Plumber Retargeting Ads: A Powerful Marketing Strategy, Each Local Plumbing Business, Should Use

A Guide To Creating A Successful Retargeting Ad For Plumbers In 2021 & Beyond


For plumbers, there may be no shocking statistics than this:


96% of prospects who visit your plumbing website for the first time leave without taking action, and they are gone forever unless you lure them into coming back.

Have you ever realized when browsing the web that you begin seeing the ads for websites you had visited? Have you ever thought about how they target you and how you can use that for your prospects or clients?

This marketing method is referred to as “remarketing or retargeting.” This guide will discuss how you can leverage retargeting ads in your plumbing company to generate more ROI and schedule more service appointments. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

What Are Plumber Retargeting Ads?

Plumbing retargeting is a form of internet marketing ads shown to prospects who visited your website and then left without completing any desired action. For most plumbing websites, only 2% of organic traffic converts on the initial visit. 

Retargeting ads help plumbers like you reach 98% of prospects who didn’t convert straight away.

How Does Plumber Retargeting Ads Process Work?

Retargeting is an online advertising technique that uses browser tracking pixels and cookies for retargeting prospects who have visited your plumbing website without taking action. 

The plumber marketing agency/department can then use this cookie information to serve prospects again. This plumber marketing technique is not new, and it’s been around for almost a decade. And since numbers don’t lie, recent statistics show that retargeting ads work!


By showing relevant ads to prospects interested in your plumbing services, you can enhance your brand awareness and increase the overall conversion rates. 


Why Should Plumbers Use Retargeting Ads? 

One of the fundamental things a plumbing contractor should consider is their advertising or marketing strategy. Marketing is essential for your plumbing company’s growth. The more prospects know about your plumbing business, your chances of getting new business are higher.

Advertising is crucial if you want your plumbing business to remain relevant. 


There are other plumbers out there who provide the same services as you do. How are you going to stand above your competitors?


Retargeting ads can help you stand out. Here are other reasons why your plumbing company should use retargeting ad services from Blackstorm Design + Marketing: 


Retargeting Ads Helps Your Plumbing Business To Stay On Top Of Your Prospect’s Mind

You are marketing your plumbing business because you want prospects to know more about it. Retargeting is an effective way to advertise your plumbing services to prospects familiar with your business. 


Suppose such prospects don’t require your services now. In that case, they may do so tomorrow. Retargeting ads for plumbers is an efficient way to stay relevant with interested clients and a friendly reminder to schedule a service appointment with your company. 

Retargeting ads improve your plumbing company’s brand awareness and invite prospects to be part of your community. 


Drives Massive Traffic To Your Plumbing Website

One of the significant advantages of plumbing company retargeting ads is that you will obtain quality traffic to your site. The internet makes it easy for anyone to practically see your plumber’s website, but how much of that traffic is interested in scheduling service appointments with your company?


If you invest in retargeting ads, your plumbing business must have a well-designed website.


Improves Customer Retention Rate

Plumber retargeting ads are also advantageous for client retention. Property owners who have hired you will likely remember you when you remind them about your plumbing services through retargeting ads. Well-crafted plumbing retargeting ads can serve as a friendly reminder.


Cross-Selling/Upselling Opportunities

Most plumbing contractors in the US sell more than one service online. To market your plumbing business online and stimulate your sales growth, you might retarget your previous clients with ads for similar plumbing services they had scheduled. This advantage goes hand in hand with the client retention benefit. Retargeting ads can help your plumbing business sell more expensive services to people who have already used your company in the past. These clients are ready to spend more money on premium services.


Gain Insights

Another advantage of the retargeting ad is that it can let you understand where most of your retargeting conversations are being recaptured after leaving your plumber’s website. 

Most retargeting ad tools will help you see clients’ where they left your plumber website. This information can offer you marketing data on what works and doesn’t. 


Increase Conversion Rates (Leads) 

Clients who see retargeting ads are 70% more likely to convert on your plumber website versus those who don’t. The research found that the more a browser sees an ad, the higher the conversion rates.

How Do Plumber Retargeting Ads Campaigns Work? 

There are two major types of retargeting: list-based and pixel-based. Each operates differently, giving different benefits based on your plumbing marketing campaign goals.


List-based Retargeting 

List-based plumber retargeting works after you already have users’ contact details in your database. You can also list your existing clients for certain kinds of plumber retargeting ads. To achieve this, upload a list of email addresses to a retargeting campaign (usually on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook). The forum will help you know the users who have such addresses and show retargeting ads specifically to them.


Pixel-Based Retargeting 

Pixel-based retargeting is a way of using cookies to redisplay your ad to any anonymous site browser. This is the most common method of plumber retargeting. When a prospect comes to your plumbing website, a cookie in your browser takes note of that.  


When they leave your website to surf other things on the web, that cookie notifies the retargeting platform to serve particular ads on different sites they have visited. The advantage of pixel-based plumber retargeting is that it is timely( since they are shown instantly after leaving your website).


What Platforms Can You Run Plumber Retargeting Ads On? 

Suppose you want to try a plumber ad retargeting campaign. In that case, you must choose a marketing agency to manage the technical stuff like tracking cookies, pixels, user segmentation, reporting, and audience building. 


You can select from one of the following platforms. Some are fully managed, while others are self-service. It’s up to you, depending on the level of involvement needed.


If you are confident in running campaigns, you can utilize platforms like Google or Facebook. But if you don’t have the skills to do it, you will likely hire a plumbing retargeting agency or learn how to do it through trial and error.


Here are some great platforms to select from:


Google Ads Retargeting For Plumbers 

Google ads are one of the most effective advertising platforms for plumbers. They offer a retargeting tool to show your plumbing ads before Google users and even people who aren’t on Google. With a fast setup and a user-friendly dashboard, you can have plumber retargeting ads running within a few days. If you are already using Google Ads, setting up a plumber retargeting campaign is easy. Read more information on how to use Google AdWords for your plumbing company.

The great thing about Google for plumber retargeting ads is that they have millions of partners worldwide. Even if your prospect isn’t searching on Google, they will visit a parent site since millions of sites partner with Google.



Facebook has millions of users, thus attracting a huge advertising potential. But besides that, Facebook has some sophisticated tools in the world.


You can create new audiences from scratch, targeting any interest, demographic data, and behavior you can think of. Facebook allows you to target users who have interacted with your plumbing business Facebook page (we assume your company already has a Facebook.

As you already know, Facebook has acquired several other social media platforms. 

So, your ads won’t be shown on Facebook feeds alone; they will be seen on Messenger, mobile messaging apps, and Instagram.  


Tips For Running a Successful Plumber Retargeting Campaign

Running a plumber retargeting campaign effectively brings a strayed audience back to your plumbing website. While retargeting has proven effective several times, we warn plumbers that a poor setup retargeting ad campaign can hurt your advertising efforts.  


Here are some surefire tips that can make your plumber retargeting campaign successful: 


 1. Retarget High-Value Prospects

Part of a successful plumber retargeting campaign is understanding who to retarget. Some potential clients will be more valuable than others, so use your demographic data to those who prospects are. If most of your sales come from property owners who are between 30 to 40 years, craft your plumbing retargeting ad campaign message for them.


2. Craft Your Retargeting Campaign Around User Behavior

If you have potential clients who visited a blog on emergency plumbing repair, use the images and language revolving around that topic in your retargeting ads. Similarly, if a group of potential clients lingered on your “About” and “Home” pages, retarget them with additional information about the plumbing business and what you do. 


By segmenting your audience into different groups based on their behaviors and interests, you can create a retargeting campaign that resonates directly with their position in the buyer’s journey.


3. Use a Compelling Call to Action 

Like any plumber marketing strategy, your retargeting ad campaign requires a clear and compelling call to action. This will help break the walls and combat objections by showing what prospects need to do after visiting your website.


4. Bid Wisely

Bid for more clients likely to convert and less to all others. This will help you create additional opportunities for engagement, resell and upsell.

5. Run A/B Tests

The secret to practical A/B tests is to change one element between every option. This may be the photo you use in your ad, CTA, or the first line of copy in your web content. 


Frequently Asked Questions On Plumber Retargeting Ads

Is retargeting campaigns for plumbers worth it? 

Yes, retargeting ads are worth it for plumbers, especially if you hire a reputable marketing agency to run a successful campaign. You are targeting those who interacted with your plumbing business and came close to scheduling a service appointment to hear about your brand for the first time. Simply put, retargeting ads gives your business a chance to interact with leads later in the conversion funnel.


What are some of the top retargeting ad strategies to use in your plumbing business? 

Retargeting particular URL visits; retarget existing clients or retarget leads based on the level of engagement on your website. 


What is a real-world example of a plumber retargeting ad?

A simple example of a retargeting ad is displaying a Facebook ad to a prospect who previously visited your plumbing website.


How do I choose the proper plumbing retargeting agency? 

You should look out for various factors when you want to hire a retargeting ad agency for your plumbing company. This may include; experience, results generated for previous clients, and if their employees are qualified and certified to run a successful retargeting campaign.


Partner with Blackstorm Design + Marketing for all Your Plumber Retargeting Ads Needs

Retargeting is just one of the ways plumbers can target their local market. 


They help with client retention, improve brand awareness, and usually provide an excellent ROI. Plus, they aren’t as expensive as Pay Per Click ads.


You need an aggressive retargeting ad campaign to dominate the local plumbing market, and that’s where we come in. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we have a proven track record of helping contractors like you boost their customer retention, win new clients, and expand their business.


We specialize in plumber SEO services that drive relevant traffic to your website and social media pages. We also provide complete web design, online reputation management, social media advertising, PPC, and more.


If you are ready to grow your plumbing business online, kindly schedule a free strategy session with one of our Growth Coaches today.



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