Get More Qualified Roofing Leads with These Proven Strategies

Sideways man working on roof with a drill

What is a roofing lead?

Leads, Prospects, Customers

A roofing lead is any property owner who expresses interest in your roofing services or products, either by contacting your business directly or by engaging with your marketing efforts. Roofing leads are an essential part of any roofing business, as they are the potential customers who can help your company grow and thrive.

Roofing leads come in different forms and at different stages of the buying journey. Some leads may be more qualified than others, and it is important to evaluate and prioritize your lead follow-up efforts accordingly carefully.

Leads that are generated through more targeted marketing efforts, such as by filling out a form in response to a specific offer or by subscribing to a newsletter, are generally considered more qualified than leads that are obtained through cold calls or by purchasing a list of contact information.

In general, it is more effective to generate leads through targeted marketing efforts that engage potential customers in a way that is less intrusive and more personalized. This helps to build trust and establish a more positive relationship with potential clients.

Identifying Your Ideal Roofing Lead

Your ideal roofing lead is a potential client who is interested in your services or products and fits within your target market.

As a roofing contractor, it’s important to identify your ideal customers and understand their needs. Your ideal roofing lead is a potential client who is interested in your services or products and fits within your target market. This is a property owner who sees value in booking a job with your company and values quality over quantity. To identify your ideal roofing lead, consider factors such as age, income, marital status, whether they have kids, location, and online platforms they use. By understanding these factors, you can tailor your marketing efforts to better appeal to your target market and generate more qualified leads.

Understanding Your Ideal Roofing Lead’s Needs: Key Considerations for Success

Long shot men working on roof

As a roofing contractor, it is crucial to understand the pain points of your potential customers and offer solutions that address their needs. To better understand the needs of your roofing leads, consider the following:

What Are Your Roofing Leads Looking to Have Fixed?

Your roofing leads may have encountered various problems with their roofs, such as leaks, storm damage, poor ventilation, and more. By positioning your services as the solution to these problems, you can attract more leads and grow your business.

What Qualities Are Your Roofing Leads Looking for in a Service Provider?

Your ideal leads may be searching for a reliable and experienced roofing contractor who is genuinely concerned about their needs, offers high-quality craftsmanship, and is licensed and insured. By demonstrating these qualities, you can build trust and establish long-term relationships with your leads.

Why Your Roofing Business Should Stand out to Your Ideal Leads?

To convince your ideal roofing leads to choose your business, it is important to focus on their needs and show them how your services will provide value to them. Some ways to stand out to your ideal leads include using high-quality materials, being available to answer their questions, having a highly-trained and qualified crew, and consistently meeting or exceeding their expectations. By demonstrating these qualities, you can differentiate your business from the competition and build trust with your leads.

Effective Strategies for Reaching Your Ideal Roofing Leads

To reach your ideal roofing leads, you need to have a well-thought-out marketing plan that combines both traditional and digital tactics. Modern customers often do extensive research online before deciding to contact a roofing company, so it’s important to have a strong online presence to attract and engage them.

Maximizing Your Online Presence for Roofing Lead Generation

Roofing landing page

Start by building a professional, optimized roofing website that is mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and includes relevant content, search engine optimization, and trust indicators such as online reviews or testimonials.
Use visually appealing images and a clear call to action (CTA) to persuade potential clients to give your roofing company a chance.
Drive traffic to your website through various methods, including search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.

Increase Traffic to Your Roofing Website

Website traffic

There are various ways to drive traffic to your roofing website for free, including optimizing your website for local SEO, creating valuable and shareable content, and using social media to promote your services or products. By consistently implementing these tactics, you can attract qualified leads to your website and increase the chances of turning them into paying clients.

Be Found – When a Potential Prospect Is Looking for a Roofer

Roofer installing new roof

It’s important for your roofing business to have a strong online presence in order to be found by potential clients. When prospects search for terms related to your services or products and your website doesn’t appear in the top results, they may not find your business at all. To improve your online visibility and attract qualified leads, consider implementing the following strategies:

Google Local Service Ads (Google Guarantee)

Google Local Service Ads image

To get found online when prospects are searching for roofing services, you can use Google Local Service Ads (also known as Google Guarantee). This pay-per-lead advertising platform allows you to increase website traffic, receive more phone calls, and book more jobs. By appearing on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) when your ideal clients search for related products or services, you can attract qualified leads to your business. The Google guarantee also adds an extra level of trust for your company, as it offers coverage for unsatisfied clients up to $2000 for jobs booked through local service ads.

Google Search Ads

Google search gif

Utilizing Google Ads (also known as Google AdWords) can benefit your roofing business by only paying for an advertisement when an online user clicks on it. This pay-per-click (PPC) method allows your business to display ads in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) through a bidding process, also known as an ad auction. In this auction, roofers bid on keywords that are relevant to their business and the search terms they want their ad to be triggered by. Once you have chosen your keywords, you can create an ad and set it up on the search engine platform, including the position you want your ad to appear in the results. Google Ads can be a valuable tool for your business because it can provide quick results, increase online visibility, have a lower cost per click, outperform competitors in search results, track and measure results, and offer budget flexibility.

Google Business Profile (Formerly called Google My Business)

Google Business Profile website

Having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) is essential for generating more roofing leads for your business. When property owners search for roofing services in their area, Google will display a map of the local area with a list of roofing companies that are relevant to the search. By having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business), you will increase the chances of your company appearing on this map, which can drive more traffic to your website and increase the visibility of your business to potential clients. Additionally, having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) allows you to manage your online presence, including responding to customer reviews, which can improve the credibility and reputation of your business. Overall, having a Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) is an essential part of any roofing marketing strategy to attract more qualified leads to your business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO gif

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing your roofing website to increase its visibility on search engines like Google. When you optimize your website for SEO, you make it more visible to your ideal prospects when they search for roofing services or products like yours on Google.

There are various ways you can use SEO to help your roofing business be found when prospects are searching for your services. Some of these ways include:

Identify and use relevant keywords in your website content and meta tags. By using relevant keywords, you make it easier for search engines to understand what your website is about and rank it for those keywords.

Use title tags and meta descriptions to summarize the content of your website. These tags help search engines understand the content of your website and show it in the search results.

Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to organize your content and make it easier for search engines to understand the structure of your website.

Use alt tags to describe images on your website. This helps search engines understand the content of your images and show them in the search results.

By following these and other SEO best practices, you can improve the visibility of your roofing website on search engines and attract more qualified leads.

Yelp & Other Powerful Directories

Powerful Directories

By having a presence on Yelp and other directories, roofing businesses can increase their visibility and attract more potential clients. These directories serve as a source of recommendations for people seeking roofing services or products, so it is essential for a roofing company to be listed on them to remain competitive in the digital age. In addition to Yelp, other business directories such as the Better Business Bureau, Houzz, Home Advisor, Angie’s List, Bing Place for Business, and Yahoo! Small Business can also help a roofing business get found by prospects searching for roofing services online.


Large crowd of anonymous business people at a trade fair

Trade shows are a great opportunity for roofing contractors to showcase their services and products to a large audience. These events can be a powerful way to generate leads by offering educational materials or freebies to attendees, as well as networking with other professionals in the industry. By participating in trade shows, you can get your name and brand in front of potential customers, as well as gather valuable insights from competitors and industry experts.

Networking / Word of Mouth

Local meet-ups and building relationships with property management companies

Networking and word of mouth are powerful tools for generating leads in the roofing industry. By actively participating in local meet-ups and building relationships with property management companies and other businesses in your area, you can showcase your services and expertise to potential customers. Additionally, joining your local chamber of commerce can give you access to a network of professionals and business owners who may need your services or be able to refer you to others.

Phone Books

Phone book numbers

Phone books can be a useful way for a roofer to reach an older demographic with a higher income. This is because older individuals may be more likely to use phone books as a resource when searching for local businesses rather than relying on the internet. Additionally, advertising in a phone book may be cost-effective because the phone book industry is declining, leading to lower ad prices. However, it is important for the roofer to consider the overall effectiveness of phone book advertising compared to other forms of advertising, as well as the potential reach of the phone book in their specific area.

Reaching Potential Clients Who Are Not Currently Searching for Roofing Services

While it is easier to market to potential clients who are already interested and actively searching for roofing services, it can be challenging to reach those who are not currently looking. Here are a few strategies for reaching out to potential clients who may not be actively seeking roofing services:

Facebook & Instagram Ads

Facebook and Instagram logo

Advertising on Facebook and Instagram can be an effective way for a roofer to generate more leads because these platforms have a large user base that can be targeted with specific ads. By understanding the behavior and needs of potential clients on these platforms, a roofer can create an appealing offer and advertise it to their ideal leads. Partnering with a social media marketing agency can also help a roofer craft a successful ad campaign on Facebook and Instagram. It’s important to note that while these platforms are not specifically designed for finding roofing services, they can be used to reach potential clients who may be interested in booking a job in the future.

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads website

Google Display Ads can help you reach potential roofing leads who may not be actively searching for your services or products. With data on 40% of searches, these ads allow you to target prospects based on location, income, and other factors and provide them with information about your roofing services. You can also use auto-targeting strategies through Google Ads to attract leads interested in your roofing services at a later time. By advertising on Google, you can effectively reach prospects who may not be actively seeking out roofing services and educate them about your business.

Telemarketing (Cold Calling)


Telemarketing, also known as cold calling, is a strategy that involves reaching out to potential customers who may not have expressed interest in your roofing services. By making phone calls to these individuals, you can try to convince them to consider booking a job with your company. Many telemarketing firms offer services to help roofing businesses generate leads through cold calling. These firms can call property owners and schedule appointments on your behalf.

Canvassing/Door Knocking

Man offering a special promotion or discount to encourage woman to use their services.

Canvassing, or door-knocking, is a traditional method of marketing that involves going door-to-door to reach potential customers. This strategy allows you to connect with people personally and can be particularly effective in the aftermath of a storm when there is a higher demand for roofing services.

Make sure to be respectful of people’s time and privacy, and be prepared for rejection. Carry brochures or other materials to leave behind with information about your business. Dress professionally and be well-spoken and polite. Consider offering a special promotion or discount to encourage people to use your services. Canvassing can be time-consuming, but it can also be a valuable way to generate leads and build relationships with potential customers. By being organized and persistent, you can effectively use canvassing to grow your roofing business.

Radio/TV advertising

Radio and television ads

Radio and television ads can be effective in generating more roofing leads, especially when used in combination. Research has shown that using both mediums can reach a larger audience than just one. These types of ads can be particularly useful for reaching potential customers who are not actively looking for roofing services.


Empty billboard in the city

Billboards are a physical advertising medium that uses large, eye-catching prints to promote your roofing business and generate leads offline. They are typically located in high-traffic areas, such as city centers or along highways, to maximize visibility to pedestrians and drivers. Billboards have a high number of impressions and views compared to other marketing methods, as they are placed in busy areas. This means that even if someone is not actively searching for roofing services or products, they may still see your billboard and be interested in contacting your business for more information. As a result, billboards can be an effective tool for generating more roofing leads offline.

Vehicle Wraps

Red van wrap design

Studies show that more than 60% of potential customers will make a decision about whether to hire a company based on the professionalism of their signage. This means that your logo, branding, and messaging on your company vehicles can play a significant role in generating more roofing leads offline. By using unique branding on your trucks and strategically parking them in high-traffic areas, you can catch the attention of potential customers and encourage them to consider your business. Vehicle wraps are an effective way to promote your roofing company and stand out in a competitive market.


Roofing Marketing + Parking = Parketing

When your branded vehicles are parked in high-traffic areas or driven around the city, they act as mobile advertisements that can attract the attention of potential customers. By branding your vehicles, you can increase brand awareness and generate more roofing leads offline. It is important to ensure that your branding is professional and consistent across all marketing materials, including your vehicles, to promote your business effectively.

Roofing Marketing + Parking = Parketing

Shop/Office Sign

Red shop sign

Attractive storefront or office signage is crucial for generating leads for your roofing business, even for those who may not be actively searching for roofing services. These signs serve as a physical advertisement for your business, attracting the attention of potential customers and promoting your company to passersby. Properly executed signage can increase sales, attract new customers who may not have otherwise been aware of your business, and prevent potential clients from choosing a competitor.

Pay Per Lead

Pay Per Lead gif

Pay-per-lead (PPL) services are a digital marketing method that allows roofing companies to generate leads and only pay for each piece of information received. Websites such as Angi and HomeAdvisor, which reach millions of homeowners, can be used by small and medium-sized roofing businesses to generate more leads online. Other agencies also offer PPL services, where you only pay after receiving a call or appointment based on the information provided. PPL can be an effective way for roofing businesses to generate leads and grow their client base.

Looking to Generate More Leads for Your Roofing Company?


If you are a roofing company owner looking to generate more leads and grow your business, consider contacting us for assistance. We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you develop a targeted marketing strategy and implement it effectively to attract more qualified leads to your business. Don’t let your competition get ahead while you miss out on valuable opportunities. Contact BlackStorm today and see the difference it can make for your roofing business.


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