Crucial Features to Look for in a Great Roofing Company Logo Design

Crucial Features to Look for in a Great Roofing Company Logo Design


Your roofing logo design is a vital component of your brand identity. It creates the first impression to your audience and symbolizes what your business is all about. Roofing logo designs are somewhat kind of marketing collaterals since they describe the services you offer to clients.

Your roofing logo is the public face of your brand that differentiates you from the competition.

But what makes an excellent Roofing logo design?

A lot of roofing contractors ask us for our view on various logo design concepts. In our opinion, a Roofing logo is deemed as excellent if it meets the following characteristics:

A Roofing logo Design That Conveys the Essence of Your Roofing Brand

A great roofing logo design is one that delivers an immediate first impression of your brand philosophy, conveying why your business is unique. A roofing logo design that is based on original brand philosophy will be useful and instill confidence in its potential clients.

So before you outsource your Roofing logo design, you need first to understand your brand explicitly. If you have never thought about your brand values or features, now is the time. Creating a brand identity that resonates with your audience will be crucial as you undergo the logo design process.

Designing to convey the essence of your roofing business goes over and above your brand personality. Create your Roofing logo with your potential clients in mind. Your thorough understanding of the target audience should influence the logo design process.

A Great Roofing logo Design Should be Aesthetically Pleasing

This can be difficult to quantify, but pretty easy to tell by conducting a simple survey among coworkers and friends. Do you love looking at your roofing logo? Is better or useful than that of other roofers in your neighborhood?

As a roofer, you would like to have a prosperous company, and this means that you cannot afford to use a cluttered, unappealing, or harmful styled Roofing logo design.

At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, we are not just able to design your aesthetically pleasing Roofing logo design. Still, we ensure that the logo leaves a long-lasting impact on your target audience. Partner with our experienced graphic designers and let your business stand out from the competition.

A Great Roofing logo Design Should Contain an Appropriate Style Choice

The style choice is one of the crucial things you need to consider when designing a roofing logo. Here are the five types of Roofing logo designs to help you make an informed decision:


Wordmarks are a logo design that is entirely made up of text-generally your roofing business name. Wordmarks can be an ideal choice for roofing contractors that just getting started. Since name awareness and recognition are crucial for a new business, the main focus of the watermark style is the business name with no extra distractions. Select fitting colors and a font that resonates with the personality of your brand.


If you can depict your brand visually without words, through symbols or images, then a brandmark may be an ideal choice for you. Brandmarks are generally associated with well-known roofing brands.

Combination Marks

A combination mark gives you the ability to use your company name while also including a symbol or an image, thus giving you a chance to share your story and set your business ahead of the competition.


Just like combination marks, emblems include both a symbol and text, but typically designing a text inside the symbol. They usually stimulate a badge or a seal. If you opt to work with this logo style, ensure that it is versatile enough to be visible and apparent when sized down for smaller uses like profile pictures or promotional products.


Also known as monogram-style logos, letter marks are an ideal option for brands that want to simplify their long business name with some abbreviations. Because more emphasis is put on initials or letters, letter marks generally use a more stylized font.

If finding a Roofing logo design style is becoming a significant challenge, let our graphic designers help you out!

A Good Roofing logo Design Should Be Timeless

A timeless roofing logo should look as high in ten years as it is now. Avoid going for short-lived fads when outsourcing your logo design and opt for a classic look. Psychedelic 70s-inspired logo designs might be trending in the industry today, but they might be outdated next year.

Epic Roofing logos stand the test of time since they adhere strictly to the principles of logo design that last, rather than what other roofers are doing right now.

As your roofing company changes and grows, a logo design that holds your fundamental ideals and goals will remain current. A Roofing logo that might seem timely or quirky currently may help your brand gain attention at the moment but lose it later.

A Good Roofing logo Design Should be Scalable

Your Roofing logo design should be able to adapt to any size. It must be scalable to represent your roofing brand anywhere. A scalable Roofing logo looks good, makes sense, and remains legible on any size-whether it is printed on a huge poster or a small business card. If you incorporate too much detail in your Roofing logo, it will make it harder to scale to a small size.

To attain scalability in your Roofing logo, graphic designers will create your logo in the vector format. Vector files are created with rescaling in perspective, meaning that your Roofing logo will appear as sharp as it was blown to any size.

An Epic Roofing logo Design Should be Balanced and Proportionate

Clients perceive balanced logo designs as beautiful. A well-proportioned logo design will strike a balance between different elements that make up your logo.

Proportion generally refers to the weight of elements that are included in your logo. From a practical view, having the right dimensions will make your logo whole and make sense. Symmetric Roofing logo designs are balanced by aligning the weighted elements on either side of a centerline.

On the flip side, asymmetrical logos can be balanced as well, by utilizing opposite weights to create an uneven composition, but still has some equilibrium.

A Great Roofing Website Logo Should be Simple and Memorable

Simplicity is what assists your Roofing logo design in overcoming the challenges of time and what makes it easy to work with. Your Roofing logo should be as visible and clear as possible while conveying your brand philosophy and reflecting your aesthetics.

Wise choices in graphics, color options, and typeface are essential in this step. A good Roofing logo should not be crowded with elements-just select a few active elements for your design.

Always remember to use white space wisely! Simplicity calls for wise use of the white space. The elements in your Roofing logo design need to have enough breathing space to set it apart and speak to your target audience. Furthermore, your Roofing logo should be easy to read.

A professional Roofing logo Design Should be Unique.

Your roofing company logo should be unique enough to attract attention and memorable enough to remain in your prospect’s mind.

Think about all the extraordinary logo designs that always linger on your mind; UPS and Apple are on the top of the list. Maybe we don’t forget them because we see them often, but simply because they are unforgettable and unique. Great logo designs differentiate themselves from the competition by being authentic, memorable, and different.

Your Roofing logo design must attract a first glance that people will always remember and then express reliability and trust upon subsequent interactions. An original logo calls for unique design concepts. At Blackstorm Roofing Marketing, we have a team of talented graphic designers who can respond to your design goals, with all these factors in mind, and create a truly authentic Roofing logo!

A Powerful Roofing logo Design Must Incorporate Your Business Name

A great Roofing logo design will share your brand’s story in one image. While some roofing contractors may not be able to use the brandmark-style logo, it is not advisable for a business that is not yet a household name.

Unless your business is widely known in the neighborhood (or you have a lot of marketing dollars), your company name is a vital brand identifier. It should be incorporated in your Roofing logo design to start creating connections with your potential clients.

Though we encourage roofers to use their business name in the logo, they should not incorporate extra text that will make their logo challenging to read when rescaled.

Company addresses and taglines are not some of the crucial things that roofers must include in their logo design. There may be a time when this information is appropriate as a distinct element, but your logo design should be simple, clear, and devoid of unnecessary text.

A Good Roofing logo Design Has Appropriate Use of Color(s)

Color conveys a lot about your roofing brand. Recent studies show that colors increase brand recognition by more than 80%. Our minds are programmed to react to color. Since color can impact emotions and behavior, your selected color should be influenced by the preferences and tastes of your target market. Choosing the right color will help you to highlight your brand’s characteristics and connect with your clients.

Why Hire Blackstorm Roofing marketing for all Your Roofing logo Design Needs?

Logo design is a crucial part of launching your roofing business. There many roofing, marketing, and branding agencies out there but here are some reasons why you need to partner with us for all your logo design needs:


Blackstorm Roofing Marketing has a pool of talented graphic designers who are highly-trained and passionate about their job. They get to understand your business, analyze your competition, and the target market. They ask you questions to know your dislikes and likes. Designing a great logo is much more than making it look pretty. It takes time, extensive research, and proper use of colors, typography, and shape. Our creative designers will challenge each other until they settle for the best possible solution for your business.

Intelligent Logo Design/ Useful

Have you ever come across a logo and you think where you had seen such a logo before? That’s not good. In the modern world, the use of Photoshop has made twice harder to get a logo that differentiates you from the competition. A logo that is authentic. At Blackstorm Roofing Marketing it is our prerogative to stay abreast of the latest trends in the graphic design industry by continually researching trends, new techniques in web, and printing that can put your brand ahead of the competition.

Once you have a logo designed, roofers need to know how they can use it to improve their professional image. We will help you achieve this image by creating brand standard guidelines. Such guidelines will help to maintain a consistent brand identity when using other agencies or printers.


Ok, got a roofing logo. Now what? Our graphic designers will not only create a classic logo that positions your business ahead of the curve, but it can assist your brand consistently across various platforms that your audience will be using. This will instill a sense of reliability and confidence in your target audience.

Let us help You Design a Unique Roofing Logo for your Roofing Business Today

Creating a classic logo is something that roofing contractors should treat with much consideration. After all, it will portray the face of your business for many years to come. And it is crucial that it successfully conveys in an effective and straightforward what your roofing business is all about. A great logo design will remain in your audience’s mind after they have walked away from your website. If it attains this objective, clients are likely to come back to your business, thus enhancing the growth of your roofing company.

When it’s time to hire a logo designer, your designer must have a good grasp of your competitors, your business, and the message you want to convey to your target audience. At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, our graphic designers have many years of experience and know the importance of branding, and this makes your roofing logo stand out from other roofers online.

If you want to get a unique roofing logo for your business, quickly schedule a free strategy session with our growth experts to obtain a great logo that will differentiate your business today!

Here are some of our roofing logo designs:

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We work with roofers all over the country to uncover their problems, analyzing their competition, also developing a dominating growth strategy; we could easily charge $1,000.

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