a hard hat sometimes are required.

Wearing long-sleeve shirts and thick pants will protect you from cuts, scrapes, and even sunburn. Work boots with thick soles can help with its necessary grip that is needed while you walk on the roof surface. The thick soles will also help protect your feet from the hot surface of the roof.

Gloves serve to protect your hands from burns while at the same time improving grip.

What Tools Do Roofers Use?

Tools are used for installing, making repairs, and removal of roofs. Basic tools like hammers and ladders are the most commonly used. They also use shingle removers, shovels, roofing nailers, roofing hammers, hammer tackers, some utility knives, and power machines.

Depending on the specifications of the job, you might be using a power drill, or maybe a power saw to cut and install materials. You will also be using a crowbar to remove shingles, shears, cut asphalt, or fiberglass shingles. Other peripherals include a tape measure and level to measure the roof slope.

Having experience using these tools will be helpful to your roofing career.

Do Roofers Work in the Rain?

Depending on the type of roofing job that needs to be done, roofers are required to work even if it’s raining. For example, during a storm, if a tree fell on a building, roofers must get to work and make repairs just so that water doesn’t get into the structure.

Admittedly, it is risky for roofers to be working in such conditions, so much so that companies avoid sending in a team to the roof unless it is an emergency. What roofers do is cover their work with tarp or plastic to protect against any leak in the event of a storm.

What Type of Training/ Credentials Does a Roofer Need?

Most roofers learn through on-the-job training. They take up a formal apprenticeship program that is complete with classes and paid training. Even when they are still in training, they get to do and complete real roofing jobs.

An apprentice gets to learn to use the necessary tools and safety precautions needed. The experience and certification give them the chance to be hired as a full-time roofer. A good roofer also needs to study and make the necessary upgrades as a roofing professional throughout his career.

Physical fitness is a must since this job is also equally physically demanding. You must not be afraid of heights and must have a good sense of balance. You also must be able to take care of details and maintain focus in potentially dangerous situations.

Teamwork is crucial to the roofing business as well as the ability to work independently. A good roofer does not need much supervision. A survey conducted by Owl Guru cites the top 5 skills and knowledge that roofers must have:

  • Building and Construction
  • Design
  • Mathematics
  • Education and Training
  • Customer and Personal Service

Are Roofing Jobs Readily Available?

Why be a roofer?

It so happens that taking up roofing as a career today gives you bright job prospects. There is an ongoing housing boom that started a few years back where roofing repairs and replacements have become in demand.

Our economic recovery has created a growing market for projects both in residential and commercial areas. Along with that demand will raise the need for more quality roofers. Opportunities are steadily on the rise, and more positions are becoming available.

If you like working with your hands, this job is for you!

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