Graphic Design Plumbing

9 Inexpensive and Super-Effective Tricks for Branding Your Plumbing Business

As a plumber, you might think that branding should be left to the big names in the plumbing industry. But the sad reality is, it doesn’t matter how small or big your plumbing company is. If you are in business, you need to think about branding your plumbing business critically.

Branding is just as crucial for small plumbing businesses as it is for major plumbing brands. Indeed many corporate brands try to appear like small businesses to appeal to their target clients that opt to support independent businesses.

In the words of the Founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, “Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.” Branding your plumbing business allows clients and prospects to recognize your business while getting a feel of your values. More importantly, it differentiates you from your rivals. It is key to sustaining your plumbing business and growing a loyal client base.

What Are the Major Steps of Building a Successful Plumbing Brand?

Building a Successful Brand

Over 90% of small plumbing business owners strongly believe that having a superior brand that sets them apart from rivals is crucial. More than 50% of plumbing contractors say that branding is very helpful in attracting new business. What secrets do large plumbing contractors hold? And how can small plumbing business owners use them as inspiration?

Here are the four steps of building a successful plumbing brand that every plumber should know:

1. Research Your Competitors and Your Target Market

Competitors and Target Market

Before you begin making any decision about branding your plumbing business, it is very critical that you understand the prevailing market conditions such as your potential customers and competitors.

Here are some tips that will help you determine your rivals and potential clients:

  • Google your plumbing service or product category and analyze the indirect and direct rivals that show up.
  • Look at the relevant social media pages or profiles that your potential clients normally follow and reprieve too.

It is crucial to handle this research phase before anything else because it will inform what your brand should concentrate on and set your business apart from the competition.

2. Define Your Plumbing Brand Mission

Businessman holding 'our mission' text

State the values that you want to incorporate with your target audience base. Your mission and vision statements show the purpose of your business’s existence. It will help you brand your business across various channels. You need to present an original image of what your plumbing business strives for.

Everything from your tagline to plumbing logo design, your communication should portray your mission. Your plumbing brands mission should strive to answer the following questions:

  • Why you started the plumbing business?
  • What are your core objectives/goals?
  • Who is your target potential client?

3. Create a Value Proposition for Your Plumbing Brand

Value Proposition

Always concentrate on what makes your plumbing brand valuable and unique. Find out something that will set your business apart from other plumbing contractors in the market.

Incorporate your value proposition in every plumbing marketing collateral that you are putting across various platforms. It is one of the essential steps in creating a successful plumbing brand.

4. Market Your Plumbing Brand

Promote your brand

Develop a solid plumbing marketing strategy to market your plumbing business. Apply your branding in every plumbing business material, from marketing collaterals, and the website to staff uniforms. Put your branding in as many places as possible.

Identify new channels like affiliates, web, and email to promote your plumbing brand. Also, promote your plumbing brand in unexpected locations such as staff t-shirts, office goodies, and social media pages.

Building a successful plumbing brand is a continuous process, and following the steps outlined above will help your business stand out from the competition.

Here are the top 9 Strategies to Brand Your Plumbing Business & Crush the Competition

1. Find Your Place in the Competitive Plumbing Market

Business rival

Before launching any plumbing brand building activity, you must understand the property owners you will serve. This includes understanding what your competitors are offering in the same area. More than being a plumber who solves a specific problem that businesses or homeowners have, you need to know the demographics interested in your plumbing services.

Your plumbing website content should be focused on the buying behavior and motivations of your potential clients. In trying to unlock all these important client details, you will realize the competitive advantage you have over your rivals.

The exercise to identify your potential clients will benefit all aspects of your plumbing brand-building process. Get a clear picture of who your potential customers are C-suite executives, middle-class earners, affluent residents, or working parents. Build what is known as a “brand persona,” an identity that your clients can resonate with and understand.

2. Develop Your Unique Plumbing Brand Voice and Identity

Brand Voice and Identity

Once you have crafted your plumbing brand persona, the next step in branding your plumbing business is developing a voice and an identity unique to you.

At this stage, you should be able to respond to the questions listed below:

  • What do you stand for as a plumber?
  • What do you want your prospects to recognize you for?

You can kickstart the process by developing your unique selling points and positioning your brand as a plumbing industry leader. Define clearly who you are, the plumbing services you offer, the clients you serve, and how you will serve them. Another excellent exercise is developing a list of keywords you would like to be associated with your plumbing brand. Adjectives that describe the kind of plumbing contractor you are will resonate with your potential clients.

Your voice and personality should reflect your digital plumbing marketing campaigns, taglines, logo design, and communications. Consider your plumbing brand as a metaphor and personalize it to identify the traits you are synonymous with.

3. Have a Consistent and Strong Online Presence

Online Presence

So you have figured out your brand personas and the message you want to convey. But where and how do you do that? The buyer profiles you create will assist you in identifying where prospects spend their time online. The most effective way to interact with potential clients is on their terms.

According to a study by, 21% of online buyers are likely to buy a product that has been featured in a brand’s Facebook post. A strong presence on social media profiles matters.

Remember to portray a consistent brand image on all your social media handles, blogs, trade shows, marketing materials, plumbing websites, etc. Consistency matters since it results in familiarity.

4. Provide Exceptional Client Experiences

Exceptional Client Experiences

What do clients say about you? More often than not, when clients talk about your plumbing brand, they usually base it on experiences they have obtained engaging with you.

If you want them to speak about your brand in a positive light, you must do what you can to offer them exceptional service. This is not limited to the duration of the plumbing service. It goes above and beyond that. Providing consistent and post-sale client support and service are equally important.

5. Improve Plumbing Brand Visibility and Awareness

Brand Visibility and Awareness

All this time and effort you are devoting to building a brand for your plumbing business will only yield desired fruits if you enhance your brand’s visibility online. And a great way to do this is through influencer marketing.

Influencers offer credible and unique voices to the plumbing brand message you are trying to convey. In their social profiles, they are the voice of reason that many clients tend to listen to. Whether through reviews, testimonials, or giveaways, they have their unique way of convincing your prospects to engage with your plumbing brand.

6. Get Visual with Branding Your Plumbing Business

Once you have defined your prospects, unique selling points, and what’s working in the plumbing industry, now you need to start designing your brand. Here are a few tips to improve the feel and look of your plumbing brand.

plumbing logo icons

  • A logo: Your plumbing company logo is like a business. It is the very first thing that your clients will see when they encounter your brand. If you are starting a plumbing business, a logo is the first thing you should design, as it will act as the starting point of all other visuals (like your business cards and other visuals).

plumbing logo in a business card

  • Business Cards:  If you are in the plumbing business, you need to have a business card, and the design should match your plumbing logo and other marketing materials.

Plumbing website or landing page

  • A Plumbing Website: Your plumbing website is like your digital real estate investment. When prospects visit your website, the feel and look should be consistent with the other branded materials.

Brand Style Guide

  • A Plumbing Brand Style Guide: Before you start designing, you must consider the details of your graphic design strategy, such as your fonts, color palette, and design dos and don’ts. A plumbing brand style guide is an excellent way to organize your design so that you, your designer, and other team members working on your brand are on the same page.

Regardless of where a client sees your brand –whether by visiting a plumbing website or seeing your logo, the feel, look, and design should be consistent across various platforms.

7. Integrate Your Plumbing Brand in Everything You Do

Integrate your brand into all aspects of your business

This is a pro-tip when it comes to branding your plumbing business. The process of building a brand is a continuous process. The idea of portraying a constant brand image online should translate to the real world as well.

Your plumbing brand voice and image should be reflected and visible in whatever the clients interact with. If a client drives to your office, your plumbing brand identity should be on display. Your interactions, as well as the environment, should reflect your brand’s image. Your logo design, plumbing website, and slogan should reflect what your plumbing business stands for.

8. Establish Yourself as an Authority by Using the Right Content

Establish yourself as an authority in your market

As a small plumbing business owner, you might not have a huge marketing budget. But fortunately, you don’t have to spend millions of marketing dollars to get in front of the right customers. There is a simple and more affordable way of getting your plumbing brand name out there – content marketing.

Plumbing content marketing works on various levels. First, it allows you to show off your plumbing industry expertise. By positioning yourself as an expert in your field, your prospects will trust you. When the time comes to select a plumber to work with, they choose your business.

Content marketing is also great since it helps you to strengthen your plumbing business branding. By developing a strong voice for your brand, you can strengthen your relationship with clients and assist in driving your business.

The point here is, there are tons of details about your plumbing company that clients need and want to know. And if you can offer value and answer their queries through your content, you will build trust with those clients and translate it into doing business together.

9. Look for Partnership Opportunities to Brand Your Plumbing Business

Partnership Opportunities

Customers like to partner with plumbing brands they can trust. But if you are a new plumber, establishing that trust can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Is there a great way to speed up the process of building trust with clients? Search for partnership opportunities with other plumbing brands that your client has already worked with.

For instance, if you are introduced to a plumbing brand by another business that you have already worked with, then they are likely to transfer that trust to you, and as a result, benefit your business as well.

Work with our Team to Brand Your Plumbing Business.

Digital Marketing

A proper plumbing brand-building strategy can elevate your plumbing company to the next level. Fortunately, you don’t need to break your bank account to brand your plumbing business effectively. All you need to do is partner with a visionary and creative plumbing marketing agency like Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing. If you need help branding your plumbing company and differentiate your business from the competition, kindly schedule a free strategy session with our experts to brand your plumbing business today!

Graphic Design Plumbing

How Digital Branding Can Help Your Plumbing Business Grow

Digital plumbing branding is indispensable. Are you using it to your advantage?

What clients say about your plumbing company is more crucial

Times have changed indeed. It seemed just like yesterday when plumbers were entirely reliant on conventional marketing strategies to spread the word about their plumbing services. Now experts are arguing that digital ad spending globally is expected to account for more than 50% of projected global ad spending across all media by 2021. While that doesn’t imply that traditional marketing is dead, it signals that internet marketing for plumbers has come a long way and is poised to be the most powerful form of marketing nowadays.

What clients say about your plumbing company is more crucial than we claim about ourselves. Our plumbing business digital branding efforts talk a great deal about who we are and the kind of value we offer to our potential clients, partners, consumers, or members.

The average person may think that digital branding is only focused on your plumbing website design or logo and how it might influence a client’s perception of your brand. But it’s more complicated. Without further ado, let us dive into our topic.

What is digital branding for plumbers?

Your target audience is constantly bombarded with marketing and advertising messages that affect your ability to create a special connection. The same expertise or talent is provided all over the web but what sets you apart from the competition is your story and how it is portrayed in the digital space.

Digital branding revolves around establishing your brand’s presence and story on the internet. It infuses everything about your plumbing business into a memorable element that prospects or clients will associate with your company. Digital branding for plumbing contractors is key to developing a meaningful connection with your target audience. It is all about using your unique value proposition to differentiate your company and its offering from the competition.

Advantages of Using Digital Branding in Your Plumbing Marketing Strategy

Benefits of utilizing digital branding in plumbing marketing strategies

A versatile branding promotes user connections and helps your business talk directly to clients via day-to-day experiences on websites they are already using. Here are some benefits of utilizing digital branding in plumbing marketing strategies:

Create a Buyer Persona

Buyer Persona versus Target Audience

To effectively target your market, you first need to figure out who you want to reach. Potential clients will know about and connect with your plumbing brand via your business’s online presence. This is when it is highly recommended to use particular client groups and online channels they frequent most such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and others, via digital branding.

Connect with Clients

Since you are interacting on the same websites they utilize to connect with family and friends, effective online branding for your plumbing company makes clients feel like they are talking directly to them. Make it meaningful and personal for one-time clients to become loyal plumbing brand followers. A brand that cannot be searched online ultimately doesn’t exist in the minds of modern clients. That’s why communication between your plumbing company and its clients is important.

Reach a Wider Audience

Social media networks offer your business a chance to go viral.

Social media networks like Twitter, Instagram, or Tiktok offer your business a chance to go viral. This opportunity to reach a large audience in a short period of time is great for plumbers looking to grow their business or brand. Sharing, liking, or posting are sorts of online exposure that no money can buy.

Make More Money with Less

Digital branding makes it possible for small plumbing companies to compete favorably with big brands something that they can’t do with conventional marketing. Fortunately, digital marketing or branding makes it much easier for small plumbing companies to get ahead using creativity to compete at the same level.

Components of a Successful Plumbing Brand Online

When we think of a plumbing brand, most people often think of color schemes, taglines, and logos. But a plumbing brand is normally more than that.

A plumbing brand is an experience your business offers customers throughout their entire buying cycle with you. Every client touchpoint is a plumbing brand moment.

Plumbing brand strategies run deep. To build a brand that stands the test of time and build a loyal client base, you need to infuse your brand into everything you do.

In our experience helping plumbers build brands. We have discovered five crucial components of strong plumbing brands as outlined below:

Plumbing Brand Identity

Brand identity is the most common thing that clients tend to remember.

Brand identity is your externally facing image and all the elements included within that. For instance, your plumber brand identity would be your brand colors, website, and logo (Just to mention a few). Simply put, your brand identity is the feel and look of your brand.

Brand identity is the most common thing that clients tend to remember, so it should stand out. Besides being on-trend and aligns with your client’s expectations, it should be unique enough to be different from a crowd of other plumbing contractors.

Brand Mission, Values, and Purpose

While values, mission, and purpose are all different components of your plumbing brand, they should work together to tell a story about who you are and what you do. Your purpose is what you do and the promise you give to clients, your mission is the big goal you want to attain through doing business, and your values are what your plumbing business represents.

Brand Messaging

Brand messaging represents the voice of your plumbing brand.

Brand messaging represents the voice of your plumbing brand. Just like the brand identity, messaging helps you connect with your client base to offer a better experience. It is the language you use on your plumbing website, in conversations with your clients, and in social media posts.

Your brand messaging must remain consistent, regardless of who the client is speaking to. You should train your sales and marketing team, customer service reps, and anyone who has a customer-facing role to utilize the same tone and language when talking to customers.

Brand Differentiation

Brand differentiation refers to what makes you different or unique from competitors. In other words, this is what is known as a unique selling proposition. Brand differentiation can be pricing, but it’s easy to get cut off the market this way. Besides, you want to provide a unique value or feature that your clients can’t imitate or copy. Find a unique differentiator for your brand’s long-term success.

Tips for Successful Digital Branding for Plumbers

Here are some plumbing marketing materials that can help your business outshine other plumbers online:

1. Logo Design

A logo is a symbol that a client can associate with your plumbing business.

A logo is a symbol that a client can associate with your plumbing business. Thus, it should reflect the values and personality of your business and target audience. The primary aim during this stage is to design a plumbing company logo that is memorable and works perfectly with your brand materials.

2. Plumbing Website

Keep the web pages to the point and brief

Just like the logo is a symbol of your plumbing business, your website is the online office location. Convenience is even more important now as property owners are going online to gather more information about local service businesses like yours. In this case, easy-to-navigate and responsive plumbing websites are more efficient. Keep the web pages to the point and brief, and avoid giving users excess information. Burying crucial information is the fastest way to get a prospect to avoid clicking.

3. Plumbing SEO

SEO ranking analysis

Search Engine Optimization makes sure that your plumbing brand and its services are easily found on search engines, which is one of the most common ways for clients to find your business. One of the best places to begin is Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Here, you will notice how Google ranks and indexes websites based on the elements such as:

  • Plumbing related keywords
  • Optimized content
  • Active Links

Make sure you design your plumbing website with users in mind. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SemRush to identify the terms that clients use to find your plumbing services online. Including active links throughout your content will help your plumbing content rank higher in the search engine result pages.

4. Social Media

Almost everyone is on social media for some reason. Your plumbing brand should be there if your clients or prospects are there. Your voice and posts should be crafted for every platform it appears on. This is where it is super important to understand the differences between these platforms.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is yet another powerful way to get in front of your target audience

Email marketing is yet another powerful way to get in front of your target audience, particularly those who are not on social media. Begin by creating an email list with leads who are ready to become subscribers or web visitors. Email marketing should be easy to read, carefully scheduled, and clearly identify what you want to attain with it.

6. Digital Advertising

Digital Marketing

With all the new ways to advertise your plumbing business online, it is no longer as easy as placing a banner on a plumbing website. Digital advertising uses the power of the internet to promote your plumbing brand or services. Here are some of the most frequently used digital advertising options for plumbers:

When it comes to branding your plumbing company online, developing a loyal, dedicated client base that books service appointments and believes in your plumbing service offerings is crucial. Try to keep things real, fresh, and transparent with your target audience.

Other Essential Marketing Materials You Need to Promote Your Plumbing Brand Offline

So much of the plumbing marketing nowadays is done online, and for some good reason! However, it is still crucial to allocate some of your advertising dollars to tangible printed materials and promotional items.

Offline plumber marketing materials are important to assist you in promoting your plumbing company in the real world. Here are the 4 crucial marketing collaterals you need to promote your plumbing brand offline:

  • Business Cards

Business cards are crucial for networking purposes

Business cards are crucial for networking purposes as well as promotional purposes. They help clients and customers remember your contact information, company name, and your name, keeping your plumbing company on top of their minds.

  • Letterhead

Nowadays, our correspondence is through email, however, it is crucial to have a good letterhead when you are sending regular mail to contact prospects or existing clients.

Whenever you send something to your clients through USPS, you should ensure that your document contains your company logo on it so your clients understand where the letter is coming from.

  • Posters & Banners

Large-format graphics attract the attention of potential clients. Leverage the benefit of strategic placements as much as you can to show off your plumbing services and promotions!

  • Brochures

Every plumbing company should have a brochure

Every plumbing company should have a brochure highlighting your business’s services, background, and contact details. Believe it or not, brochures are still crucial plumbing marketing tools. Plumbing companies need great websites, but brochures are an effective way to present your information quickly and remind your clients about your plumbing services.

Branding for Plumbers Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an online presence for plumbers?

The online presence of your plumbing company is how it appears on the web, and your online presence is the impression your plumbing brand makes through search engines, blogs, content, and other digital channels and media.

What is plumbing digital branding?

Digital branding is a strategic, creative way of communicating to prospects why they should hire you, what you stand for and what they can expect from your plumbing business. After you have launched your plumbing business, you should first focus on creating a brand identity.

Why is online branding important for plumbers?

Online branding is important since it determines how effectively you convey your value to your clients. Online branding is all about thinking about your future customers and how we call to show them who you are, what makes you unique, and why prospects should book service appointments with your plumbing company.

Digital Branding Services for Plumbers from Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Digital Marketing We Take Your Brand Online

If you want to grow your plumbing business with a digital branding campaign that offers tangible ROI, Blackstorm Design + Marketing can help you with various internet marketing services.

Focusing on the Right Keywords


We will work to get more reviews from your satisfied clients to generate more leads in return.

Search Engine Visibility

We will make your website more visible to potential clients in search engines such as Google through local SEO strategies.

Strong Brand Exposure

Whether on email marketing, search engines, or social media, Blackstorm Design + Marketing team will strive to increase awareness of your plumbing business and brand.

Promotion of Services in Various Channels

We have a team of professionals in the plumbing industry, so we can customize your strategy to suit your unique needs. From video marketing and local services, reach out to us today.

Solid Local Presence

Your local presence online will be crucial in the digital marketing efforts of your plumbing company and will help you solidify your presence in your target geo market.

Close and Capture More Plumbing Leads

The key to succeeding in any plumbing business is to grab as many qualified leads as possible

The key to succeeding in any plumbing business is to grab as many qualified leads as possible for your company, and our experts will help you in closing as many as possible.

If you would like to know more about SEO for plumbers, website design, LSA management, and branding services for your plumbing company, schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing for assistance today.

Contractor Graphic Design Roofing

15 Graphic Design Terms that Every Roofing Contractor Must Know


Increase Your Website Visibility, traffic and Generate Leads with Roofing Graphic Design

Graphic design is used in conventional marketing campaigns like fliers and billboards, and more importantly, it is applied in all internet marketing campaigns, from social media marketing to roofing website design.

If you are a roofing contractor that’s working with an internet marketing agency for several advertising campaigns (particularly roofing website design), it is crucial to understand fundamental graphic design terms.


In order for a roofing marketing agency to implement your roofing website design efficiently, it would be advisable if you could read from the same script. Not only will the designers appreciate it, but this will make things smooth for all the people involved- and the final draft will meet or surpass your expectations.

Without further ado, let’s explore some basic graphic design terms and what they stand for.

White Space

Every designer’s dream, white space, is essential for any website design. It allows various elements of a design to keep users engaged in your Roofing website. It is also referred to as negative space. Roofing websites that use lots of white space appear more elegant and lighter. At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, is to make your roofing website look uncluttered and straightforward to deliver content that your clients will appreciate and enjoy.


This is something that designers use to keep your website evenly spaced. When designers apply the grid, it lets them develop organized, consistent designs.

Wire Frame

This is something that a designer develops to assist plan a proposed design. It is sent to roofing clients for approval before a particular design is built.


When you alter the size of something while keeping it scaled, this means that you shrink or grow the elements without increasing its proportions.


Texture refers to the actual feel and looks of your roofing website design. On digital design, texture implies a design that evokes a texture that might appear in natural materials.

Stock Photos

Instead of outsourcing a professional photographer, many times, designers will opt to use stock photos.

Stock photos are professional images that you can buy online. Generally, you can buy a license to download professional pictures, but some websites will offer it for free.


Saturation refers to the intensity of a particular color in your design. When you boost the saturation of a certain design element, it becomes clearer, but when you reduce the saturation, your element appears faded.


Contrast refers to several design elements. Contrast generally implies the amount of difference between the two things. For instance, the contrasting color of white is black. Features like smooth and rough are different elements, as well as dark and light. In the world of roofing website design, contrast can mean any of these elements.

Cool Colors

When you check your color wheel, half of the colors are known as cool colors. Such colors include indigo, violet, blue, and green. These colors relate to the feeling of relaxation and calmness.

Color Palette

A color palette is a group of colors that you select for your roofing website design. These colors collaborate to evoke your brand message and image.

Pull Quote

Pull quote assists crucial sentences in your content to stand out on your roofing page. Mostly, they are excerpts extracted from the body copy of the page and adds some interest in your design project.


Tracking refers to the spacing between typed letters. When tracking is loose, the messages are farther apart, but when it is tight, the letters are tightly packed.


Leading is a term that denotes the amount of space between lines. With loose leading, the lines are farther apart, while tight leading squeezes your tracks together.


Alignment refers to how elements are lined up in your roofing page. Centre, right, left are the main types of adjustments that offer endless design opportunities.


Typography refers to the use of various typefaces to develop aesthetically-pleasing roofing designs.

Need some Help With Your Roofing Graphic Design?

Visual appeal is not the only factor to consider when designing roofing graphics. Graphic design improves your brand development and awareness. Potential clients form a first impression of your business based on your graphic design representation. Do you want your customers to perceive your roofing brand as visually stimulating and engaging? BlackStorm Roofing Marketing will help to brand your roofing business appealingly.

In a competitive field like roofing, the devil is always in the details. Modern roofing websites apply some form of on-page SEO incorporated in them. However, many of them use stock templates that produce SEO elements that are cluttered, uninteresting, and common. Using well-optimized, original roofing graphic designs throughout your website will set your business ahead of the competition.

Apply your knowledge of basic roofing graphic design terms, and partner with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing to achieve the roofing website of your dreams now!

Feel free to schedule a free strategy session with our designers to get started on your project today!

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Graphic Design Roofing

Crucial Features to Look for in a Great Roofing Company Logo Design


Your roofing logo design is a vital component of your brand identity. It creates the first impression to your audience and symbolizes what your business is all about. Roofing logo designs are somewhat kind of marketing collaterals since they describe the services you offer to clients.

Your roofing logo is the public face of your brand that differentiates you from the competition.

But what makes an excellent Roofing logo design?

A lot of roofing contractors ask us for our view on various logo design concepts. In our opinion, a Roofing logo is deemed as excellent if it meets the following characteristics:

A Roofing logo Design That Conveys the Essence of Your Roofing Brand

A great roofing logo design is one that delivers an immediate first impression of your brand philosophy, conveying why your business is unique. A roofing logo design that is based on original brand philosophy will be useful and instill confidence in its potential clients.

So before you outsource your Roofing logo design, you need first to understand your brand explicitly. If you have never thought about your brand values or features, now is the time. Creating a brand identity that resonates with your audience will be crucial as you undergo the logo design process.

Designing to convey the essence of your roofing business goes over and above your brand personality. Create your Roofing logo with your potential clients in mind. Your thorough understanding of the target audience should influence the logo design process.

A Great Roofing logo Design Should be Aesthetically Pleasing

This can be difficult to quantify, but pretty easy to tell by conducting a simple survey among coworkers and friends. Do you love looking at your roofing logo? Is better or useful than that of other roofers in your neighborhood?

As a roofer, you would like to have a prosperous company, and this means that you cannot afford to use a cluttered, unappealing, or harmful styled Roofing logo design.

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, we are not just able to design your aesthetically pleasing Roofing logo design. Still, we ensure that the logo leaves a long-lasting impact on your target audience. Partner with our experienced graphic designers and let your business stand out from the competition.

A Great Roofing logo Design Should Contain an Appropriate Style Choice

The style choice is one of the crucial things you need to consider when designing a roofing logo. Here are the five types of Roofing logo designs to help you make an informed decision:


Wordmarks are a logo design that is entirely made up of text-generally your roofing business name. Wordmarks can be an ideal choice for roofing contractors that just getting started. Since name awareness and recognition are crucial for a new business, the main focus of the watermark style is the business name with no extra distractions. Select fitting colors and a font that resonates with the personality of your brand.


If you can depict your brand visually without words, through symbols or images, then a brandmark may be an ideal choice for you. Brandmarks are generally associated with well-known roofing brands.

Combination Marks

A combination mark gives you the ability to use your company name while also including a symbol or an image, thus giving you a chance to share your story and set your business ahead of the competition.


Just like combination marks, emblems include both a symbol and text, but typically designing a text inside the symbol. They usually stimulate a badge or a seal. If you opt to work with this logo style, ensure that it is versatile enough to be visible and apparent when sized down for smaller uses like profile pictures or promotional products.


Also known as monogram-style logos, letter marks are an ideal option for brands that want to simplify their long business name with some abbreviations. Because more emphasis is put on initials or letters, letter marks generally use a more stylized font.

If finding a Roofing logo design style is becoming a significant challenge, let our graphic designers help you out!

A Good Roofing logo Design Should Be Timeless

A timeless roofing logo should look as high in ten years as it is now. Avoid going for short-lived fads when outsourcing your logo design and opt for a classic look. Psychedelic 70s-inspired logo designs might be trending in the industry today, but they might be outdated next year.

Epic Roofing logos stand the test of time since they adhere strictly to the principles of logo design that last, rather than what other roofers are doing right now.

As your roofing company changes and grows, a logo design that holds your fundamental ideals and goals will remain current. A Roofing logo that might seem timely or quirky currently may help your brand gain attention at the moment but lose it later.

A Good Roofing logo Design Should be Scalable

Your Roofing logo design should be able to adapt to any size. It must be scalable to represent your roofing brand anywhere. A scalable Roofing logo looks good, makes sense, and remains legible on any size-whether it is printed on a huge poster or a small business card. If you incorporate too much detail in your Roofing logo, it will make it harder to scale to a small size.

To attain scalability in your Roofing logo, graphic designers will create your logo in the vector format. Vector files are created with rescaling in perspective, meaning that your Roofing logo will appear as sharp as it was blown to any size.

An Epic Roofing logo Design Should be Balanced and Proportionate

Clients perceive balanced logo designs as beautiful. A well-proportioned logo design will strike a balance between different elements that make up your logo.

Proportion generally refers to the weight of elements that are included in your logo. From a practical view, having the right dimensions will make your logo whole and make sense. Symmetric Roofing logo designs are balanced by aligning the weighted elements on either side of a centerline.

On the flip side, asymmetrical logos can be balanced as well, by utilizing opposite weights to create an uneven composition, but still has some equilibrium.

A Great Roofing Website Logo Should be Simple and Memorable

Simplicity is what assists your Roofing logo design in overcoming the challenges of time and what makes it easy to work with. Your Roofing logo should be as visible and clear as possible while conveying your brand philosophy and reflecting your aesthetics.

Wise choices in graphics, color options, and typeface are essential in this step. A good Roofing logo should not be crowded with elements-just select a few active elements for your design.

Always remember to use white space wisely! Simplicity calls for wise use of the white space. The elements in your Roofing logo design need to have enough breathing space to set it apart and speak to your target audience. Furthermore, your Roofing logo should be easy to read.

A professional Roofing logo Design Should be Unique.

Your roofing company logo should be unique enough to attract attention and memorable enough to remain in your prospect’s mind.

Think about all the extraordinary logo designs that always linger on your mind; UPS and Apple are on the top of the list. Maybe we don’t forget them because we see them often, but simply because they are unforgettable and unique. Great logo designs differentiate themselves from the competition by being authentic, memorable, and different.

Your Roofing logo design must attract a first glance that people will always remember and then express reliability and trust upon subsequent interactions. An original logo calls for unique design concepts. At Blackstorm Roofing Marketing, we have a team of talented graphic designers who can respond to your design goals, with all these factors in mind, and create a truly authentic Roofing logo!

A Powerful Roofing logo Design Must Incorporate Your Business Name

A great Roofing logo design will share your brand’s story in one image. While some roofing contractors may not be able to use the brandmark-style logo, it is not advisable for a business that is not yet a household name.

Unless your business is widely known in the neighborhood (or you have a lot of marketing dollars), your company name is a vital brand identifier. It should be incorporated in your Roofing logo design to start creating connections with your potential clients.

Though we encourage roofers to use their business name in the logo, they should not incorporate extra text that will make their logo challenging to read when rescaled.

Company addresses and taglines are not some of the crucial things that roofers must include in their logo design. There may be a time when this information is appropriate as a distinct element, but your logo design should be simple, clear, and devoid of unnecessary text.

A Good Roofing logo Design Has Appropriate Use of Color(s)

Color conveys a lot about your roofing brand. Recent studies show that colors increase brand recognition by more than 80%. Our minds are programmed to react to color. Since color can impact emotions and behavior, your selected color should be influenced by the preferences and tastes of your target market. Choosing the right color will help you to highlight your brand’s characteristics and connect with your clients.

Why Hire Blackstorm Roofing marketing for all Your Roofing logo Design Needs?

Logo design is a crucial part of launching your roofing business. There many roofing, marketing, and branding agencies out there but here are some reasons why you need to partner with us for all your logo design needs:


Blackstorm Roofing Marketing has a pool of talented graphic designers who are highly-trained and passionate about their job. They get to understand your business, analyze your competition, and the target market. They ask you questions to know your dislikes and likes. Designing a great logo is much more than making it look pretty. It takes time, extensive research, and proper use of colors, typography, and shape. Our creative designers will challenge each other until they settle for the best possible solution for your business.

Intelligent Logo Design/ Useful

Have you ever come across a logo and you think where you had seen such a logo before? That’s not good. In the modern world, the use of Photoshop has made twice harder to get a logo that differentiates you from the competition. A logo that is authentic. At Blackstorm Roofing Marketing it is our prerogative to stay abreast of the latest trends in the graphic design industry by continually researching trends, new techniques in web, and printing that can put your brand ahead of the competition.

Once you have a logo designed, roofers need to know how they can use it to improve their professional image. We will help you achieve this image by creating brand standard guidelines. Such guidelines will help to maintain a consistent brand identity when using other agencies or printers.


Ok, got a roofing logo. Now what? Our graphic designers will not only create a classic logo that positions your business ahead of the curve, but it can assist your brand consistently across various platforms that your audience will be using. This will instill a sense of reliability and confidence in your target audience.

Let us help You Design a Unique Roofing Logo for your Roofing Business Today

Creating a classic logo is something that roofing contractors should treat with much consideration. After all, it will portray the face of your business for many years to come. And it is crucial that it successfully conveys in an effective and straightforward what your roofing business is all about. A great logo design will remain in your audience’s mind after they have walked away from your website. If it attains this objective, clients are likely to come back to your business, thus enhancing the growth of your roofing company.

When it’s time to hire a logo designer, your designer must have a good grasp of your competitors, your business, and the message you want to convey to your target audience. At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, our graphic designers have many years of experience and know the importance of branding, and this makes your roofing logo stand out from other roofers online.

If you want to get a unique roofing logo for your business, quickly schedule a free strategy session with our growth experts to obtain a great logo that will differentiate your business today!

Here are some of our roofing logo designs:

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Graphic Design Roofing

6 Common Misconceptions about Roofer Logo Design Explained


Get noticed by Prospects, Stand out from the Competition and Improve Your Roofing Brands with our Custom Logo Design Services.

Branding is a crucial part of any roofing business. It helps you build your reputation in the roofing industry while differentiating your business from the competition. A well-thought-out branding attracts potential clients and builds trust among the existing customers. Furthermore, it helps to increase the value of your roofing business.

Branding involves a lot of things, and that’s why many roofing businesses opt to customize their logo designs in all marketing collaterals. After all, the more your logo design is unique, the easier it is for prospects to remember and recognize your business. Right?

Unfortunately, some roofers have several misconceptions about custom logo designs and branding. As a consequence, they usually end up frustrated with the results.

Here are some false expectations and the realities of custom logo design for roofing contractors:

Misconception #1: Customized Roofer Logo Designs are Expensive

This is a significant misconception among roofing contractors. Roofing business with limited budgets often goes for generic logos since they wrongly think that custom logos will break their bank account. What happens?

They end up with a logo design that hundreds of roofers have already used.

Another example is using templates for roofing website design. With thousands of roofing websites out there, you would wish to make your roofing website stand out. Furthermore, you have to ensure that your roofing website provides an incredible user experience. Using a template will not make your roofing website stand out from other roofers in the market.

Furthermore, it comes with limited features. You may not have the ability to offer the features that your prospects require to have excellent user experience on your roofing website.

Reality #1: Customized Roofer Logo Designs Can Be Affordable

The sad truth is that roofing logo design does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, our goal is to provide quality custom logo designs at prices that are within your reach.

Unlike other roofing design agencies where you only work with one designer, we allow you to choose from various graphic designers in our team. The good thing you can do is decide how much you want to pay for your custom logo design.

With BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, you will not have to worry about sticking to your limited budget.

Misconception # 2: It takes a lot of time to get a customized Roofer Logo Design.

If you hire a roofing marketing agency that has only one graphic designer, it may take some time before you receive the initial draft of your logo design

On average, a logo designer can take anywhere between one to two days to create a custom logo design for your business. On the flip side, a custom roofing website design can take anywhere between three and six weeks. That’s a long wait!

This is the reason why some roofers typically resort to design templates- they cannot wait for that long!

Reality #2: Your Custom Logo Design Can Have a Fast Turnaround Time

It is possible to get your desired logo design within a short time.

When you outsource your roofing logo design to BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, for example, our logo designers will work round the clock to ensure that they deliver your work within the shortest time possible. That’s how simple it is to work with graphic designers from BlackStorm Roofing Marketing.

Misconception #3: Roofers can design Logos on their own

This is another popular misconception that roofing contractors have on custom logo design and branding. Many roofers wrongly think that as long as they know how to use photo editing platforms or photoshop, they can be able to design their logos without requiring professional help. That’s not always the case. Furthermore, not all graphic artists would be ideal for your custom logo design project.

Without sufficient roofing industry knowledge and experience, you may end up with a logo design that does not appeal to your target audience.

Reality #3: You Need Help from Experts and Professionals

Remember that you are improving your roofing brand’s identity with your roofing website, custom logos, and other advertising collaterals. Would you trust an amateur to do this for your business?

Logo design is a creative process that needs experience and skill. To get it right, you have to partner with professionals from a reputable roofing marketing agency like BlackStorm Roofing Marketing.

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, we have hired experienced graphic designers who are ready to help your business to stand out from the competition. With more minds working on your logo design, your company is bound to get different results. Consequently, you will be able to select one that suits your roofing brand.

Misconception #4: You Need to Give Lengthy Instructions to Your Designers

Some roofers wrongly think that they need to prepare complicated instructions for graphic designers to get their websites or logos, done right. But who has all the free time to compile such a document? To avoid this, some roofers go for templates and tweak them a little to give them some personality.

Reality #4: A short but detailed Creative Brief is Enough

When you partner with professionals like those you will find at BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, a short brief is sufficient to get your logo design project get started.

Make sure that you incorporate your roofing company name, how many designs and kind of project you require. It’s that simple. Because you are partnering with experts, you don’t have to use technical jargon in your brief. Just give them an overview and let them see what they can do for your business.

Misconception #5: Custom Logo Designers Provides Limited Number of Revisions

Traditionally, some graphic designers would only offer a limited number of revisions before they consider your logo design project as done. While this may apply to some, others typically have last-minute revisions. When you have exhausted your revision requests, you will be left with a logo design that you will not be proud of.

Reality #5: You can Request for Revisions until You Are 100% satisfied with Your Logo Design

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, you can request revisions until you achieve a perfect logo design. Additionally, you can delete submitted designs that you don’t like.

With this process, you are confident that you will get a logo design that suits your roofing business. Since you can request revisions as long as you need, partnering with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing for graphic design services is risk-free.

Misconception #6: You cannot ask for a Refund Once You Get Your Roofing Design Outputs

Many graphic designers would not accept refunds from roofing clients, especially after they have put a lot of time and effort into working on their design project. This typically results in frustration and disappointment for clients.

Imagine failing to get a refund from a logo design that you will not use in your business.

Reality #6: You Can Get a Refund if you don’t like any logo design output received.

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, we understand that you may not like all the designs that our team will produce. And that’s alright. In such cases, we will refund your money.

Getting a custom logo design and other marketing collaterals is simple, risk-free and affordable with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing

Are you ready to partner with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing?

If you need some roofer logo design inspirations, schedule a free strategy session with our experts to get started today!

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Graphic Design Roofing

The Importance of Branding in Your Roofing Marketing Campaigns


The roofing industry is a competitive field, and as such, your roofing marketing efforts must be impeccable to outshine your rivals to obtain the leads that you require. But with all the marketing and advertising options available, how do you brand your roofing company productively? In the modern world, internet marketing outshines all advertising channels in terms of reach and ROI. However, this does not imply that all your roofing marketing dollars should be utilized in the digital world. Professional roofing marketers know that a great advertising campaign contains multiple marketing messages and channels. This post will explain why you should not ignore branding in your roofing marketing. But first, let us explain the basics.

What is a Roofing Brand?

Before we dive into the features that drive a roofing brand, let us first know what a roofing brand is.

Your roofing brand is a message that guides consumer expectations and attitudes through its distinctive personality.

Your roofing brand consists of tangible elements that create authority and visual identity. This includes your color palette, logo, letterhead, marketing materials, company signage, and signage, amongst others.

“A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers” ((American Marketing Association)

Branding revolves around telling your roofing business story in a way that makes you stand from the competition.

Branding your roofing business can make booking jobs easier.

The tricky thing for most roofers is that many branding campaigns don’t have a good to measure ROI (Returns of Investment).

What is a Roofing Brand Identity?

A brand identity develops a face for your business. A brand identity is what roofers create before they launch a roofing brand. This is mostly overlooked when starting a roofing brand. Many roofers never had a brand identity launched because many roofing contractors don’t take time to establish one. Well, the good news is never too late to develop. Thus, putting a face on your roofing business is a continuous process.

Why Would Roofing Branding Make Booking Jobs Easier?

Ponder about this for a second.

Property owners are nowadays skeptical than ever.

There are thousands of roofing contractors in most cities. There are endless options for clients.

With a few taps on their phone, they can call and get a quote from any roofer they want. However, for many property owners, they don’t have endless options; they just want to hire a roofer who can solve their problem.

They are searching for a roofer who is honest, fair, and capable. Most of them have had bad experiences with the storm chasers.

You have to conquer the initial skepticism and terrible client experiences. The best method is to portray your expertise and engagingly do this.

Branding is about conveying your story.

It’s about showcasing your expertise.

It revolves around grabbing your prospects/clients’ attention.

What do you think clients will do when it comes to a company that’s a ghost vs. a branded roofing company?

The roofer who has more proof of expertise is going to win all the time.

When your roofing marketing messages catch their attention, offer proof of your expertise, and conveys your story, that’s when you will begin to dominate the roofing landscape in your area.

How Roofing Contractors can Brand their Business

 Video Testimonials

In your roofing business, you are always searching for ways of improving your brand awareness and reputation. Perhaps you invest more money and time into various marketing campaigns in the hope of acquiring new clients and drive more conversions.

However, there is no advertising strategy that is as powerful as word of mouth. You can take your roofing business ahead of the competition if you can leverage the power of video testimonials. Videos testimonials are the most powerful tools for improving your roofing brand.

A well-designed Roofing Website

Your roofing business needs a well-designed website to generate leads online, promote goodwill among clients, and deliver strong brand messages. Property owners use the web in large numbers every day. Even if you are a small roofer, the odds are that property owners have used the internet to search for your website. The primary purpose of a roofing website design is to engage prospects and convert them into clients. So, you need to hire a reputable roofing marketing agency to create a stunning website that will help to improve your brand.

Positive Online Reviews

A considerable percentage of property owners turn to online reviews before making their purchasing decision. In fact, word of mouth referrals are the best type of advertisement, and in the modern world, they are generally in the form of positive reviews. The rise of their importance represents a fantastic opportunity to promote your roofing brand successfully. Therefore, you need to partner with a credible roofing agency to manage your roofing brand reputation.


Launching a new roofing business is a milestone that is worth celebrating. However, keeping that business afloat after you open for operation is a wholly unique game. There is an ample opportunity to get referrals and leads through sponsorships. A sponsorship partnership does not have to be based on monetary exchange. It can be casual. If you recommend other roofing partners for jobs that you don’t specialize in, you are likely to receive the same treatment. Working with other contractors in the roofing industry is an easy way to increase sales and improve your roofing brand awareness.


How your business van and employees appear in public is exceptionally essential. Your employees cannot storm a client’s home with a rusty truck with no contact details or logo. Neither can they stand in front of customers wearing tattered jeans or shaggy trousers.

Your employee’s appearance indicates the level of respect they have for your clients and showing up when they are dressed like the above shows disrespect. The roofing business is categorized under the service industry, and employees in the service businesses must appear professional at all times.

A professional appearance does not imply that they will come to work with suits every day. A proper uniform with your business logo embedded on it will improve your roofing brand awareness among prospects/ clients.

If you invest in the things discussed above, you are going to have a reliable roofing brand.

What Are the Major Advantages of a Strong Roofing Brand?

  • A reliable roofing brand helps to build customer recognition
  • It skyrockets the results of your digital marketing campaigns
  • A strong roofing brand makes booking of new jobs easier
  • It will help you to obtain more roofing referrals.
  • It increases credibility and ease of purchase.
  • A strong roofing brand differentiates you in the market.

Create Your Roofing Brand Today

Over the years, we have interacted with many roofers across the globe.

The roofing company that invests in branding gets excellent results out of their internet marketing campaigns.

Those with positive online reviews, video testimonials, and well-designed, mobile-friendly roofing websites always achieve good results than those who don’t.

If you know that branding will help your roofing business acquire more leads, why don’t you invest in getting a strong roofing brand? Schedule a free strategy session with our experts to know how to create a strong roofing brand today!

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