Step-Step Guide on Setting Up A Facebook Sales Funnel For Your Business

Step-Step Guide on Setting Up A Facebook Sales Funnel For Your Business

With the rise of the internet and increased social media presence, it’s not surprising to note that most businesses want to maximize on Facebook as a way of generating the much-needed leads to their services/products. Besides, it doesn’t cost much and the results areĀ  rewarding if done well. This is because of the flexibility thatĀ  Facebook as a platform offers to its users. Also, since it has a lot of users, targeting your desired audience is pretty easy. So whether you are starting out or already established, you should consider coming up with a Facebook sales funnel if you want to achieve tangible results.
However, contrary to common assumptions that you should always focus on Facebook ads on your sales funnel to ensure success, there’s still much more you should pay attention to. For instance, for your ads to be productive, you should always aspire to first craft them in a way that will attract potential clients to whatever it’s that you offer. This is because it’s that one first click that will lead them to more information prompting them into wanting to make a purchase/ subscription or whatever your call-to-action is.
But then what do an effective sales funnel really comprise of? Below is a glimpse of what you should look out for;

#1 Enticing Offer

This should be number one when it comes to setting up a Facebook sales funnel. It has to be catchy and that’s why it’s advisable to have it as your headline or at least part of it. While at it, ensure it features the current needs of your target audience. People are always curious about products/services that offer solutions to their problems. Don’t offer them anything less.
So when coming up with this, try placing yourself in the position of your audience and ask yourself the following questions; what kind of issues are they facing right now? How do they feel about them? In which way can your product or service help them out? This will help you craft your offer in an irresistible manner; right from the headline to the entire ad content. Make it intentionally irresistible

#2 Clear Contact Information

After people have seen your ad and liked it, the next step they’re likely to take would be to contact you for a purchase or more information. And you should always ensure that you don’t miss that chance. How? by providing them with the quickest way to contact you. For instance, if your aim is to reach Facebook mobile users, then the most appropriate measure is to provide them with a “Call us or message us” element in your ad. That way, all they need to do is press and reach you on the other end. Remember people are always busy with other things, so make your availability stress-free.

#3 A well-thought And Attractive Opt-in-page

Now that you have made your ad irresistible, your target audience will click on it and get redirected to your official site. This is what we call a landing page. And by all means, all its content should be in line with the information on your Facebook ad. failure to do this, you risk losing potential customers for good. No one likes to have their curiosity built up and them disappointing. Well, not unless you want to land on the wrong side of your audience, which should never be the case.
But this doesn’t mean that the information on other pages should be duplicate. on the contrary, it shows a lack of creativity. It’s advisable to present the same ideas but in a different but yet intriguing manner. And since there’s no restriction to how many words you can write on your site, ensure to elaborate the information such that the audience fully understands what they are in for.

#4 Simple Opt-In Process

Now that you have set an attractive and informative landing page for your ad, you should continue pushing the audience into subscribing to your idea. And that means providing the necessary information as per your ad’s call-to-action and they should in return receive the enticing offer. Remember most social media users are always in a hurry and have other things on their plate, so make the opt-in easy so that you don’t risk having them abandon the “mission” half-way. So make the information gathering forms as brief and precise as possible. You can also include an option of providing their mobile numbers for easy communication. But don’t push it. Personal information is quite sensitive and most individuals are careful as to whom to entrust their details.

#5 Prompt Enticing Offer Delivery

Ensure your audience are able to access your offer as soon as they provide you with the needed information. Delaying this can lead to mistrust which can cause propaganda and completely ruin your reputation. It could be a direction to a pick-up point, confirmation of delivery date and time, access to immediate downloads, etc. But whatever it’s don’t make a mistake of making them wait for too long without proper communication.

#6 Email list Follow-ups

It’s always good to follow-up on your clients. this step might seem unnecessary, but trust us, it’s of much importance as much as the fists step. It makes them feel valued and could lead to recurring business/referrals. It also allows you to know what they have bee up to and receive any feedback on how you can improve yourself as a business. And this will positively impact your next Facebook sales funnel as you can now add customer success stories to your profile.
To make work easy for you, draft a series of follow-ups, polish them and have them ready for sending for masses at whatever time and place.

#7 Impactful Call-To-Action

Yes, your audience might have clicked your ad and probably opted-in to your enticing offer, but you still have to leave them with a compelling call-to-action that will remind them that your products/services are the answer to their issues. And part of this is reminding them that you’re readily available for when they need you. Purpose to create a personal touch. So make it as if you’re speaking to a friend but in a firm professional manner.
Having a Facebook sales funnel is a sure way of leading your target audience into subscribing to your call-to-action. However for this to be successful and help you meet your objectives, you have to keep winning their trust every step of the way.


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