Electrical Google Advertising HVAC Plumbing Roofing

Home Service Advertising Concept Copy


Dear home service contractor,
Would you like to know a simple, guaranteed, and fast way to skyrocket your sales with Google or Facebook Ads beyond all imagination?

With over 2.6 billion people lodging on Facebook monthly, we will help you tap into this vast market of wallet-out prospects ready to improve their homes or businesses.

If you want to know a proven way to use paid ads (using Google or Facebook ads) to drive sales like a vacuum cleaner on steroids, at a supersonic speed

Then this is the most potent advertising message you have ever read on the Internet.

Here’s why:

Over the last year, our team has spent $20 million on Facebook or Google Ads alone.

Here’s the proof:

And we have done this in over five home improvement niches, including Roofing, HVAC, Pest Control, Plumbing, and Electrical Contractors.

We have used that $20 million to help generate over $1.2 Billion for our clients in sales.
All with Google or Facebook ads.

And since we have spent that kind of money on Ads, it goes without saying that our experts have learned a lot.

About precisely what doesn’t work and what does work

Not what works theoretically, from some courses and YouTube tutorials.

Or from some self-proclaimed gurus with many ‘theories” pretending to be a “professional.”


We are talking about battle-tested, No BS strategies from front liners which can convert your advertising into revenue or profit.

Experienced professionals understand what it means to run a profitable ad campaign- since they have payroll obligations to meet.

And if you have been doing Google or Facebook Ads, this may sound familiar.


ROAS hits the floor

Your once-successful ad campaigns typically shit the bed.

And your bank account or wallet is left begging for mercy.

While you are left yelling like a hungry man,

“How is that possible?”!

Since your agency convinced you to increase ad spending?

But now you are doubting……

So you hired a new business growth coach.

You found them on Craigslist or TheGumTree, next to used exercise equipment and the iguanas.

They are entirely legit.

And they can’t seem to make sense of all this.

So they persuade you to invest in a new business logo and begin to create a ‘personal brand.’


All this makes you want to throw your laptop out of the window.

So, you cut down on your ad budget since your ROI is non-existent and your bank account is on its knees.

This all implies that


Instead of the level you want to be.

You shelve it in the “too-hard basket. ”

It is a deadly and vicious cycle that drives you down the path of creating a mediocre contracting business.

Well, we have great news for you……

We will unearth the simplest, fastest, and most effective way for you to obtain as many clients as possible using Google or Facebook Ads.

And lastly, hit or even surpass your wildest growth goals.

But don’t take our word for it.

Here’s the money-multiplying proof

Stories like these make our heads sweat.

Okay, too much of that; let’s discuss paid ads now.



  • Lower cost per click /lower CPLs /CPAs
  • And generate a significant ROI
  • Increase quality scores

Alright, ready?

Listen close.

Let us show you how we do it.

More specifically, how we apply this hack to level up your ad and make campaigns more profitable magically.

So, you can make extra dollars.

So, you can buy more protein shakes, tissue massages, and pistachios.

Okay, saddle up.

Here we go.

First step………

Step One


The initial thing they do is;

Choose a bunch of keywords and bombard them into an ad group.

Roofing Contractors Murfreesboro“…. I will add that.
Roofers Murfreesboro,” yes, I include that in my ad.
Roof installation Tennessee” yep, why not? Let us drop that here too!

This may seem innocent, but listen when we say this….

This is the most specific and fastest way to become the next pauper in town!

Terrible concept….1-star. Total crap. It is not recommended.

So, what precisely should you be doing? What is this “noble idea”?

Don’t fret, you a little greedy truth seeker.

Here it is, and it’s known as SKAG

Single Keyword Ad Group

And it’s where you put one keyword in an ad group.

Then craft a super-targeted ad for that particular keyword.

It’s a bunch of work, but such puppies can drive Google insane!

And make them hotter than a hotel room.


Well, this is what Google is optimizing for

They offer their browsers (your potential clients) the best experience.

Since they…..


They convert better and are laser-targeted.

It gives you a higher quality score on your adverts.

Google then (effortlessly) hands over.

Cheaper clicks, high intent traffic, and excellent ad placement.

Which = more $$$ in your bank account.

More rainbows, fun coupons, baby giggles, and sunshine.


But there’s an issue. A huge one…..

Listen when we say this….

Many ad agencies are “okay” with their actions, and some are “good.” But a select few are… elite.
So that’s what the kind of job they do….. “Okay”

Their campaign structure is okay, keyword research is Okay, and the kind of bid is Okay.

And their ad copy is alright. You got it right.

But here is the deal.

“Okay,” I can’t cut it anymore as it used to when clicks were charged at $0.20 each.

But now, there is too much competition online.

You should be a stone-cold killer to make your ad campaigns profitable.

Which drives us to the next step

This is another area where all contractors get it wrong all the time.

They don’t understand how to craft an ad.

Most of them don’t even know the purpose of an ad.


But it’s hard to do that ….

Property owners can’t schedule a service from the ad (yet)

So why do it in the first place?

You see, your ad has just one primary objective, that of getting people to CLICK.

Your Ads should demand attention.

That should be irresistible for your potential client to click (not schedule jobs)

And with most online searches conducted on smartphones.

Your prospects are now distracted more than ever…..

They are typically one click away from their Facebook newsfeed =half-naked slay queens on Instagram and dogs wearing hobnailed shoes.

Don’t be boring, because boring doesn’t solicit attention and stand out!

Boring Kills Your ROI

So that implies no more Ad copy that reads,

“Established in 1867.”

“We’ve got the best prices and biggest range.”

“Talk with our team of professionals or experts….”


That’s a snoozer.

And listen to us close when we say this…

Step Three


Simply put, Google Ads is a winner takes all rat race game.

And this drives us to the third step.

This is not about the Ads themselves.

But the relevant landing page you send property owners who click on them
Now listen close. Selling your home improvement services is like seducing a beautiful girl.

It is not about the method you use when you close the sale, and it’s about time you request it!

And most business owners go straight for it on their landing page or ads.

This is like approaching a stranger and requesting them to marry you.

And that strategy is about as effective as a shelter in a sandstorm.

But again, they wonder why they can’t get their Google or Facebook ads to work.


You see, just like in a romantic relationship.

You must take a potential client through some steps to persuade them to purchase.

But most home service contractors are more obsessed with attempting to close a sale and the entire “closing the deal” part.

They completely ignore the steps it takes to transform a stranger from a click into a paying customer.

“We’ve got the best service and biggest range.”

“Come and book our services.”

“Get a free quote,” “Talk with our professionals,” “BOOK, BOOK, BOOK NOW”!

Instead, you’ve got to begin with something that’s not threatening.

(Don’t trust us? Check your conversion rates *wink*)

Since you require a little romance

And from what we have observed (from spending millions of dollars on ads) is that the most reliable way to achieve that is by leveraging something known as

A High-Value Content Offer

This makes your potential client raise their hand in a sea of browsers to say they are interested in your offer.

Look, this page is getting too long.

And these are some steps we use to unlock some hidden pockets of profit from any Google AdWords Account.

And scale them to the sky!

Wanna view all these simple steps?

(See what we are doing here)

Then we have some excellent news for you today.

Since we’ve just compiled a new report that reveals ….

The report will reveal hidden secrets from running countless campaigns for our clients and spending millions of dollars on paid adverts.

(And BOOM, that’s how we do it we swallow our pill)

Here are some of the hacks you will discover:

You are making the costly, and dirtiest Facebook or Google Ads mistakes right now.

How to bid on specific keywords that result in not just conversions but sales

How to unearth hidden pockets of insane profits from any campaign, of course, with minimal effort.

The little-known Google Ad secret that can boost your conversions by over 400%

How to dominate your market share, even if you have a limited marketing budget

How to know how incompetent or competent your paid search advertising agency is.

And much, much more.

This report is free, and you need to enter your details and hit the “send my report” button below.


We have re-opened our doors to accept new home service contractors, and if you are reading this, it implies that we have a few slots remaining.

And for the coming few months, we offer your region service contractors a FREE one-hour strategy session.

In this session, our growth coach will show you how to truly explode your sales beyond all imagination with Google or Facebook ads.

But listen
This is not just another sales pitch (*coughs* strategy session) from self-proclaimed gurus who understand nothing about running a successful ad campaign.

We will give you this guarantee.


Yes, you heard that right… (or if you are doubting, read that again, we are waiting for you)
Our strategy session will help you understand a customized breakdown of our system for growing home service contractors at breakneck speed.

Talk soon.

 Claim Your FREE One-hour Strategy Session now


Do you require a home service advertising agency to run your Google or Facebook ads? 
Blackstorm Design +Marketing is here to assist with our revolutionary advertising strategies if you want to maximize your ROI and boost your revenue.

Google or Facebook are great platforms to promote your home service business, and at Blackstorm, we specialize in crafting ads that drive insane profits and reach more of your valuable clients.

Facebook or Google Ads marketing can be extremely tough. Still, unlike other service contractors, we focus on crafting ads that expose your brand online and bring lifelong clients.

Our hacks have helped countless contractors double and even triple their revenue due to massive leads from their advertising campaigns.

When you sign up with our home service advertising agency, our growth coaches will share some fantastic tricks and tips that we have learned to maximize each dollar you spend on ads.

What is the benefit of Facebook or Google Ads for getting clients?
Google or Facebook ads are the fastest way to obtain new clients or sales for any home service company. You can target potential clients looking for an answer to their challenges and be laser-focused, only displaying ads to these wallets’ ready-to-purchase prospects.

Display your ads in times that matter, whenever your potential customers are looking for a solution to their challenges/problems or using content across YouTube, websites, Gmail, and Google.
Unlike contractor SEO which can take months or even years to see any noticeable results. Google ads can begin delivering traction for your home service business from the first day because they show organic results for your industry’s key search terms.

Google advertising is the perfect sales-generating machine with different campaigns to suit most home service businesses, from shopping, display, video, and search campaigns.
At BlackStorm Design + Marketing, we use direct response copywriting techniques and conversion-oriented landing pages to make these traffic channels work for your home service company daily to assist you in aggressively growing and scaling profitably.

How Can you Choose the Right Facebook or Google Ads Agency? 
Look for a home service advertising agency that guarantees results! It’s that easy….
Here at Blackstorm Design +Marketing, we guarantee we can outrank any other PPC agency, traffic expert, or marketer under the sun! We will boost your results by at least 30% over what existing paid traffic and web project are currently getting, or you don’t pay us a single cent!

Ask any home service Ads agency to match our guarantee; sit and watch them retreat.

Is Blackstorm Design +Marketing a qualified Google partner? 
Yes, BlackStorm Design +Marketing is a premier Google partner. We will help you obtain the highest level of support, and we have access to exclusive reporting and betas to help our customers succeed.

Is it advisable to outsource in-house or an agency for Google or Facebook advertising?  
This is how we perceive it:
When you hire in-house, you get one professional with one skill set to perform one of the most complex tasks; Google or Facebook advertising. Sure, you can micromanage everything you need, but you must begin from scratch when those professionals leave your business.

When you partner with an agency like BlackStorm Design +Marketing, you bring an entire team of professionals with several skills across the home service marketing niche, coupled with many years of experience running Google or Facebook ads. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we are process-driven, implying that our systems can be used in any home service niche.

Marketing Roofing

Get More Qualified Roofing Leads with These Proven Strategies

What is a roofing lead?

Leads, Prospects, Customers

A roofing lead is any property owner who expresses interest in your roofing services or products, either by contacting your business directly or by engaging with your marketing efforts. Roofing leads are an essential part of any roofing business, as they are the potential customers who can help your company grow and thrive.

Roofing leads come in different forms and at different stages of the buying journey. Some leads may be more qualified than others, and it is important to evaluate and prioritize your lead follow-up efforts accordingly carefully.

Leads that are generated through more targeted marketing efforts, such as by filling out a form in response to a specific offer or by subscribing to a newsletter, are generally considered more qualified than leads that are obtained through cold calls or by purchasing a list of contact information.

In general, it is more effective to generate leads through targeted marketing efforts that engage potential customers in a way that is less intrusive and more personalized. This helps to build trust and establish a more positive relationship with potential clients.

Identifying Your Ideal Roofing Lead

Your ideal roofing lead is a potential client who is interested in your services or products and fits within your target market.

As a roofing contractor, it’s important to identify your ideal customers and understand their needs. Your ideal roofing lead is a potential client who is interested in your services or products and fits within your target market. This is a property owner who sees value in booking a job with your company and values quality over quantity. To identify your ideal roofing lead, consider factors such as age, income, marital status, whether they have kids, location, and online platforms they use. By understanding these factors, you can tailor your marketing efforts to better appeal to your target market and generate more qualified leads.

Understanding Your Ideal Roofing Lead’s Needs: Key Considerations for Success

Long shot men working on roof

As a roofing contractor, it is crucial to understand the pain points of your potential customers and offer solutions that address their needs. To better understand the needs of your roofing leads, consider the following:

What Are Your Roofing Leads Looking to Have Fixed?

Your roofing leads may have encountered various problems with their roofs, such as leaks, storm damage, poor ventilation, and more. By positioning your services as the solution to these problems, you can attract more leads and grow your business.

What Qualities Are Your Roofing Leads Looking for in a Service Provider?

Your ideal leads may be searching for a reliable and experienced roofing contractor who is genuinely concerned about their needs, offers high-quality craftsmanship, and is licensed and insured. By demonstrating these qualities, you can build trust and establish long-term relationships with your leads.

Why Your Roofing Business Should Stand out to Your Ideal Leads?

To convince your ideal roofing leads to choose your business, it is important to focus on their needs and show them how your services will provide value to them. Some ways to stand out to your ideal leads include using high-quality materials, being available to answer their questions, having a highly-trained and qualified crew, and consistently meeting or exceeding their expectations. By demonstrating these qualities, you can differentiate your business from the competition and build trust with your leads.

Effective Strategies for Reaching Your Ideal Roofing Leads

To reach your ideal roofing leads, you need to have a well-thought-out marketing plan that combines both traditional and digital tactics. Modern customers often do extensive research online before deciding to contact a roofing company, so it’s important to have a strong online presence to attract and engage them.

Maximizing Your Online Presence for Roofing Lead Generation

Roofing landing page

Start by building a professional, optimized roofing website that is mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and includes relevant content, search engine optimization, and trust indicators such as online reviews or testimonials.
Use visually appealing images and a clear call to action (CTA) to persuade potential clients to give your roofing company a chance.
Drive traffic to your website through various methods, including search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.

Increase Traffic to Your Roofing Website

Website traffic

There are various ways to drive traffic to your roofing website for free, including optimizing your website for local SEO, creating valuable and shareable content, and using social media to promote your services or products. By consistently implementing these tactics, you can attract qualified leads to your website and increase the chances of turning them into paying clients.

Be Found – When a Potential Prospect Is Looking for a Roofer

Roofer installing new roof

It’s important for your roofing business to have a strong online presence in order to be found by potential clients. When prospects search for terms related to your services or products and your website doesn’t appear in the top results, they may not find your business at all. To improve your online visibility and attract qualified leads, consider implementing the following strategies:

Google Local Service Ads (Google Guarantee)

Google Local Service Ads image

To get found online when prospects are searching for roofing services, you can use Google Local Service Ads (also known as Google Guarantee). This pay-per-lead advertising platform allows you to increase website traffic, receive more phone calls, and book more jobs. By appearing on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) when your ideal clients search for related products or services, you can attract qualified leads to your business. The Google guarantee also adds an extra level of trust for your company, as it offers coverage for unsatisfied clients up to $2000 for jobs booked through local service ads.

Google Search Ads

Google search gif

Utilizing Google Ads (also known as Google AdWords) can benefit your roofing business by only paying for an advertisement when an online user clicks on it. This pay-per-click (PPC) method allows your business to display ads in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) through a bidding process, also known as an ad auction. In this auction, roofers bid on keywords that are relevant to their business and the search terms they want their ad to be triggered by. Once you have chosen your keywords, you can create an ad and set it up on the search engine platform, including the position you want your ad to appear in the results. Google Ads can be a valuable tool for your business because it can provide quick results, increase online visibility, have a lower cost per click, outperform competitors in search results, track and measure results, and offer budget flexibility.

Google Business Profile (Formerly called Google My Business)

Google Business Profile website

Having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) is essential for generating more roofing leads for your business. When property owners search for roofing services in their area, Google will display a map of the local area with a list of roofing companies that are relevant to the search. By having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business), you will increase the chances of your company appearing on this map, which can drive more traffic to your website and increase the visibility of your business to potential clients. Additionally, having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) allows you to manage your online presence, including responding to customer reviews, which can improve the credibility and reputation of your business. Overall, having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) is an essential part of any roofing marketing strategy to attract more qualified leads to your business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO gif

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing your roofing website to increase its visibility on search engines like Google. When you optimize your website for SEO, you make it more visible to your ideal prospects when they search for roofing services or products like yours on Google.

There are various ways you can use SEO to help your roofing business be found when prospects are searching for your services. Some of these ways include:

Identify and use relevant keywords in your website content and meta tags. By using relevant keywords, you make it easier for search engines to understand what your website is about and rank it for those keywords.

Use title tags and meta descriptions to summarize the content of your website. These tags help search engines understand the content of your website and show it in the search results.

Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to organize your content and make it easier for search engines to understand the structure of your website.

Use alt tags to describe images on your website. This helps search engines understand the content of your images and show them in the search results.

By following these and other SEO best practices, you can improve the visibility of your roofing website on search engines and attract more qualified leads.

Yelp & Other Powerful Directories

Powerful Directories

By having a presence on Yelp and other directories, roofing businesses can increase their visibility and attract more potential clients. These directories serve as a source of recommendations for people seeking roofing services or products, so it is essential for a roofing company to be listed on them to remain competitive in the digital age. In addition to Yelp, other business directories such as the Better Business Bureau, Houzz, Home Advisor, Angie’s List, Bing Place for Business, and Yahoo! Small Business can also help a roofing business get found by prospects searching for roofing services online.


Large crowd of anonymous business people at a trade fair

Trade shows are a great opportunity for roofing contractors to showcase their services and products to a large audience. These events can be a powerful way to generate leads by offering educational materials or freebies to attendees, as well as networking with other professionals in the industry. By participating in trade shows, you can get your name and brand in front of potential customers, as well as gather valuable insights from competitors and industry experts.

Networking / Word of Mouth

Local meet-ups and building relationships with property management companies

Networking and word of mouth are powerful tools for generating leads in the roofing industry. By actively participating in local meet-ups and building relationships with property management companies and other businesses in your area, you can showcase your services and expertise to potential customers. Additionally, joining your local chamber of commerce can give you access to a network of professionals and business owners who may need your services or be able to refer you to others.

Phone Books

Phone book numbers

Phone books can be a useful way for a roofer to reach an older demographic with a higher income. This is because older individuals may be more likely to use phone books as a resource when searching for local businesses rather than relying on the internet. Additionally, advertising in a phone book may be cost-effective because the phone book industry is declining, leading to lower ad prices. However, it is important for the roofer to consider the overall effectiveness of phone book advertising compared to other forms of advertising, as well as the potential reach of the phone book in their specific area.

Reaching Potential Clients Who Are Not Currently Searching for Roofing Services

While it is easier to market to potential clients who are already interested and actively searching for roofing services, it can be challenging to reach those who are not currently looking. Here are a few strategies for reaching out to potential clients who may not be actively seeking roofing services:

Facebook & Instagram Ads

Facebook and Instagram logo

Advertising on Facebook and Instagram can be an effective way for a roofer to generate more leads because these platforms have a large user base that can be targeted with specific ads. By understanding the behavior and needs of potential clients on these platforms, a roofer can create an appealing offer and advertise it to their ideal leads. Partnering with a social media marketing agency can also help a roofer craft a successful ad campaign on Facebook and Instagram. It’s important to note that while these platforms are not specifically designed for finding roofing services, they can be used to reach potential clients who may be interested in booking a job in the future.

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads website

Google Display Ads can help you reach potential roofing leads who may not be actively searching for your services or products. With data on 40% of searches, these ads allow you to target prospects based on location, income, and other factors and provide them with information about your roofing services. You can also use auto-targeting strategies through Google Ads to attract leads interested in your roofing services at a later time. By advertising on Google, you can effectively reach prospects who may not be actively seeking out roofing services and educate them about your business.

Telemarketing (Cold Calling)


Telemarketing, also known as cold calling, is a strategy that involves reaching out to potential customers who may not have expressed interest in your roofing services. By making phone calls to these individuals, you can try to convince them to consider booking a job with your company. Many telemarketing firms offer services to help roofing businesses generate leads through cold calling. These firms can call property owners and schedule appointments on your behalf.

Canvassing/Door Knocking

Man offering a special promotion or discount to encourage woman to use their services.

Canvassing, or door-knocking, is a traditional method of marketing that involves going door-to-door to reach potential customers. This strategy allows you to connect with people personally and can be particularly effective in the aftermath of a storm when there is a higher demand for roofing services.

Make sure to be respectful of people’s time and privacy, and be prepared for rejection. Carry brochures or other materials to leave behind with information about your business. Dress professionally and be well-spoken and polite. Consider offering a special promotion or discount to encourage people to use your services. Canvassing can be time-consuming, but it can also be a valuable way to generate leads and build relationships with potential customers. By being organized and persistent, you can effectively use canvassing to grow your roofing business.

Radio/TV advertising

Radio and television ads

Radio and television ads can be effective in generating more roofing leads, especially when used in combination. Research has shown that using both mediums can reach a larger audience than just one. These types of ads can be particularly useful for reaching potential customers who are not actively looking for roofing services.


Empty billboard in the city

Billboards are a physical advertising medium that uses large, eye-catching prints to promote your roofing business and generate leads offline. They are typically located in high-traffic areas, such as city centers or along highways, to maximize visibility to pedestrians and drivers. Billboards have a high number of impressions and views compared to other marketing methods, as they are placed in busy areas. This means that even if someone is not actively searching for roofing services or products, they may still see your billboard and be interested in contacting your business for more information. As a result, billboards can be an effective tool for generating more roofing leads offline.

Vehicle Wraps

Red van wrap design

Studies show that more than 60% of potential customers will make a decision about whether to hire a company based on the professionalism of their signage. This means that your logo, branding, and messaging on your company vehicles can play a significant role in generating more roofing leads offline. By using unique branding on your trucks and strategically parking them in high-traffic areas, you can catch the attention of potential customers and encourage them to consider your business. Vehicle wraps are an effective way to promote your roofing company and stand out in a competitive market.


Roofing Marketing + Parking = Parketing

When your branded vehicles are parked in high-traffic areas or driven around the city, they act as mobile advertisements that can attract the attention of potential customers. By branding your vehicles, you can increase brand awareness and generate more roofing leads offline. It is important to ensure that your branding is professional and consistent across all marketing materials, including your vehicles, to promote your business effectively.

Roofing Marketing + Parking = Parketing

Shop/Office Sign

Red shop sign

Attractive storefront or office signage is crucial for generating leads for your roofing business, even for those who may not be actively searching for roofing services. These signs serve as a physical advertisement for your business, attracting the attention of potential customers and promoting your company to passersby. Properly executed signage can increase sales, attract new customers who may not have otherwise been aware of your business, and prevent potential clients from choosing a competitor.

Pay Per Lead

Pay Per Lead gif

Pay-per-lead (PPL) services are a digital marketing method that allows roofing companies to generate leads and only pay for each piece of information received. Websites such as Angi and HomeAdvisor, which reach millions of homeowners, can be used by small and medium-sized roofing businesses to generate more leads online. Other agencies also offer PPL services, where you only pay after receiving a call or appointment based on the information provided. PPL can be an effective way for roofing businesses to generate leads and grow their client base.

Looking to Generate More Leads for Your Roofing Company?


If you are a roofing company owner looking to generate more leads and grow your business, consider contacting us for assistance. We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you develop a targeted marketing strategy and implement it effectively to attract more qualified leads to your business. Don’t let your competition get ahead while you miss out on valuable opportunities. Contact BlackStorm today and see the difference it can make for your roofing business.

Graphic Design Roofing

Need a Great Roofing Logo?

Are you thinking of starting a roofing company? Possibly, with roofing services like roof installation, roof repair, metal roofing, and guttering? Have you designed an appealing logo for your roofing business?
Do you know that to run a successful roofing company, you need to present a positive brand to consumers? A roofing company logo is the first visual representation your audience sees, that’s why it should offer a general picture of what your company represents.

Portray Your Roofing Company Name

Portray your Roofing company name well. Avoid fancy names and fonts. Fancy names and fonts are hard to read and memorize, particularly for older people and those with poor memory. Remember, your customer base will include the elderly and middle-aged homeowners, so ensure that you stick to a company name and font that will not leave your clients tilting their heads trying to remember or figure it out.

A roofing company logo will act as a visual representation of your roofing brand. Using a simple and strong name on your logo will make it modest and memorable. To balance these aspects, you need a special level of expertise. You need to redo your logo severely to make it meet modern standards that will increase your customer conversion rate. BlackStorm roofing logo designers will help you develop a professional logo that will increase your customer conversion rate. We will ensure that your roofing logo coincides with the color scheme of your company and website. This ensures that everything looks in unison and appealing to your website visitors. We develop logos for all types of roofing services that are more than just a plain logo with a roof, including Commercial Roofing Logos, Roof Repair Logos, Metal Roofing Logos, and Flat Roof Logos.

Getting a Roofing Logo Design

In today’s competitive business world, companies are recognized for their creative and innovative logos. That is why, as a company owner, you should think and use different techniques to come up with the perfect masterpiece for your roofing company. Designers and company owners constantly try to use modern techniques to design logos. If your roofing company logo is unique and insightful, it will grab your potential client’s attention, which is good for your brand’s growth.

We have several ways one can use to design a logo for a new roofing business. They include using a roofing logo generator, using logo templates, and hiring a professional to make the logo for you.

Using a Roofing Logo Maker (aka Roofing Logo Generator)

One way of creating a simple logo for your roofing business is to search for online roofing logo generators and try to make it yourself.

Logo generator websites offer an easy-to-use platform that can be used to generate automatic roofing logo designs. As much as they save time and money, using these websites also has its own drawbacks. The drawbacks include:

  • Not professional– Most of the logos created using these online roofing logo generators lack a professional finish, an aspect that can affect your brand negatively.
  • Not personalized– When you hire our roofing logo designers to design your company logo. We put our heart & soul into the development process. We have the expertise required to determine the psychology that’s needed to make your logo appealing to your target audience. This doesn’t happen when using a logo generator.
  • Can Be Copied– There is a high probability that a different company owner will fall in love with your preferred logo design and use the same design tools to create his. By doing this, the chances are that they’ll end up creating the same logo as yours. This will confuse your audience since your two companies will have similar logos.
  • Lack Originality– When you use online tools to create your roofing logo, they will offer you several design options. However, you will still run out of options, making you opt for a limited design that almost fulfills your idea, and thus a drawback. This makes your logo design to lack originality. Blackstorm roofing logo designers think beyond limits, which enables them to come up with original content.

Using a roofing logo template

You can also opt to use a logo template to make your roofing logo. If you are familiar with a few aspects of design, you can use this method to design a logo for your roofing business. There are, however, disadvantages to using roofing logo templates. They include:

  • Not professional– While logo templates are relatively free, they do not offer the same level of professionalism and quality offered by professional logo designers. Remember that your preferred logo design will be used to define and identify your roofing business. Using roofing logo templates will never replace the work done by professionals.
  • Not personalized– Another disadvantage of using roofing logo templates is that your logo will not be unique. Did you know that most new businesses search online for logo templates before coming up with a particular design? There is a high chance that you might be using the same logo template with your potential competitors.
  • Difficult to customize– Not all templates are easy to customize. Some templates are difficult or impossible to customize to make them suitable for your company. Some have restricted customizable areas, making it virtually impossible to modify them to suit your needs.
  • May not be legitimate– Searching and downloading roofing logo templates from unverified websites exposes your computer to viruses and Trojans. Most logo template websites also ask for your email address, exposing you to the risk of email spam as well.

Hiring a Graphic Designer for a Professional Roofing Logo Design

As a new business owner, you might be tempted to cut costs by taking shortcuts. However, thrifting on your marketing and branding materials will result in a costly error. Quality roofing logo design requires a trained and experienced professional. Our roofing logo designers know the best way to communicate your message to customers. We will identify your competitors, analyze their logo designs, and develop high-quality logos using professional software.

The advantages of using our professional roofing logo design include:

  • All logos are professional– When designing a logo for your roofing company, reliability and scalability are among the most crucial factors considered by our experts. We use a wide variety of shapes and patterns to design a professional logo for your roofing business. This gives it an attractive or professional look. Our design team has deep knowledge and experience in designing beautiful and unique logos.
  • We know how to convey your qualities– When you hire amateurs or decide to design logos yourself, chances are you may fail to present your roofing logo in a way that makes an instant impression on your audience. However, hiring professionals from Blackstorm to design your logo helps you to get immediate attention to your roofing brand. A professional roofing logo designer has a good understanding of all the techniques needed to design eye-catchy logos that grab instant attention.
  • The choice of colors– Our professional roofing logo designers know what it takes to improve your brand. This includes incorporating crucial design aspects that include color themes, shapes, fonts, etc. within your design. These design elements will affect emotions and eventually engages your target clients with the brand.

Roofing Logo Design Ideas

Looking for some roofing company logo ideas?

As you have seen, a roofing company can express its level of professionalism by having a professional logo. A good logo will enable customers to recognize what you’re doing and how you are doing it. BlackStorm Design + Marketing can help you create a professional Roofing logo, and take you through the entire design process.

Below are some roofing logos our BlackStorm graphic designers have created to help you come up with professional and unique roofing logo ideas.

Relevant and Unique Imagery

Before designing a roofing logo, you need to research what your competitors are doing. This will help you realize the same imagery being used by different companies. You can then use this knowledge to come up with relevant and unique imagery.

Color Matters

The color used to make a roofing logo matters more than you think. Using too many colors or inappropriate colors can turn potential clients off. Logos need the right colors because colors have certain connotations that stimulate your audience’s mind.

Text Style

The font used should be easy to read. Since you’ll be doing a roofing logo, the text used should be strong and straightforward. The font’s style also needs to match all the other types of imagery used in the composition.


Your roofing logo design should be utilized in multiple sources like business cards, websites, trucks, apparel, etc. Is your preferred design applicable in multiple locations?
Avoid Overthinking- Overthinking is a common mistake made by most business owners, Overthinking results in a complicated design that struggles to do something simple.

We Can Design Your Perfect Roofing Logo

All the roofing logos designed by BlackStorm Design + Marketing have one objective: building a strong and reputable brand for your roofing business. All our logos inspire something more profound than credibility; they stir up confidence and radiate integrity.

We never submit our clients under pressure to settle for a design they are not happy with. In fact, we keep in touch in every design process and only proceed with a design when you are delighted and ready. At BlackStorm, we ensure that clients are in complete control of their happiness.

Contact us today and let our experts work diligently on your roofing logo project.

6 Common Misconceptions about Roofer Logo Design Explained

Branding is a crucial part of any roofing business. It helps you build your reputation in the roofing industry while differentiating your business from the competition. A well-thought-out branding attracts potential clients and builds trust among existing customers. Furthermore, it helps to increase the value of your roofing business.

Branding involves a lot of things, and that’s why many roofing businesses opt to customize their logo designs in all marketing collaterals. After all, the more your logo design is unique, the easier it is for prospects to remember and recognize your business. Right?

Unfortunately, some roofers have several misconceptions about custom logo designs and branding. As a consequence, they usually end up frustrated with the results.

Here are some false expectations and the realities of custom logo design for roofing contractors:

Misconception #1: Customized Roofer Logo Designs are Expensive

This is a significant misconception among roofing contractors. Roofing business with limited budgets often goes for generic logos since they wrongly think that custom logos will break their bank account. What happens?

They end up with a logo design that hundreds of roofers have already used.

Another example is using templates for roofing website design. With thousands of roofing websites out there, you would wish to make your roofing website stand out. Furthermore, you have to ensure that your roofing website provides an incredible user experience. Using a template will not make your roofing website stand out from other roofers in the market.

Furthermore, it comes with limited features. You may not have the ability to offer the features that your prospects require to have an excellent user experience on your roofing website.

Reality #1: Customized Roofer Logo Designs Can Be Affordable

The sad truth is that roofing logo design does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, our goal is to provide quality custom logo designs at prices that are within your reach.

Unlike other roofing design agencies where you only work with one designer, we allow you to choose from various graphic designers in our team. The good thing you can do is decide how much you want to pay for your custom logo design.

With BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, you will not have to worry about sticking to your limited budget.

Misconception # 2: It takes a lot of time to get a customized Roofer Logo Design.

If you hire a roofing marketing agency that has only one graphic designer, it may take some time before you receive the initial draft of your logo design

On average, a logo designer can take anywhere between one to two days to create a custom logo design for your business. On the flip side, a custom roofing website design can take anywhere between three and six weeks. That’s a long wait!

This is the reason why some roofers typically resort to design templates- they cannot wait for that long!

Reality #2: Your Custom Logo Design Can Have a Fast Turnaround Time

It is possible to get your desired logo design within a short time.

When you outsource your roofing logo design to BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, for example, our logo designers will work round the clock to ensure that they deliver your work within the shortest time possible. That’s how simple it is to work with graphic designers from BlackStorm Roofing Marketing.

Misconception #3: Roofers can design Logos on their own

This is another popular misconception that roofing contractors have on custom logo design and branding. Many roofers wrongly think that as long as they know how to use photo editing platforms or photoshop, they can be able to design their logos without requiring professional help. That’s not always the case. Furthermore, not all graphic artists would be ideal for your custom logo design project.

Without sufficient roofing industry knowledge and experience, you may end up with a logo design that does not appeal to your target audience.

Reality #3: You Need Help from Experts and Professionals

Remember that you are improving your roofing brand’s identity with your roofing website, custom logos, and other advertising collaterals. Would you trust an amateur to do this for your business?

Logo design is a creative process that needs experience and skill. To get it right, you have to partner with professionals from a reputable roofing marketing agency like BlackStorm Roofing Marketing.

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, we have hired experienced graphic designers who are ready to help your business to stand out from the competition. With more minds working on your logo design, your company is bound to get different results. Consequently, you will be able to select one that suits your roofing brand.

Misconception #4: You Need to Give Lengthy Instructions to Your Designers

Some roofers wrongly think that they need to prepare complicated instructions for graphic designers to get their websites or logos, done right. But who has all the free time to compile such a document? To avoid this, some roofers go for templates and tweak them a little to give them some personality.

Reality #4: A short but detailed Creative Brief is Enough

When you partner with professionals like those you will find at BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, a short brief is sufficient to get your logo design project get started.

Make sure that you incorporate your roofing company name, how many designs and kind of project you require. It’s that simple. Because you are partnering with experts, you don’t have to use technical jargon in your brief. Just give them an overview and let them see what they can do for your business.

Misconception #5: Custom Logo Designers Provides Limited Number of Revisions

Traditionally, some graphic designers would only offer a limited number of revisions before they consider your logo design project as done. While this may apply to some, others typically have last-minute revisions. When you have exhausted your revision requests, you will be left with a logo design that you will not be proud of.

Reality #5: You can Request for Revisions until You Are 100% satisfied with Your Logo Design

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, you can request revisions until you achieve a perfect logo design. Additionally, you can delete submitted designs that you don’t like.

With this process, you are confident that you will get a logo design that suits your roofing business. Since you can request revisions as long as you need, partnering with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing for graphic design services is risk-free.

Misconception #6: You cannot ask for a Refund Once You Get Your Roofing Design Outputs

Many graphic designers would not accept refunds from roofing clients, especially after they have put a lot of time and effort into working on their design project. This typically results in frustration and disappointment for clients.

Imagine failing to get a refund for a logo design that you will not use in your business.

Reality #6: You Can Get a Refund if you don’t like any logo design output received.

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, we understand that you may not like all the designs that our team will produce. And that’s alright. In such cases, we will refund your money.

Getting a custom logo design and other marketing collaterals is simple, risk-free, and affordable with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing

Are you ready to partner with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing?

If you need some roofer logo design inspirations, schedule a free strategy session with our experts to get started today!

Google Advertising Roofing

Roofing Google Maps Listing E-Book

12 Steps to Rank Your Roofing Business Higher on Google Maps

Put your roofing business on the map, get discovered by clients, outrank your competitors, and secure more clients- all for free. Follow these top 10 ways to improve your visibility on Google Maps.

Let’s imagine…

You are looking for a roofing contractor in your area, and you need them for a leaking roof.

Where do YOU begin your search?

If you answered Google Maps, you are not alone.

These days, many people are turning to Google Maps to discover local service businesses like roofing, heating & air, or plumbing and make more informed purchasing decisions.

So how can your local roofing company rank higher in the place prospects are increasingly searching to book your roofing services?

Your Google Maps listing is an important roofing marketing tool for your company. 

It can assist you in getting discovered by new clients, generate more business and stand out above the competitors for FREE. But these advantages are only achievable if your listing has great visibility, and just because your roofing company is listed in a specific service area does not imply that Google will instantly rank it higher for organic searches in that area.

Google Maps

In fact, proximity is only one of the numerous factors that Google Maps uses when ranking your business listing. In this article, we are going to discuss 10 strategies/tactics to get your roofing business Google Maps listing to rank higher in organic results and reap all the advantages.

We are going to teach you on:

  • How to claim, verify and optimize your Google Maps listing if you have not already done so,
  • How to offer supplemental information that increases your rank and boosts your rank.
  • Additional action steps you can do on your roofing website to further boost the rank of your Google Maps listing.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

Why is Ranking Higher on Google Maps Crucial for Your Roofing Business?

These days, Google is the go-to for local searches, and with more than 50% of all searchers having a local intent, your roofing company needs to appear in Google Maps searches.

To outrank other roofers in such a competitive environment, you can have your listing through the Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business).

This will ensure that when prospects look for “roofing companies near me,” they see only the relevant details about the roofers, including availability and address, amongst others.

Optimizing your Google Business Profile will give you a competitive edge over other roofing companies and help you close more sales. Many advantages come along with ranking your roofing business higher on Google Maps.

Ranking Higher On Google Maps Increases Your Visibility Online

Research shows that Google Maps is the most preferred navigation app for more than 60% of internet users. And with users rarely searching past the first few results when searching for a place to go, it is important to ensure that your Google Maps listing is claimed, verified, and optimized to appear for relevant organic searches.

Google Maps listings provide an effective way to get your roofing business in front of ‘wallet out prospects’ or clients. The initial things that appear are Google Ads advertisements and local 3-pack, followed by organic results for the searched roofing service or product.


When you create a roofing Google Business Profile, it will improve your company’s visibility online. 

You stand a great chance of obtaining more roofing leads by ranking higher on the maps.

Your roofing business will be perceived as an expert in the field because it is ‘preferred by Google. This will incline prospects searching for new roofs are likely to come across your website or business.

Listing Your Roofing Company on Google Maps Helps You Share Crucial Information with Your Prospects

Your roofing Google Maps listing is crucial for remaining in touch with your customers and updating them on the latest news.

You can share essential information about your roofing company, such as contact details, address, or working hours, to help potential clients learn more when they look online! More so, they will be able to call you if there are any concerns or problems around their home remodeling project.

Ranking Higher on Google Maps Will Help Your Roofing Business Earn Trust from Customers

It is a challenging job being the roofer of choice for customers, and you should win them and establish sufficient trust before they choose to work with your roofing company, which can be hard when there are so many other roofers out there.

From the time a prospect first contacts your business, you should earn that trust and prove to them that their roofing needs are priority enough for you to take care of.

Outranking the Competition

Your roofing Google Maps listing gives you a chance to stand out from other roofers in the industry. It offers a brief description that will help prospects identify what roofing services you provide, which may be vital for them if they have been searching all over the internet.

The last reason why you need to rank higher on Google Maps is that it will improve the quality of your listing and include several ways for clients to engage with your roofing business. With 86% of clients utilizing Google Maps to search for a local service business like plumbing or roofing, this opens a lot of opportunities to increase your engagement.

A Google Maps Listing for roofers has multiple advantages worth noting. Don’t let this chance slip away, so ensure it is correctly set up before another person captures it.

How to Get Your Roofing Business Listing Rank Higher on Google Maps

So how do you get your roofing company to show up higher in Google Maps?

Just like there are off-page and on-page optimizations for local roofing SEO, there are off-listing and on-listing factors for Google Maps. 

But first, you need to have your roofing business listed on Google Maps and claim your listing, which we will be discussing below.

1. Add Your Roofing Business to Google Maps

Of course, you can’t perform a successful roofing Google Maps marketing or rank higher if you don’t have an existing Google Maps listing somewhere. If you have an existing listing already, you can skip this part.

However, if you don’t have a listing, follow the crucial steps below to add your roofing company to Google Maps:

  1. Head over to or go to the Google Maps app on your phone and look for your roofing business name.
  2. If your business shows up in the drop-down menu with a location alongside it, then your company is already listed. Head over to the next section.Steps to add your roofing company to Google Maps
  3. However, if your roofing company doesn’t appear, you will notice an option in the drop-down menu to add a missing place.Steps to add your roofing company to Google Maps

After you click on that, a prompt will come up asking you to input your location, category, and name.

Location, category, and name

Anyone in the world can add a roofing business to Google Maps. So, even if you haven’t claimed your business, we highly recommend that you check to make sure that your company listing doesn’t already exist. 

Don’t fret because the person who adds your roofing company to Google Maps doesn’t control the listing. Only the person who claims the Google Maps listing by proving ownership of the company has that control, which leads us to our next point.

2. Claim Your Roofing Google Maps Listing

The second step in getting your roofing company to rank higher on Google Maps is to claim your listing. If you want to reach higher positions in your roofing Google Maps listing, you need to prove to Google that you are the real owner of the business.

When you create the listing, all you will be able to offer is the category, location, and name.

But when you claim your listing, you will be able to provide many more details about your company.

The more details a roofing business listing offers, the higher it will rank on Google Maps.

Plus, you cannot proceed with any other steps in this book if you have not claimed your listing.

Having a free Google Business Profile is a prerequisite to claiming your roofing business on Google Maps.

If you have an existing GBP already, just pull out your Google Maps Business listing, choose the option that says “claim this business” or “Own this roofing business?” and later follow the prompts. 

Claim Your Roofing Google Maps Listing


3. Add Complete  Details to Your Roofing Google Map Listings

By now, you have a Google Business Profile and a Google Maps listing attached to it; you are ready and armed to optimize it for higher ranking in local roofing search results.

As we stated earlier on, the more details your listing offers, the higher it will rank in organic search results.

To include more information in your listing, sign in to your Google Business Profile account. (

Here you will come across a dashboard with multiple tabs down the side.

Google My Business account dashboard

Choose the “info” tab, which includes your category, service area, address, name (where applicable), special hours, website, attributes, description, and phone number.

Here are some strategies for optimizing these Google Business Profile sections to achieve higher rankings on Google Maps:

Use Consistent Name and Address Citations

Google Maps ranks roofing companies it can trust, and one element of your trustworthiness is the consistency of details about your company across the web.

For instance, say you have a business called “North Shore Roofing Company.” Ensure your roofing business name in your Google Business Profile dashboard is precisely that and not a minor variation, like N. Shore Roofing Business or North Shore Roofers ltd. 

Also, make sure that your business name is the same (identical) across all your other online properties, such as your roofing website, Facebook profile, Yelp listing, and more. The same applies to your address information (for instance, using “St” vs. “Street”).

Use a Local Phone Number

Google doesn’t pay much attention to toll-free (800 and 877) numbers since these kinds of numbers are regularly utilized for spam. 

Use a local phone number together with the area code of your location.

This will assist you in ranking your roofing business higher in Google Maps, and it will also verify for searchers that your roofing business is situated in that area.

Include Your Main and Tracked Number

If you utilize a phone call tracking system, utilize a tracked number for your primary roofing business number and your main number as a secondary number.

This will help you to receive most of your calls coming in through a tracked line so you can understand the efficiency of your listing; however, with the main number available in your listing, Google can later match your number with the other listings and your roofing website.

Keep Your Operating Hours Updated

Google Maps roofing company listing tells browsers if your business is closed, open, closing, or opening soon. (And during the Covid-19 pandemic, whether it is closed temporarily- thus making it a crucial roofing SEO tactic).

Keeping your operational hours properly updated tells Google that you are active and, so, trustworthy, and this will assist you in ranking higher.

Operating Hours

This will also prevent clients from driving all the way to your office only to find that it is closed or closing, which can cause them to leave a negative review (which adversely affects your rankings on Google Maps).

Write a Clear Roofing Business Description

The description on your roofing Google Maps listing should offer an overview of your company to assist orient visitors, as well as unique attributes that compel searchers.

You should write your roofing business description in a tone that resonates with your brand to help build a better connection.

Make sure that you include your keywords in the roofing business description, as this will assist your business listing on Google Maps to rank for searches that contain your company name but for searches related to your roofing services and products as well.

Choose the Right Category for Your Roofing Business

When it comes to ranking higher on Google Maps, the category in your roofing business that appears on Google Maps is very crucial.

The primary category is going to be important in ranking your roofing business.

You would want to choose the primary category as the one that accurately describes your roofing business. You can also add secondary business categories as well.

Remember that you cannot add custom categories, but if you start typing your main offering in the box, you will see a drop-down menu of possible categories to select from.

4. Add Photos to Your Google Maps Listing

Adding photos to your Google Maps listing is a great way to show your clients more about your roofing business and show off your roofing services.

Google loves it when you upload quality photos to your map listing. 

First, it shows that you are an active listing to rank higher in organic search results. 

Second, Google’s photo recognition is progressing, and Google is beginning to show images in the local search engine results. 

Thirdly, the roofing SEO rule of thumb is that Google loves what clients love, and clients love photos. 

Plus, if you don’t include photos in your map listing, it will display a generic map image like the one below:

So, to enhance your Google Maps ranking, add compelling and high-quality photos to your company listing that catch what it is like to be in your roofing business.

You can do this by heading over to the “photos” tab in your Google Business Profile dashboard and clicking on the blue circle that has a white plus sign. From here, you will be able to drop and drag several videos and or photos at once. Ideally, you should try to add at least one photo daily.

5. Encourage People to Leave Reviews on Google

Google loves what clients love. You should not be surprised that Google Maps gives higher rankings to roofing business listings with stellar reviews on Google. 

So, how do I obtain more reviews on Google? 

Well, when you create a Google Map listing, this instantly opens your roofing business up to Google reviews.

Google reviews

But that doesn’t imply that you will receive them. 

As a roofer, you will need to be proactive in requesting reviews, and you will also be required to respond to them. 

Responding promptly to Google reviews encourages more of them and reduces the damage of less-than-stellar reviews. Plus, your responses show other potential clients how attentive you are to clients and how well you resolve problems.

Google reviews can be scary, but unless your roofing service is atrocious, negative reviews tend to be far and few between. Plus, as long as you answer properly, you can reverse and mitigate the damage of a negative review.

6. Consolidate Your Duplicate Google Maps Listing

Whatever you do, you don’t want several roofing businesses listed on Google Business Profile for the same phone number, location, and other details.

Google will discredit businesses with multiple locations or phone numbers listed for one real business.

When this occurs, you are impacting your organic rankings negatively for all these related map listings, as it is confusing to both your customers and Google.

Weed out duplicate roofing Google Maps listings and superfluous details to make sure your one real listing will rank.

7. Regularly Publish Quality Posts to Your Google Maps Listing

Like Facebook, you can create and publish quality content that shows up right on your Google Maps company listing. 

Regular posts like this tell Google that you manage your listing proactively, which is a major factor they look at when awarding rankings.

In addition, when clients are on search engines like Google, they have high intent, so via Google posts, you can obtain offers in front of a ready-to-engage target audience.

Create and publish quality content

How to Use Your Roofing Website Rank Higher on Google Maps

Apart from taking action directly from your Roofing Maps listing, there are some optimizations you can perform on your website to rank higher on Google Maps.

8. Make Sure Your Roofing Website is Responsive

The first step is to ensure that your roofing website is responsive, which implies that it operates optimally across any screen size or device.

This is because Google Maps listing has a link to your roofing website, and more than 60% of Google searches take place on mobile devices.

So if your listing directs searchers to a roofing website that needs zooming and pinching, has lots of broken links, or loads at a tortoise pace, your roofing Google Maps listings will be adversely impacted.

9. Optimize Your Web Presence by Using Local Keywords

If you want to rank higher on Google Maps, you should make sure that your online presence, including your external content and roofing website, is optimized for your local target market. Of course, this will assist your roofing website to rank higher in Google’s organic search, but it will also affect how high or low your Google Maps listing ranks.

So make sure that you include location-specific keywords on the major pages of your website, like the about us page, contact us page, blog posts, and even service pages- not just on the title of your pages, but also on the body text, image tags, captions, URLs and headings.

This shows Google that your roofing website is well known or prominent in your local service area, which can make the giant search engine feel more obliged to rank your company higher on Google Maps for that specific area as well.

10. Embed the Google Map on Your Roofing Website

Another way to rank higher on Google Maps is to embed a Google map on your roofing website, which most roofers do on the contact us page.

Adding a Google Map right on your roofing website is a great way to help Google connect your company with the location.

This is another way of telling Google that your company is actually situated where your listing says it is.

Utilize the same address that you have on your Google Maps roofing business listing.

To add a Google Map to your roofing website, look for your business name in Google Maps. Click on “share” in your listing and choose the “Embed a map” tab. Copy and paste the link on your roofing business’s contact us page.

11. Use Local Roofing Business Schema

When it comes to structuring your roofing website content, and particularly business details, Google and Bing prefer standardization- which has led to the invention of schema.

Local Schema helps roofing businesses to wrap code around the content to make it easier for Google to index and crawl your website.

The local roofing business schema covers most of the same company details captured in a Google Business profile, which will be cross-referenced by Google.

The easier it is for Google or Bing to validate your business location, the more likely your roofing business is to rank prominently in Google Maps.

12. Create Local Backlinks

Inbound links or backlinks are regarded as an extension of your NAP strategy, whereby you search for relevant, local third-party websites that link to your roofing website pages.

Backlinks can validate your roofing business from both service and local perspectives. If you maintain listings with links in local business directories, you will want to make sure those listings are in the good categories if category options are provided.

Generally, these links to your roofing website are “follow” links, which implies Google will recognize and follow the source of the link to your website content.

Most online business directories understand the importance of “follow” links and so charge for inclusion, but you should search for opportunities to get links from other non-paid sources such as service organization sites or industry-relevant partners.

Leverage the Advantages of Ranking Higher on Google Maps

We bombarded you with a lot in this article, so let us recap on how to rank higher in Google Maps:

  1. Create and claim your roofing Google Maps business listing
  2. Complete each section of your Google Business Profile dashboard
  3. Keep your NAP (Name, Address, and local Phone number) consistent on the web.
  4. Properly categorize and describe your roofing business.
  5. Add posts and photos to your Google Maps listing
  6. Obtain more Google reviews
  7. Consolidate duplicate listings
  8. Make your roofing website responsive
  9. Target your roofing website for local keywords
  10. Add a Google Map to your roofing website
  11. Use local business schema
  12. Build local backlinks

Roofing business listings on Google Maps are slowly becoming more advanced, helping clients to instantly obtain the information they require and make educated buying decisions. 

Follow the tactics in this book to get your roofing business showing up higher on Google Maps, and you will get the increased engagement, revenue, and visibility that comes along with it.

Roofing SEO

Are SEO Agencies Worth It for Roofers?

If you have a roofing business, the chances are bright that you understand the importance of SEO. In case you have ignored this important aspect of digital marketing, then it is why you are lagging behind your competitors. If you have thought SEO is something that you can easily manage on your own in the little time that you can steal from your busy life, that too may have shown its effect in the form of a lack of desired success in the online world. 

Business Analysis

So, what is the solution? Well, you need to take help from a Roofing SEO agency. But before you consider hiring one, you certainly would want to know if SEO companies are really worth it, and this is exactly what we shall now help you discover. 

SEO agencies will help improve your website

Roofing website

Search engine optimization is crucial for every roofing website. Earlier, only those who were a part of such industries that involved a tremendous amount of competition required SEO to help their website reach a top spot in SERP. However, things have now changed, and there is great competition everywhere, and SEO is crucial if you want to reach your potential customers and enjoy better sales successfully.

If you do not opt for SEO, your website will never likely enjoy the exposure necessary for a good ranking. Until your website has been well optimized to load fast, target the necessary keywords, and properly compete with the other brands in your industry, it will be difficult to enjoy good online sales without investing heavily in marketing tactics.

SEO agencies

SEO companies are aware of the best methods that can improve your website’s visibility in searches and increase your website’s chances of reaching your potential customers. You will not even have to spend a fortune on marketing. 

SEO companies have the knowledge and the experience


You may have done research on SEO for quite some time, and you feel you have enough knowledge of search engine optimization, and that is all you need. You may even have tried different SEO tactics on your website and believed that they would definitely work. But, the results hardly ever even come close to your expectations.

Well, if you take your business seriously, you should not let guesswork or experiments decide its future. If you do things the wrong way, then SEO might only damage your website, and rectifying it will be very difficult. For instance, link building can surely help your authority. However, if you opt for the wrong type of links, you may be penalized or may not be allowed to be displayed in the search engine.

Since SEO companies have the required experience and knowledge to make the right decisions, they will help your website enjoy better visibility and rankings. Also, since they have the experience of working with different types of clients from various industries, they will easily understand your unique requirements and work accordingly.

If you hire the right SEO agency, you will be able to handle sudden changes, like penalties or algorithm updates easily. Since SEO firms have already handled such cases many times, they will offer a swift solution and take you out of a tricky situation smoothly and quickly.

SEO firms can help you enjoy the best results

SEO company

No matter how much time you invest in doing research concerning SEO, you still will not be able to match a professional SEO firm’s expertise. An SEO company has years of experience. After they evaluate your website, understand your goals, and keep in view your competitors, they will be able to develop a plan that offers you better visibility in search.

They will keep track of your progress and then keep adjusting their plans to make sure you always achieve the best results in the least time possible.

You will be able to give attention to what needs it the most

Optimize Search Engine Optimization

If you are trying to handle SEO on your own, you have to invest time optimizing your website, building links, and writing fresh content regularly. Since you are not an expert, one problem is that you will not handle things professionally. Secondly, because you invest time here, it will be difficult for you to give enough attention to other areas that require it badly.

If you hire an SEO agency, you will give your full time, attention, and devotion to what you are best at and what needs you most. At the same time, you will be able to enjoy peace of mind knowing that the SEO job also is being handled to perfection, and thus you need to be ready to enjoy more and more success.

A full-service agency will prove more helpful

SEO expert

If you opt for a full-service online marketing agency, then not only SEO but all your online marketing requirements will be perfectly met, always. Whenever you need any assistance concerning website advertising, content, inbound marketing, or more, you know that someone is always there.

If you move from a company’s only-SEO plan to an all-inclusive package, you will also likely enjoy great discounts. As they understand your needs better with time, you will not even need to discuss things, and they will be ready with a solution or a recommendation beforehand.

To Conclude

SEO agency

So, now you surely understand that SEO companies are worth it if your business is important and you want to see it grow more and more with every passing day. Now, there are many SEO agencies that you will come across even if you do a simple online search, but you need to understand that not all are created equal. You have to invest a lot of time doing your research, seek suggestions, go through their website, go through customer testimonials, meet at least a few of them in person, and then decide which will be the ideal one for your needs.

Roofing SEO

What Are Backlinks for Roofing SEO?

Search engine optimization backlinks, what are they? How do they help us and our websites? Many people question the use of SEO backlinks. This article clarifies and discusses the importance and uses of search engine optimization (SEO) backlinks.


Get more backlinks

Backlinks are links from another website, and these links help direct the users from another website to a different website. The backlinks are known for different names, they are sometimes called hyperlinks, inbound links, and many more names, all meaning the same thing. These hyperlinks are attached to websites and blogs, enabling these websites to be discovered by search engines amongst thousands of sites.

Why Are They Important?

Why are backlinks important?

Backlinks are a major deal concerning visibility. Simply put, if a user wants their website to be discovered by various search engines, they can rely on these links. Depending on the backlink quality, search engines can display them as a search result or make them discoverable by taking into consideration their ranking and originality in the first place. There are thousands of pages online all over the world that the search engines collect and display, all being connected by these links.

Quality of the Backlink

Links for SEO

Backlink quality is also a huge factor in dealing with SEO. The method in which the backlinks are obtained can also determine the website’s SEO ranking. Simply put, the more you have relevant backlinks pointing to your website, the higher the chances of your website SEO ranking increasing. Although this doesn’t mean you should start by going out and obtaining backlinks from every website you come across. The quality of the backlink is what determines your website being discovered. 

Content of the Backlink

SEO link building

Backlinks also help in the prominence and ranking of websites and blogs. The worldwide web is connected to so many different links, all containing different contexts, backlinks, or hyperlinks found in those different websites that help improve those websites’ SEO rankings. Backlinks are a very integral part of a website, and that’s why using the proper choice of keywords will also increase the chances of a page being discovered by search engines.


Backlinks play a very important role in your website discovery and ranking.

Suppose a user gets a new website that he wants to be discovered by the Google search engine, but he doesn’t link it or has a backlink from another website or blog. The chances of his website becoming discoverable are very, very low. But backlinks enable this new website to become discoverable by search engines and readily available to people.

Let’s say site A is a marketing blog, and site B is a shoe vendor. So when site A is being discovered as a marketing site, then the possibility of site B being discovered is high because site B obtained a backlink from site A. As the backlink is under a marketing category, it can easily be discovered based on what the users want. The factors determining site B being discovered are based on ranking, originality, and context.

Backlinks play a very important role in your website discovery and ranking. They help prominent search engines like Google make web pages grow by increasing traffic, purchases, and many more.

Roofing SEO

How To Make Your roofing business stand out from the competition

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Lindsay Bowen Avatar
Lindsay Bowen
7/18/2019 – Google

Thanks to Blackstorm design & marketing we have got our website ranking at the top within 6 months!! We are crushing it with them. Great marketing company to partner with. Through every step they have impressed me on how professional and knowledgable they are. I suggest you partner with them.

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Hugo Vega
8/15/2019 – Google

BlackStorm is a real gem of a find. I had no idea all of the things my competitors were doing to grow and they broke it down for me and came up with a strategy for my company to grow as well. Happy customer

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Lisa Grant
7/19/2019 – Google

I have to say in the past I have been burned by marketing agencies and I was very skeptical in hiring another one but I knew I had to finally do something to stay in business. I found Black Storm because a friend highly recommended them so I decided to see what they could offer and to find out if they were just another scam. After working with them for 9 months I will say they have been very kind and professional in our dealings and they have actually exceeded my expectations on lead generation. I haven’t experienced anything bad with them so if you’re looking for a trustworthy marketing agency then I would suggest to give them a try.

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Jeannette Potter
8/09/2019 – Google

Great job at seeing what my competitors were doing. We were able to shift and grow our campaign throughout the year and saw fantastic growth!

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Larry Phelps
8/25/2019 – Google

They have done a phenomonal job with keyword research on my competitors and helping us to target their client. After only four months we have seen noticeable increase in sales. Cheer


Hey Roofer,

Hello, and welcome to BlackStorm Design + Marketing.

My name is Eric, and I am the Founder and Head of Growth for BlackStorm.

The reason you’re here is to learn how you can grow your home service business and explode your sales and profits.

So, let’s get on with it without wasting any time.

Can you imagine doubling your sales over the next few months?
What would that be like for your business?

Would it sound even better if marketing costs remained the same? Your sales would grow exponentially, and your profit would increase. You’d have that sense of security knowing that your business is running smoothly and profitably.

You would finally be able to relax on the weekends because of the peace of mind.
Your weekends wouldn’t be controlled by work; you would have the peace of mind to relax and unwind as you enjoy the fruits of your high-performing business.

Ask yourself this question. Are you tired of spending your hard-earned money on marketing campaigns that cannot deliver your desired results? Advertising campaigns that bring losses instead of profits? Are you sick and tired of working with “marketing professionals” who cannot deliver on their promises?

Then, make a wise decision and work with us here at BlackStorm. There’s no room for trial and error in our company; we only use tried and tested techniques that work. These tactics and strategies can be the end of your business stress and frustrations.

We are a digital marketing company dedicated to helping local home service businesses grow by generating leads and increasing their sales and profits. With our strategies implemented, we have helped our clients double, triple, and quadruple their growth.

In the current stormy business world, filled with cut-throat competition, we’ve implemented our proven techniques and helped our clients gain an edge over their business rivals. These clients have been able to soar above their competitors without worrying about the “strong winds” they may come across.

The best thing about working with us is that we can double your sales and beyond without increasing your marketing costs. It may sound hard to believe, but we can confidently say that it’s true. We’re so confident in what we do that we have a guarantee on the results. If we don’t achieve the desired KPIs or key performance indicators, you can stop paying us until we do.

Many other digital marketing companies can’t do this. If they try, they may have to close their business. Go ahead and ask one or two other competitor companies if they have a guarantee on their results. I can guarantee they do not.


Are you ready for serious growth in your home service company?
If so, schedule to speak with one of our Home Service Growth Strategist!


Public Relations Roofing

What Every Roofer Needs to Know About Online Reputation Management

As a roofing contractor, you might find yourself overwhelmed each day, with thousands of things to worry about and manage

But controlling and monitoring what property owners say about your roofing business online should be an easy thing to do.

Every roofing contractor needs a solid online reputation management strategy to dominate the local roofing market.

We live in a digital world where your online reputation can be your significant liability. Property owners are increasingly using Google as their sidekick before deciding whether they are going to hire you for services or go to your competitors.

As a roofer, you need a robust online presence to thrive in the modern digital world.

Why is Online Reputation Management so Crucial for Roofers Today?

When you are starting your roofing business, there is little or no time to manage your online reputation.

More often than not, no customer is talking about your business online at that time.

But here is where the problem comes in.

As your roofing business expands and grows in your area, more property owners will start talking about your business online.

You need to monitor what they say and find.

Property Owners/Customers Care about Your Reviews

If customers are concerned about your reputation, then you should as well.

A recent study found out that over 80% of clients read online reviews to know which roofing contractor they are going to hire, and over more than 70% take an appropriate action based on what information found in those reviews.

 This shows that you could be losing a considerable chunk of roofing leads if your online reputation is not as impressive as it should be.

Online Reputation Management Tips for Roofing Contractors

There are tons of websites where property owners can leave online reviews. Still, this post will provide actionable online reputation tips for your business.

Claim All Your Listings

Your roofing company must claim all its business listing online. As a roofer, you need to go beyond Google My Business Listing. Ensure that your information is accurate across the web so that, regardless of how a prospect finds you, they will have crucial contact details to reach out to you.

Ensuring that your contact details are accurate will help to create trust with clients and make your listing legit in the eyes of the customers. If a prospect finds your business on a review site or directory and finds out the number you have indicated out of service, they will assume that your business is invalid or you are out of business.

Another main reason why consistency across various business listing is crucial is that search engines like Google check for compatibility to determine your roofing company is valid or not. If there are different phone numbers and addresses across Yelp, BBB, Facebook, and Angie’s list plus other directories, Google will not rank your business highly because it will appear more illegitimate.

Finally, after you have claimed all your roofing business listings online, you can control what customers say about your company. Besides giving you a chance to update your contact details, you will be able to optimize your company description, add photos, and respond to client reviews.

Get More Online Reviews

Online reviews are among the first things that property owners look for to determine whether or not they are going to hire your roofing business. Let’s face; several factors need to be considered when hiring a roofing contractor. It is not like going to the beauty parlor or finding a movie shop- the roof is what stands between your family and the elements. You must trust the roofer that you have hired to install, replace, or repair it.

If your roofing business does not have an excellent star rating average, or worse still doesn’t have any reviews, then you are losing an opportunity to acquire new clients online. It means that you need to start working hard to get more positive reviews online.

Although you are not supposed to bribe property owners to give you reviews or tell them what kind of review they should provide you, merely requesting for them is acceptable and an effective method of generating more reports online.

Respond to Reviews

Generating online reviews is a great step towards maintaining your roofing business online reputation. Still, your task is not done yet; you need to all reports (including the negative ones).

When you respond to negative reviews, share your version of the story with the one who left the review plus others who will read it. Unhappy customers always don’t know why things happened the way they did, and explaining it to them may diffuse the situation.

It is crucial, though, to own up the problem, even if you feel that it is not your fault. This does not imply that you have to take responsibility. Still, you should try to apologize for the bad experience they had with your roofing business. Never argue or insult a reviewer; if your tempers are high, given yourself time to cool off before you respond to a negative review.

One of the best methods of dealing with a negative review is to invite the reviewer to resolve the issue offline. This will save you from arguments or set the record straight with your customer on a public forum, and it shows that you are willing to rectify the bad experience.

Register for Google Alerts

When it comes to the online reputation of your roofing business, you cannot manage it properly if you set and leave it to gather dust. An effective online reputation management strategy means real-time, ongoing management, which implies that you have to know what customers are saying about your roofing business online.

One of the best methods to stay on top of what customers are saying about your roofing business online is to sign up for Google alerts. Google alerts are free, and you can use them to manage all types of things, including your roofing brand mentions. You can also use such signals to monitor what customers are saying about your competitors online, giving you the much-needed competitive advantage.

Hire BlackStorm Roofing Marketing to Manage Your Online Reputation 

The priority of every roofing business is its bottom line. Fortunately, our team will help you to develop a unique online review management strategy that will make you a top-rated roofing company in your area. They will automatically ask for reviews from customers after they have transacted with you.

There are several things that you can do to build and maintain your online reputation, and it can be overwhelming if you have other tasks that need your attention. That’s why you need to outsource your online review management to our team. If you need to know more about how you can manage the online reputation of your roofing business, schedule a free strategy session with our experts to see how our team can help you today!

Public Relations Roofing

How to Build Better Relationships With Your Roofing Clients

The roofing industry is incredibly fast-moving and fluid, which can affect contractor-customer relationships. As a roofing contractor, you must develop strong customer relationship skills, particularly if you want to work with the client again or have that client refer you to their friends or relatives. Not only do positive customer relationships contribute to your business’s success, it directly impacts your roofing company brand. Here are the ten simple yet powerful steps you can take to create long-lasting client relationships, get referrals, and ultimately book more roofing jobs.

Make Communication Comfortable and Easy

Make Communication Comfortable and Easy

Solid customer relationships need active communication, and that implies clients must be comfortable contacting your business. Let customers know if you are best reached via emails, Slack, text messages, Skype, or any other communication method. 

It would help if you also tried to understand how customers prefer to be contacted.

Your communication with the customer during the project should be as frequent and lively as possible. Regular contact can help to build trust and makes sure that your client is cared for and that their property is in good hands.

Establish Rapport and Credibility Right Away    

When first meeting with a customer. They must earn your trust. This sets the tone for the whole project. The objective is to assure them that your business is the right one for the task.

First, make sure that you convince they are in safe hands. They want to be sure that they got the best solution (your roofing company) even if they don’t know much about your business. Acknowledge that you fully understand their challenges, and they will sit to listen to your marketing strategy.

It could help if you could refer to your previous customers who had a similar problem. Showing that you have helped other property owners with the same challenges makes them feel more secure in trusting you with their roofing projects. You can achieve this on your roofing website through customer testimonials.

Set Expectations and Deliver Them

As a roofer, do what you have committed to and deliver on what you have promised a customer. And don’t just meet expectations; surpass them with incredible results, energy, and communication.

You can begin by setting realistic expectations with your customer from the onset, from what you intend to deliver to how you will offer and how you will keep in touch to improve that relationship.

Always remember the key ingredient to delivering and surpassing expectations-your attitude! Never underestimate the power of a cool, calm, and positive attitude to instill confidence in your potential client.

Express Customer Appreciation

Expressing your gratitude intentionally shows your customers that your roofing business values them and their properties. 

Roofing contractors can convey such appreciations through a gift box, thank you card, or a gift card. Whether you have just completed a roofing project or want to spread some cheer, property owners appreciate the little gestures that show they are exceptional in your business.

Maintain an Active Social Media Presence and an Updated Roofing Website

Maintain an Active Social Media Presence and an Updated Roofing Website

Outdated or inaccurate information leads to frustration and loss of trust. If prospects cannot find what they are searching for, they will navigate away to your competitor’s website. Make sure that you update your business contact details when anything changes. Besides, make sure that you are responding to queries that prospects might have regarding your company.

Own Your Mistakes (Ad be results-oriented)

Mishaps and mistakes are bound to occur; the problem is how you bounce back from them.

This implies addressing the challenges right away (and apologizing if you are on the wrong), coming up with real solutions to what went wrong, and following up until rectified.

Ask for a Referral 

Ask for a Referral 

Your strongest roofing leads should come from referrals. An excellent online reputation and word-of-mouth recommendations are efficient ways of acquiring new customers. Requesting your clients for a referral is a crucial step in the follow-up process. You can give incentives through discounts on future projects such as window replacement or gutter repair to encourage existing clients to refer their friends or relatives to your business. 

Check-in Frequently 

Sending your client a personalized check-in email a few weeks after completing their roofing project is a practical yet inexpensive method of following up with your customers. Ensuring that their repair or installation is performing as expected and that their problem has been solved is vital to creating a lasting relationship with your customer. Furthermore, customizing emails for every client instead of sending generic emails shows your client that they are crucial in your business and that you are concerned about their satisfaction.

Ask For Feedback

Ask For Feedback

Obtaining feedback is not just for wrapping up completed roofing projects. But you should deliberately and consistently ask your customer how you can improve the way you work together.

When you have finally onboarded them, for instance, call them to know how it went, what they loved about the entire process, and if there is anything that could have been done differently. This will show interest in their happiness and opinion, but you also learn important information for future customers you may have onboard.

As a roofer, you should create an open relationship where feedback is welcomed and respected to form a basis of long term partnerships.

Stay Connected to Your Leads/ Customers

Achieving roofing business success boils down to nurturing and building relationships. A relationship with a client does not end when the project is completed. Maintaining relationships with clients increases the chances of booking more jobs, not just referrals. Sending something small like a holiday card can make a huge difference.

Keep the discussion going with your customer or lead after the sales meeting. Provide added value by sending relevant roofing industry updates and news to clients or prospects.

Use These Tips to build stronger Relationship With Your Clients.

Acquiring new customers is a crucial part of running your roofing company. But if you want your roofing company to succeed in the long term, you should concentrate on managing relationships with existing customers. This will help to keep your customers coming back to book jobs for many years to come. If you want to create a new roofing website to improve your online presence, kindly schedule a free strategy session with our experts today!

Roofing SEO

So You Need a Mobile-Friendly Roofing Website: Here is What You Need to Know

Is your roofing website optimized for mobile devices?

Although mobile devices contribute approximately 52% of search engine traffic, most roofing contractors have not updated their websites for mobile performance. 

Do you fall into that category? 

In April 2015, Google stated that they would include mobile-optimized websites in the search algorithm, and this had roofing marketers scramble to make sure that their sites were touch-screen compatible and responsive. 

But now that the hype has dwindled, it seems many roofers have forgotten the benefits of running a mobile-optimized website and are contented with just having a responsive webpage.

Numerous studies have found out that when it comes to searching for content on touch-screen devices, about 48% of visitors start on search engines. 

This implies that for your roofing website to be found on a prospect’s mobile device, it should not only be mobile optimized but rank on top of the search results. 

Due to the limited screen sizes and the environment in which browsing occurs, prospects/ clients search for a mobile roofing website with a definite plan of action.

This implies that if your mobile roofing website does not instantly give them the details they require and do it in a quick and organized way, they will likely go to your competitor’s webpage.

Simply put, the average mobile user has an attention span of around 4-8 seconds. When it comes, mobile browsing speed is everything, and your mobile webpages must load quickly, don’t have too many graphics, and don’t require users to adjust their screen or zoom in.

Take a minute and ask yourself the following questions regarding your roofing website:

  1. Does it immediately convey your brand’s message?
  2. Is it simple to navigate?
  3. Do you have just one call to action on every page?
  4. Are your buttons touch-screen friendly?
  5. Can your prospect read content without toggling the screen or zooming?
  6. Does the webpage load instantly?
  7. Are ads, images blocking readers from accessing some information?
  8. Is the checkout process simple and easy to follow?
  9. Are opt-in forms accessible to fill-in? 
  10. Are your social media buttons easy to locate, and do they work?

This is an essential list that will help you assess your mobile roofing website’s performance and quality. If you want to make sure that your roofing website is as mobile-friendly as possible, here is a list of 10 features that your mobile-optimized roofing website must contain;

mobile-friendly Roofing website

Your mobile Roofing website should be easy to Navigate.

When using a mobile device or tablet, it is tough to navigate an extensive menu or navigation bar due to a lack of screen space. This implies that the menu bar on your mobile website requires to be adjusted to appear more accessible and more straightforward to navigate through.

Readability is exceptionally crucial for mobile website content because the text is smaller than laptop or desktop text. Your content should not force readers to zoom in to read every page of your site. Besides, make sure that your navigation sections are not clustered together, making it difficult for the user to click on every option. The navigation for mobile roofing websites should be vertical, and the space between the elements must be large enough to avoid misclicks.

Make Call-To-Actions Eye-Catching and Clear

Call to actions assist your prospects/clients to know what steps you want them to take during their visit and make it simple to do so. Most mobile devices, like tablets or smartphones, have a limited screen size, which implies that your CTA buttons should be adjusted to cater for this limitation.

CTA’s play a crucial role in any website design, whether desktop or mobile because they tell your client/prospects what they need to do after visiting your site. However, when it comes to mobile roofing, webpages need to be easily accessible and clear to immediately communicate to the client what their next course of action should be.

Ideally, your CTA should use contrasting fonts, colors, or other style elements to help it stand out. Keep in mind that most mobile users are in a hurry and don’t want to be redirected to a page they have no clue about or unsure of what will occur. So for such reasons, try to keep your CTA’s on mobile devices on point and precise.

Make it Easy for Prospects/Clients to Contact You and Ask Questions.

As a roofing contractor, it is essential to make sure that your leads, clients, and prospects can immediately contact you if required.

This will make your customers feel comfortable with making a purchase or reaching out for support. It would be advisable to have a “click to call” feature on a mobile device, which helps customers contact you from their mobile phones or tablets instantly. This feature should be on an easy-to-find location, mainly if you ask clients to insert their credit card details.

You may need to provide an email contact option, as studies have shown that prospects are likely to email your business instead of calling you.

To make your mobile roofing website feel welcoming and friendly, you may include a Frequently Asked Questions section that allows prospects/customers to find answers to any question they might have.

Another method of making your roofing business reachable is to incorporate Google Maps that lets visitors insert your company address into their GPRS immediately.

Roofing Website Should Load Fast on Mobile Devices 

Roofing Website Should Load Fast on Mobile Devices 

When prospects browse for information on their smartphones or tablets, they want things quickly, if not immediately. It is crucial to remember this when designing a mobile roofing website, and the general rule is that your website should load in less than three seconds.

This is because most users expect your site to load within 4 seconds or less, and besides, many customers are unhappy with the current loading speeds of their smartphones.  

When prospects/clients are unhappy with your site’s loading speeds, they will bounce back to your competitors whose pages load faster. This implies that in 4 seconds, you could have lost a potential client. 

You should also make sure that your mobile webpages can accommodate both three or 4G connections and Wi-Fi and that the whole site is kept under 1MB.

Thus, you should use videos and images wisely, since most of them occupy a lot of space.

Provide Filter Options to Help Visitors Find What They Are Searching for

When browsing on their mobile devices, visitors are likely to scroll through numerous pages hunting for high-quality content. 

That is why your search results must offer precisely what your users are searching for on the first page. It is also essential to include relevant information like prices, colors, featured images, and descriptions on the same page to prevent users from clicking too much on other pages.

Keep Fingers and Thumbs in Mind when Designing a Mobile Friendly Roofing Website

Studies have shown that one of the major complaints to using mobile sites is that the buttons are too small, and the text is too difficult to read. 

While you might have a lot of freedom when designing a desktop site, when it comes to mobile roofing websites, less and more significant is usually the best.

This implies that you need to have large buttons, and your content should be easy to navigate and read. You should avoid distracting pop-ups or sidebars and unnecessary information.

When designing your website, remember that the minimum tap area to accommodate visitors’ thumb width is 43 Px by 43 Px. This is not a general rule, but you need to keep an adequate spacing on your website.

Avoid Pop-Ups on Mobile Devices

Avoid Pop-Ups on Mobile Devices

Generally, pop-ups frustrate a client/prospect. Surveys and research also prove that clients are not thrilled by pop-ups, particularly when searching for valuable information on their mobile devices. 

Time is of importance for prospects/customers browsing on their tablets or smartphones, and pop-ups seem to divert them from what your site offers.

Pop-ups also occupy lots of space on mobile screens and may distract your users from completing the desired Call to Action (CTA).

Of course, this is something that your business needs to split test itself, but it is vital to determine whether or not having pop-ups on your mobile roofing website is worth it. 

Optimize Your Roofing Keywords for Mobile-Friendly Searches

When choosing keywords for your mobile roofing website, it is essential to think about what your potential customers will type in their mobile devices compared to what they type in a desktop platform. 

When searching for information on mobile devices, prospects/clients are likely to ask questions. Search by postcode or location and use terms such as “how,” “what,” and “where.” Think about the keywords you are going to use on your website. For example, consider including your location or postcode as part of your keyword.

For roofing articles, think of using terms like “how-to” or “what is” to be more relevant to your audience and needs. 

Keep Your Layout Well Organized and Simple 

When it comes to your roofing website, keep things well organized and simple to help your leads and clients to navigate easily. 

This means from the moment a user clicks on your website; they should be able to :

-Find the information they are searching for on the same screen

-Complete the desired action like booking a job or sourcing information

-Easily navigate through your desired process in simple steps

Don’t Use Stock Roofing Photos.

Try to get real photos of roofing projects you have worked on in the past. This boosts your goodwill with clients and does not look like one lazy roofing website design. Real photos provide proof that you are capable of offering topnotch services.

Roofing Website Checklist

Your Mobile Friendly Roofing Website Checklist

Mobile purchasing, browsing, and searching are here to stay, and in fact, trends show that it will become more famous in the coming days.

This implies that you have to prioritize updating your mobile roofing website and stay ahead of statistics and trends or risk losing a considerable percentage of leads and potential clients.

Now that you have scrolled through the ten ways to optimize your site for the best performance on mobile devices, here is a final checklist that you can use to check whether all pages are at par:

  • Does your roofing website load in less than 4 seconds?
  • Is your call to action clear and eye-catching?
  • Do your search options contain filters to helps users find what they are looking for?
  • Do prospects/ clients know where to go once they land on your roofing website?
  • Are the contact details easily accessible on every page?
  • Are pop-ups minimizing your conversion rates?
  • Are clients able to book jobs or buy products within a few steps?
  • Are your Call to Action buttons strategically placed?
  • Is your site content readable without adjusting the screen size?
  • Does your website offer precise information about the services or products?

Roofing Website Optimization

Next Action: Examine Your Roofing Website and if it is not mobile-optimized, Get a Responsive Design

By considering the above-discussed features, you can ensure that your site is built correctly to educate people searching for information and converting those who want to book jobs with your business. While your roofing website may be technically perfect, it could still appear awful to users. Grab your friend and ask them to navigate through your site using their mobile phones. Then request them to fill out the contact form and test the click-to-call button.  

If your site cannot be navigated efficiently, then it is time for a mobile site redesign. At Blackstorm Roofing marketing, we have experienced website designers who will ensure that your users have a pleasant experience browsing your site on their mobile devices as well as on the desktops. 

If you are searching for additional assistance in getting your mobile roofing website running professionally, please contact us to learn more about our custom, responsive roofing website solutions today.

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