Electrical Google Advertising HVAC Plumbing Roofing

Home Service Advertising Concept Copy


Dear home service contractor,
Would you like to know a simple, guaranteed, and fast way to skyrocket your sales with Google or Facebook Ads beyond all imagination?

With over 2.6 billion people lodging on Facebook monthly, we will help you tap into this vast market of wallet-out prospects ready to improve their homes or businesses.

If you want to know a proven way to use paid ads (using Google or Facebook ads) to drive sales like a vacuum cleaner on steroids, at a supersonic speed

Then this is the most potent advertising message you have ever read on the Internet.

Here’s why:

Over the last year, our team has spent $20 million on Facebook or Google Ads alone.

Here’s the proof:

And we have done this in over five home improvement niches, including Roofing, HVAC, Pest Control, Plumbing, and Electrical Contractors.

We have used that $20 million to help generate over $1.2 Billion for our clients in sales.
All with Google or Facebook ads.

And since we have spent that kind of money on Ads, it goes without saying that our experts have learned a lot.

About precisely what doesn’t work and what does work

Not what works theoretically, from some courses and YouTube tutorials.

Or from some self-proclaimed gurus with many ‘theories” pretending to be a “professional.”


We are talking about battle-tested, No BS strategies from front liners which can convert your advertising into revenue or profit.

Experienced professionals understand what it means to run a profitable ad campaign- since they have payroll obligations to meet.

And if you have been doing Google or Facebook Ads, this may sound familiar.


ROAS hits the floor

Your once-successful ad campaigns typically shit the bed.

And your bank account or wallet is left begging for mercy.

While you are left yelling like a hungry man,

“How is that possible?”!

Since your agency convinced you to increase ad spending?

But now you are doubting……

So you hired a new business growth coach.

You found them on Craigslist or TheGumTree, next to used exercise equipment and the iguanas.

They are entirely legit.

And they can’t seem to make sense of all this.

So they persuade you to invest in a new business logo and begin to create a ‘personal brand.’


All this makes you want to throw your laptop out of the window.

So, you cut down on your ad budget since your ROI is non-existent and your bank account is on its knees.

This all implies that


Instead of the level you want to be.

You shelve it in the “too-hard basket. ”

It is a deadly and vicious cycle that drives you down the path of creating a mediocre contracting business.

Well, we have great news for you……

We will unearth the simplest, fastest, and most effective way for you to obtain as many clients as possible using Google or Facebook Ads.

And lastly, hit or even surpass your wildest growth goals.

But don’t take our word for it.

Here’s the money-multiplying proof

Stories like these make our heads sweat.

Okay, too much of that; let’s discuss paid ads now.



  • Lower cost per click /lower CPLs /CPAs
  • And generate a significant ROI
  • Increase quality scores

Alright, ready?

Listen close.

Let us show you how we do it.

More specifically, how we apply this hack to level up your ad and make campaigns more profitable magically.

So, you can make extra dollars.

So, you can buy more protein shakes, tissue massages, and pistachios.

Okay, saddle up.

Here we go.

First step………

Step One


The initial thing they do is;

Choose a bunch of keywords and bombard them into an ad group.

Roofing Contractors Murfreesboro“…. I will add that.
Roofers Murfreesboro,” yes, I include that in my ad.
Roof installation Tennessee” yep, why not? Let us drop that here too!

This may seem innocent, but listen when we say this….

This is the most specific and fastest way to become the next pauper in town!

Terrible concept….1-star. Total crap. It is not recommended.

So, what precisely should you be doing? What is this “noble idea”?

Don’t fret, you a little greedy truth seeker.

Here it is, and it’s known as SKAG

Single Keyword Ad Group

And it’s where you put one keyword in an ad group.

Then craft a super-targeted ad for that particular keyword.

It’s a bunch of work, but such puppies can drive Google insane!

And make them hotter than a hotel room.


Well, this is what Google is optimizing for

They offer their browsers (your potential clients) the best experience.

Since they…..


They convert better and are laser-targeted.

It gives you a higher quality score on your adverts.

Google then (effortlessly) hands over.

Cheaper clicks, high intent traffic, and excellent ad placement.

Which = more $$$ in your bank account.

More rainbows, fun coupons, baby giggles, and sunshine.


But there’s an issue. A huge one…..

Listen when we say this….

Many ad agencies are “okay” with their actions, and some are “good.” But a select few are… elite.
So that’s what the kind of job they do….. “Okay”

Their campaign structure is okay, keyword research is Okay, and the kind of bid is Okay.

And their ad copy is alright. You got it right.

But here is the deal.

“Okay,” I can’t cut it anymore as it used to when clicks were charged at $0.20 each.

But now, there is too much competition online.

You should be a stone-cold killer to make your ad campaigns profitable.

Which drives us to the next step

This is another area where all contractors get it wrong all the time.

They don’t understand how to craft an ad.

Most of them don’t even know the purpose of an ad.


But it’s hard to do that ….

Property owners can’t schedule a service from the ad (yet)

So why do it in the first place?

You see, your ad has just one primary objective, that of getting people to CLICK.

Your Ads should demand attention.

That should be irresistible for your potential client to click (not schedule jobs)

And with most online searches conducted on smartphones.

Your prospects are now distracted more than ever…..

They are typically one click away from their Facebook newsfeed =half-naked slay queens on Instagram and dogs wearing hobnailed shoes.

Don’t be boring, because boring doesn’t solicit attention and stand out!

Boring Kills Your ROI

So that implies no more Ad copy that reads,

“Established in 1867.”

“We’ve got the best prices and biggest range.”

“Talk with our team of professionals or experts….”


That’s a snoozer.

And listen to us close when we say this…

Step Three


Simply put, Google Ads is a winner takes all rat race game.

And this drives us to the third step.

This is not about the Ads themselves.

But the relevant landing page you send property owners who click on them
Now listen close. Selling your home improvement services is like seducing a beautiful girl.

It is not about the method you use when you close the sale, and it’s about time you request it!

And most business owners go straight for it on their landing page or ads.

This is like approaching a stranger and requesting them to marry you.

And that strategy is about as effective as a shelter in a sandstorm.

But again, they wonder why they can’t get their Google or Facebook ads to work.


You see, just like in a romantic relationship.

You must take a potential client through some steps to persuade them to purchase.

But most home service contractors are more obsessed with attempting to close a sale and the entire “closing the deal” part.

They completely ignore the steps it takes to transform a stranger from a click into a paying customer.

“We’ve got the best service and biggest range.”

“Come and book our services.”

“Get a free quote,” “Talk with our professionals,” “BOOK, BOOK, BOOK NOW”!

Instead, you’ve got to begin with something that’s not threatening.

(Don’t trust us? Check your conversion rates *wink*)

Since you require a little romance

And from what we have observed (from spending millions of dollars on ads) is that the most reliable way to achieve that is by leveraging something known as

A High-Value Content Offer

This makes your potential client raise their hand in a sea of browsers to say they are interested in your offer.

Look, this page is getting too long.

And these are some steps we use to unlock some hidden pockets of profit from any Google AdWords Account.

And scale them to the sky!

Wanna view all these simple steps?

(See what we are doing here)

Then we have some excellent news for you today.

Since we’ve just compiled a new report that reveals ….

The report will reveal hidden secrets from running countless campaigns for our clients and spending millions of dollars on paid adverts.

(And BOOM, that’s how we do it we swallow our pill)

Here are some of the hacks you will discover:

You are making the costly, and dirtiest Facebook or Google Ads mistakes right now.

How to bid on specific keywords that result in not just conversions but sales

How to unearth hidden pockets of insane profits from any campaign, of course, with minimal effort.

The little-known Google Ad secret that can boost your conversions by over 400%

How to dominate your market share, even if you have a limited marketing budget

How to know how incompetent or competent your paid search advertising agency is.

And much, much more.

This report is free, and you need to enter your details and hit the “send my report” button below.


We have re-opened our doors to accept new home service contractors, and if you are reading this, it implies that we have a few slots remaining.

And for the coming few months, we offer your region service contractors a FREE one-hour strategy session.

In this session, our growth coach will show you how to truly explode your sales beyond all imagination with Google or Facebook ads.

But listen
This is not just another sales pitch (*coughs* strategy session) from self-proclaimed gurus who understand nothing about running a successful ad campaign.

We will give you this guarantee.


Yes, you heard that right… (or if you are doubting, read that again, we are waiting for you)
Our strategy session will help you understand a customized breakdown of our system for growing home service contractors at breakneck speed.

Talk soon.

 Claim Your FREE One-hour Strategy Session now


Do you require a home service advertising agency to run your Google or Facebook ads? 
Blackstorm Design +Marketing is here to assist with our revolutionary advertising strategies if you want to maximize your ROI and boost your revenue.

Google or Facebook are great platforms to promote your home service business, and at Blackstorm, we specialize in crafting ads that drive insane profits and reach more of your valuable clients.

Facebook or Google Ads marketing can be extremely tough. Still, unlike other service contractors, we focus on crafting ads that expose your brand online and bring lifelong clients.

Our hacks have helped countless contractors double and even triple their revenue due to massive leads from their advertising campaigns.

When you sign up with our home service advertising agency, our growth coaches will share some fantastic tricks and tips that we have learned to maximize each dollar you spend on ads.

What is the benefit of Facebook or Google Ads for getting clients?
Google or Facebook ads are the fastest way to obtain new clients or sales for any home service company. You can target potential clients looking for an answer to their challenges and be laser-focused, only displaying ads to these wallets’ ready-to-purchase prospects.

Display your ads in times that matter, whenever your potential customers are looking for a solution to their challenges/problems or using content across YouTube, websites, Gmail, and Google.
Unlike contractor SEO which can take months or even years to see any noticeable results. Google ads can begin delivering traction for your home service business from the first day because they show organic results for your industry’s key search terms.

Google advertising is the perfect sales-generating machine with different campaigns to suit most home service businesses, from shopping, display, video, and search campaigns.
At BlackStorm Design + Marketing, we use direct response copywriting techniques and conversion-oriented landing pages to make these traffic channels work for your home service company daily to assist you in aggressively growing and scaling profitably.

How Can you Choose the Right Facebook or Google Ads Agency? 
Look for a home service advertising agency that guarantees results! It’s that easy….
Here at Blackstorm Design +Marketing, we guarantee we can outrank any other PPC agency, traffic expert, or marketer under the sun! We will boost your results by at least 30% over what existing paid traffic and web project are currently getting, or you don’t pay us a single cent!

Ask any home service Ads agency to match our guarantee; sit and watch them retreat.

Is Blackstorm Design +Marketing a qualified Google partner? 
Yes, BlackStorm Design +Marketing is a premier Google partner. We will help you obtain the highest level of support, and we have access to exclusive reporting and betas to help our customers succeed.

Is it advisable to outsource in-house or an agency for Google or Facebook advertising?  
This is how we perceive it:
When you hire in-house, you get one professional with one skill set to perform one of the most complex tasks; Google or Facebook advertising. Sure, you can micromanage everything you need, but you must begin from scratch when those professionals leave your business.

When you partner with an agency like BlackStorm Design +Marketing, you bring an entire team of professionals with several skills across the home service marketing niche, coupled with many years of experience running Google or Facebook ads. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we are process-driven, implying that our systems can be used in any home service niche.

Electrical SEO

3 Biggest Trends in Electrical SEO

The Fundamental Electrical SEO Plan For The Future

Performing a random search on google reveals how much online marketing has dominated the internet. Search Engine Optimization, popularly known as SEO, significantly impacts today’s e-commerce.

Are you looking forward to growing your electrical business online? This article gives you the perfect head start. Read on!

Will SEO be significant in the future?


The increasingly conspicuous Google Ads are among the numerous changes in the internet marketing world. If you perform a random search today, the chances are such that a Google Ad will appear at the top. This most certainly, has gotten you wondering if you need SEO.

SEO’s future is still intact. This is because 71% of all electrical-related searches will return organic search results among the top three map listings. Interestingly, the top 5 organic listings constitute 65% of all the searches related to electricity.

Additionally, statistics have shown that only 14% of people click on the Ads, while the rest scroll down to the organic listings. For these reasons, SEO’s future is still intact, and this article looks at the functionality of SEO now and in the future.

What is the Electrical SEO?

electrical SEO

Electrical SEO is simply the optimization of electrical websites and pages to boost organic search listing on prominent search engines like Bing and Google without paying for Ads.

Significance of SEO to your electrical business

SEO for your electrical business

The online world is closer to anyone than the real world. If you want to buy something, studies have suggested that you could be among the 94% who opt to perform an online search first. People will click on the websites listed at the top as these appear as more pertinent to the search and thus better trusted.

For the above reason, if your website does not feature at the top, you may never reach your customers online. The SEO marketing strategy will help your electrical website rank above many other electrical websites based on specific keyword searches.

Since the search engine collects information about every site and ranks the pages, you must get to know all elements that earn your website a higher score.

Text, content, and links, among other relevant information incorporated in your webpage’s HTML code, are the focus of SEO. In response to a search, the search engine looks for the searched word in these first. Robust SEO approaches are necessary to guarantee your website a slot at the top, and this article tells you how.

3 Biggest Trends in Electrical SEO

1. Elaborate and expressive content is significant.

Proper product and service listing are crucial for your electrical company. You should create an individual page for every service/product that you have. If you’re an electrical and do such disconnecting electricity, have a separate page for it, and don’t forget to indicate your geographical location.

SEO content

If you do several types of electrical or somewhat different electrical solutions such as electrical wiring in a building, installing electrical equipment into an installation coupler, or any other electrical repair, make a page with information about each service.

As this is for boosting your website’s SEO ranking, a page of content is necessary for each page you create.

A page of content should not miss any of the following:

  • What the service is?
  • What the customer gains from the service?
  • Audio-visual (video, image, and sound) presentation of some work you’ve
  • Other stuff that boosts your service

An electrical company will usually cover a span of up to 50 miles, which could include several towns or cities. To market your electrical company across these cities, you could make each page unique in some way. The difference could be as simple as having different reviews to a more complex task, like placing a video focusing on the site’s target area.

Targeting individual neighborhoods will also stand your electrical website a better chance of being ranked high. It is particularly useful in cases where people want their wiring fixed urgently and so would want a local electrical company to do the job.

Finally, make sure to write captivating content for your site; otherwise, your website’s visitors will not want to go through your site, let alone consider your services. Nowadays, SEO is focusing on user optimization. That said, if people do not spend time on your website, Google is not going to be placing the site on top in the future.

2. To score high on ranking, have your content attractive to the prospective customer.

Poor quality & misdirected links redirecting to your website will scathe your rating The evolution of the digital world is so fast, and you need to keep pace. In just a few years, Google updates have seen a lot of change in SERP. For example, Google’s Penguin update, quality, and relevance of links are at the forefront. If a link you insert is not related to the electrical business, it will lower your electrical website’s score.

Monitoring the links that come to your website is of great help, ensuring that those links are appropriate and not spam. To do this, you can use the Search Console or have someone review them and purge the unwanted ones. The words contained in the anchor text are for your electrical website ranking. In this era, you will want to keep diversifying your link label.

3. Physical operating premises are necessary for a high rank, and a physical office for your electrical company will do good for your website ranking.

a physical office for your electrical company will do good for your website ranking

Without it, your business is unlikely to rank high. After Google Maps rolled out the Pigeon update, which focused on Local Maps Listing, persons who operated virtual stores or had fake addresses or those that employed UPS Store’s mailboxes had a massive slash down on their sites’ ranking. Virtual offices were also removed from Google Maps. Using a home address as your business (just like the majority of our clients) will not undermine your electrical business’s ranking on Google.

Other changes in SEO electrical

  • Years old SEO Techniques wok no more.
  • Google has fathered artificial intelligence. At this level, keywords and spam backlinks are a thing of the past.
  • User experience optimization is all!
  • The era of Panda, Pigeon, and such is almost over. With more focus on user optimization, Google’s engine is now focusing on what the user does on-site and with the search results.

What are the best new ranking considerations for the future?

Click-Through Rate (CTR)


CTR is when a user types in the name of a company, say ABC Electricians, scrolls and clicks on the first listing. If this listing they click is your website, it is treated as a click-through to your site. The more clicks, the higher the ranking for your company. We will look at how you can increase the CTR.

Scroll speed and time spent on a page are important

Scroll speed

Once a user is directed to your page via click-through, what they do on that page, whether scrolling down through your homepage or clicking that back button, affects your rating.

Watch your bounce rate

bounce rate

A bounce is when someone visits your web page, does nothing, and then clicks back to look at other such results. Bounce back is something to watch, and Google Analytics will help you monitor your page’s bounce rate.

Branding is a key to Google’s ranking


An offline brand is not equivalent to an online brand. Being cited by other local sites and authentic sites is a big boost for Google’s ranking.

Citation review

citation template

The number of citation reviews and other related links significantly influence your page’s ranking.

Let’s get started!

Come up with the best keywords compatible with your service, area of operation, and search volume. A keyword is a term a person will type into the search area to look for you. This can be something like: wiring installation in Denver or even electrician contractors in Denver.

There are three types of keyword-based on intent:

  • Awareness keywords: These are mostly used by people seeking information.
  • Research and comparison keywords: These are primarily used by people trying to make a comparison online. For instance- “the best electrician contractor near Denver.”
  • Buying intent keywords: These are used by customers ready to buy. One such keyword would be “Denver wiring installation.” For every keyword type, the choice of the right keyword makes the difference.

How to come up with the keywords


The easiest way is to visit the Google page and type something related to your electrical website. This appears simple, but it’s all you need to know what people around you are searching for. Making a list and typing those things on Google search is a good start.

You can also use tools such as Google Keyword Tool, Spyfu, or SEMrush to come up with keywords. These tools are very resourceful as they show you the monthly number of searches for that keyword as well as show you the intensity of competition for the keyword(s).

What are some of the keyword structures you can use?

  • [Your City] + Electrical Services
  • [Your City] + Electrical Companies
  • [Your City] + Electricians
  • [Your City] + Electrician Contractors
  • [Your City] + Electrical wiring installation experts

You can include add-on phrases to the keyword search, such as:

  • …in my area
  • …near me
  • …experienced
  • …affordable

Mobile-friendly websites are better


Optimize your website so that it is accessible by gadgets such as smartphones and tablets. Nowadays, a website that’s not mobile-friendly will not feature at the top. You can check this by visiting the Google Mobile test site. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly before putting it up for electrical SEO.

Electrical SEO- On-site optimization

Building a robust website with valuable content and user experience

website's usability

Multimedia placed on your page will, by far, increase the on-page time, prompting google to reduce your bounce rate. Strategically placed videos of workers working are likely to boost your electrical page view time.

Stock images tend to spoil your ranking as people think they have been downloaded. Avoid them at all costs. Instead, skillfully made images will earn the trust of users who translate into customers.

A page for a service!

As seen earlier, a page for each service will help you be as granular as is required. You will need to optimize each of these pages by strategically placing the primary keyword in the title, header, and the rest of the page.

Main keyword in title and H1


Use the main keyword(s) in the title and H1 (header 1) and the suitable keyword in H2 or H3. Something like “Electrical experts in Denver” along with other factors will give you a good score.

Widespread use of the keyword in the electrical website will help your site rank high, as more of the search keywords are contained in your website.

Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions

These are descriptions below each search result title, giving some little information on what the page or the post is all about. Use a meta description that is captivating enough to drive clicks. With increased CTR comes a better SEO ranking.

Name, address, and phone at the page bottom


Advanced tools like Schema are useful for adding a name, address, and phone number to your website. This scripting gives the search engine information about your company, and the information includes a physical location, services offered, and the nature of your company.

Blogging on trends


Updating your company website weekly is an excellent way of adding content to your site as well as explaining some electrical-related services you offer.

Electrical SEO- Off-site optimization

Optimize Google My Business Listing

Verifying your business location

Verifying your business location is an essential thing for electrical SEO. Once verified, respond to all user reviews on the Google My Business dashboard, and it boosts user trust as you appear to be active on the page.

Get high-ranking citations to promote your brand

Being listed by the major business directories has the effect of telling the search engine that yours is a significant brand and thus ranking higher.

Use the top leveraging tools for online reviews

online reviews

Bargaining chips such as and building active online reviews will enable your electrical website to gain reviews on Google My Business or social media platforms.

Create authentic and suitable links that point back to your site from outside

build links to your site

Gaining a listing on websites such as Yelp is a great way to secure a listing with Google. These sites are also major directories.

The secret to securing a position at Google’s top 3 listing

position your company to rank well on Google

The main determinants of your electrical website’s ranking on Google Map are Google My Business and Getting Listed

Google My Business encompasses listing on major directories and social media platforms. Reviews on Google My Business play a very significant part in ranking. For this reason, amass as many Google reviews as you can.

  1. A Recap on the new electrical SEO Strategy for the future. Create a page for each of your services within your electrical website. Indicate the geographical area that you cover.
  2. Optimize your website for mobile accessibility.
  3. The keyword on your title and header will increase your site’s chance of being ranked.

High-quality and relevant content on each service’s page will be very appealing to the user, thus more on-page time.
Multimedia content makes your site more appealing, increasing the time spent on the page. Suitable images and videos increase the time spent on the page.

Google review is a massive boost for top listing. Get as many reviews as possible.

user reviews

  • Invest in a reputable citation.
  • Regularly update your website and service through blog posts
  • Build admissible local and relevant links related to your area of operation to aid you in the ranking.
  • Utilize paid search to help you gain leads rapidly.
Electrical HVAC Plumbing SEO

Answering Phones Properly Will Increase Profits For Your Plumbing + HVAC + Electrical Business


We work with plumbing + HVAC business owners all over the country to uncover their problems, analyzing their competition, also developing a dominating growth strategy; we could easily charge $1,000.

We are offering this $1,000 strategy session completely Free. We will invest the time, resources, and expertise… all you have to do is invest your time.

Those who don’t take Step #1 can never take Step #2. Schedule your strategy session now.

Source link

Electrical HVAC Plumbing Public Relations

How to Acquire PR for Your Plumbing/HVAC/Electrical Company


We work with plumbing + HVAC business owners all over the country to uncover their problems, analyzing their competition, also developing a dominating growth strategy; we could easily charge $1,000.

We are offering this $1,000 strategy session completely Free. We will invest the time, resources, and expertise… all you have to do is invest your time.

Those who don’t take Step #1 can never take Step #2. Schedule your strategy session now.

Source link

Electrical HVAC Marketing Plumbing

The Relationship Between Online Reviews and Your Plumbing/HVAC/Electrical Marketing Strategy


We work with plumbing + HVAC business owners all over the country to uncover their problems, analyzing their competition, also developing a dominating growth strategy; we could easily charge $1,000.

We are offering this $1,000 strategy session completely Free. We will invest the time, resources, and expertise… all you have to do is invest your time.

Those who don’t take Step #1 can never take Step #2. Schedule your strategy session now.

Source link

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