Plumbing SEO

20 Low-Cost Ways to Get More Plumbing Customers (and Keep Them Coming)

Get more plumbing customers without breaking your bank account with these actionable tips

Plumber and client shaking hands.

Acquiring new customers is the bane of many plumbing contractors. While sometimes it may be simple as finding a homeowner searching for a specific plumbing service, other times it can be more challenging. The standard method to get more plumbing customers is from marketing to the right people down to closing the sale. For many plumbers, this may be a daunting task, particularly when their efforts don’t achieve the desired results.

Clients are the lifeline of your plumbing company. If your phone is not ringing, then your plumbing expertise will be of no use. You won’t generate any revenue and thus your company will close its doors. So, it is crucial to maintain a consistent flow of customers to your plumbing business.

The amazing thing about running your plumbing company is understanding that there is a huge demand for your services at all times. Wherever people reside, pipes are very crucial to their everyday life. Sometimes, something goes wrong with their piping system and they have to repair it urgently. That, said, as there might be a higher demand for plumbers, there is always a need to get more plumbing customers by using the appropriate marketing strategies.

If you are wondering how to get more customers to your plumbing business, we got you covered. This post will share in-depth strategies that will hands down – assist you to get more clients for your growing plumbing business. Want to be booked several months in advance? Here are our inexpensive ways to do it.

1. Get More Plumbing Customers by Marketing Your Services

Female and male plumbers with their client.

Marketing is essential in any plumbing company. You cannot generate revenue in your plumbing business without money and time in marketing your plumbing services. This aspect is no different in the plumbing industry. You will never secure any new customers if you don’t invest in plumbing marketing.  Target customers must know that you are a plumber and the services you are providing.

If you want to expand your customer base, you need to boost your marketing efforts. Homeowners should know that you are a plumbing contractor. Only through this strategy can you obtain clients to work for. So, consider implementing a marketing strategy that will boost your plumbing brand in your area.

A successful plumbing marketing strategy will attract various kinds of clients – whether they are panicking from a pipe that has just busted or are performing research online to find a reliable plumber for their new bathroom installation.

Related: 15 Plumbing Marketing Ideas, Strategies, And Tricks To Grow Your Business

2. Get More Plumbing Customers by Building a Professional Website

Plumbing maintenance landing page website.

Having a plumbing website not only increases your visibility among plumbing clients but also makes you more trustworthy and reliable.  In the modern digital world, online presence is crucial. Search engines like Google or Bing are the first stopover when it comes to searching for a service or product.

A homeowner will turn to Google to find a plumber before looking for one in their backyard. If your company doesn’t have a website, you will miss the opportunity to secure a job. For this reason, you should hire a reputable plumbing web design agency to get your site built especially if you are not familiar with web development and design.

Put information about your plumbing company, where you are situated, the number of years you have been in the plumbing industry, your working style, and what makes your business stand out from the competitors. Consider having a plumbing company blog to help you establish a connection with your clients.

Read more: Plumbing Website Optimization:14 SEO Tricks Your Business Needs For Lead Generation

3. Get More Plumbing Customers by Focusing on SEO

Search Engine Optimization

Even if your plumbing company is small, there is a high likelihood that you have a website. If you don’t, we highly recommend that you solve that problem ASAP. If you don’t have a plumbing website, then you are missing out on major opportunities of getting found by homeowners searching for plumbers online.

In the infant stages of the Internet, a plumbing website alone was enough to help a business, secure new clients. But things are different nowadays. Now there is stiff and cutthroat competition online. If you want to grab the attention of your potential clients online, you will require more than a website to achieve that. You will require an actual plan.

That’s where search engine optimization for plumbers comes into play.

Search engine optimization sounds complicated and very technical. And in actual sense, it can be. But at the most fundamental level, SEO is the process of creating a plumbing website that directly and clearly addresses the problems your clients have when they conduct searches on the internet.

Generally speaking, you can handle the SEO of your plumbing website alone, making this an inexpensive option for generating qualified leads. In fact, it is possible to take a DIY approach to plumbing SEO and see great results.

Related: How To Improve Your Plumbing Website’s SEO

But you must be willing to commit time to learn the ins and outs of the process. Poorly executed SEO can adversely affect your business, so you will want to perform some serious research to make sure that your plan is solid before implementing it.

Or you can partner with a plumbing SEO agency to help you throughout the process. If you have the budget to afford this kind of service, we highly recommend it.

4. Carefully Manage Your Online Reputation to Get More Plumbing Customers

Client reviews

Another way to get more plumbing clients/leads is to manage your online reviews carefully and consistently. Most prospects search for reliable nearby plumbing businesses with great online reviews, and always try to avoid low-average star ratings or negative reviews before scheduling a service appointment.

Positive client feedback on review platforms such as Facebook, Google, and other business review and social media websites can make a noticeable difference when clients decide which plumbing contractor to hire. According to a Consumer Survey, more than 90% of clients cited positive reviews as a factor that makes them more likely to hire a particular business.

Real clients who give your business positive reviews help to establish trust in your plumbing company. Your prospects read an average of 10 reviews before trusting a plumbing business, and more than 80% of those people – trust online reviews as much as recommendations from their family or friends, according to the survey. If you don’t have the time to manage what customers say about your plumbing business on the Internet, hire a plumbing online reputation management agency to help you out.

5. Get More Plumbing Customers Via Paid Advertising


Pay-per-click advertising gives your plumbing business a chance to bid on famous keywords that homeowners use to search for a plumbing company like yours online.  Your plumbing SEO plan is what drives the organic (or FREE) web traffic. That’s people who find your plumbing company website through a simple search on Google. But there is another (typically faster) option for grabbing the attention of your potential customers: paid advertising otherwise known as pay-per-click advertising (PPC).

Based on various factors like a maximum bid for every keyword, landing page score, or your ad copy, then your ad is shown to prospects or clients looking for plumbers in your area. Pay-per-click advertising comes in multiple different forms, which may include but is not restricted to;

Search ads: Search ads are the most crucial and common type of PPC ads for plumbers. You will normally see them at the bottom and top of the search engine result page with a small logo that says “Ad” next to the results.  It is a way to jump at the top of your competitors on search engines, ahead of all organic search results that took a lot of effort and time to be seen.

Display ads: This will show your plumbing ads across all the sites that partner with Google. You can select a specific target market or website where your ads will be visible.

Remarketing ads:  Do you know that great feeling that a business is following no matter where you go on the Internet?  That’s not by accident, it’s retargeting or remarketing. A plumber knows that you are interested in a specific service (since you had visited their website before) and re-engages you with an ad.

Social media ads for plumbers: Just like display ads, you can target a particular audience, using the vast data of the social profiles you could purchase from, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and even Instagram. The right image is crucial to conducting a great social media PPC ad.

6. Claim Your Free Google Business Profile Listing to Get More Plumbing Customers Online

Google Business Profile

Claiming your Google Business Profile will assist your plumbing company to appear on the local search results page, skyrocket your website traffic and make it easier for potential clients to find your plumbing services online.

Your Google Business Profile offers visitors a snapshot of your company and services, including your logo, contact information, service area, client reviews, and pictures of successfully completed projects.

Read also: The ultimate guide to Google Business Profile for Plumbers

Here is what your Google Business Profile will appear like when a new client looks for a plumber in your service area.

7. Use Social Media Marketing to Get More Plumbing Customers Online

Social Media Marketing

From TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram to Facebook, just about everyone is on one social media platform at some point. Social media apps help people to stay connected, keep informed, and above all entertained.

And folks spend a lot of time on social media.

The average American spends over one hour on social media each day. This explains why social media advertising is one of the common forms of internet marketing.

Since anyone with a social media profile can utilize that profile to advertise, marketing on social media is technically free. But just like PPC ads or SEO, the most successful plumbing social media advertising efforts need a budget and specialized skill set.

Plus, social media marketing for plumbers takes time. Likely, more time than what most plumbers think.

Not only will be required to create and publish posts regularly but also remain active with your target audience or market. When they ask questions or leave comments, you should be able to respond to them promptly. That implies you have to be on your preferred social media networks a lot, yourself.

If you had already spent a good time on social media, this could be a surefire way to generate plumbing clients or leads. Otherwise, you may be required to hire a social media advertising agency for plumbers to help you out.

8. Invest in Email Marketing to Win More Plumbing Customers

Email Marketing

Another great way to obtain plumbing clients is by using targeted email marketing campaigns.

Sending regular emails to your client list promoting your plumbing services and reminding them of your top-notch services (such as plumbing system maintenance) keeps you on top of their mind. So when the client requires plumbing services, you are the first plumber they remember.

Targeted plumbing email marketing tends to be cheaper than conventional advertising and keeps your business top–of–mind for clients. To make email marketing work for your plumbing company, figure out the particular topics that will resonate with your target audience.

For instance:

  • Share informative and helpful tips to establish brand loyalty (e.g., signs that your water heater is failing)
  • Remind clients of recommended maintenance
  • Provide seasonal reminders to help clients keep their plumbing systems running optimally and smoothly.

9. Build a Plumbing Brand Your Clients Will Recognize and Love

Plumbing Brand

Creating a brand for your plumbing business is one of the best ways to attract and impress potential customers.

(It is also one of the effective ways of outranking the competition)

Once you have settled on the visual elements of your brand (like fonts, logo, and colors) ensure that you use them consistently throughout your plumber marketing efforts to assist new and existing clients recognize your business.

Related: 9 Inexpensive And Super-Effective Tricks For Branding Your Plumbing Business

10. Get More Plumbing Customers Through Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing involves crafting and distributing important information across multiple digital channels. Content, from blogs to videos to online reviews has profound impacts on your potential customers. They are one of the efficient ways to create a positive first impression on your target audience or market.

Quality content creation combined with great keyword research makes sure that your content is read and understood. You must set aside a section for a blog on your website where you can write quality SEO content related to the plumbing niche. If you handed over the task to a plumbing marketing agency, they will perform a competitor analysis to see what other plumbers are writing about.

But your content creation should not be restricted to blogs only; there are multiple ways to use your plumbing business’ content. For example, you can create infographics, videos, short films, and more with content strategies and promote them for appropriate channels for maximum reach. With numerous content marketing tools available, you can easily make sure that your content resonates with your target audience.

11. Get More Plumbing Customers with Local Service Ads

Local Service Ads

Local Services ads from Google are focused on small plumbing businesses that want to be rated highly and build the respect and trust of local buyers. Via the Local Services platform, plumbing contractors are able to buy advertising inventory that is best has the best search engine estate: the #1 spot of search results.

This is particularly helpful for mobile searches; which contribute to more than 60% of all online searches. That number is expected to increase over time.

Local service ads for plumbers get your business affordable customers from people actually looking for your services.

But you must apply for this service. If you are accepted, then you should set up a campaign while allocating a good budget. If you are still on the fence about what your budget should be, schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to get started.

12. Get More Customers Through Plumbing Lead Generation Websites

Plumbing Lead Generation Websites

Another proven way to get more plumbing customers is by paying a lead generation company to do all the hard work for you.

If you have a good marketing budget that allows this option, then it makes a lot of sense to use it.

Listing your plumbing company on pay-per-call lead generation websites can put you in front of wallet-out prospects who are actively looking for your plumbing services- with minimal effort on your part.

These platforms are perfect if you provide kitchen or bathroom remodels and maintenance services. Just bid on the jobs you want and send quotes to potential clients.

You can also use them to collect client reviews and enhance your brand’s reputation (both online and offline).

13. Use Retargeting Ads to Get More Plumbing Customers Online

Have you ever noticed when you leave a specific website and then head over to Facebook, you will see an ad from the site you visited down on your feed? That’s retargeting in action.

Retargeting presents yet another way to get more plumbing customers in the form of pixels. Pixels are minor snippets of code you can put on your landing pages to record and track information about the behavior of users.

With such data, you can develop personalized service recommendations and retarget prospects with custom ads that show as previous website visitors browse other sites, like Google, Bing, and Facebook.

For example:

Retargeting Ads

If a prospect visits one of your plumbing service pages and clicks off without filling out a form or calling your business, then you can retarget only those people with ads that contain client testimonials, for instance, across other websites in the Google Display Network or even social media networks such as LinkedIn or Facebook.

Remember, most people don’t purchase plumbing services on their first visit to your website, so utilizing retargeting is a free and smart marketing strategy to re-engage non-converting leads and visitors.

14. Get More Plumbing Customers Offline Using the Following Strategies

More Plumbing Customers Offline

Ask for Referrals

Referrals are one of the inexpensive ways to get new plumbing customers-but if you sit down and wait for your existing customers to refer their family members and friends to your business, you could be waiting longer. Take charge by actively requesting referrals from your satisfied clients. Include a referral-generating activity in your sales process. For example, send out a follow-up email asking for a referral after you have completed a client’s plumbing project successfully.  Have your sales representatives ask for referrals when they follow up to answer questions after completing a project.

Network with Other Plumbing Contractors

Networking is crucial in each field.

Networking is crucial in each field. The approach helps you connect with other stakeholders in your industry. However, many plumbers don’t want to engage with their peers or colleagues. They wrongly that having a good relationship with their rivals is a bad idea.

If you hold the same school of thought, then you are wrong. Networking is a great way of expanding your client base. It assists you to get some tact in the plumbing industry because your colleagues can refer their customers to you in case they have excess on their end. You too can have sought their help when you get a client beyond your scope or service reach.

If you are still on the fence about how to get more plumbing customers, consider contacting local small businesses in your area. Most of them will be glad to use you or team up and refer their clients who require plumbing services to you as long as you are willing to return a favor. Some of the few businesses you can contact include; home inspection companies, pest control, pool companies, real estate agents or investors, and more.

Offer Superior Services to Your Customers

Prioritize customer services

There is no doubt that customers are the number one sales representative of any plumbing company. Your clients will bring their colleagues and peers to your plumbing business. But this will only happen if you offer satisfactory services.

If you want to get more plumbing customers, always provide exceptional customer experience and services. Remember, happy clients are equal to the more new business plus the introduction of more customers. So, prioritize customer services and you will experience an increase in your customer base within a very short timeframe.

Attend Trade Shows

Plumbing Trade Shows

Attending industry trade should be on top of your to-do list of plumbing advertising ideas. They not only offer tons of solutions for how to book more plumbing jobs and how to scale a plumbing company but also helps you to spy on your competitors, boost brand awareness and establish new business partnerships.

To make the most out of the trade shows, you should offer some irresistible to visitors, like a freebie or another incentive like contests, giveaways, coupons, and more.

Lastly, make sure that you are writing down the contact details of interested visitors and following up to advertise your plumbing services.

15. Get More Plumbing Customers Through Strategic Alliances

Strategic Alliances

Another great way to get more plumbing clients for free is to partner with other local businesses in your service area. That could be Lowe’s Home Depot and others. Creating a strategic partnership implies they will recommend you to their clients, display your marketing materials or business cards, and offer a steady stream of exclusive plumbing leads. So, get to networking!

16. Send Direct Mailers to Get More Plumbing Leads/Customers

Email marketing

Here is another plumbing marketing idea that can withstand the test of time; direct mailers. Yet another ‘prehistoric’ marketing strategy, but it is not ineffective. At present, people are more excited to receive postcards and mail than to obtain promotional emails from plumbing companies.

Use postcards to stir interest and grab attention. As many plumbing companies have abandoned the mailbox, you may also find direct mail as a unique way of standing out from the competition. Make sure that you hire a graphic designer to ensure that your direct mail gets the attention of your audience while enhancing your brand’s image.

17. Use Branded Plumbing Marketing Materials

Plumbing business card

Always ensure that you have something physical to give a prospect to carry with them and remind them of your plumbing company. The bare minimum would be to print business cards with your website name and URL on display.  Taking it a notch higher with swag like branded clothing and stationery is also a famous medium of getting your brand out there.

18. Wrap Your Plumbing Van to Make a Lasting Impression

Plumbing van wraps

Which one seems professional according to you?

A beat-up, dirty van with tools in the bed and no signage?

Or a well-maintained, clean van with a sleek logo on its side?

The one with a sleek plumbing logo, right? Adding a magnet or wrap to your work vans is an efficient way to make them appear more professional, while also leveraging the benefits of free advertising space. Your work vans are fundamentally billboards on wheels, so why not use it?

19. Get More Plumbing Customers by Canvassing the Area

Canvassing an area to get more plumbing clients for free.

Canvassing an area to get more plumbing clients for free may seem like an old-school marketing strategy, but your ideal plumbing customers are likely to book jobs with you and remember your business when they connect a face to your company. If you want to try canvassing, try it after you have completed a nearby project.

To achieve great results, remember to:

  • Always be courteous and polite, even if you don’t obtain the reaction you want.
  • Set a goal for every interaction: obtain their contact details, give them your business card
  • Have a script ready so you are well prepared
  • Follow up with prospects after getting their details-you could include them on your mailing list.

20. Use Nextdoor to Get More Plumbing Customers in Neighborhoods with Older Homes

Nextdoor website

Nextdoor is nowadays being utilized in more than 90% of American neighborhoods to find local home service providers, such as roofers or plumbers, and can be a goldmine to get new plumbing clients. What makes this app attractive is its verification process, which ensures that the people who are listed in the Neighborhood actually reside there.

You can use Nextdoor to scope out neighborhoods with older homes that are likely to require new pipes, new buildings that require plumbing installations, and neighborhoods that have a history of offering large-scale plumbing jobs.

To get started, register on the platform and get verified. Then, watch out for posts where users are asking about plumbing service contractors. 24% of all posts are homeowners requesting for home improvement service providers, so you should be able to book more plumbing jobs with this app.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Get More Plumbing Customers


How do you get more plumbing leads?

There are several strategies that you can use to generate plumbing leads including creating a professional plumbing website, using SEO to make it easier for people to find your site, email marketing, social media advertising, online reputation management, and more.

What is plumbing lead?

A plumbing lead is a prospect expressing interest in your services by submitting their contact details via a phone call or submitting an online form.

Why hire a marketing agency to get more plumbing customers?

Plumbing marketing agencies have numerous tools and expertise that can assist you to understand your client’s preferences which informs your advertising strategies.  An agency will also help you save money because you will not have to commit all your time doing keyword research, or paid ads in which you are unsure of your performance.

Let Blackstorm Design + Marketing Help You Get More Plumbing Customers (Offline and Online)

A good plumbing lead generation campaign fuels your sales funnel.

Any of the strategies discussed above can be a game-changer in getting more clients for your plumbing business.

A good plumbing lead generation campaign fuels your sales funnel and ensures that you have no shortage of new customers. If you are still unsure about how to get more plumbing customers even after reading this article, we are here to help you.

Blackstorm Design + Marketing is a premier internet marketing agency for plumbers and home service contractors. Our team specializes in running plumbing marketing campaigns that generate exclusive leads for plumbers across the country.

Schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how our experts can help take your plumbing marketing campaign to the next level.

Plumbing SEO

How to Win More Plumbing Clients Using Voice Search Optimization

Have you ever posed a question to Siri?

How about other voice assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, or Cortana? 

Whether you have answered or not, the sad reality is that;

Most of your potential clients have spoken a question or command to any of these online assistants.

They have asked questions like:

“Siri, where can I find the best plumber in Tennessee?”

“Alexa, is it going to rain tonight?” 

Research shows that among customers who use voice search, almost 50% use voice assistants to find a local business. 

So what does that mean for your plumbing business?

Your plumbing business cannot ignore voice search and expect to win more jobs online. 

Every plumber who operates a plumbing website understands the value of search engine optimization. For years, plumbing marketers, hoping to popularize their blogs, would research keywords and use them sparingly throughout the content to rank #1 on Google search results when prospects look for them online.

What is Voice Search Optimization and How Does it Work

Voice search optimization

Voice search optimization refers to the process of optimizing your plumbing web pages to appear in voice searches. Voice search is any search a prospect performs on the web using a voice command instead of text or typing.

But how does voice search work? Here is a breakdown of how things work in voice search in four simple steps: 

  • A prospect/client initiates a voice search by addressing the device voice assistant using pre-programmed voice command (“Hey, Alexa,” “Hey Siri,” or “Hey Cortana”)
  • The prospect/client gives authority or asks a question: “where do I find the best plumbing contractor over here?” Or “SEO movie release date.”
  • Based on the kind of technology that the voice search uses, it will collect the packets of sounds as syllables, phrases, or sentences.
  • Finally, the voice search system will translate the sounds’ units to text and initiate the search process.

Whew! Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about that too much. But isn’t it refreshing to understand what goes behind the scenes?

What is the Role of Voice Search in SEO?

Voice Search in SEO

SEO is one of the most crucial marketing tools used by plumbing contractors all over the world. Since its inception, SEO has undergone various changes, most of which come from the search engines’ limitations. Voice search and artificial intelligence will affect your plumbing business progression with SEO. Plumbers will now have to align their keywords to take advantage of this new technology to drive more demand and income.

Voice search will affect how plumbing website content is written and narrow down to the target market more precisely within a short time. It will also assist offer relevant feedback after sieving through a massive amount of information. This will give your plumbing business a competitive edge as it will concentrate more on the target audience. Furthermore, artificial intelligence can be used to analyze layouts, marketing content, and UI graphics.

Experts believe that voice search will eliminate the possibilities of black hat SEO, as it will help them detect false keyword stuffing in the coming days. Be it a personal computer, laptop, or mobile, voice search makes it easy for people of all ages to find local plumbers by speaking to their gadgets. This ease of use in daily life will help voice search to grow in the coming days.

Why Do Plumbing Contractors Need to Invest in a Voice Search Optimization Strategy?

Voice Search Optimization Strategy

A voice search strategy is essential for your plumbing business. With more clients/prospects using voice assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri, you need to invest in this strategy to reach them, mainly if you operate locally. More than half of voice searches are used to identify a local business.

Here are some of your plumbing business benefits of implementing a comprehensive voice search optimization strategy:

  • Increased plumbing website traffic
  • Raise your brand visibility and awareness
  • Enhances client engagement
  • High scope of plumbing sales and conversions.
  • Drives more prospects to your plumbing business.

How to Win More Plumbing Clients with Voice Search Optimization

voice search technology

Now that you have understood the ins and outs of voice search technology, it’s time to know how to use the information gained to generate more plumbing conversions and draw potential clients with voice search.

Create an Easy-to-Read Site Map

Site Map

Your sitemap is how Google recognizes your search terms and their relevance to the prospect’s or client’s search. When creating a new plumbing website, consider the keywords you choose and how they will rhyme with what your clients are searching for online.

If your map is organized and clean, Google will instantly recommend your plumbing website if a web user performs a voice search for a proper phrase or keyword. It is also highly recommended that you revise your old content to see if there are revisions that you can make in your URL link. This small tweak will help your business reach more clients searching for information related to your niche online.

Re-evaluate your Keywords

evaluate your Keywords

It is estimated that by 2022, more than half of American households will have a smart speaker. Combine that with the fact that every adult owns a smartphone with voice search capabilities, and it is easy to see why plumbing contractors need to rethink their keyword research strategy. We need to think about how an average homeowner would initiate a search and concentrate on those keywords.

How to Prepare Your Plumbing Business for Voice search Revolution

Prepare Your Business for Voice search Revolution

Speech recognition and voice search software are on the upward trend like never before. If you have not been affected by the voice search yet, then know that it is around the corner, and over time everyone will be swept by the marvels of voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant.

It is estimated that by 2020, almost half of the total online searches will be voice-activated (source). Voice search is the new wave of a technology revolution that plumbing contractors must adapt to. But the question is, how can you prepare your plumbing company for this bleeding-edge tool? This post will discuss how voice search can be utilized and how it will change your business and the plumbing industry in general.

Here are some of the things you can do to get your plumbing business ready for voice search:

Improve Page Speed

Page Speed

Prospects/clients expect fast results for their voice searches. Most voice searches are performed over mobile and devices like Amazon Echo. And plumbing website loading speed is an essential aspect of cellular search ranking signals. It was found out that the average time for a voice search results was 54 seconds. If you want to increase your chances of showing up in voice searches, make sure your plumbing website loads faster.

HTTPS and SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates

HTTPS prefix and an SSL certificate validate your plumbing website security. Google had announced that in 2014, HTTPS would be considered a priority ranking factor, and this would apply to voice search as well. This shows that securing your plumbing website with an HTTPS certificate will help your site to appear in voice searches.

Informative, easy-to-read, and long-form quality content

Content making

Contents that are easy to read and have a 2000-3000 word count stand a high chance of ranking high in voice search results. However, stuffing your posts with meaningless words to appear in voice searches is not the ideal method. Google selects content quality over quantity, and if your post meets quality content guidelines, then Google will consider it the best pick.

Content engagement also plays a vital role in voice search rankings. Though Google does not consider social media signals when ranking plumbing websites, it has been observed that highly engaging content tends to rank high in voice searches.

High SERP and Featured Snippets


Domain rating is more preferable than your page authority. Hence, a plumbing website with more quality backlinks will be superior to one with an excellent backlink ratio. A plumbing website with a higher domain rating ranks better in the search results.

Another factor you need to consider is the featured snippet section. Snippets are regarded as the ideal results of voice searches. More than 40% of voice search queries are answered in these featured snippets, and they contain precise answers to users’ questions in a concise format. But you need first to make sure that your plumbing website gets on top of the search engine results. Only pages that feature in the first page results of Google will appear in the featured snippet section.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile Optimization

Do you know that 1 out of 5 adults in America uses voice search at least once every month? A better mobile experience has become an essential factor in voice search optimization. Furthermore, Google has already announced that it will reward mobile-friendly plumbing websites with a higher ranking.

Strengthen Your Plumbing Marketing with these Voice Search Optimization Tips

Use Natural Language to Appear in Voice Search Results

voice search and natural language

Prospects use more conversational queries when performing a voice search. For instance, they are more likely to inquire, “At what time does plumber x open today?” or “Plumber x office hours.” So make sure that you try to include as many conversational keywords as possible. Such kinds of queries are also known as long-tail keywords, and they are usually longer and tend to take the form of questions and phrases. Voice search results are generally delivered on the 9th-grade English level, so make sure that your content is presented well and easy to understand.


Digital device

Check the kind of devices your prospects are using and optimize your plumbing website for such devices. While voice assistants are found on smart speakers, research shows that most of these searches are performed on handheld devices such as smartphones and smartwatches.


local business

Prospects searching for something local (such as a local business) are three times more likely to perform a voice search (particularly on a mobile phone) than a text-based query. What does that mean for your plumbing business? It means that you need to be on top of your internet marketing game (like your online reputation and local SEO) if you want your plumbing company to get found on voice searches.

5 Voice Search Strategies that you can apply today

Voice Search Strategies

Strategy #1:  Focus on giving answers directly

If you want to get the most out of your voice search strategy, begin by answering questions directly.

Did you know that over 50% of voice searches rely on featured snippets?

Such featured snippets answer questions from prospects directly.

Prospects normally perform voice searches in the form of questions.

(“Siri, how do you find an experienced plumber here?”)

(“Alexa, is it raining today?”) 

As a plumber, you need to start posting your content on the FAQ page for the most common questions prospects ask, making it easier for your plumbing website to get found in the voice search results.

To boost your visibility, keep your answers brief. 

Strategy#2: Make your Content Easy to Read


When Google gets results for voice searchers, it attempts to locate content that an average customer can read and understand.

Don’t try to show off your plumbing website using all the technical jargon you know. 

Keep your website content simple so that it can be understood by ordinary people so that your sites get found on voice search results. Also, make sure that your site can be followed by all visitors who interact with it.

Strategy#3: Follow SEO Best Practices

SEO Best Practices

Did you know plumbing websites that rank high in desktop searches have the same chance of getting found on voice searches?

The reverse is also true.

If you have not optimized your plumbing website for SEO, you will not get found on voice searches. But there are several things you can do to make sure that your plumbing website gets found on top of search engine results, including the following:

  • Speeding up your plumbing website
  • Integrating keywords on your plumbing pages
  • Make your plumbing website mobile-friendly.

So, you must re-evaluate your SEO strategy to appear prominently on voice searches.

Strategy #4: Make Business Details Accessible

accessible business details

Consider the kind of information that prospects might want to know about your plumbing business when thinking of using your products or services.

They might want to know your:

  • Business hours
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Customer reviews and ratings. 

And virtual assistants such as Siri are the convenient and fastest way of getting such details. Therefore make sure that these details are readily available on your blog, plumbing website, and online business listings (like Google My Business and Yelp).

Strategy #5: Invest in Local Service Ads from Google

Local Service Ads

Besides the regular pay-per-click ads, Google currently offers local service ads on top of its search engine results.

Local service ads help potential clients learn about local, Google-verified plumbing businesses and even book jobs directly from the ad. 

If you have invested in these ads currently, the good news is that you will experience improved voice search visibility. If you do not use local service ads, you need to invest in them, giving you more leads in text-based and voice searches.

Boost Your Plumbing Sales with Voice Search Optimization Now

Boost sales with voice search

Voice search optimization will assist you in generating more leads for your plumbing business and earn more sales. Implementing the voice search optimization tips discussed in this post will drive more voice searchers to your plumbing company. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by implementing these voice search optimization strategies in your business? Don’t fret, as the Blackstorm Plumbing Marketing team is ready to help optimize your plumbing website for voice search. We have a team of experienced SEO specialists who will ensure that your business appears on top of voice search results.

Don’t miss out on potential plumbing jobs because you don’t have a voice search strategy. 

Ensure that your plumbing business is visible regardless of the device your prospects are using-whether it is Alexa, Siri, or desktop using text searches.

If you want your plumbing business to be found on voice search results and don’t know to start, kindly schedule a free strategy session with our experts to win more plumbing clients today!

Google Advertising Plumbing

Everything You Need to Know About Google Local Service Ads for Plumbers

Generate More Leads, Build Trust and Grow Your Plumbing Business with Local Service Ads

Google constantly tests, removes, and adds more search result features to connect home service businesses like plumbing or roofing companies with local customers. Your plumbing company can now be found at the top of organic search results courtesy of Google Local Service Ads.

Benefits of Local Service Ads

As a plumber, you need to keep your calendar filled with booked service appointments, and with approximately 3 billion searches daily conducted by clients searching for a local business on google, if you are not using local service ads for plumbing contractors, you are missing out on new sales and leads, guaranteed.

If you don’t have a local plumbing advertising strategy, it is time to develop one. With Google Local Service Ads for plumbers, you can easily attract qualified plumbing leads and convert them into paying clients without wasting your advertising dollars.

This post will discuss how Google Local Service Ads can drive incredible results for your plumbing business and how to get started with local service ads.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What Are Google Local Service Ads for Plumbers?

Similar to conventional Pay-Per-Click ads, Google local service ads show up on the top of organic search results- just above the organic listings.

Helping plumbing businesses with Google Local Service Ads

Unlike the traditional Google Ads, where you pay for every click your ad gets, local service ads are pay per lead platform, and as such, it is a distinct platform from Google Ads, but Google owns the two platforms.

These ads help local potential clients find your business, understand more about your plumbing services and call your business to take the next step of scheduling some service appointments.

Local Service Ads for plumbers typically display three plumbing businesses at the very top of the search engine results page.

Browsers can select from these three plumbing contractors or choose “more plumbers” to view other options.

After visiting the “more plumbers”, you will see a whole page full of local plumbing contractors. At the top of the page, users can filter plumbing businesses by selecting their required service.

The filtering option makes it easy to find the right plumbing contractor that fits your unique needs. Once a browser identifies the right plumber, they click on the listing to obtain more information.

The main difference between local service ads and conventional Google Ads is this:

When investing in the traditional Google Ads, you are simply paying Google to direct more traffic to your site

When investing in Google local service ads, you are paying Google for qualified plumbing leads.

Local Services Ads direct prospects to contact your plumbing company without even clicking off from the search engine result page. They never visit your plumbing website but instead see key information snippets that guide their purchasing decision. These snippets include:

  • Opening and closing hours
  • Service area
  • Client reviews
  • Phone number

As a plumber, you should not perceive Local Services and Google Ads as an either-or option when crafting your plumbing marketing strategy but rather as different and complementary tools in your marketing plan, like plumbing SEO, that you can utilize to reach various audiences.

Read on to learn more about how plumbing contractors across the U.S. generate more sales and leads through the Google Local Service Ads for plumbers.

Why Should Plumbers Invest in Google Local Service Ads?

Are you still on the fence about using Local Service Ads to market your plumbing business? Keep reading to understand more about our top benefits for using Local Service Ads in your plumbing company:

  • Local Services Ads for plumbers drive More clicks and Visibility

Organic Traffic

When prospects look for something quickly on Google, they are directed to a set of search engine results pages(SERPS). SERPS typically include a mixture of local service ads and conventional Google Ads, organic search results, and local results (which are generally mapped).

Local Services Ads are normally placed at the top of all other kinds of results, including the normal google Ads. This offers your plumbing business a true competitive advantage since such top results normally attract more clicks.

Having a listing at the very top of search results increases visibility and helps you get more leads for your plumbing company. And since Local Service Ads are one of the newest Google features, many of your rivals aren’t using them yet, offering you the chance to be the first to advertise your service with this marketing strategy.

  • Google Guaranteed

Local Services Ads on Google

As a strategy for rolling out the local service ads, Google launched the Google Guaranteed badge for plumbing contractors, which offers prospects more confidence when moving forward with making a hiring decision.

The Google Guarantee benefits both your clients and business. For instance, if a client schedules a service appointment through Google Local Services Ads, they can get their money back if they aren’t satisfied with the plumbing services offered. This kind of satisfaction guarantee could make them more likely to hire your business than your competitors.

  • With Local Service Ads, You Only Pay for Verified Leads

Verified Leads

Irrelevant and spammy leads are a waste of your advertising dollars and time. As a plumber, you only pay for leads from the Local Services platform if the client contacts you and is a verified lead. For whatever reason, if your lead becomes unqualified, you can raise a dispute for the lead fee with Google and refund your money. This helps you optimize your advertising dollars and increase ROI from your internet marketing campaigns.

  • Local Services Ads for Plumbers Offer Affordable Leads

Affordable Leads

With many marketing channels, it can be hard or even impossible before you launch your campaign to know how much money you will require to spend to obtain a positive return on your investment (ROI). Fortunately, that’s not a challenge with Local Services Ads. Before you launch your LSA, during the process of setup, Google will offer you the cost-per-lead (CPL) you can expect.

The CPL is not a generic guess-it is specific to your geographic location and plumbing industry. You can then set your ad budget depending on either a dollar amount or desired leads per week, and Google also helps you decrease or increase your budget at any time.

How Do Google Local Services Ad for Plumbers Work?

Whenever a property owner looks for plumbing services in your area, the major thing they will notice in Google results are the Local Service Ads.

Local Services ads for plumbers feature your business profile, with your company name, hours of operation, phone numbers, and aggregate review rating.

Once a browser chooses your company’s local service profile, they are directed to a page that has information that Google knows prospects or clients require to make an informed buying decision;

Animated business overview

  • Business Overview: This will be a list of all the plumbing services your company offers, what makes you unique(differentiators), hours of operation, and your service area. If you are a home service business that provides HVAC or plumbing services (or any other home improvement service available through Local Services), you can market these on your profile.
  • Company bio: Here, you may mention some of the accomplishments you are proud of –”veteran-owned” or “family-owned”. You might mention the number of years you have been in business and list discounts you are currently offering.

5 star reviews

  • Reviews: Online reviews can break or make a client’s decision to hire your plumbing business. Thus, you need to generate as many 5-star reviews on your profile as possible to showcase your exceptional work to other potential customers with your Local Services profile.
  • Google Guarantee Badge: Google is always proud of its brand, and you will notice a Google Guaranteed badge appear two times on the local services listing, along with a brief explanation for clients that don’t know what that implies: “Your business has passed Google’s plumbing verification and screening process.”

How can Plumbers Get Started with Local Service Ads in a few easy steps?

Alright, so far, we have discussed the how and what of the Google Local Services ads for plumbers, but how do you get started? Here are some simple steps you need to follow:

1. Apply for the program. Local Services Ads are available nationwide.

2. Google starts its “due diligence”. They will get copies of your company license(s), business insurance, and new background checks for business owners and any plumbers entering clients’ homes. It is important to note that the background checks should be done for the plumbing company owners and every employee on your team who will be out in the field. Even if one of your plumbing technicians is not background checked or fails to pass the verification process, you cannot obtain the Google Guaranteed Badge. Such background checks will take anywhere between 2-and 6 weeks.

3. While Google is conducting its due diligence, you should already set up your local service ads profile. Here is what you need to do:

Google Business Profile

  • Build your business profile – the basics like your opening and closing hours, service area (s), and telephone number
  • Include an overview – what kind of plumbing services do you offer
  • Company bio – what are the unique selling propositions about your plumbing company.
  • Reviews – if you have already been getting reviews online on your Google My Business profile, these will pop up on your local services ad profile as well.

Why Hire Blackstorm Design + Marketing to Manage Your Local Services Ads for Your Plumbing Company?

Digital Marketing landing page

Expertise, convenience, and a streamlined process. We handle it all on your behalf.

Google Local Services Ads for plumbers always come with a stringent qualification and screening process. Thus, it takes more than understanding your plumbing business inside and out, as you need expert knowledge in local Services Ads. Becoming a Google Guaranteed plumbing company and enjoying the advantages of being one can be a boom for your company, but you may be wondering how. Besides, you will pay per lead with local services ads, so recoding your leads and disputing unqualified ones will take digital savvy and experience.

Blackstorm Design + Marketing is the advanced local Service Ads Management Agency for plumbers. Make sure that your plumbing business relies on experts that understand Local Service Ads for Plumbers thoroughly.

Blackstorm Design+ Marketing is the top choice of many home service contractors in managing their Local Service Ads efforts since we know what it takes to become a Google Guaranteed business and make it work to your advantage. We include every effort in managing your LSA requirements to assist you in maximizing their ROI benefits for your plumbing business.

At Blackstorm Design +Marketing, our Google Local Services Ads Service include:

  • Application process: Our experts will handle everything, including the first steps to make sure you obtain a solid online reputation.
  • Phone Answering Service: we will deal with fielding concerns and questions from prospective leads.

Staff answering phone call

  • Reviewing and recording phone calls: we will help distinguish leads and ensure that you only obtain those relevant to your plumbing services.

Reviewing call recordings

  • Managing reviews: We will analyze every customer review to ensure that they come from your verified clients.

Managing customer reviews

  • Reporting and Tracking: Our experts will help you supervise data, including ROI and cost.

Local Services Ads tracking data

Frequently Asked Questions About Google Local Services Ads for Plumbing Contractors.

A lot of question notes: why, who, where, how, why

Now, let us discuss some of the contractors’ common questions concerning Google Local Services Ads for plumbers.

Do Google Local Service Ads for Plumbers work?

From the quality of call perspective, local services ads are definitely worth your plumbing business. The rate of verified leads per phone call exceeded that of paid search campaigns and that of other internet marketing channels.

What is the difference between Google Local Services Ads and Google Ads?

Google Ads are referred to as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, implying that you pay each time a prospect clicks on your ad-even if they don’t contact your plumbing business at all. With Google Local Services Ads, you will pay per lead instead of the click, implying that you are only charged when potential clients call your business through the ad.

How do you run a local service ad for your plumbing business?

Here are some steps you can take to create a local services ad:

  • Check your Eligibility – Local service ads aren’t available everywhere, and thus you need to check whether your state or service area is eligible.
  • Creating a local service ads profile
  • Submit the relevant documents
  • Complete the background check
  • Set your budget
  • Review Ad leads

Start Driving Consistent Plumbing Leads from Google Local Service Ads

Generate more local customers for your plumbing business.

Google Local Service Ads for plumbers will assist you to generate more local customers for your plumbing business. It is a great investment if you search for ways to obtain new leads through internet marketing methods.

If Local Services ads feel like a challenging task, Blackstorm Design + Marketing experts are here to help. With many years of experience, we understand how to optimize Local Services Ads to meet your unique business requirements.

Do you want to learn more about how Blackstorm Design + Marketing can assist your plumbing business flourish online?

Schedule a free strategy session with our Local Service Ads experts to get started today.


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