Marketing Plumbing

8 Important Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

Increase your clients base, and maximize profits in your plumbing company with digital marketing KPIs

Do you have an idea of what makes your plumbing company’s marketing or advertising campaigns a success? Clues why is your business not generating enough leads? Why is a plumbing company doing so well?

KPI gif

Well, suppose you are not closely monitoring your plumbing marketing efforts online. In that case, you will never understand what is working or not, and that’s where digital marketing Key Performance Indicators come in. Using KPI, you can measure and track metrics that matter most to your plumbing business growth.

Before internet marketing was introduced, a plumber would only establish how a specific campaign was fairing based on office visits and the number of new clients acquired. However, such results rarely displayed an accurate calculation. But with the right plumbing marketing KPIs, you can know your weak areas and conduct the much-need tweaks in your strategies for maximum results.

That said, here are a few things to understand before selecting and monitoring your digital marketing for plumbers’ KPI.

What Are Plumber KPIs?

Portrait of plumber

A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable attribute showcasing how ineffectively or effectively your plumbing company reaches its desired goals. Plumbing marketing KPIs are quantifiable measures or metrics employed to assess the performance of your company’s marketing objectives. These metrics can be traced to different aspects of your plumbing business, ranging from employees and leads generated to sales.

Internet marketing KPIs go hand in hand with your company’s online marketing strategies regardless of sales growth, brand awareness, SEO strategy, and lead generation. Examples of such metrics include details on conversion rate, engagement rate, sales revenue, page conversion, marketing qualified leads, and SERP. Any measurable figure in your plumber marketing plan that can be acted upon constitutes a KPI.

KPI comes from Google Analytics, lead conversion tool, Google Ads, Google Analytics, or even from your plumbing sales representatives.

Why Track Your Plumbing Marketing’s KPIs? 5 Reasons

When properly used, plumbing marketing KPI tracking can be an incredible tool for growing your company. Some of the key advantages of measuring metrics and acting on data include but are not restricted to:

1. Monitor Your Plumbing Company’s Health

A plumber checking water management system.

Only a few KPIs are required to measure the health of your company. Plumbers who monitor metrics in categories such as employees, customers, processes, and revenue find it very easy to remain on track while keeping their income high.

2. Measure Processes

A plumber in the kitchen installs a new water tap.

KPIs are typically applied to show if your company is attaining its strategic goals set by the top management. Numerous KPIs are utilized to measure processes, such as productivity indicators, profitability indicators, and quality indicators amongst others.

3. Client Metrics

A man looking on a client metrics for his company.

Besides employees and processes, client metrics are also of utmost importance. They can help your company know the number of customers, the revenue generated, and even the cost of acquiring those clients.

 4. Operational Metrics

Plumber fixing problem with faucet in the kitchen.

Operations metrics are a good way to help your operations department enhance its day-to-day operations. You can use such metrics to make sure staffing, finances, and marketing are on the right track.

5. Measure Progress Over Time

measuring your business progress

 A good strategy for measuring your business progress is to set targets at the beginning of the year, such as revenue, gross margin, number of locations, and even number of employees. Then, you can use weekly, quarterly and monthly reports to remain on track with the KPIs and progress towards set goals at the start of the year.

In a plumbing marketing campaign, tracking your KPIs is the only way to understand what is working or not. For instance, if you make good money from a specific marketing campaign, but you cannot show what generated that revenue or profit, then you will never know what you need to improve and where you need to invest more. Your site traffic, for example, could be the one driving all your qualified leads and your marketing crew or department is busy investing a lot of dollars on unnecessary channels.

Top 10 Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

1. Cost Per Lead (CPL)

CCPL formula

CPL is a plumbing KPI used in lead generation to know how much each lead costs your company. In simple terms, it shows you the cost of bringing in a lead from your advertising or marketing campaigns. Leads help you understand which contact or user is a potential client. It is normally the initial step into knowing how your internet marketing is performing beyond simple reach from metrics like unique visitors to your plumbing website.

Cost per lead helps you understand where your brand awareness efforts in marketing are most crucial. They tell you whether your campaigns are generating desired results at an affordable cost or not. They assist you to understand the amount of money you need to get a particular set of leads for your plumbing company. Because leads are the starting point of your sales processes, improving and benchmarking your cost per lead is an important metric for your plumbing marketing efforts or campaigns.

2. Conversion Rate (CR)

Conversion Rate gif

In plumbing marketing, a conversion happens when a prospect or client completes a particular activity, such as booking a job or subscribing to your newsletter. It can also be any action that helps meet your plumbing company’s objectives. On the other hand, conversion rate measures how regularly a client completes a particular set goal,

Conversion rate is a crucial metric that shows you if your marketing campaigns are on track. They tell you how effective your strategies are in terms of attaining a set goal. A higher conversion rate implies more likelihood of prospects or clients converting after coming across your piece of content. This also means low costs in terms of acquiring customers, which saves you money in the long run.

Consequently, the more conversions, the better your plumbing gets in Google rankings. Thus, if you want to skyrocket your bottom line, make minor but worthy tweaks to your plumbing website. Use Google Optimize together with Google Analytics to test various elements of your website to increase your revenue without necessarily increasing your ad spend.

3. Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI gif

ROI denotes the amount of profit your plumbing company will earn from the money spent on a particular activity or investment like a marketing campaign. As an online marketing metric, ROI helps you know whether your company is profitable or not. It shows the expenditures as well as activities connected with them that are creating revenue and those that are not.

So, it is an important tool for planning your marketing or advertising budgets. While it is not possible to capture the total money spent on marketing activity, say a Google Ad campaign, it is crucial to make sure that your ROI is comparable to other internet marketing activities.

4. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate from website traffic

Simply put, bounce rate refers to the number of clients or prospects who visit your plumbing website and leave right away without completing any meaningful action. If your site has a high bounce rate, this is a good indication that there are flaws in your online marketing strategies, and some of them could be irrelevant traffic sources, weak landing pages, or poor targeting, amongst others.

A prospect visiting and clicking off your website also implies they didn’t find what they were searching for and the only way to make sure that they spend time on it is by auditing your content and identifying what they are looking for. This way, you will craft relevant content that will attract them.

5. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)


CPA revolves around revenue after a lead becomes a paying client. It gives you a rough idea of how much you will spend to get a client to open his or her wallet. CPA is a deal for paid search marketing campaigns like Pay-Per-Click campaigns.

5. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR image

CTR is another internet marketing metric that quantifies the number of clicks on a specific content over the number of impressions it achieves. It is the percentage of prospects that click on a campaign after coming across it.

CTR is the simple form of engagement rate because the only engagement counted is the one that matters the most and clicks on a link. This metric shows whether your site content is interesting to grab people’s attention and lead them to click on the link and be redirected to the plumbing website.

In Google ads, CTR boosts your quality score each time a user clicks on an ad, and when this occurs, your ads are ranked on top of SERPs, which has other advantages, such as increased traffic and more conversions.

6. Lifetime Value

A higher customer lifetime value indicates that your plumbing business is doing well and often signals a profit.

Customer lifetime value refers to a KPI used to measure the amount of revenue you can expect from a specific client for the entire period of doing business with your company.

A higher customer lifetime value indicates that your plumbing business is doing well and often signals a profit. It helps you understand how valuable different customers are and thus allocate more resources to them.

 7. Business Growth

business growth metric

Another important KPI for plumbers is the business growth metric. This can be calculated in numerous ways, but estimating your annual gross profit margins is the most effective is the most effective. This is where you bring things like cost of operation like salaries, and cost of equipment into the equation. To find your gross profit margin, calculate your total sales revenue and subtract your total cost of operation, divide the figure you obtain with sales revenue again.

8. Customer Satisfaction

Woman thanking plumber

Lastly, client satisfaction. Do you know that it is much cheaper to keep an existing customer than to try to get a new one? This is why customer satisfaction is an important KPI for plumbers; since client satisfaction leads to retention.

You can assess your customer satisfaction levels by developing a questionnaire form and asking clients to fill it out. Keeping your eye on online reviews is also crucial. You can improve customer satisfaction by responding to all reviews (whether negative or positive) promptly and professionally.

Top Channels for Local Plumbing Contractors to Generate Qualified Leads

By analyzing your overall plumbing marketing strategy and how every lead source generates qualified sales for your company.

Then you can begin to work on the different marketing efforts with every channel to obtain more qualified leads, increase sales growth and reduce client acquisition costs.

While monitoring plumbing marketing KPIs your sales crew should come in to see how your collective advertising or marketing efforts generate results across the following channels.

Organic Search

Organic Search gif

Homeowners and property managers use search engines such as Google or Bing to find information about a local service business and click on the organic results shown to them. No advertisements. Organic site traffic will be one of the cheapest in terms of acquiring leads but will take the longest time to develop and achieve realistic results.

Paid Advertising

Google Local Service Ads

There are multiple ways paid advertising is showcased to your potential clients to boost website traffic, and here are some examples. But, if you want to increase your chances of increasing traffic to lead ratio, landing pages are a perfect way to achieve this.

  • Google Local Service Ads
  • Text ads from Google Ads
  • Display advertising on other sites
  • Paid ads on social media websites
  • Click to call ads from Google

Social Media Marketing

Go viral

Social media is one of those platforms that can help you in various ways. Not all resulting to direct sales, but offering you an opportunity to build and get:

  • Brand awareness
  • Potential client referrals
  • Client support channel

As you can see, a lot goes into each plumbing marketing KPI, and together they show a clear picture of how your company is performing online. Every monthly report combines it all and makes sure we continually drive revenue in the best ways possible. At Blackstorm Design +Marketing, we are in the business to create lifelong partnerships, and such plumbing business marketing KPIs hold our team accountable.

Let’s work together to create a strong online presence for your plumbing company so you can book more jobs on the web.

Schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how we can help your plumbing business grow today.

Plumbing SEO

10 Unbeatable Plumbing Local SEO Benefits Your Business Needs to Leverage Now

Watch Your Company Soar to Greater Heights with These Plumbing Local SEO Advantages

When people are in doubt about something, they turn to the internet. As much as we don’t want to admit it, we rely so much on the internet to look for almost everything online. When trying to discover a new plumber or find a nearby gas station, people search engines such as Google or Bing to show them what local places are near them.

Plumber inside the house of the client

Those initial results that appear on those “near me” searches are largely coveted by local plumbing companies since they are prime estate for advertising. When you optimize your plumbing website for local SEO, you can watch your company in one of those coveted spots.

Read on to understand what local SEO advantages await your company when you optimize your plumbing local SEO.

What Is Plumbing Local SEO?

Local SEO

We have discussed extensively the importance of SEO for plumbers, but now it’s time to shift focus a bit and discuss the essence of a specific facet of SEO: plumbing Local SEO.

Local SEO focuses on optimizing your plumbing website to reach searchers in your service area. For example, if a homeowner in Murfreesboro, TN is searching for a plumbing contractor, they would type in something like this on Google “best plumber Murfreesboro, TN” or “plumber near me.”

Those keywords (“near me” and “in [city] tell the search engine to show results for local plumbing businesses in that specified area. Local plumbers who optimize their website for local SEO will appear in search results as what is known as a local 3-pack, which you can see below:

Plumbing local SEO 3-packs offer good coverage of your company to the local users.

Why Do You Need Plumbing Local SEO?

Plumber screwing nut of pipe in the heating system in the boiler room

We have discussed the importance of plumbing SEO in our previous post so much that you might be thinking something like, “well, why do I require two kinds of plumbing SEO now? Isn’t one sufficient?

To respond to your question, yes, plumbing SEO is sufficient to get your plumbing brand out there. But if you have a physical office that you are trying to attract prospects to, you require more conventional SEO.

Plumbing SEO generally helps to increase your website’s presence/visibility on a global scale, but that’s just generating traffic to your website. This is awesome, don’t get us wrong, but to drive massive traffic to your business’s physical office, you require local SEO to assist you to connect with searches in your area.

Unbeatable Local SEO Benefits for Plumbers

Local SEO Benefits

There are numerous benefits to having a well-implemented plumbing local SEO strategy. Keep on reading our post below to get a complete overview or idea.

Increased Foot Traffic

Massive foot traffic

How many times have you looked for a local plumbing business online and thought, “huh, am surprised to know that this place existed?”. That’s the beauty of local SEO for plumbers. If your plumbing company office goes unnoticed by local prospects, local plumbing SEO can help improve your online visibility and generate more awareness of your brand.

One of the main benefits, why local plumbing SEO is crucial for small businesses, is the massive foot traffic it can drive for your office. Every month, approximately 1.5 billion business locations are visited by prospects on Google.

With local SEO for plumbers, you can drive that foot traffic from clients you know are seeking your plumbing services or products.

Get Relevant Organic Traffic

Organic Traffic

You are not just improving your foot traffic with local SEO – you are driving relevant traffic to your plumbing website as well. Targeting local clients helps to encourage visits from browsers actively looking for your plumbing services or products.

The relevant traffic you get from local SEO is comprised of prospects actively searching for your plumbing services and ready to book a job with your company.

With this in mind, you can adjust your marketing budget so that you will be converting bottom and middle-of-the-funnel clients who are nearer to booking a job than those who are on the top of your sales funnel.

Higher Conversion Rates

Conversion Rates

Plumbing local SEO advantages like more relevant web traffic and foot traffic can improve your overall rates of conversion. In fact, more than 80% of local plumbing searches lead to conversions. Add that to the initial conversions you made with slick marketing you did toward your new, relevant prospects and you are good to go!

The new traffic you generate from your site through local SEO can assist you to boost things such as emails, phone calls, subscriptions, email newsletters, and plumbing sales.

Increased Online Visibility

Local SEO improves your visibility online in different ways.

We can exhaust the benefits of plumbing local SEO without stating website visibility.

Local SEO improves your visibility online in different ways. As we stated earlier, you are obtaining more foot traffic to your business; enhancing the visibility of your business’s physical location.

In the modern digital world, you are greatly enhancing your site’s visibility and business since your SEO campaign efforts make it prominently visible to local and national users.

Establish Trust Within Your Community

Female meeting with customers and shaking hands

Figure out about your current community. If you are searching for a place to eat your dinner, you are going to trust what the locals have to say about restaurants, rights/other people’s feelings; home service businesses will ultimately impact your own options in some way.

When you get stellar reviews from locals, your online credibility increases, and that can attract more qualified leads. Your local online presence can assist you to attract new clients, and when you are offering quality plumbing services, those customers will leave glowing, honest reviews.

Such reviews can turn into a major deciding factor for browsers trying to choose between your business and those two other plumbers who appeared in a local SEO 3-pack.

Since more than 90% of users trust plumbing businesses with numerous positive reviews. With your plumbing local SEO strategy, you can manage your online reviews and utilize them to generate more leads for your plumbing business.

Reduced Plumbing Advertising Spend

Reduce your advertising spend

Local plumbing businesses require their local market to succeed, which explains why a huge chunk of the budget goes to plumber advertising through pamphlets, billboards, banners, and local ads. While these are true and tried strategies of local plumbing advertising, local plumbing SEO can help you to avoid wasting your advertising dollars.

Link-Building Opportunities


With plumbing local SEO, you will craft more content for your plumbing website that will assist you to rank higher on Google or Bing search results. This implies higher online visibility on SERPs, not just from clients but from other service businesses too.

When you publish informative content, offer insight on a plumbing industry topic or resolve a problem, you get backlinks from other businesses.

Backlinks are links from another site to your own. When you create masterpiece content that is helpful to others, you rank higher on SERPS, exposing your plumbing website to other businesses, industry professionals, and bloggers who could use you as a resource.

Getting a quality backlink is a testament to your plumbing website’s credibility. When prospects browse other sites and notice that your site is referenced, they see one business trusting another. That’s a huge plus for you!

Offers a Long Term Plumbing Marketing Strategy

Plumber clearing blockage in drain

Local SEO for plumbers builds over time leading to improved outcomes for many years. The minimum duration is typically six months for a plumbing website to maintain its optimal ranking. It might appear like a century especially if you are in a hurry to see overnight results, but also know that it takes time to remove you from the top-rank list once you are there.

Track your rankings regularly to monitor your performance as Google Algorithm keeps on changing from time to time. Monitoring will assist you to make tweaks when your performance fluctuates. It is an effective way to ensure the long-term marketing strategy for your plumbing company.

Keeps You Ahead of the Competition

Utilizing plumbing local SEO services can help you get more clients.

Utilizing plumbing local SEO services can help you get more clients. When you are in business, you may come across a similar company to yours that is providing the same services as you do.

To ensure that you outrank them, you need to show up on the first page of the search engine results page. Perform keyword research to offer the clients with exact thing they are searching for online. Besides, understand your competitor’s keywords to make sure that you offer a better one for your plumbing business.

Enables Measuring Plumbing SEO Results

You can use Google Analytics to know exactly your position in the local market.

A major benefit of plumbing local SEO is to help you easily monitor the metrics and know how successful your SEO efforts are. You will be able to know the actual amount of assistance it has offered to grow your plumbing businesses online.

You can later analyze and enhance each aspect of your plumbing SEO efforts. You can use Google Analytics to know exactly your position in the local market. It will also assist you to know how many people visit your plumbing website and how long they dwell there. Best of all, knowing the plumbing keywords that made them land on your website.

Enhances Brand Awareness

Plumbing service logo

Using local SEO can help to promote some degree of your plumbing brand recognition among prospects. They may have a variety of enquires in the progression of the buying process.

Clients tend to research each factor as it has become easier to obtain the required information at their fingertips. Local SEO helps your plumbing website to rank higher as well as get promoted for searches that are connected to your plumbing services if you understand how to utilize it appropriately. So, your plumbing brand will become more recognized once your business continues offering top-notch content.

Should I Be Using Plumbing Local SEO?

water flowing

The answer is yes! Plumbing SEO is data-driven and intentional to enhance the quality of your company’s internet marketing and the visibility your business gets. The advantages of local SEO for plumbers can only assist your business to grow, making it worth your money and time. But SEO is an ever-changing, complex practice.

As new digital technology evolves and emerges, so too does SEO. Plumbing local SEO promotes your brand, drives traffic, engage with clients, and directly impacts your user experience. SEO is an integral element of your company’s successful online marketing.

Contact Blackstorm Design + Marketing for All Your Plumbing Local SEO Needs

Local SEO for plumbers

Local SEO for plumbers involves a lot of strategies to implement for it to become successful.

However, plumbers need to pay special consideration for their unique company model. Some forms of plumbing marketing, like email marketing and social media marketing, may not be as effective as reputation management or advertising.

That said, having a strong plumber SEO team or agency is crucial to the success of your internet marketing.

If you still have questions about plumbing local SEO is essential for your business, schedule a free profit session with any of our growth strategists to learn how our plumber SEO services can help your business grow.

Plumbing Social Media Advertising

Plumbing Facebook Ads to Get Ahead of the Competition

Plumbing Facebook ads is an extremely powerful tool to promote your services or business online.

The plumbing industry has experienced unprecedented demand in recent years. In turn, this has caused the industry to experience a surge in growth for plumbers.

This high demand, coupled with the changes in weather patterns, only increases the urge for reliable plumbing companies.

Plumbing Facebook ads

While it may seem like this is an ordinary scenario for plumbing contractors, there is cutthroat competition for this kind of business. This is where plumbing Facebook ads come in.

When the housing market hits up, or a storm hits, a plumbing company requires to differentiate itself from its rivals. But what do Facebook ads for plumbers look like? Is it possible such ads can assist you in differentiating yourself in the crowded market?

Why Do Facebook Ads for Plumbers Work?

Facebook Ads

Facebook is now one of the most famous plumbing marketing platforms under the sun. With more than 2 Billion active monthly users, Facebook has become a critical tool to advertise plumbing businesses across the globe. Plumbers see it as a basic social media platform to interact with their clients and market their services to a vast marketplace. If you normally use Facebook to complain about politics and share memorable family photos and random thoughts, then your plumbing business may be missing out.

First, let’s discuss why plumbing Facebook ads are an effective marketing strategy for anyone who markets or owns a plumbing company. Facebook ads have several benefits, and these features make them a good choice for the plumbing industry. Of course, there is the undeniable power of Facebook.

So, it still pays off to advertise your plumbing services on Facebook, but let us discuss what precisely makes it a great platform to market your company. Here are reasons why you should invest in Facebook ads for plumbers:

  • Plumbing Facebook ads provide robust analytics: Facebook has no limits when offering you analytics and reports about your ads performance. You are given metrics about your post engagement, weekly reach, page likes, and which posts have the best performance. Best of all, you also gain insights on things such as conversions, sales, and even clicks. By seeing such information, you can tweak your ads based on what is required.
  • Ability to Micro-target your exact target audience: Facebook’s targeting abilities are super amazing. This means you can target based on behaviors, age ranges, languages, location, and demographics. This is what sets Facebook apart from other advertising platforms.
  • Facebook ads for plumbers are easy to set up and generate fast results.

Types of Plumbing Facebook Ads

Plumbers have tons of campaigns and targeting options to select from.

Plumbers have tons of campaigns and targeting options to select from. It is no wonder plumbers of all sizes, use Facebook ads.

While having access to numerous advertising options is a plumber’s dream come true, it is also makes getting started a daunting task. If you are feeling overwhelmed, look at the following types of plumbing Facebook ads to see how you can use them in your Facebook ad strategies.

Image Ads

Image ads also known as photo ads feature a still image and an accompanying text and a compelling call to action. You can utilize boosted posts or create new ads for your plumbing company. Plumbers can use image ads in their newsfeed section to showcase their services online. Branded images showcasing your staff and team create the most clicks and engagements.

Video Ads

Plumbing Facebook ads are much similar to image ads, the difference being the content format. They feature motion or video graphics, while image ads are graphics or still photos. You can create video ads on Facebook or boost organic posts that incorporate video. Plumbers can use video ads in their newsfeeds to showcase their services online. The most encouraging videos include your staff at work accompanied by subtitles and audio.

Instant Experience

Instant experience ads, formerly known as canvas ads offer mobile ads that can grab the attention of your target audience. They are multimedia, full-screen ad types that deliver quality content to your target audience. Prospects or clients can engage with photos, videos, or carousel in one ad.

Carousel Ads

Plumbers can go with carousel ads for several images in the News Feed. You can include up to 1o videos or photos for your ad, and each possesses a separate link. They are ideal for promoting several plumbing service types in one ad.

Collection Ads

Plumbers may not require collection ads because they mainly focus on product-based sales, which most plumbing contractors avoid.

How to Get Started with Plumbing Facebook Ads in 8 Steps

Before we jump in, it is crucial for plumbers to think about why you are advertising and the goals they want to achieve. By understanding your measurement of success ahead of going live with plumbing ads, you will be able to know which ad objective is suitable for your requirements.

1. Set a Clearly-Defined Goal

A plumbing contractor must set a goal.

Before creating a Facebook ad, a plumbing contractor must set a goal. Your goal should reflect how you want prospects or clients to do after seeing your promotion. For example, if your objective is to showcase your new plumbing website, you can launch and that generates traffic to your URL. Read on to understand the list of goals below:

a. Awareness

Awareness goals help to create an interest in your plumbing services among prospects. Creating more awareness showcases your plumbing brand and the value it offers. One instance is a plumbing contractor looking to expand its service area to a nearby neighborhood. By utilizing the brand awareness objective, you can launch a Facebook ad campaign that inspires local homeowners to select your plumbing business.

b. Consideration

Consideration goals get prospects or clients about your overall plumbing brand. One example might be a local plumbing contractor with a new site who utilizes a traffic goal to streamline new browsers to the site and help you with on-site conversion optimization to achieve the rest.

c. Conversions

Conversion goals are more aligned with a storefront business. A conversion goal generally generates store traffic, but plumbing contractors can still use them to obtain more online sign-ups and other amazing engagements.

When it comes to plumbing ads, there are numerous ads you could be working on, so you need to scale down to one per campaign.

Examples of plumbing Facebook ads may be:

  • Introduce your company to new homeowners in the neighborhood
  • Educate property owners on the dangers of an aging plumbing system
  • Show photos of hail damage after a major storm has hit the area

The objective becomes especially crucial when you begin to select your campaign awareness goal as you set up your plumbing Facebook ads. If you understand your goal beforehand, it assists guide you as you make decisions regarding targeting and awareness.

2. Choose Your Target Market or Audience

Target audience

Finding the right target audience is the most important part of creating quality Facebook ads for plumbers. To research your target audience, there are crucial questions to remember before knowing who your target audience is for your plumbing Facebook advertising strategy. The responses to these questions are not necessarily complex, but it takes time to collect and verify the responses. Remember, the right target audience plays a vital role in determining the success of your plumbing Facebook ads.

Since it determines who Facebook will show your plumbing ad to, a strategically defined target audience is important for the success of advertising campaigns. As stated earlier, the target audience for your ad can be customized based on all the following demographics:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Behaviors
  • Interests

3. Address Your Prospect’s or Client’s Pain Points

To effectively target your client’s problem, research your target audience.

Most of your potential clients don’t care about the materials you use or the process. They care more about the benefits of your plumbing services and they want to know how your company will add value to their lives.

You might think that clients can deduce the advantages of selecting your company just by hearing about your plumbing services, but most of your potential clients aren’t plumbers. As a plumbing company owner, your role is to help homeowners understand the benefits of your services.

So, how do you show the benefits of your plumbing services? Begin by assisting homeowners to understand the “pain” of ignoring their current problem. As a plumber, you want to leverage the emotional part of their pain points. This way, you are creating an urgent need that your plumbing services will solve all while encouraging leads to invest in their home.

To effectively target your client’s problem, research your target audience. Remember that problems will vary depending on your target market and not all plumbers will target the same pain points.

Related: Top 6 Social Media Marketing Strategies For Plumbers

Once you have identified some common plumbing problems, create a unique Facebook ad copy around them. Using your ads to address your prospects’ pain points is an effective way to showcase the value of your plumbing services and distinguish yourself apart from the competition. Best of all, you highlight the value of your services, the actual expense becomes less of a concern for homeowners when booking a job. Ultimately, you are showing homeowners that investment is crucial to resolve their problems.

4. Create a Quality Plumbing Ad on Facebook

Design your Facebook ad.

This is where plumbing Facebook ads get really fun! Now it is time to design your Facebook ad. There are two ways to design your ad: by using an existing post that will be published on your page or from scratch.

Utilizing an existing post

For specific kinds of ads, like boosted posts you can design your ad using a post that had already been published on your Facebook page.

To do this, choose the “use existing post” option. From here, you can select your page from your linked accounts and choose the post you want to use as your ad.

Creating a new ad

If you want to create a new ad from a blank canvas, the initial task is to choose a format. You have probably come across numerous Facebook ad formats on your news feed, but your options vary depending on the goal you set for your ad during the third step. Facebook has about eight ad formats and it will recommend one or more to you based on your plumbing marketing goal.

5. Consider Your Facebook Ad Placement

You cannot get into the specifics about where your Facebook ads will be displayed. For example, you will not be able to request them only to appear on your Facebook groups. But, that doesn’t imply you have no control whatsoever. There are numerous options for plumbing Facebook ad placements.


Facebook stories

Because Facebook has recently acquired Instagram, users can now show temporary pictures in their “stories” section. Story plumbing ads occupy the whole screen and appear momentarily between images.


Facebook feed

Whenever you scroll through your Facebook feed and realize a sponsored post you are viewing a plumbing feed ad. These ads can be effective when they are focused on the right audience. These Facebook ads will appear on both desktop computers and mobile apps.


One of the numerous options for plumbing Facebook ad placements.

If you have ever connected with a prospect or client on messenger, then you can send them a sponsored message on Facebook. Perhaps a prospect reached out to your business requesting your available services and you want to follow up a month afterward with an offer.

Right Column

You can also publish ads on the right-hand column of your Facebook page.

You can also publish ads on the right-hand column of your Facebook page. Such ads will not interfere with your user’s news feed so they will be less irritating. They are restricted to desktop computer users, so you will not be able to reach prospects who are on mobile devices.

6. Create the Right Offer

Give people a good reason to pay attention to your ad.

When Facebook users are viewing their posts and news feed, you have to do everything possible to grab their attention.

This doesn’t imply adding some random picture or video for shock value. It does imply offering prospects a reason to stop and look at your plumbing Facebook ad.

One way to achieve this is via an offer. Give people a good reason to pay attention to your ad. Make a unique value proposition that outranks the competition, whether it is an offer for more details, financing or perhaps obtaining a free quote.

Make your target audience understand right away what your plumbing company is providing and what they require to do in the next steps.

7. Set Your Facebook Ad Campaign Budget

Now it is time to decide how much you want to spend on your Facebook ad.

Now it is time to decide how much you want to spend on your Facebook ad. When you allocate a budget, it is crucial to remember that this cost represents the amount of money you want to spend on your ad. You can allocate your budget daily or as a total amount for the whole campaign.

Daily: A daily budget gives you a limit on what you spend daily on your ads. Facebook will utilize the criteria you set to identify the right time and place to show your ad to your target market. Once your set budget has been depleted, the ads will stop running for the day. The cycle will repeat the next day.

Lifetime: A lifetime ad budget is the maximum amount of money you want to spend during the whole period of your whole ad campaign. You give Facebook a specific number and the date you want to end the campaign, and it will utilize the money based on your ad performance. Once your budget is depleted, the ad campaign ends.

8. Track Your Facebook Ads Performance Metrics

Facebook Ads Performance Metrics

Once your plumbing Facebook Ads are running, you will want to keep a keen eye on how they are performing. To see these results, you will want to monitor their performance in two major places: your plumbing marketing software and the Facebook Ad Manager.

Some of the primary metrics to look for include the level of engagement, videos, and performance. Clicks, settings, and events.

No matter the kind of metrics you use to assess the success of your plumbing advertising efforts, you can get all that data in the Facebook Ads Manager.

Need Help with Plumbing Facebook Ads Management?

Schedule a free profit session with one of our Facebook Ads experts to get started today.

If you are like most plumbing contractors, you probably don’t have the resources to hire an expert full-time and time to mess around with Facebook ads. Do your bottom line, your family, and yourself a favor and get a free social media analysis from Blackstorm Design + Marketing.

Schedule a free profit session with one of our Facebook Ads experts to get started today.

Plumbing SEO

What You Should Know About Plumbing Pay Per Lead Generation Sites

For many plumbing contractors, having a good system to get qualified plumbing leads is crucial to ensuring a consistent stream of customers and a steady revenue flow.

As more property owners are looking online for plumbers, you must be where your potential clients are to obtain more plumbing leads.

There are many plumbing pay lead service providers that help plumbers get leads using internet marketing strategies. Just like not all plumbers are created equal, not all plumbing pay-per-lead generation services companies are the same.

All sales start with generating leads, and plumbing contractors are always searching for strategies that will convert plumbing leads into sales. One of the effective ways can be via pay-per-lead services for plumbers such as Porch, Thumbtack, and Angie’s List.

While these providers offer short-term assistance, they are ultimately not a crucial part of lead generation for your plumbing company. This post will explore everything about pay-per-lead services and the cons and pros of each.

Why Do Plumbers Require Effective Lead Generation Strategies?

Plumbing lead generation is crucial.

In some industries, such as retail, transactions are simple and quick and don’t need a lot of lead nurturing. That’s not the case for skilled trades, like plumbing and roofing. Homeowners require to understand that plumbers can get your job done right and reliably and won’t surpass their budget. And with so many plumbers competing for the attention of the same prospects or leads, local homeowners require to research the available options before selecting a plumbing company.

To be considered, you will need to get found by those prospects and prove to them you are worth hiring. That implies you must strike a good balance between personalized marketing messages and sales pitches.

Here is where plumbing lead generation is crucial. Lead generation for plumbers can help you focus on qualified leads so that you are not wasting energy, time, or advertising dollars who will not hire your company.

While countless plumbers rely on plumbing pay lead generation service providers to find new customers, a great lead generation plan requires more ingredients. You need to optimize your plumbing website, develop social media pages, and begin implementing SEO so clients can find your business when they require it online. When combined with a great lead generation strategy, pay-per-lead generation websites can take your plumbing business to new heights, but only if you use them properly.

What are Plumbing Pay Per Lead Services?

Plumbing Pay Per Lead Services

A pay-per-lead service for plumbers is close to what it sounds like. There are tons of sites and directories online that target specific plumbing industries or geographic areas. These directories are not there just to offer a public service, there are numerous ways of gathering data that can be sold to a target audience. If you want to access these target audiences, you will be required to pay to be listed in those directories, which can be one way to generate plumbing leads.

There are also companies that specialize in plumbing pay lead services. Instead of you paying them for a listing, as some of those directories do, they will offer you a free listing with a tracked web form and phone number to know how many leads they send your way. You are then charged per plumbing lead.

Benefits of Plumbing Pay Per Lead Services

Pay-per-lead websites for plumbers can help you get started with a lead generation strategy.

Plumbing lead generation can be expensive and time-consuming, and most plumbers don’t have the time to sacrifice getting new leads.

If your company required new plumbing leads yesterday, you need a lead generation strategy that makes the most of your ROI, stretches your advertising budget, and saves the frustration and time of getting new clients. Pay-per-lead websites for plumbers can help you get started with a lead generation strategy, sell your plumbing services and boost your online presence.

If you are still on the fence about using a lead generation website to connect with local homeowners, here are some key advantages to consider:

Improve Brand Awareness

Signing up for pay-per-call plumbing leads.

Building brand awareness and increasing your visibility online are vital ingredients for your success. You can achieve this by signing up for pay-per-call plumbing leads and creating compelling, strong profiles that put your plumbing business in front of wallet-out leads. This way, more homeowners will learn about your plumbing business and the services you provide. Then, when they are ready to make a hiring decision, you will be there when they require you.

If you don’t have the budget to hire a professional website designer or a reputable plumbing SEO agency, plumbing pay-per-lead generation websites can assist you to hit the ground running with a short-term project.

Get More Client Reviews

Customer reviews

When it comes to converting plumbing leads into appointments, social proof is all you need. Online reviews show potential clients why your plumbing service company is better than your competitors. Reviews show clients exactly what they can expect from hiring your plumbing company, from the materials used to the quality of your plumbing services.

Of course, you won’t obtain online reviews automatically, even when your plumbing services surpass expectations. Especially for new plumbing businesses, lead generation websites for plumbers provide quick access to short-term projects, which makes it super easy to get client reviews.

After completing a job and asking for a review, you can utilize these reviews to fuel your internet marketing strategy. You may post them on your plumbing website, create infographics or social media pages.

Expand Your Market

Lead generation websites can help you know about your clients.

If you require plumbing leads instantly, listing your company with an established, large traffic base is one of your top options. When you begin creating your plumbing lead generation plan, you need to focus on a specific group of people. Lead generation websites can help you know about your clients, show you who is interested in your plumbing services, and connect with a large demographic.

Maybe you are obtaining engagement from first-time homeowners and other demographics that you have not incorporated in your plumbing marketing campaigns. With plumbing lead generation websites, you will be able to understand the trends and tweak your plumber marketing campaigns properly.

Plumbing Pay Per Lead Generation Websites – How do they work?

Lead Generation gif

A lot of lead generation sites have a plumbing pay-per-call strategy, implying you will be required to pay for every call made by a potential client for your services. The awesome thing about this is it does not involve any shared plumbing leads, which normally end up in bidding pricing and wars much lower than they are worth. With a plumbing pay-per-call plan, all you will be required is only to pick up your call.

If you pick plumbing pay-per-call as your marketing strategy, there will be a campaign built with your special tracking number. Based on your plumbing lead generation partner, you could end up paying for anything from resold to spam leads from the previous months. So, asking about the money you will be charged per lead is a crucial question for any lead-generating sites you are searching into. With Blackstorm Design + Marketing, our services revolve around only paying for qualified plumbing leads so you will never have to pay again for an irrelevant plumber lead.

Crucial Factors to Consider When Hiring Plumbing pay per lead generation service providers

When looking for a plumbing lead generation provider, there are tons of factors to evaluate and consider. But what qualities should you look for when a pay-per-lead service provider to partner with? Here are some factors that can make a difference between a complete disaster vs. successful partnership.


Business transparency

If the lead generation service providers you opt to work with is going to be great partner, they will be adequately honest and open with you, whether the news they bear is ugly, bad, or good. There should be no surprises, and you should understand their plans, how they expect to attain your business goals, and how to measure the failure or success of their work.

Professionalism, Integrity, and Respect

The way a plumbing pay-per-call service goes about its daily business is also very crucial.

The way a plumbing pay-per-call service goes about its daily business is also very crucial. If your account manager told you your Twitter followers had increased by 325%, would you be thrilled and ecstatic with your choice of lead generation for plumbers providers? The lead generation service you work with will be acting on your behalf, so it is important that they do so with class.


The plumbing pay-per-lead service provider you will partner with should be enthusiastic.

The plumbing pay-per-lead service provider you will partner with should be enthusiastic about your success and partnership. If you shoot your account manager an email, you don’t want to wait for days before it is finally answered.

Signing up with a plumbing lead generation service company is not a decision that you should take lightly. Ideally, this will be the starting point of a reliable and positive partnership that leads to growing your plumbing company.

If a marketing agency wants to charge you by the states and lead that you are required to sign a long-term contract before moving forward. This helps the plumbing business to take your money before they have offered any leads for your company, and whether or not the leads turn out bad or good, you have locked in.

Another thing to watch out for is plumbing pay-per-lead service providers that have a low cost per lead. If the deal sounds too good to be true, particularly with brand new sites that are just attempting to get their foot in the door, whether it is a good fit or not.

How Much Do Plumbing Leads Cost?

Plumbing Leads Cost

The costs of leads vary based on the type of plumbing work requested and the market. Although qualified plumbing leads may be more expensive, they will prove valuable in the long run. Paying for thousands of leads with little or no potential of converting into real clients is a waste of money and time. Paying for one plumbing lead that converts into a real client is much more crucial than paying for 10 cheap leads that don’t result in a paying client. Plumbing leads can range anywhere between $25 to $125 per call, while the average ticket price reported by our clients is $600.

Another reason why qualified plumbing leads are more expensive is since the higher cost per lead allows your marketing agency to spend more to keep your results at the top of Google search results.

Most Common Pay Per Lead Services for Plumbers

Plumbing is a competitive industry, so that is why we decided to focus on the four major plumbing pay-per-lead service providers:

HomeAdvisorHomeAdvisor website

HomeAdvisor is a major directory in the home improvement space. The service is absolutely free for property owners, but plumbing contractors who want to be listed here have to pay a yearly fee to advertise and pay for each lead generated by HomeAdvisor.

The only downside is that plumbing contractors are charged for each lead they talk to, regardless of whether it turns out to be a qualified client.

Angie’s List

Angie’s List website

Angie’s List was bought by its main competitor, HomeAdvisor in May 2017. If you can’t beat them, join them. Angie’s List can be described as a plumbing pay lead service that is free to register, but you have to pay to play. If you opt to use the paid version of the platform, you will be required to pay a consistent amount every month, whether you get 200 or zero leads.


Porch website

Just like Thumbtack, Porch places the power of contacting in the hands of plumbing contractors. Plumbing contractors can see the leads before they decide to call the lead, for which they are going to be charged.

Why we don’t recommend you to use plumbing pay lead services?

Plumber assembling pipe.

After analyzing some of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the major pay-per-lead services for plumbers, there are three primary reasons to avoid them altogether:

  • Race to the phone: As stated, most of these plumbing pay lead services send out leads to multiple plumbers, such as chum to sharks. Very often the initial plumbing business to contact the lead closes it, and not every plumber has the time and resources to stay on their phone around the clock.
  • No Tracking:  These lead generation sites are not actually working for you, you are working for them, thus, they are not invested in offering you powerful and smart tools to monitor where plumbing leads are coming from and where they go.
  • You have to pay for the lead regardless: As their name suggests, these platforms don’t care whether the lead they offer you ends up closing (many plumbers receive numerous leads at the same time).

Replace Plumbing Pay Per Lead with Plumber Internet Marketing

Plumber Internet Marketing

Everything we have been elaborating on so far revolves around what happens when other people regulate the audience and your plumbing marketing collaterals or assets.

This places you in a position of renting your advertising instead of owning it. When it comes to lead generation service for plumbers, owning is always highly recommended than better renting. Here’s why:

Qualified leads: Instead of dealing with anyone who wants to give out their contact details, you can educate them using assets such as:

  • Quality content and blogs
  • Clearly messaged and strong plumber websites
  • A consistent email newsletter
  • Client service as a marketing strategy
  • Customize: You can decide what your brand message will look like and can alter it whenever you want to or the challenges dictate. You can also decide how much you want to spend on advertising instead of being downtrodden by whatever you are offered.
  • Target: Plumbing pay lead websites were built for scale, and as such, they are not concerned with the particulars of your local marketplace.

Here are some digital marketing strategies that you can use to increase sales and leads more effectively than plumbing pay-per-lead services:

  • Build an SEO-friendly plumbing website that tells your prospects what services you provide, what areas you serve, and why they should trust your business for your plumbing needs.
  • Create a plumbing SEO strategy that may help your business rank higher on search engine results pages, get more traffic, and obtain more leads that are likely to become clients.
  • Manage your plumbing company reputation to help in establishing trust with prospects and bring in a steady flow of qualified leads.
  • Invest in Pay-per-Click advertising to help you obtain plumbing leads fast by putting your business on top of the organic search results.

Own your Plumbing Leads instead of Buying Them with Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Qualified leads are what constitute plumbing sales.

Qualified leads are what constitute plumbing sales. But if your leads are not ready to convert, the sales won’t happen.

If you are tired of using plumbing pay lead services and want to develop a comprehensive plumbing marketing strategy to help you increase sales and leads, schedule a free profit session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to get started today.

Plumbing SEO

24 Simple Plumbing Advertising Tips for Attracting Qualified Leads

What holds your plumbing company back from outranking other plumbers in your local service area? Of course, poor client awareness may be the culprit. By figuring out the kind of plumbing advertising ideas you have and how you are going to implement them, you are already beginning to stay ahead of your competitors.

Plumbing is a highly competitive industry. Plumbers are constantly trying to compete against one another through flexibility and pricing, striving hard to win new business through preferable referrals. However, advertising your plumbing services business online can help it stand out and get more appointments, calls, and sales.

There is no denying that plumbing advertising is very crucial. But where do you start and make the most out of it? Keep reading to understand how to advertise your plumbing company online, plus the best plumber advertising ideas for businesses in your industry.

Without further ado, let us dive into our post!

Reasons Why Plumbing Advertising is Important

Plumbing Advertising

Ads are everywhere. If you open up a browser, walk down the street or switch on a TV, you will come across ads. They are all seeking your attention and ultimately, your money. Such ads can be annoying, but what will our world look like without them? Here are reasons why plumbing advertising slogans are crucial for society and businesses at large.

  • Advertising is a Crucial Part of Your Plumbing Marketing Strategy

Plumbing Marketing Strategy

Many plumbers use advertising and marketing interchangeably. Marketing identifies what clients want, encourages them to book jobs with your company, and engages with them later to win their loyalty. You need to implement cutthroat plumbing advertising strategies to obtain their attention and help them know what they are searching for. Advertising can be likened to a fishing hook while plumbing marketing is the entire fisherman’s tackle.

  • Plumbing Advertising Helps Your Business to Target Specific Clients

Target Specific Clients

Being strategic about your plumber advertising campaigns helps your company reach out to clients who are likely to book jobs with you. In the past, that implies advertising things like running ads for toys during daytime TV programs and health products in fitness magazines. Thanks to internet marketing and analytic software, plumbers can get very specific about who comes across their ads and who has booked jobs with them before.

  • Advertising Helps Your Plumbing Stand Out from the Competition

Stand Out from the Competition

How does your business stand out in a sea of other plumbing businesses offering the same services? A plumber can offer something basic as installing water pipes and do better than another plumber simply because they ran ads that customers love. If you want your plumbing company to outrank its competitors, make sure that you do aggressive advertising and branding campaigns.

  • Advertising Drives Relevant Traffic to Your Plumbing Website

quality and relevant traffic

One of the major advantages of plumbing business advertising is that you will obtain quality and relevant traffic to your plumbing website. The internet makes it possible for anyone (practically) to visit your plumber website, but how much of that traffic is interested in your plumbing services?

When you target specific leads and advertise, you invite people who are interested in your plumbing services to visit your plumbing website. If you are investing in plumbing advertising online campaigns, your plumbing company must have a professional, well-designed website. The better your plumbing website design, the more likely you will create a great first impression on qualified leads.

  • Advertising Creates Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

The main reason why you are advertising your plumbing business is that you want people to learn about it. Plumbing advertising creates strong brand awareness for your business and invites prospects or clients to be part and parcel of your community. They have a challenge or problem, and your business solves it-it’s a perfect win-win situation.

It’s estimated that more than 40% of clients spend more dollars on brands they pledge their loyalty to. If you win your clients’ loyalty and create an authentic plumbing brand, you will stand out from the competition and schedule more plumbing service appointments.

Common Plumbing Ad Types

Plumbing Ad Types

Does your business want to increase leads, optimize your plumber advertising costs and outrank other competitors in your service area?

Google Local Service Ads

Local Service Ads

Local Service is a pay-per-lead channel performed by Google that helps plumbing contractors to advertise at the very prime spot on search engine results pages. Considering that 40% of prospects only choose one contractor before making a decision, your plumbing business must be found at the very top of Google’s search engine results.

Investing in Google Local Service ads is an effective way to:

  • Be found at the prime spot on Google search results
  • Increase online leads to your plumbing business
  • Generate low-cost leads

Google Search Ads

online ads for plumbers via the Google Ads platform

Search ads are online ads for plumbers via the Google Ads platform. Search ads are situated on page one of Google. One of the significant benefits of utilizing search ads will appear underneath local service ads. After launching your campaign, you can generate more traffic to your plumbing website, which generates more sales and leads for your plumbing business. The good news is that you have the power to set your daily budget for every campaign you want to run. If you want help managing your Google search ads campaign after reading this, schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to help you make the most out of your efforts.

Google Display Ads

plumbing ad type provided by Google

Display ads are another plumbing ad type provided by Google. Google understands that you may want to utilize these types of ads, which is an excellent strategy to have if properly executed.

Just like billboards along a busy highway, display ads give your company greater visibility online. For instance, you can leverage demographic information gathered by your previous web visitors through display ads, then act as a “digital billboard” to clients who suit the same demographics. Display ads help you to get more specific with the targeting of your ads. Thus, you can make sure that your efforts are concentrated on the prospects who are likely to convert into clients.

Other famous kinds of plumbing ads include:

  • Bing ads
  • Facebook ads
  • Nextdoor local deals

What are the Best Plumbing Advertising Platforms to Get Qualified Leads Online?

Plumbing Advertising Platforms

Not long ago, growing your plumbing company used to heavily depend on word-of-mouth advertising and referrals, but those were the golden days before the Internet disrupted everything.

The best advertising platforms for plumbers begin with digital marketing and include the following:

Plumbing Website: The Foundation of Your Digital Advertising Strategy

Plumbing Website

Do you know that more than 60% of clients basically use a company’s website to engage and find local service businesses, and 30% of clients won’t consider hiring you for a job without a plumbing website?

In the modern digital business landscape, you need to:

Make Your Plumbing Website Mobile-Friendly, Secure and Fast

Your plumbing website is your most crucial digital advertising asset. To get more plumbing leads and grow your company, you need to ensure that your website can be organically found in search engine results, loads faster within three seconds, and is both mobile-optimized and secured.

If your business doesn’t have a professional website, building a website is the initial step to reaching your clients online, anywhere, anytime. At least 75% of customers judge a company’s credibility depending on how its website has been designed. Considering the fact that more than 90% of clients look at websites when deciding which plumber to hire, you cannot afford to have an outdated website design and expect to win a new client.

Another aspect to consider when building a new website for your plumbing business is its user-friendliness. It can also be of great benefit if you include instant chat or click-to-call features, photos of your past completed projects, or testimonials that can enhance the client experience as they navigate across your website.

Lastly, make sure that your plumbing website is optimized for search engines like Google or Bing to help your prospects or clients find your business online.


Organic traffic on Facebook

Practically, everyone has a Facebook account in the world today. More than 2.8 billion use the platform each month, and that’s a cool billion. So, how many of those people do you think are your potential customers?

Sure, a lot, but the question comes, how do you utilize that information to advertise your plumbing business? Well, to understand how you can leverage one of the biggest social media platforms under the sun, you must know this:

Organic traffic on Facebook is kind of dead. So what does this mean? It simply implies that your Facebook posts don’t reach as many people as you would intend them to. Statistics prove that only about 1% of visitors who follow your Facebook business page see your posts on the timeline.

I don’t want to tire you with theory and reasons why things are so, but understand this if you want to use Facebook as an advertising platform for your plumbing business, then be ready to open your wallet.

Yes, that’s the truth. The only way to reach prospects interested in your plumbing services on Facebook is through ads. Don’t feel overwhelmed, Facebook plumbing advertising campaigns aren’t complicated after you read about them here. If your plumbing company doesn’t have a presence on Facebook, reach out to us for assistance.


Google is perhaps one of the biggest search engines in the world today

Google is perhaps one of the biggest search engines in the world today, and being able to leverage this to advertise your plumbing services online can be huge. When people are searching for the best plumbers, they perform a quick search on Google. Getting your plumbing website ranked high on Google can help prospects or clients find your company online.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps to improve your rankings in search results for phrases and keywords related to your plumbing company. Plumbing SEO can be very technical, and we highly recommend that you hire a marketing agency or professional in your business to handle it. There are a lot of great plumbing SEO agencies out there that can assist you, and allowing them to handle it for you can save you a lot of headaches of figuring out, and the time it takes to do the actual work.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

If you want to personally reach clients that are interested in your plumbing services, email marketing is one of the proven ways to achieve that. It is an effective way of building relationships that encourage people to book jobs with your plumbing company.

First, you need to come up with a mailing list by encouraging people to sign up. We advise you not to purchase an email list or email people without their prior consent. These won’t be qualified leads for your plumbing business.

The best way to build an email list is to give people a chance to sign up. You can incorporate an email sign-up bar in the footer and head of your website.

Surefire Plumbing Advertising Ideas That Will Set Your Business from the Competition

Plumbing Advertising Ideas

As a plumber, who wants to scale their business and attract new clients, you understand how crucial it is to outrank your competitors, especially online. Our tried and proven plumbing advertising strategies can help you attract qualified leads and expand your business. If you are searching for some ideas on what plumbing advertising tricks to use, you have come to the right place.

Keep reading to learn advertising ideas that will help you take your plumbing company to the next level online:

1. Get an SEO-Optimized and Mobile-Friendly Plumbing Website

responsive plumbing website

The first thing that any plumbing business owner requires nowadays is a responsive plumbing website that is ready to attract clients. Having a well-designed website builds your online presence and establishes trust in the minds of your prospects or clients.

You need to consider several factors when designing a plumbing website. When you build your plumbing website, make sure that you optimize it for mobile devices and search engines. Your plumbing website should be clean, easy to navigate and read, and faster to load so that you don’t turn prospects or clients away because of an unfriendly website. You can use your site as a way for clients to learn more about your plumbing services and contact you, and also publish helpful content.

2. Claim Your Free Google Business Profile

it is important to claim your free listing from Google

As a local plumbing business, it is important to claim your free listing from Google. This listing, also called Google Business Profile, drives local prospects or clients to your plumbing business.

When users perform local searches, a box comes up, known as Local SEO 3-pack, which appears above the organic search results. If prospects want to find a local plumbing business instantly, they constantly turn to that box to hire a plumber that suits their requirements best.

You can appear in this local SEO 3-pack by claiming your free local GBP listing. Once you claim your listing, make sure that you fill it completely.

Begin by checking if your business’s address and name are correct. You will also want to include contact details, like your email and phone number, to make sure that people can reach out to your business anytime they have a problem.

Once you add that crucial information, you can begin adding supplementary information like photos and business descriptions. These two elements offer your target audience more insights about your plumbing company.

Related: The Definitive Guide to Google Business Profile for Plumbers

If you want to know how to advertise your plumbing company, begin by claiming your local listing on Google, and this will help to drive more interested leads to your plumbing business.

3. Create a Plumbing Brand That People Will Easily Recognize

plumbing logo example

One of the hacks to building a successful plumbing company that outranks the competition is to develop a memorable brand. Building a brand for your plumbing business to attract and impress potential customers and it is also one of the easiest ways of getting ahead of your competition.

Use your brand logo and colors consistently across all of your marketing materials, including your plumbing website. Hire a graphic designer or an agency to develop a logo and a user-friendly plumbing website design that reflects your brand and business.

4. Advertise Your Plumbing Services with Google Ads for Plumbers

Plumbing Services

Investing in Google Ads for plumbers puts your business in front of potential installation or emergency clients who don’t have sufficient time to browse numerous plumbing businesses before making a hiring decision.

There are two kinds of plumbing ads that you can utilize to advertise your plumbing business on Google.

Local Service Ads

Google Local Service Ads

Local Service ads offer a unique advertising opportunity for plumbers in that you only pay for leads instead of clicks. That makes them a valuable tool to utilize to ensure that you are obtaining the most out of your plumbing company advertising budget.

Local service ads appear at the top of the search engine results page, slightly above the organic results. Plumbing contractors with a defined service area can make use of local service ads to target clients in specific neighborhoods.

When a prospect Googles your plumbing services (e.g., “emergency plumber in Nashville” your ad will show up with your plumbing business name, service hours, Google rating, plus a link to your plumbing website.

Google Search Ads

Search Ads

Search ads also show up at the top of Google’s search results page and include a description, URL, and headline that sends users to your plumbing website to know more or schedule a service.

5. Create a Local SEO Strategy

Local SEO Strategy

It’s one thing for you to advertise your plumbing services company; it’s another thing for Google to promote your plumbing business online. Google has more than 1.2 trillion searches daily.

People are always performing searches each day, searching for businesses, information, services, and products. They are looking for a plumbing business like yours, so it is important that you optimize your listing to show up in front of these potential clients.

To begin optimizing your plumbing website to show up higher in the organic search results, you should invest in search engine optimization services for plumbers. SEO is the process of boosting your website’s ranking to show up higher in the organic search results, which assists you to obtain more qualified leads for your business.

If you want your business to show up in results related to the plumbing industry, begin by selecting the appropriate keywords. Keyword research is a vital part of plumbing SEO since it influences the kind of search results that will appear for your website.

When you perform keyword research, aim to focus mainly on long-tail keywords. These are keywords like “plumbers in Murfreesboro, TN”, “Commercial plumbing contractors” or “Plumbing contractors in Miami.”

Your keywords will make your plumbing website show up in the relevant search results. If you want to appear in the right search results, you must select keywords that will assist you to feature in those results. A plumbing contractor, for instance, would not target keywords related to roofers.

There are other optimizations you can do to boost your plumbing website rankings. For example, you can improve user design, navigation, and page speed. All these elements lead to a positive user experience, which keeps your leads longer on your page.

When leads dwell on your webpage longer, it sends Google a positive signal that your page is relevant. This will help to skyrocket your page rankings because Google will trust that your website or page is relevant and thus should be seen by many people.

6. Get New Leads Through Pay–Per–Click Ads


Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC) is one of the efficient ways to advertise your local plumbing business to remain within your budget and get ahead of your competition. If you want to get new, high-value plumbing leads, invest in pay-per-click advertising. PPC is a great plumbing advertising idea since it helps you to reach users that are likely to convert and become paying clients or leads.

In fact, prospects that click on ads are 50% more likely to become paying clients than organic users. If you want to obtain fast and great results, PPC advertising is one of the best ways of controlling your company’s relevance and visibility online.

To begin using PPC, select the appropriate keywords. Similar to plumbing SEO, focus more on the long-tail keywords, and this will not only generate better traffic but will also help to keep your cost per click low.

Once you have chosen your keywords, bid for the placement of your ad. Here, you will set your maximum bid (CPC), which refers to the amount of money you want to spend when someone clicks on your ad. Your quality score and the maximum bid will determine the placement of your ad.

Once you have your ads set up, you can begin benefiting from this plumbing company idea. Just launch the ad campaign to get more plumbing leads.

When you are searching for ideas to advertise your plumbing business, you will find that PPC is one of the most effective ways for assisting you to get leads. You can get more valuable leads interested in your plumbing services with PPC ads.

7. Take Advantage of Local Online Business Listings

Local Online Business Listings

Plumbing being a local service business, your prospects or clients are going to find your services through local online business listings, and that’s why having your company listed in local directories is important. Nowadays, people don’t visit local business directories such as Yellow Pages to search for a local plumbing company.

People have changed the way they look for plumbing businesses; they depend more on trusted online business directories.

Submitting your business to these directories will increase your chances of getting found by the client and build trust. Here is a list of some of the most famous local online directories:

Submitting your business to local online directories is one of the best plumbing advertising strategies that can help your business get found by prospects or clients online with ease.

8. Create and Share Quality, Helpful Plumbing Content

Plumbing Content

Creating educational, shareable, and interesting content that positions your business as an authority in the plumbing industry and keeps your plumbing services top of mind for potential clients.

Plumbing Blogs

Google loves quality content

Content is king, and Google loves quality content. Creating engaging and unique content around your plumbing keywords helps grab your audience’s attention.

Plumbers can write blogs on topics such as:

Include keyword variations in your content to rank also well for multiple keywords.

  • How to repair a clogged drain?
  • How to prevent pipe breakage in extremely cold temperatures?
  • How to save money on monthly water bills?

Do a comprehensive keyword research analysis and craft your content around those keywords that your target market is searching for solutions for online. Include keyword variations in your content to rank also well for multiple keywords.

High-quality blogs produce lots of social shares and comments and obtain a lot of backlinks, which assists you to rank higher on Google or Bing over time.

Demonstration Videos

Video marketing

Video marketing can help your plumbing company reach a wider audience and give a solution to a specific plumbing problem such as “how to switch on a water heater pilot light”

When clients visit your YouTube channel and find a solution to their problems. They will begin to associate your company with informative and helpful videos and will likely contact you when they experience a plumbing emergency.

9. Plumbing Advertising Through Email Marketing

Email marketing

Email marketing is the best plumber advertising option that helps your business personally reach target clients that are interested in your services. It can be an effective and productive way for developing relationships that inspire prospects to book jobs with your company.

First, ask your site visitors to sign up on your email list by incorporating an email sign-up bar in the footer/header of your plumbing website or utilize pop-up email sign-ups. These are great ways of adding opportunities for people that are interested in your plumbing services.

It is advisable to avoid buying email lists or mailing people without their prior consent. These won’t be beneficial and valuable leads for your plumbing company.

By signing up on the mailing list, you encourage users to provide their email addresses to get a special coupon or offer. This will assist you to invite them to register on your email list! Happy!

Once you get their email addresses, you can start promoting your plumbing advertising strategy.

10. Use Facebook Ads for Plumbers to Your Advantage

Facebook Ads for Plumbers

Facebook is the most crucial social media network to advertise your plumbing service business. For instance, Facebook videos obtain twice as many clicks as statuses or images. But, Facebook ads are a huge investment for plumbers.

Facebook ads for plumbers help you reach highly specific audiences because you can target based on user profile details such as occupation, interests, marital status, and more.

These paid ads reach a wider audience and provide high profitability, with more than 90% of social media marketers leveraging an increased ROI from Facebook ads.

11. Obtain Targeted Qualified Leads via Lead Generation Websites

lead generation sites

Submitting your plumbing company on lead generation sites can place you in front of clients who are actively searching for your services- with minimal effort on your part.

These platforms are perfect if you provide kitchen or bathroom remodels. Just bid on the jobs you want and send your quotes to potential clients. Furthermore, you can use these lead generation websites to gather client reviews and enhance your plumbing brand’s reputation online. Lead generation sites provide one of the most potent plumbing advertising strategies that can generate new clients for your business.

12. Google Guarantee

Google Guarantee feature

If you are utilizing Google Ads to advertise your plumbing business, then we recommend you take advantage of its Google Guarantee feature. This feature is available to plumbing businesses that have passed the Google Local Services qualification and screening process.

This will help you display your Google Ads at the prime spot of the search engine results with a “Google Guaranteed” badge. This can improve customer trust greatly and helps you to generate more plumbing leads.

13. Build Trust by Managing Online Reviews Proactively

Online Reviews

As a plumber, whether the task is to fix a plumbing emergency or install a new plumbing fixture, you are likely to enter a client’s home in stressful or unpleasant situations.

Online review management is an important part of being a successful plumber. People always turn to online reviews to see how others experience a plumbing business. It is crucial that you manage your online reviews to make sure new prospects select your plumbing company.

You are going to receive a mixture of negative and positive reviews. Having negative reviews isn’t the end of the road because people also love to see them. The crucial part is the way you handle negative reviews.

Whenever you obtain reviews, leave polite and professional comments. Appreciate people for their positive reviews. Address issues in less-than-stellar comments.

14. Understand Your Target Plumbing Market

Target Plumbing Market

Whether you use Google ads, Facebook ads, lawn signs, or Thumbtack, you will be required to define your target market first.

List everything you understand about your best and existing plumbing clients including:

  • Which neighborhoods do they reside in?
  • What kind of business or home do they have?
  • What is their age?
  • What is their income bracket?
  • Which online platforms do they frequent most?
  • What type of plumbing services do they usually require?

The answers to such questions will assist you to develop ads that address the needs of your target audience.

15. Understand What Makes Your Plumbing Business Unique

Plumbing Business

Figure out why your existing clients select your company for their plumbing requirements.

What makes your plumbing business stand out from other plumbers?

This is known as your Unique Value Proposition (USP). Write your USP in a few sentences or words, and include it in your plumbing ads.

16. Define Your Plumbing Advertising Goals

Plumbing Advertising Goals

Understanding your plumbing marketing goals will assist you to design effective plumbing advertising slogans and select the right platform.

Here are some advertising goals examples you may have:

  • You have a new plumbing service to promote
  • You have started your company and require plumbing leads fast.
  • You have expanded your company into a new area and require to stand out from established plumbers.

Then think of which advertising platform will be most effective to achieve your goals. For instance, if you want to improve brand awareness, Display Ads would be a perfect option. If you want to obtain leads fast, Google’s Search Ads or Google’s Local Service Ads may be a perfect fit.

17. Use Geofencing Plumbing Advertising to Reach More New Leads

Geofencing Plumbing Advertising

Geofencing advertising is a great plumbing marketing strategy to help your business obtain new qualified leads. When you utilize geofencing, you create an “invisible fence.” This fence encloses a specific area, generally surrounding a building such as your plumbing company.

As people enter your fence, they get notified about your plumbing service business or come across a social media ad related to your company. This can help them get to the door of your business or considering to contact you.

As a plumber, you want to target areas such as conferences, trade shows, and other events where plumbing leads attend. It is an effective way of persuading the attendees to figure out about your plumbing business for the very first time.

Offline Plumbing Advertising Strategies for Plumbers

18. Offer Superior Customer Service

Customer Service

As a small plumbing company owner, you understand how vital it is to provide excellent client service. But what you don’t know is whether going over and above for your clients is an effective plumbing advertising tactic.

Apart from training your technicians to be patient and friendly with homeowners (particularly in stressful situations), there are a few other things you can do to enhance your customer service. One of the ways is to follow up with clients after a project is completed to make sure that they are satisfied with the results.

To assess customer satisfaction rates, you should send out an email survey requesting clients to rate their experience with your business so that you can reward technicians who work hard to ensure that clients get positive experiences.

19. Send Out Postcards


Direct mail is an old-school but great plumbing advertising strategy. If properly done, this tried and proven tactic can help your plumbing business reach tons of local homeowners in your service area.

A recent study found that more homeowners read direct mail than promotional emails. This means that postcards are not likely to land in your trash emails. Combine this with an eye-catching postcard with a great coupon, and your direct mail piece would get a spot on a potential client’s fridge.

20. Reach Out to Homeowners Associations

Contact the homeowner’s associations in your service area and tell them about your top-notch plumbing services and business. If they have not partnered with a plumbing company already, request them to call your business first in case a plumbing emergency arises in their estate.

21. Provide Discounts for Referrals

Customers who offer referrals are one of your crucial plumbing advertising resources. So, whenever someone sends you client referrals, make an effort to show them that you appreciate their support. For example, you can just send them a well-crafted personal thank you with discounts for great referrals.

22. Participate in Local Community Events

Meet fellow business owners

As a local plumbing business, attending events-in person and virtually-where your target market will likely be an awesome way to network. Meet fellow business owners and potential clients while advertising your plumbing business personally and up close.

23. Flyers

leaflet advertising

You can create a leaflet advertising one or more of your plumbing services and distribute it relatively from your local area. If can offer a special price or discount, then the chances are you will get some leads from this technique.

24. Use Alternative Advertising Techniques

Van Wraps

man wrapping car

Van wraps are just like mobile billboards-advertising to your new prospects in your service area as your technicians drive from one job to another.

Print Plumbing Advertising

Print Advertising

Putting an advert in the local magazine or paper used to be the only way you could advertise your plumbing company. You can still utilize this technique and it can be effective particularly if you offer a discount to potential clients quoting the ad.

Frequently Asked Questions on Plumbing Advertising


What is the best platform to advertise your plumbing services company?

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Your plumbing website
  • Email marketing
  • Google Local Services ads and more.

How can I find more plumbing clients?

You can get more qualified leads for your plumbing company through search engine optimization, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, online reputation management, and retargeting.

Start Putting Your Plumbing Advertising Ideas into Action Today

Plumbing services

Advertise your plumbing business is important for helping you grow offline and online. If you want to reach qualified leads and boost your revenue, you need to invest in your online marketing campaign.

So, go ahead and put your advertising ideas for plumbers into action!

If you don’t have time to dedicate to crafting an advertising campaign for your plumbing business, Blackstorm Design + Marketing can help. With more than 10 years of internet marketing experience, we know how to build campaigns that help your plumbing company grow.

Schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to see how we can help your plumbing company grow through our plumber advertising services today.

Plumbing SEO

Is Plumbing SEO Worth it for Small Businesses?


Here is the reason.

Plumbing SEO will help your business appear at the top of organic search results when homeowners look for services like yours online. Ranking higher on search engines like Google or Bing drives more potential customers to your plumbing website. A great plumber website converts those leads to loyal paying customers.

However, getting your plumbing company website to show up higher within the search engine result pages doesn’t occur overnight. Instead, earning the coveted spot within the first page of Google or Bing search results is an accumulation of a vibrant search engine optimization(SEO) strategy. Our SEO services for plumbers can help your website leverage every benefit to obtain new customers and leads. Simply put, plumber SEO drives revenue growth. Without further ado, let us dive into our post.

What is Plumbing SEO?

Plumbing SEO

Search engine optimization is the process of executing and implementing multiple internet marketing strategies in order to increase your plumbing website’s rank within the search engine result pages for business-related keywords. When homeowners near you perform a search about plumbing services using a search engine like Google or Bing, you definitely want your website to appear on page one.

While SEO is a great online marketing tool for any plumber to invest in, there is a need to tailor your plumber SEO process to your industry, as every company is unique! This is true for plumbing contractors since their livelihood is pegged on being discovered by new clients.

How Does Plumbing SEO Work?

SEO contains multiple actions, strategies, and best practices

SEO has everything to do with quality and quantity. It contains multiple actions, strategies, and best practices, all of which have a primary goal of enhancing your site’s position in search engines which is why it is known as search engine optimization.

There are two types of plumber SEO: off-page and on-page. On-page plumbing SEO is comprised of anything you can regulate on your website to skyrocket your organic rankings. This denotes things like header text, site speed, keyword presence, and more. On the flip side, off-page SEO for plumbers contains anything done on other sites that may impact your ranking. Generally, this refers to links.

Here are some important elements of SEO that plumbers should pay attention to:

  • Keyword Research and Analysis


Keywords are phrases and words that prospects or clients use to find your plumbing company website or services online. Your plumbing business can use them to connect with prospects who are searching for your services.

When performing the crucial steps of keyword research, it’s crucial to look for terms that have high search volume and low competition. This will help your plumbing website rank higher on the search engine results pages. In addition, you should also utilize keywords to optimize all your URLs, titles, and other off-page SEO elements.

  • Plumbing SEO Content

SEO Content

Content is an important element of SEO since it’s the vehicle you utilize to engage and reach the target market. Understanding your angle and crafting content that resonates is essential. Your plumbing content must be interesting, shareable, and interesting. Plumbing SEO content comes in several forms, including:

  1. Web page content
  2. Videos
  3.  Blogs
  4. Infographics
  5. Podcasts
  6. How-to guides
  7. E-books and whitepapers
  8. Social media posts

Descriptive and valuable content that positions you as a plumbing expert, helps prospects learn more about your company, and explains your service offerings are important for your plumbing SEO plan.

  • Off-Page SEO

Off-page plumbing SEO

Off-page plumbing SEO refers to external optimization practices that occur away from your website rather than on it.

The main strategy used for off-page SEO is building backlinks because quality backlinks to your website from external websites show Google that your site is high-quality and valuable, which assists to establish authority.

Several tactics are used in building backlinks, and some of the best practices include guest blogging, creating lots of infographics, and utilizing influencer marketing in your content.

  • Local SEO

If you are a plumbing contractor working in this geographical area, you want your company to appear on this list.

Search engine optimization aims to ensure your plumbing brand is visible online for any specific keywords. On the flip side, local SEO focuses on promoting your plumbing services within your local geographical area, which is particularly beneficial for plumbing contractors who want to outrank their rivals in the search results for their local market.

For plumbing keyword searches that mention particular markets, Google will display a list of plumbers that offer those services. For instance, see the Google Map pack for a keyword search “plumbers in Murfreesboro.”

If you are a plumbing contractor working in this geographical area, you want your company to appear on this list. Local plumbing SEO strategies can assist you to get there.

  • Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile

For plumbers with a local target market, Google Business Profiles are especially important.


  1. Google Business Profile is one of the most crucial ranking factors for local plumbing businesses.
  2. As one of the most prominent listings for your company name, address, and phone number, your Google Business Profile is a miniature homepage, an initial impression of your company that is visible to prospects.

6 Reasons Why Your Small  Business Absolutely Needs Professional  Plumbing SEO Services

Search engine optimization is important if you want to create long-term brand awareness, earn more revenue, and expand your target market. Let’s examine the 10 benefits of SEO for your plumbing company and how you can achieve them.

1. Get a Consistent Stream of Leads Every Month

Lead generation

If your phone is not ringing as it should, then you could be wasting your chance of making more money. Lead generation is the initial step towards booking jobs and getting paid, so you should increase the number of calls you are obtaining from potential clients. With Blackstorm’s proven process for plumber SEO optimization, you can stop wishing the phone would ring and concentrate on doing the work you enjoy.

2. Gain a Competitive Advantage Over Other Plumbers in your Service Area


Your competitors are already using plumber SEO- and each time their SEO plan is successful, they obtain a new opportunity to generate new revenue that your business could have snatched. The only way to remain competitive as a plumber is to utilize a superior process and partner with specialists who know your plumbing industry better. Blackstorm Design + Marketing has the right plan, developed over years of working on SEO for plumbers, to leave your competition begging for mercy.

3. Plumbing SEO Helps You Rank Higher in Local Searches

local SEO

Local searches like “plumber near me” is becoming more predominant. And more than 80% of local searches done on mobile typically lead to conversions. Local SEO strategies can assist you in attracting these prospects who are typically ready to book jobs. The initial step towards getting started with local SEO for plumbers is creating and optimizing a Google Business profile. Optimize your profile by making sure that it contains an accurate NAP citation (Name, Address, and Phone Number). In addition, make sure that you optimize your profile for voice search, which implies writing informative, compelling content in a conversational tone that addresses common queries and offers answers to searchers’ problems. Other steps include using local plumbing keywords and creating profiles in local business directories online.

4. SEO Supports Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Plumbing SEO and authentic content work hand in hand. By creating informative content for your site visitors, including videos, images, and text, your plumbing website will rank higher on the search engine result pages. But SEO for plumbers can support your content marketing efforts too. However, make sure that your content is of high quality and optimized for plumbing keywords you want to rank for, and since Google loves freshness, update your content as regularly as possible.

5. SEO Maximizes Your Plumbing PPC Campaigns

Pay Per Click

Plumbing paid marketing strategies and SEO(unpaid) work well together. PPC helps your plumbing website appear at top of paid search results, while SEO does the same thing organically. Having the two results appear at the top of the search engine results page boosts your business’s credibility and proves that you are not throwing money at advertising to be on top. You can use plumbing SEO to maximize your PPC campaigns-for instance, a page that ranks higher may do better even better if you utilize it as part of PPC advertising, particularly if the search term has a low cost-per-click.

6. Increased Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

The obvious advantage of increased brand awareness is more customers, but it goes above that. When a prospect asks their neighbor or a friend who they recommend for a plumber, you want your name to pop up in their head. Increasing awareness of your plumbing brand through SEO practices helps local clients who are just starting the process of looking for plumbing services to find and remember you-and when it comes to making a hiring decision, you will be the one they come to.

Blackstorm Design + Marketing’s SEO for Plumbers Strategy

A simple, cookie-cutter approach is not as effective as a proven process customized to your line of work. That’s why Blackstorm Design + Marketing focuses mainly on a plumber SEO strategy that we have refined over the years working with plumbing contractors like you.

  • Comprehensive Research

perform in-depth keyword research to optimize your business for high-value keywords

Most plumbing marketing agencies know the fundamentals of ranking crucial keywords in your industry, when a prospect types in a keyword that relates to the plumbing services you offer, generally, your plumbing website and details will appear to respond to their query. But there is more to it than that. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, our plumbing SEO specialists perform in-depth keyword research to optimize your business for high-value keywords specifically to make sure that you are getting attention from your target audience, prospects who require your services and are ready to hire you.

  • Engaging SEO Content

inform and impress your new customers when reaching your plumbing website

Posting informative and relevant content on your plumbing website, such as blog posts that are search engine optimized and localized for the kinds of plumbing services you offer, proves to Google that your website is an authority in those areas and that prospects or clients will be interested in booking jobs with you. Blackstorm Design + Marketing optimizes and helps create content that will not only rank your business higher on Google but will inform and impress your new customers when reaching your plumbing website.

  • Link Building

build quality links

When other plumbing industry sites link to your website, Google considers that as a vote of confidence towards the authenticity and trustworthiness of your website content. Instead of trying to accumulate low-quality links from anywhere, Blackstorm Design + Marketing utilizes white hat plumbing SEO outreach techniques to build quality links from authoritative websites that will skyrocket your rankings organically but also drive organic traffic to your site.

  • Google Business Profile Management


Since Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) launched in 2014, it has grown to become an important tool for plumbing contractors. It may appear simple on the ground, but it requires ongoing support and expertise to keep your GBP listing operational in order to generate a consistent stream of leads. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we will optimize your profile, refresh it occasionally with new content, special offers and respond to reviews to give customers confidence in your plumbing services and reputation.

  • Business Directory and Listing Optimization

business listing

Online business directories are another crucial way to improve the visibility of your plumbing website and get it to rank higher when a prospect or client conducts a search query for plumbing services. Some online listings may be just the company name, URL, and phone number, while others are comprised of extensive information. Blackstorm Design + Marketing will create, review and optimize a business listing for every relevant online directory that pertains to your plumbing industry.

Benefits of Working with Blackstorm Design + Marketing for Plumbing SEO

There are lots of SEO agencies out there, but Blackstorm Design + Marketing is the right SEO company for plumbers. We don’t just specialize in plumbing SEO; we are focused on marketing your business on the internet. Our tested and proven plumber marketing strategies will get you where you wish to be and help your plumbing company grow, just like we have done for dozens of other plumbing contractors in your industry.

  • We Work with Home Service Contractors

Home Service Contractors

When you require a complex project to be handled efficiently and effectively, you need a specialist with direct experience in your industry. Blackstorm Design + Marketing offers SEO services for home service contractors and their franchises only. That implies we are experienced and knowledgeable about what plumbers do and how they do it, and we understand what your prospects or clients are searching for. Our plumbing SEO customers frequently recommend us to others in their industry when they achieve great results for themselves.

  • You are our Only Customer in Your Service Area


How can a plumbing SEO agency purport to have your best interest at heart if they are also working with other plumbers in the area? Any effort they put to improve your competitor’s local search ranking adversely affects your plumbing marketing strategy. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, you can rest assured that we will only partner with one customer in your service area and industry that’s you. If your competitor attempts to sign up for our SEO services, we will instantly turn them away so we can focus exclusively on your plumbing company’s success.

  • Realize Clear, Measurable Results

plumbing SEO agency purport to have your best interest at heart

It can sometimes be challenging to understand if you are seeing an increase in the number of leads courtesy of your plumbing SEO efforts or because of some other factor. With Blackstorm Design + Marketing, you never have to fret, we offer regular, comprehensive, transparent reports that clearly shows your Return on Investment (ROI) you are obtaining from our services. That includes a GPS that shows how your business is ranking on each part of your entire service area. Google Analytics is a good starting point, but the details we offer goes more in-depth so that you can get to understand what is working and what isn’t.

  • Work Directly with Internet Marketing Specialists

Internet Marketing Specialists

When you call Blackstorm Design + Marketing for help or information, you won’t have to talk with an outsourced support desk assistant or a sales representative. Instead, you will have direct access to local internet marketing experts like PPC professionals and SEO specialists who will respond to your requests promptly and answer any questions you may have. You can depend on us to offer you any assistance you require to make the most of your plumber SEO strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions About SEO for Plumbers


What are the four types of plumbing SEO?

  1. On-page SEO refers to the process of optimizing the content on your plumbing website.
  2.  Off-Page SEO denotes any optimization that occurs outside your plumber site including building high-quality backlinks, improving your site speed, and more.
  3. Local SEO
  4. Technical plumbing SEO

How Long does plumber SEO take?

This is a hard question since in a sense SEO work is never done-it is a cumulative process, so the longer the time, the better results you will get. It is not yet complete once you attain the coveted top spot since it takes effort to maintain your rankings at the same spot. That said, if you are figuring out how long it will be until you begin seeing a noticeable spike, this will be after about three to six months.

Can You Guarantee That I will rank #1 on Google for plumbing services?

No, we cannot-and any plumbing SEO agency that claims otherwise is lying to you. A #1 Google search rank can never be guaranteed since there are numerous factors, and Google is constantly updating its algorithms. Your ability to rank on the coveted spot is influenced by the keywords you are trying to rank for, your competitor’s online footprint, and your current rank amongst other factors. But, we are confident that we can skyrocket your rankings and make a significant contribution to your plumbing business success.

Choose Blackstorm Design + Marketing as Your Trusted Plumbing SEO Partner

Plumbing SEO Partner

If you are searching for an agency to assist your plumbing company gets to the top of Google search rankings, why not give Blackstorm Design + Marketing a call? With hundreds of satisfied home service contractors under our belt, our search engine optimization skills have proven to assist plumbing contractors like you find success online.

Ready to take your plumbing company to the next level? We got a good strategy for you! Schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn more about customized SEO strategy to boost your search engine rankings and grow your plumbing company today.

Marketing Plumbing

10 Important Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

Increase your clients base, and maximize profits in your company with plumbing  marketing KPIs

Do you have an idea of what makes your plumbing company’s marketing or advertising campaigns a success? Clues why your business is not generating enough leads? Why is a plumbing company doing so well?

Well, suppose you are not closely monitoring your plumbing marketing efforts online. In that case, you will never understand what is working or not, and that’s where digital marketing Key Performance Indicators come in. You can measure and track metrics that matter most to your plumbing business growth using KPI.

increase customer base

Before internet marketing was introduced, a plumber would only establish how a specific campaign was fairing based on office visits and the number of new clients acquired. However, such results rarely displayed an accurate calculation. But with the right plumbing marketing KPIs, you can know your weak areas and conduct the much-need tweaks in your strategies for maximum results.

That said, here are a few things to understand before selecting and monitoring your digital marketing for plumbers’ KPI.

What Are Plumbing Marketing  KPIs?

Key Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicator is a measurable attribute showcasing how ineffectively or effectively your plumbing company reaches its desired goals. Plumbing marketing KPIs are quantifiable measures or metrics employed to assess the performance of your company’s marketing objectives. These metrics can be traced to different aspects of your plumbing business ranging from employees and leads generated to sales.

Internet marketing KPIs go hand in hand with your company’s online marketing strategies regardless of whether it’s sales growth, brand awareness, SEO strategy, and lead generation. Examples of such metrics include details on conversion rate, engagement rate, sales revenue, page conversion, marketing qualified leads, and SERP. Any measurable figure in your plumber marketing plan, one that can be acted upon, constitutes a KPI.

KPI comes from Google Analytics, lead conversion tool, Google Ads, Google Analytics, or even from your plumbing sales representatives.

5 Reasons To Track Your Plumbing Marketing’s KPIs?

When properly used, plumbing marketing KPI tracking can be an incredible tool for growing your company. Some of the key advantages of measuring metrics and acting on data include but are not restricted to:

1. Monitor Your Plumbing Company’s Health

Company’s Health

Only a few KPIs are required to measure the health of your company. Plumbers who monitor metrics in categories such as employees, customers, processes, and revenue find it very easy to remain on track while keeping their income high.

2. Measure Processes

KPIs are utilized to measure processes

KPIs are typically applied to show if your company is attaining its strategic goals set by the top management. Numerous KPIs are utilized to measure processes, such as productivity indicators, profitability indicators, and quality indicators amongst others.

3. Client Metrics

KPI metrics

Besides employees and processes, client metrics are also of utmost importance. They can help your company know the number of customers, revenue generated, and even the cost of acquiring those clients.

4. Operational Metrics

use operational metrics to ensure staffing, finances, and marketing are on the right track

Operations metrics are a good way to help your operations department enhance its day-to-day operations. You can use such metrics to make sure staffing, finances, and marketing are on the right track.

5. Measure Progress Over Time

business progress

A good strategy for measuring your business progress is to set targets at the beginning of the year, such as revenue, gross margin, number of locations, and even number of employees. Then, you can use weekly, quarterly, and monthly reports to remain on track with the KPIs and progress towards set goals at the start of the year.

 In a plumbing marketing campaign, tracking your KPIs is the only way to understand what is working or not. For instance, if you make good money from a specific marketing campaign, but you cannot show what generated that revenue or profit, that is, then you will never know what you need to improve and where you need to invest more. Your site traffic, for example, could be the one driving all your qualified leads and your marketing crew or department is busy investing a lot of dollars on unnecessary channels.

Top 10 Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

Cost Per Lead (CPL)


CPL is a plumbing KPI used in lead generation to know how much each lead costs your company. In simple terms, it shows you the cost of bringing in a lead from your advertising or marketing campaigns. Leads help you understand which contact or user is a potential client. It is normally the initial step into knowing how your internet marketing is performing beyond simple reach from metrics like unique visitors to your plumbing website.

Cost per lead helps you understand where your brand awareness efforts in marketing are most crucial. They tell you whether your campaigns are generating desired results at an affordable cost or not. They assist you to understand the amount of money you need to get a particular set of leads for your plumbing company. Because leads are the starting point of your sales processes, improving and benchmarking your cost per lead is an important metric for your plumbing marketing efforts or campaigns.

Conversion Rate [CR]

the more conversions, the better your plumbing gets in Google rankings

In plumbing marketing, a conversion happens when a prospect or client completes a particular activity, such as booking a job or subscribing to your newsletter. It can also be any action that helps meet the objectives that your plumbing company has. On the other hand, conversion rate measures how regularly a client completes a particular set goal,

Conversion rate is a crucial metric that shows you if your marketing campaigns are on track. They tell you how effective your strategies are in terms of attaining a set goal. A higher conversion rate implies more likelihood of prospects or clients converting after coming across your piece of content. This also means low costs in terms of acquiring customers, which saves you money in the long run.

Consequently, the more conversions, the better your plumbing gets in Google rankings. Thus, if you want to skyrocket your bottom line, make minor but worthy tweaks to your plumbing website. Use Google Optimize together with Google Analytics to test various elements of your website to increase your revenue without necessarily increasing your ad spend.

Return on Investment (ROI)


ROI denotes the amount of profit your plumbing company will earn from the money spent on a particular activity or investment like a marketing campaign. As an online marketing metric, ROI helps you know whether your company is profitable or not. It shows the expenditures as well as activities connected with them that are creating revenue and those that are not.

So, it is an important tool for planning your marketing or advertising budgets. While it is not possible to capture the total money spent on marketing activity, say a Google Ad campaign, it is crucial to make sure that your ROI is comparable to other internet marketing activities.

Bounce Rate

bounce rate refers to the number of clients or prospects who visit your plumbing website

Simply put, bounce rate refers to the number of clients or prospects who visit your plumbing website and leave right away without completing any meaningful action. If your site has a high bounce rate, this is a good indication that there are flaws in your online marketing strategies, and some of them could be irrelevant traffic sources, weak landing pages, or poor targeting, amongst others.

A prospect visiting and clicking off your website also implies they didn’t find what they were searching for and the only way to make sure that they spend time on it is by auditing your content and identifying what they are looking for. This way, you will craft relevant content that will attract them.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)


CPA revolves around revenue after a lead becomes a paying client. It gives you a rough idea of how much you will spend to get a client to open his or her wallet. CPA is a deal for paid search marketing campaigns like Pay-Per-Click campaigns.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)


CTR is another internet marketing metric that quantifies the number of clicks on a specific content over the number of impressions it achieves. It is the percentage of prospects that click on a campaign after coming across it.

CTR is the simple form of engagement rate because the only engagement counted is the one that matters the most and clicks on a link. This metric shows whether your site content is interesting to grab people’s attention and lead them to click on the link and be redirected to the plumbing website.

In Google ads, CTR boosts your quality score each time a user clicks on an ad, and when this occurs, your ads are ranked on top of SERPs, which has other advantages such as increased traffic and more conversions.

Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value refers to a KPI used to measure the amount of revenue you can expect from a specific client for the entire period of doing business with your company.

A higher customer lifetime value indicates that your plumbing business is doing well and often signals a profit. It helps you understand how valuable different customers are and thus allocate more resources to them.

Business Growth

business growth metric

Another important KPI for plumbers is the business growth metric. This can be calculated in numerous ways, but estimating your annual gross profit margins is the most effective. This is where you bring in things like cost of operation, salaries, and cost of equipment into the equation. To find your gross profit margin, calculate your total sales revenue and subtract your total cost of operation, divide the figure you obtain with sales revenue again.

Customer Satisfaction

client satisfaction

Lastly, client satisfaction. Do you know that it is much cheaper to keep an existing customer than to try to get a new one? This is why customer satisfaction is an important KPI for plumbers since client satisfaction leads to retention.

You can assess your customer satisfaction levels by developing a questionnaire form and asking clients to fill it. Keeping your eye on online reviews is also crucial. You can improve customer satisfaction by responding to all reviews (whether negative or positive) promptly and professionally.

Top Channels for Local Plumbing Contractors to Generate Qualified Leads

By analyzing your overall plumbing marketing strategy and how every lead source generates qualified sales for your company.

Then you can begin to work on the different marketing efforts with every channel to obtain more qualified leads, increase sales growth and reduce client acquisition costs.

While monitoring plumbing marketing KPIs your sales crew should come in to see how your collective advertising or marketing efforts generate results across the following channels.

Organic Search

Organic site traffic will be one of the cheapest in terms of acquiring leads

Homeowners and property managers use search engines such as Google or Bing to find information about a local service business and click on the organic results shown to them. Not advertisements. Organic site traffic will be one of the cheapest in terms of acquiring leads but will take the longest time to develop and achieve realistic results.

Paid Advertising

Increase your chances of increasing traffic

There are multiple ways paid advertising is showcased to your potential clients to boost website traffic, and here are some examples. But, if you want to increase your chances of increasing traffic to lead ratio, landing pages are a perfect way to achieve this.

  • Google Local Service Ads
  • Text ads from Google Ads
  • Display advertising on other sites
  • Paid ads on social media websites
  • Click to call ads from Google.

Social Media Marketing

SMM illustration

Social media is one of those platforms that can help you in various ways. Not all resulting to direct sales, but offering you an opportunity to build and get:

  • Brand awareness
  • Potential client referrals
  • Client support channel

As you can see, a lot goes into each plumbing marketing KPI, and together they show a clear picture of how your company is performing online. Every monthly report combines it all and makes sure we continually drive revenue in the best ways possible. At BlackStorm Design +Marketing, we are in the business to create lifelong partnerships, and such plumbing business marketing KPIs hold our team accountable.

Let’s work together to create a strong online presence for your plumbing company so you can book more jobs on the web.

Schedule a free strategy session with BlackStorm Design + Marketing to learn how we can help your plumbing business grow today.

Plumbing SEO

How to Get Your Plumbing Business Found on Voice Search

Increase Your Website Traffic, Stay Ahead Of The Competition, And Boost Your Revenue With Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is not a marketing fad but a critical aspect of growing your Plumbing business online. Making sure that your Plumbing business is found on voice search puts you ahead of the curve. Analysts predict that half of all the online searches in 2022 will come from voice search. If you have not prepared your business for voice search, you might be losing leads/clients to your competitors.

voice search optimization

In today’s modern world, property owners have the power to find professional Plumbing services when they want it. With the increased use of digital voice assistants, getting noticed on voice search is essential to your Plumbing SEO success. This post will provide simple tips to help your Plumbing business get found on voice search and make more money in 2020.

So, the most crucial question is: Will your Plumbing business get found on voice search results in 2020?

Not sure? 

Here are the five essential strategies that will help your Plumbing business get found by prospects/clients on voice search results!

Strategy #1: Get Your Plumbing Business Listed in significant directories and be found in Voice Search Results

Getting your Plumbing business NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) details listed on major directories like Yelp, Google Business Profile, and Facebook can improve the traffic and make your business visible on voice searches. You must ensure that your listings are accurate and consistent across all the directories.

Yelp, Google My Business, and Facebook

Here are some simple steps that you can take to ensure that your business is listed:

  • Make a list of all major directories and Plumbing-specific directories that you want your business listed on, and add a business to these listings.
  • Create a spreadsheet that outlines the kind of information you wish to include in these listings.
  • Write a short description that you can add to your Plumbing business listing.
  • Add unique photos to your Plumbing business listing.

Pro tip: You can also automate your business listing to improve your Plumbing business online presence.

Strategy #2: Collect Online Reviews to Get Found on Voice Search

If you were to conduct an online search of the best Plumbing contractor around you, you would notice that the ones that appear on top of Google search have four stars ratings and above. You can easily infer that the high number of positive reviews your Plumbing business has, the higher your chances of getting found on voice search results.

Review concept illustration

Here are some tips to generate more positive reviews for your Plumbing business:

  • Ask from clients. According to a study, more than 60% of property owners leave a review when requested. That said, you need to make sure that generating reports is not a cumbersome one.
  • Send a review generation pamphlet that directs your clients to leave a review on major review sites.
  • Automate your review generation system.

A local review schema is another crucial task that can help you make the most out of voice search results. Once you incorporate a review schema on your Plumbing website, you will let the search engine crawlers understand your website details and present it to Google as snippets. Your online reputation matters when it comes to getting found in voice search results.

This is what most Plumbing marketers will call position zero; your Plumbing business information will show up in the local three-pack. Voice assistants will utilize this information to find the best-suited voice search results.

Strategy #3: Optimize for Long-tail Keywords to get found on Voice Search

Long-tail Keywords

When researching your keywords online, make sure that you target the long-tail key phrases that property owners would use when searching for your services or products. Put merely, spoken search queries are more extended than text-based questions. For instance, if you are searching for a Plumber near you, you will just type “best Plumbing contractor Nashville City,” But if you are conducting a voice search, you can say, “Ok, Google, where can I get the best Plumbing contractor in Nashville?”

The difference in phrasing separates keyword applications for voice search and type search. Hence, you need to develop ways to optimize for long-tail keywords in your content. Besides using the long tail conversational keywords, you need to optimize your keywords for “near me” searches.

Strategy #4: Make Your Plumbing Website Mobile-first to get found on Voice search

If you want your Plumbing business to appear on voice search results, then make sure that your Plumbing website is optimized for mobile devices.

mobile-friendly websites

Here are the two crucial reasons why mobile-friendly websites get found on the voice search results:

  • Property owners are increasingly using their mobile devices to conduct voice search results queries.
  • Based on this, search engines like Google announced that their algorithms would include mobile versions of the Plumbing website as a ranking factor. 

To optimize your Plumbing website for mobile, you need to use a responsive design that will adapt to all sizes of mobile screens.

Here are some tips that will make your Plumbing website mobile-friendly:

  • Make sure that your content is optimized for smaller screens and especially for the fat finger.
  • You need to ensure that your site speed is not affected by elements like content that takes long to load or large images. Ideally, your Plumbing website should load in less than three seconds.
  • If your website has both adaptive and responsive design, then make sure that you have content for both styles.

Strategy #5: Leverage Featured Snippets to get found on Voice Search Results

Featured Snippets

A featured snippet is synonymous with a clipping from a magazine or newspaper. It highlights specific details from an organic search result in a list, table format, or paragraph, and most marketers will call it to position zero. Besides, a featured snippet contains a page title and a link to the page.

Why Does Getting Found on Voice Search Matter to Your Plumbing Business?

Voice Search Matter to Your Plumbing Business

With over one billion voice searches conducted monthly, investing in a well-crafted voice search strategy is important for your Plumbing business. Here are some compelling reasons why you need to invest in getting found on voice search results:

Voice Search SEO Improves the Online Visibility of Your Plumbing Business

Online Visibility

The search is crucial to growing your Plumbing business in today’s digital world. More than 80% of clients first conduct research online via Google, Bing, or Yahoo before they buy your Plumbing service or product. That’s why, if you want to reach prospects, prioritize search in your Plumbing marketing campaigns.

While voice search concentrates on position zero rankings, that position requires that you rank on Google’s first page. For example, a study by Ahrefs showed that over 70% of featured snippets come from the first three websites in the search engine results.

That is why our experienced Plumbing marketers optimize your website to earn a featured snippet and rank on Google’s first page. This technique increases your online visibility in different ways.

Once your Plumbing website gets ranked at position zero, you can increase your online visibility to clients who use voice search. This has a triple effect on your business, from receiving countless clients’ calls to booking more Plumbing jobs.

Getting found on voice search increases your Plumbing website traffic

website traffic dashboard

While featured snippets dominate voice search, so do long-tail keywords. For example, a study by Ahrefs showed that more than half of featured snippets appear for long-tail keywords, not short-tail keywords.

That implies that there is a high chance of voice search driving relevant traffic to your Plumbing website. If your featured snippet responds to a user’s question, they will click on the snippet to learn more about your service, product, or topic- depending on their voice-enabled device.

In most cases, these are people in your target audience.

Once a prospect arrives at your Plumbing website, you can try to keep them engaged through content marketing. By ranking at position zero across several keywords, your Plumbing business then increases its traffic potential.

Getting Found on Voice Search Improves Your Conversion Rates

Conversion Rates

With over 80% of Americans owning a smartphone, it is becoming a trend for clients to search while on-the-go. This trend has positive benefits (making partnering with a reputable Plumbing SEO agency a must). Local Plumbing searches mostly conducted on mobile devices have a conversion rate of over 80%.

In this case, the advantage of your voice search optimization is that the Amazon Echo, Siri, or Google Assistant will reference your company when a prospect asks about a Plumbing contractor near them. In such a scenario, these devices will pull up your Google My Business listing, and this can lead to more booked jobs.

Our voice search optimization services can help your Plumbing business improve its conversion rates. If you want to create a subscriber list for your email marketing campaigns, like getting featured snippets in the search results can result in a conversion.

For example, your ultimate guide on Plumbing may include a clear call to action that requests users to become part of your mailing list. Many readers will probably register to get more content from your business based on your content’s quality. 

Your content marketing, voice search optimization, and email marketing work together in this scenario.

That kind of integrated internet marketing strategy is critical, and it is also one reason why most Plumbers partner with full-service digital marketing agencies like Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing. We strive to deliver personalized performance-oriented online marketing services to Plumbing contractors.

Getting found on Voice Search Drives Revenue to Your Plumbing Business

Voice Search Drives Revenue to Your Plumbing Business

There is no doubt that the voice search creates income for your Plumbing business. In some cases, it collaborates with your other online marketing services to achieve that.

For instance, it can generate a new client/lead through an email newsletter registration.

Your email marketing strategy can then guide the prospect down to the buying funnel leading to a conversion.

When it comes to our Plumbing marketing services, from reputation management to voice search, it is crucial to our experts that you get a good return out of your investment. That’s why you can rely on our experts to develop a voice search optimization strategy that will improve your Plumbing sales.

Getting Found on Voice Search Improves Your Plumbing Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

With voice search, you can also strengthen your Plumbing brand awareness campaigns. Improved brand awareness among your prospect can lead to other advantages like more sales and conversions for your Plumbing business. 

Clients who use voice search on their phones see the featured snippet provided by Google Assistant or Siri. That featured snippet contains particular details about your business, like your Plumbing website URL.

In most cases, your URL includes your business name. As prospects continue to conduct voice searches around a specific topic, your Plumbing website will continue to pop up in those voice searches. That portrays your Plumbing business as a trusted resource for matters related to Plumbing.

As your brand awareness grows, clients will come to trust your business and hire you for services.

Why Choose Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing Voice Search Optimization Services? 

For many years, Plumbers across the United States have trusted Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing for their internet marketing needs. With a team comprised of Plumbing marketing experts and proven strategies, we are a performance-driven agency focused on growing your Plumbing business online.

Learn more about what makes us different from other Plumbing marketing agencies:

We are Knowledgeable and Certified

Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing for their internet marketing needs

With more than ten years of experience, we understand how it can improve your Plumbing business’s online presence, boost traffic, and drive revenue. All our team members are certified and remain abreast of the Plumbing industry’s latest changes to deliver exceptional results to our customers.

Unparalleled Satisfaction

We do provide more than result-oriented strategies for our clients. We offer personalized services dedicated to our customer’s goals. That’s why we have a customer retention rate of more than 90%, and our recommendation score is 500% higher than the Plumbing industry’s average.

Data-Driven Strategies

implement data-driven strategies

As a marketing agency driven by results, we concentrate on creating customized voice search solutions for your Plumbing business. Our team can help craft and implement data-driven strategies to meet your Plumbing business goals.

Ready to partner with Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing? 

Competitive Strategies

If you are searching for voice search optimization services to help you generate more revenue, trust Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing. With hundreds of satisfied customers and more than ten years of experience, you can rely on our experienced team to deliver the best results for your Plumbing business. Schedule a free strategy session to know how we can help you get found on voice search results today!

Plumbing SEO

How to Win More Plumbing Clients Using Voice Search Optimization

Have you ever posed a question to Siri?

How about other voice assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, or Cortana? 

Whether you have answered or not, the sad reality is that;

Most of your potential clients have spoken a question or command to any of these online assistants.

They have asked questions like:

“Siri, where can I find the best plumber in Tennessee?”

“Alexa, is it going to rain tonight?” 

Research shows that among customers who use voice search, almost 50% use voice assistants to find a local business. 

So what does that mean for your plumbing business?

Your plumbing business cannot ignore voice search and expect to win more jobs online. 

Every plumber who operates a plumbing website understands the value of search engine optimization. For years, plumbing marketers, hoping to popularize their blogs, would research keywords and use them sparingly throughout the content to rank #1 on Google search results when prospects look for them online.

What is Voice Search Optimization and How Does it Work

Voice search optimization

Voice search optimization refers to the process of optimizing your plumbing web pages to appear in voice searches. Voice search is any search a prospect performs on the web using a voice command instead of text or typing.

But how does voice search work? Here is a breakdown of how things work in voice search in four simple steps: 

  • A prospect/client initiates a voice search by addressing the device voice assistant using pre-programmed voice command (“Hey, Alexa,” “Hey Siri,” or “Hey Cortana”)
  • The prospect/client gives authority or asks a question: “where do I find the best plumbing contractor over here?” Or “SEO movie release date.”
  • Based on the kind of technology that the voice search uses, it will collect the packets of sounds as syllables, phrases, or sentences.
  • Finally, the voice search system will translate the sounds’ units to text and initiate the search process.

Whew! Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about that too much. But isn’t it refreshing to understand what goes behind the scenes?

What is the Role of Voice Search in SEO?

Voice Search in SEO

SEO is one of the most crucial marketing tools used by plumbing contractors all over the world. Since its inception, SEO has undergone various changes, most of which come from the search engines’ limitations. Voice search and artificial intelligence will affect your plumbing business progression with SEO. Plumbers will now have to align their keywords to take advantage of this new technology to drive more demand and income.

Voice search will affect how plumbing website content is written and narrow down to the target market more precisely within a short time. It will also assist offer relevant feedback after sieving through a massive amount of information. This will give your plumbing business a competitive edge as it will concentrate more on the target audience. Furthermore, artificial intelligence can be used to analyze layouts, marketing content, and UI graphics.

Experts believe that voice search will eliminate the possibilities of black hat SEO, as it will help them detect false keyword stuffing in the coming days. Be it a personal computer, laptop, or mobile, voice search makes it easy for people of all ages to find local plumbers by speaking to their gadgets. This ease of use in daily life will help voice search to grow in the coming days.

Why Do Plumbing Contractors Need to Invest in a Voice Search Optimization Strategy?

Voice Search Optimization Strategy

A voice search strategy is essential for your plumbing business. With more clients/prospects using voice assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri, you need to invest in this strategy to reach them, mainly if you operate locally. More than half of voice searches are used to identify a local business.

Here are some of your plumbing business benefits of implementing a comprehensive voice search optimization strategy:

  • Increased plumbing website traffic
  • Raise your brand visibility and awareness
  • Enhances client engagement
  • High scope of plumbing sales and conversions.
  • Drives more prospects to your plumbing business.

How to Win More Plumbing Clients with Voice Search Optimization

voice search technology

Now that you have understood the ins and outs of voice search technology, it’s time to know how to use the information gained to generate more plumbing conversions and draw potential clients with voice search.

Create an Easy-to-Read Site Map

Site Map

Your sitemap is how Google recognizes your search terms and their relevance to the prospect’s or client’s search. When creating a new plumbing website, consider the keywords you choose and how they will rhyme with what your clients are searching for online.

If your map is organized and clean, Google will instantly recommend your plumbing website if a web user performs a voice search for a proper phrase or keyword. It is also highly recommended that you revise your old content to see if there are revisions that you can make in your URL link. This small tweak will help your business reach more clients searching for information related to your niche online.

Re-evaluate your Keywords

evaluate your Keywords

It is estimated that by 2022, more than half of American households will have a smart speaker. Combine that with the fact that every adult owns a smartphone with voice search capabilities, and it is easy to see why plumbing contractors need to rethink their keyword research strategy. We need to think about how an average homeowner would initiate a search and concentrate on those keywords.

How to Prepare Your Plumbing Business for Voice search Revolution

Prepare Your Business for Voice search Revolution

Speech recognition and voice search software are on the upward trend like never before. If you have not been affected by the voice search yet, then know that it is around the corner, and over time everyone will be swept by the marvels of voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant.

It is estimated that by 2020, almost half of the total online searches will be voice-activated (source). Voice search is the new wave of a technology revolution that plumbing contractors must adapt to. But the question is, how can you prepare your plumbing company for this bleeding-edge tool? This post will discuss how voice search can be utilized and how it will change your business and the plumbing industry in general.

Here are some of the things you can do to get your plumbing business ready for voice search:

Improve Page Speed

Page Speed

Prospects/clients expect fast results for their voice searches. Most voice searches are performed over mobile and devices like Amazon Echo. And plumbing website loading speed is an essential aspect of cellular search ranking signals. It was found out that the average time for a voice search results was 54 seconds. If you want to increase your chances of showing up in voice searches, make sure your plumbing website loads faster.

HTTPS and SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates

HTTPS prefix and an SSL certificate validate your plumbing website security. Google had announced that in 2014, HTTPS would be considered a priority ranking factor, and this would apply to voice search as well. This shows that securing your plumbing website with an HTTPS certificate will help your site to appear in voice searches.

Informative, easy-to-read, and long-form quality content

Content making

Contents that are easy to read and have a 2000-3000 word count stand a high chance of ranking high in voice search results. However, stuffing your posts with meaningless words to appear in voice searches is not the ideal method. Google selects content quality over quantity, and if your post meets quality content guidelines, then Google will consider it the best pick.

Content engagement also plays a vital role in voice search rankings. Though Google does not consider social media signals when ranking plumbing websites, it has been observed that highly engaging content tends to rank high in voice searches.

High SERP and Featured Snippets


Domain rating is more preferable than your page authority. Hence, a plumbing website with more quality backlinks will be superior to one with an excellent backlink ratio. A plumbing website with a higher domain rating ranks better in the search results.

Another factor you need to consider is the featured snippet section. Snippets are regarded as the ideal results of voice searches. More than 40% of voice search queries are answered in these featured snippets, and they contain precise answers to users’ questions in a concise format. But you need first to make sure that your plumbing website gets on top of the search engine results. Only pages that feature in the first page results of Google will appear in the featured snippet section.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile Optimization

Do you know that 1 out of 5 adults in America uses voice search at least once every month? A better mobile experience has become an essential factor in voice search optimization. Furthermore, Google has already announced that it will reward mobile-friendly plumbing websites with a higher ranking.

Strengthen Your Plumbing Marketing with these Voice Search Optimization Tips

Use Natural Language to Appear in Voice Search Results

voice search and natural language

Prospects use more conversational queries when performing a voice search. For instance, they are more likely to inquire, “At what time does plumber x open today?” or “Plumber x office hours.” So make sure that you try to include as many conversational keywords as possible. Such kinds of queries are also known as long-tail keywords, and they are usually longer and tend to take the form of questions and phrases. Voice search results are generally delivered on the 9th-grade English level, so make sure that your content is presented well and easy to understand.


Digital device

Check the kind of devices your prospects are using and optimize your plumbing website for such devices. While voice assistants are found on smart speakers, research shows that most of these searches are performed on handheld devices such as smartphones and smartwatches.


local business

Prospects searching for something local (such as a local business) are three times more likely to perform a voice search (particularly on a mobile phone) than a text-based query. What does that mean for your plumbing business? It means that you need to be on top of your internet marketing game (like your online reputation and local SEO) if you want your plumbing company to get found on voice searches.

5 Voice Search Strategies that you can apply today

Voice Search Strategies

Strategy #1:  Focus on giving answers directly

If you want to get the most out of your voice search strategy, begin by answering questions directly.

Did you know that over 50% of voice searches rely on featured snippets?

Such featured snippets answer questions from prospects directly.

Prospects normally perform voice searches in the form of questions.

(“Siri, how do you find an experienced plumber here?”)

(“Alexa, is it raining today?”) 

As a plumber, you need to start posting your content on the FAQ page for the most common questions prospects ask, making it easier for your plumbing website to get found in the voice search results.

To boost your visibility, keep your answers brief. 

Strategy#2: Make your Content Easy to Read


When Google gets results for voice searchers, it attempts to locate content that an average customer can read and understand.

Don’t try to show off your plumbing website using all the technical jargon you know. 

Keep your website content simple so that it can be understood by ordinary people so that your sites get found on voice search results. Also, make sure that your site can be followed by all visitors who interact with it.

Strategy#3: Follow SEO Best Practices

SEO Best Practices

Did you know plumbing websites that rank high in desktop searches have the same chance of getting found on voice searches?

The reverse is also true.

If you have not optimized your plumbing website for SEO, you will not get found on voice searches. But there are several things you can do to make sure that your plumbing website gets found on top of search engine results, including the following:

  • Speeding up your plumbing website
  • Integrating keywords on your plumbing pages
  • Make your plumbing website mobile-friendly.

So, you must re-evaluate your SEO strategy to appear prominently on voice searches.

Strategy #4: Make Business Details Accessible

accessible business details

Consider the kind of information that prospects might want to know about your plumbing business when thinking of using your products or services.

They might want to know your:

  • Business hours
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Customer reviews and ratings. 

And virtual assistants such as Siri are the convenient and fastest way of getting such details. Therefore make sure that these details are readily available on your blog, plumbing website, and online business listings (like Google My Business and Yelp).

Strategy #5: Invest in Local Service Ads from Google

Local Service Ads

Besides the regular pay-per-click ads, Google currently offers local service ads on top of its search engine results.

Local service ads help potential clients learn about local, Google-verified plumbing businesses and even book jobs directly from the ad. 

If you have invested in these ads currently, the good news is that you will experience improved voice search visibility. If you do not use local service ads, you need to invest in them, giving you more leads in text-based and voice searches.

Boost Your Plumbing Sales with Voice Search Optimization Now

Boost sales with voice search

Voice search optimization will assist you in generating more leads for your plumbing business and earn more sales. Implementing the voice search optimization tips discussed in this post will drive more voice searchers to your plumbing company. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by implementing these voice search optimization strategies in your business? Don’t fret, as the Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing team is ready to help optimize your plumbing website for voice search. We have a team of experienced SEO specialists who will ensure that your business appears on top of voice search results.

Don’t miss out on potential plumbing jobs because you don’t have a voice search strategy. 

Ensure that your plumbing business is visible regardless of the device your prospects are using-whether it is Alexa, Siri, or desktop using text searches.

If you want your plumbing business to be found on voice search results and don’t know to start, kindly schedule a free strategy session with our experts to win more plumbing clients today!

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