Google Advertising Plumbing

How to Make the Most out of Google Ads for Plumbers on a Limited Budget

Let us face it. Most homeowners don’t think plumbing is a big deal unless their water systems have a serious problem. So to speak, they don’t require a plumber unless their water system breaks down, which doesn’t happen daily.

As a plumbing contractor, it can be overwhelming to market your plumbing services on your own. Obtaining new business or leads might be daunting unless you seek the help of a professional marketing agency.

There are tons of plumbing marketing options out there from Facebook ads to Yelp reviews and more. Google Ads for plumbers is a great option for many companies because of its targeting options, flexibility, and reach. Currently, plumbing Google Ads has increasingly become crucial to booking more jobs and increasing sales.

When a homeowner has a plumbing problem within your target market, your company has a chance to show up as the #1 result in their search engine results pages for “plumber near me!”. Google operates on a pay-per-click model that offers the ability to select the keywords that you want to rank for within Google – these are search terms that prospects are utilizing to find you. You can bid on these keywords and display ads for them.

For instance, “Emergency plumber near me,” “local plumber” and “plumber in Y city” are all keywords your prospects are using to look for your plumbing business. With Google Ads, your clients can find your plumbing business with just a simple search on Google, whenever they are.

Google ads for plumbers can be overwhelming to first create and manage. Luckily, this post will guide everything you require to know, from developing a stellar Google Ads strategy to optimizing your campaigns to increase your chances of booking new jobs and skyrocketing your sales online.

Without further ado, let us dive into our post!

5 Reasons Why Google Ads for Plumbers Is Important

The plumbing marketing world has changed dramatically recently; Google Ads is one of the platforms that are in charge of this major transformation. Indeed, Google Ads for plumbers is one of the best and most effective tactics of internet marketing.

Here are some reasons why you should consider using Google Ads for plumbers in your business:

1. Google Ads Increase Customers and Leads

Female homeowner shaking hands with plumber

When your prospects or clients notice that your plumbing ad consistently ranks at the top of the search engine results page, they will start to associate your brand with dependability and excellence.

This means that you will be the first business people think of when they need a reliable plumber to offer quality plumbing services. You can monitor this using Google Analytics and Google Business Profile.

2. You Obtain High Results on Investment

ROI gif

Unlike other plumber marketing strategies, Google Ads helps you to only pay for ads prospects or clients click on. After optimizing your Google Ads campaign, you can get a higher return on investment, which may not be possible with other advertising strategies.

However, this takes effort and time, you have to find the approach that suits your plumbing business. To get an overview of what campaigns will generate the best results, you have to monitor and test your campaigns regularly. Google Ads for plumbers is perfect for this since it’s transparent and the details you require are available.

When you pinpoint areas of your campaign that offer a good return on investment, you concentrate your budget and efforts on such areas. If there are some parts of your campaign that are costing you money, discard them. Invest that money into successful campaigns, and such campaigns will test you in the future.

3. Google Ads Help Build Your Reputation Online

Online reputation

Your plumbing company’s online reputation is important in the modern digital world. Prospects or clients look at more than just a professional portfolio or quality work.

Google search ads can assist in establishing your online reputation as a reliable plumbing service company.

Essentially, Google Ads is more effective than promoting your plumbing services on social media (for instance, Facebook ads for plumbers) because Google has more credibility for getting legit local plumbing services in an area.

4. Google Ads for Plumbers Give Transparent, Fast Results

It is easy to monitor the progress of your Google Ads

Google ads have a reputation for delivering quick, transparent results and reports of your digital marketing campaigns. It is easy to monitor the progress of your Google Ads since the dashboard offers you all of the details related to every campaign, like the ads clicked, the search terms (keywords) that prospects or clients entered, and the cost of clicks.

These features make Google Ads for plumbers an extremely intuitive and transparent system.

5. Unique Targeting Capabilities

Target market

As a plumber, you know the essence of quality plumbing leads. At the end of the day, your Google Ad campaign should attain the goals of your plumbing brand. With Google enhancing its algorithms on a daily basis, you can be guaranteed of reaching your target market.

You can opt to bid for particular long-tail keywords or even short ones. While the former allows you to target prospects with high search intent, the latter may help you obtain higher traction with fewer plumbing leads.

Types of Google Ads for Plumbers

No two Google Ads campaigns are created equal, though they are distinct types of ads that you can leverage:

  • Search Network Campaign: Through a Search Network Campaign, your ad will show up on not just Google Maps and Search but also hundreds of other Google partners, including Google Shopping and YouTube. On any of these websites, when prospects or clients look for a keyword for your Google Ad campaign, they will come across your ad.

Google Search Network Campaign

  • Google Display Network Campaign: This kind of ad helps you to showcase your visual ad in front of prospects using Google Display Network products, including YouTube and Gmail.

Google Display Network

  • Video Campaign: Here, your plumbing service company will be displayed on YouTube and other Google Display Network properties.

YouTube gif

Pro tip: No matter what type of Google Ad campaign you select; it will incorporate more than one ad group. Every ad group may represent a different service you may want to market to the same target audience, and each ad group might have a unique plumbing keyword set.

Winning Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Google Ads for Plumbers Campaign Account

If you are a plumber just getting started with Google Ads, all the options and functionality can seem a little challenging.

There are a lot of features to explore and settings to fix or adjust, which can be both frustrating and time-consuming. You may even come to know that you are spending a lot of time looking for information on Google Ads help forums.

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. We all want as many controls and tools as possible, but not at the expense of losing control over your Google Ads campaign.

So here are our winning tips for obtaining more of your Google ads account for your plumbing business:

Create a Google Ads for Your Plumbing Company

Google Ads website

Setting up a Google Ads account is easy and simple. For this post, we will utilize a fictitious plumbing business as the main example. Click on “Start Now” at the upper right-hand corner or on the left side of the main page. You will be then being requested to sign in with your Gmail account.

Google will then request you what your main advertising objective is, and you can click on any of these three options offered. For instance, I select to “Get more sign-ups or site sales.”

Before you continue to the next page, it is crucial to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Switch to Expert Mode.”

You will then be directed to another website requesting you to set your goals relevant to your campaign. Google Ads campaign is comprised of ad groups that focus on attaining goals like increasing client conversions for the business. Every campaign has its targeted location, set budget, and targeted audiences. A Google Ads account typically consists of multiple campaigns which target different objectives for the business in its internet marketing.

For the purpose of this page, go ahead and click “create an Ads campaign without an objective’s guidance.” This will help you have more control over your Google Ads campaign tactics, thus limiting Google’s input.

Next, you should choose “Search” as your type of campaign. It will then request you to select which results you want to see from the digital campaign. Proceed and click “phone calls” and “website visits.”

Configure General Settings

campaign settings

After clicking “Continue” from the previous page, the type of campaign will be taken to the general settings for your campaign. Here you will be requested to give the name of your campaign, and so we put “Plumbing.” Next, you want to unselect “Display Network” while you may keep or not keep “Search Network” selected based on your budget.

Take Time to Understand and Set Your Google Ads Campaign Goals

Set up your Google Ads campaign account

When you initially set up your Google Ads campaign account, you will instantly begin operating some ads. You may even think, “this is not too bad,” and decide to leave your account alone to generate desired results.

However, you will begin seeing less and less organic traffic, and your return on advertising spend and conversion rates will drop!

This occurs because we normally skip the most crucial step of setting your Google Ads account: understanding our plumbing business goals. If you don’t set clear objectives, you won’t understand how to tweak your ad settings. And even if you identify your goal, without understanding the right level of traffic to focus on, you may end up spending more money than necessary.

Choose the Right Keywords

Google Ads operates on keywords.

One of the most crucial resources available to any digital plumbing marketing strategy is Google Ads. This is because they put your ad directly in front of your target client as they search precisely for what you provide. However, choosing the right Google Ads is not always easy. Numerous factors have to be considered, and if you don’t know the best practices for Google Ads, it may be a significant waste of money and time.

Google Ads operates on keywords. These keywords trigger your ad to show up on the search engine result pages. This needs you to perform keyword research. You can use multiple research tools to assist know the search terms to use in your campaign. As you look for various keywords, you need to focus more on long-tail plumbing keywords.

Related: The Ultimate Plumbing SEO Guide: Best Practices and Tips to Get Clients Online

These are search terms that contain three or more words. Long-tail plumbing keywords are more specific and targeted to one business. A generic plumbing keyword like “plumber” will be hard to rank for in the search engine result pages.

Instead, try something with your neighborhood, city, or even your postal or zip code. For example, “plumber in Murfreesboro TN” or “Murfreesboro plumbing contractor.” Long-tail plumbing keywords generate quality traffic for your advertising campaign because they are more specific and will drive qualified leads who want to get the most accurate and relevant results. By researching long-tail plumber keywords, you will attract leads that are more qualified and more likely to book a job.

This will assist you to get more conversions for your plumbing business.

So, how can you select Google Ads keywords that will support your company’s growth without breaking your bank account? Here are some pointers:

  • Understand your target audience
  • Develop their personas
  • Figure out what they are searching for
  • Make a list of common keywords that people use
  • Use long-tail keywords to increase your ad visibility online
  • Use keyword research tools like Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner to identify search terms relevant to your plumbing business.

Check The Quality of Google Ads and Ensure They Appear, Professional

Man fixing leaking tap in kitchen

There is nothing so frustrating than seeing Google Ads for plumbers that don’t appear professional. When you utilize Google Ads, you will need to create effective professional ads. This may seem like a common thing, but it is an important part of your advertising campaign. You should create Google Ads that will get your target audience to click on them.

First, you will want to include your keywords in your ad copy. This will make sure that your Google Ad is relevant to their organic search. After that, you will need to create a compelling headline.

You need to create an eye-catching and interesting headline that will make your target audience click on your plumbing Google Ads. Lastly, show your audience what you need them to do after coming across your ad. Include a compelling call to action in your Google ad to help them to take the desired action and convert them into a paying client.

Add all these elements to create an effective ad for your marketing campaign. You will get more clicks on your ads by creating better ads that grab the attention of your leads.

Use Negative Keywords to Avoid Wasting Your Advertising Dollars

Negative keywords

Google ad for plumbers also provides the option to include negative keywords; words that you don’t want to be associated with.

For example, if you offer emergency plumbing services but not selling dolphin keychains, you would not want to show up for the search results to the latter. To know how prospects or clients are accidentally looking for you, check your Search Terms report. Here, you will be able to pinpoint irrelevant queries that are leading people to your business and include them in your list of negative keywords.

Set Your Google Ads Budget

Google Ads Budget

For Google Ads for plumbers, you can only set your budget on a daily as opposed to a weekly or monthly basis. A good strategy to follow when allocating your budget is to be a little conservative in spending. It is fairly simple to use lots of advertising dollars quickly, so that’s why you need to optimize your ad budget spending. Kindly note, your daily ad budget should reflect the amount you are willing to pay for the campaign.

Make Google Ads Stand out with the Right Extensions

Google Ads Extensions example

Extensions are a great way to generate more revenue from the same ad spend.

In fact, extensions can generate up to double the revenue compared to ads without extensions. A lot of Google Ads for plumbers focus mainly on the paths, headlines, and descriptions of your primary ad.

However, Ad extensions are an important part of the client experience and can offer your ads a great performance boost.

Google Ad extensions can assist you to tell your plumbing brand story better while providing valuable details to your clients.

There are numerous ad extensions to select from, but here are the ones that are mostly used:

  • Sitelinks Extensions: These are extra links your clients may find important that direct them to unique landing pages on your plumbing website.
  • Callout Extensions: Use these to establish trust with prospects or clients by incorporating entries such as “Peace of Mind Guarantee” or “Professional Fast Service.”
  • Structured Snippets: You can include these to offer more details about the features provided. They are based on particular categories, so be sure to select an important category as you create your ad extensions.
  • Call Extensions: This will assist you to pull your company phone number into the listing.
  • Location Extensions: If you have a brick-and-mortar office, you can link your Google Business Profile to your Google Ads campaign account. Activating this extension will pull in your phone number and address to your ads for prospects to understand your location easily.

Organize Keywords into Ad Groups

Keyword organizer

Sending prospects or clients who click on your ad to a plumbing landing page that discusses the same topic as the keyword in your ad groups will result in a higher quality score.

This implies that you will be charged less for every click and your ads will be displayed more often. This is because Google wants to show ads that are relevant to their target audience, and increasing your quality score may sound like a no-brainer.

Yes, as the ad copy for plumbing services becomes more specific, you will be tempted to link the ad to pages that are already existing, instead of developing new ones.

This is where many plumbers go wrong. They fail to customize their Google ad copy to match their landing pages in an effort to minimize work on their team.

If your ads are not related to the landing pages, your prospects are unlikely to convert. Outsourcing your PPC marketing to a professional plumbing Google Ads management company implies you will obtain the insight and attention you require to optimize your campaigns to obtain the most out of your advertising dollars.

Bid on Your Competition

An ad mainly focuses on keywords of rivals is known as a competitor bid.

There is no better way to attract your rival’s clients if your niche is competitive like roofing or plumbing than putting a bid on their brand names in Google Ads. As a tried and proven strategy that generates great results.

An ad mainly focuses on keywords of rivals is known as a competitor bid. With quality links pointing back to your plumbing website, it regularly has an identical or similar appearance to the actual plumbing website.

This strategy has become famous as more and more plumbers use Google ads. Now is the time to use this strategy, leading to your plumbing company’s success.

Setup Conversion Tracking

Conversion action

The best way to enhance your ad campaign is to check the statistics and know which ads, keywords, and placements are working and which are not generating desired results. Then optimize the ones that are not working.

This way, you will stop wasting money and time on things that are not generating results and on content that is not attracting your target audience.

Without conversions tracking, running Google Ads for plumbers is essentially a waste of your advertising dollars. To know whether your Google Ads are effective, tracking conversions is important. Without it, you can only operate on speculations.

Get Specialized Help with Your Google Ads for Plumbers with Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Adjustable wrench

Google Ads requires a specialized approach from experts with relevant experience, like those at Blackstorm Design + Marketing.

When a homeowner needs a “plumber” and looks for one online, they don’t simply search for the first result. Before they make a decision, they click on a few of the initial links that show up on the search results, read some reviews online and assess rival plumbing businesses.

If you are a plumbing business owner, you understand how competitive the industry is. And you have undoubtedly thought of utilizing Google Ads as a strategy.

But have you thought of hiring a knowledgeable team to assist in getting the most out of this plumbing marketing strategy?

If used wisely and carefully, Google Ads for plumbing contractors can be a great tool for growing your business. However, many plumbers lack the knowledge or time to effectively manage their Google Ads campaign. They regularly find it daunting to compete with nearby plumbing companies with huge advertising budgets.

We can assist with that. Blackstorm Design + Marketing is a team of experts with years of experience in Google ads for plumbers.

We understand how to make Google Ads work effortlessly for your business, bringing in more customers without costing you more than your competitors do in advertising.

If you need specialized help to run Google ads for your plumbing business, schedule a free profit session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing today.

Google Advertising Plumbing

The Ultimate Guide to Google Business Profile for Plumbers

Learn how to claim and use a free Google Business Profile to get found by prospects and outrank your competitors online

Are you struggling to outrank other local plumbers online? If so, learn from thousands of plumbing contractors across the United States to know the surefire hacks to rank #1 on search engine results pages. Google Business Profile (previously known as Google My Business) is the primary hub for local SEO for plumbers. As a plumber, you understand that you rely on local clients to make your plumbing company a success.

Google Business Profile

Google Business listing is all about making your plumbing company more visible online. That’s why we have created a definitive guide for plumbing contractors who want to make the most out of their business profile on Google. Keep reading to see how you can use Google Business Profile to get ahead of local competitors and obtain more qualified leads.

What is Google Business Profile for Plumbers?

Formerly known as Google My Business, Google Business Profile is a free tool built by Google that helps you promote your plumbing services as well as your site on Google Maps and search results for free. By claiming a GBP listing, plumbers can showcase reviews, post updates, and rank higher in the Local Map 3-pack for keywords related to their business. This platform helps you list your plumbing company on Google Maps and regulate what details prospects will see in Google search results.

Get listing on Google Business Profile

To make sure your plumbing company has a good chance of ranking higher on local search results both on traditional organic and Maps, you must optimize your Google Business Profile listing. That incorporates everything from NAP information, Google posts, and the Q&A section.

Google Business listings pop up when a homeowner conducts a local search (“plumber [city name] or “plumber near me”) or performs a search on Google Maps. Your plumbing company’s GBP listing can show up when a prospect looks for your brand, appearing on the right side of search results on laptops/desktops, and at the top of search engine result pages.

Why is Google Business Profile Crucial for Plumbers?

Why should you care about Google Business listing as a plumber? Because a large portion of the population is using Google, it implies a huge audience can access and view your profile. The more visible your plumbing company is the higher your chances of drawing prospects’ attention to your business.

Google Business listing is no longer optional-it is an important part of any plumbing company’s web presence and is typically the first place clients look for updated information about your business. If your clients want to find new opening hours or want to contact your business and inquire about something, you can bet they are not going to flip through the Yellow Pages. Here are some of the benefits of having an optimized Google Business Profile in your plumbing company:

  • GBP Helps Your Plumbing Services Get Discovered for FREE in Google Maps and Search Results

Google Business Profile on Google Maps

While content marketing strategies (like optimizing your website copy pages and SEO blogging) can improve your search visibility, a Google Business Profile is the most effective hack.

Whether you want to boost sales, improve brand awareness or increase booked jobs, a GBP is an effective way to get your plumbing company in front of wallet-out local clients. You can get your plumbing company listing in front of high-value online browsers by claiming and optimizing your business profile with the proper address, business category, and keywords. This listing can improve your presence in the local search engine results and make it likely for prospects to discover your plumbing company.

Unlike paid Google or social media ads, a Google Business profile is ultimately FREE and offers your company priority in the search results to increase inquiries, interest, and even sales.

  • Enhance Your Local SEO by Integrating Google Maps

Google Maps

If you offer a plumbing service in a particular local area, you want to ensure your plumbing company information pops up front and center for potential clients.

That’s why a Google Business listing can be one of the efficient ways to reach warm plumbing leads when they are ready to convert.

By claiming, verifying, and optimizing your Google Business Profile, you can make sure that your plumbing company shows up when interested clients are looking for the services you provide in your locality. Whether a client conducts a direct search on Google or even via Google Maps, your plumbing services will show up at the top of search results.

  • Control Your Plumbing Company Online Presence with a GBP

Optimize your Google Business Profile

On mainstream marketing platforms like social media, plumbing companies like yours should play by the rules of big brands. The algorithms decide who discovers your plumbing company online and what impression they have about your brand.

But with a Free GBP, you can curate the kind of experience prospects will have with your plumbing company. From updating your operational hours to showcasing your contact details, you can give each prospect the superior experience possible with your plumbing company.

Best of all, by knowing how to optimize your Google Business listing, you can increase the chances of your plumbing business information showing up at the top of the search engine rankings. This offers you the greatest potential to impact purchasing decisions of searchers who come across your brand.

  • GBP Offers an Easy Way for Your Clients to Find Your Physical office

GBP helps customers find your business

Your GBP listing has seamless integration with Google Maps as we stated earlier. Along with assisting your plumbing company to improve its visibility on Google, such integration also helps clients to navigate to your physical office as well.

With Google Maps integration, prospects or clients can discover directions to your physical office with a single tap. Besides, they can access your business operating hours and crucial contact details (such as your plumbing website, email address, and phone number) to make it seamless for people to contact your business.

The easier it is for your new clients to reach your plumbing service company, the more likely they will have a positive experience with your company. It is all about providing a seamless online experience that converts browsers into paying customers.

Get started Google Business Profile for Plumbers in 5 Simple Steps

Getting started with a Google Business profile is relatively easy, and the setup process takes a very short time. An important initial step in the local SEO strategy for plumbers is claiming, verifying, and optimizing your Google Business profile. You will be surprised to know that Google Business Profile is a FREE platform.

Google Business Profile Management

Google Business Profile doesn’t come with a paid version, and as soon as you register and confirm your plumbing company, you can access all the features and tools that the platform has to offer. While setting up is relatively simple, here are some hacks to make sure that the process goes seamless for the first time. Here are some strategies that will help you get started with plumbing Google Business listing:

  • Add a Location

Business Address

The initial step towards claiming your Google business profile is to add a location. Including a public address depends on your preference, but it helps create transparency if you put your company address in the public domain.

  • Service Area

Add areas where your business provides deliveries or home and office visitsA service area typically depicts how far your business is willing to go in order to serve a client. You can set this area as a perimeter around your physical office, or you can select the service area to be relatively small.

  • Add Correct NAP citations

we cannot overemphasize this enough. Your GBP will request your plumbing website URL and phone number. Ensure that you enter these details properly or else you will lose an opportunity of booking new jobs.

After ensuring the above three crucial information is entered correctly, follow the steps outlined below to claim or register your plumbing business on Google:

  • Step 1: Head over to https: //business.
  • Step 2: Search for your plumbing company by address and name
  • Step 3: If your business doesn’t appear. Click “No”, these are not my businesses
  • Step 4: When prompted, enter the correct information about your plumbing company
  • Step 5: Click “Submit”

Among the areas your plumbing company can show up include Google Maps, Local 3-pack, conventional organic results, and knowledge graph. Registering or claiming your plumbing business on Google Business listing is typically the initial step of a process of ranking at the top spot for plumbing keywords in your service area. But a properly optimized plumbing company GBP increases your chances of ranking #1 on Google.

How to verify Your Plumbing Google Business Profile

Your free plumbing Google Business Profile can do more than you think. When optimized properly, it can showcase your best traits and make it hassle-free for clients to discover, learn more about and even call your business. But for it to do this, you should verify your listing with Google to show that you are the plumbing company owner.

Google offers various options to help you verify your plumbing business Google Business Profile as outlined below:

Verify your GBP via Email or by Phone

Verify your GBP via Email

The most common way to verify your Google Business profile is through a regular email. However, before you request verification by email, ensure your business address complies with the address entry guidelines. To request your GBP verification by email, follow the steps below:

  • Sign in to your Google Business Profile and choose the company you want to verify
  • Among the options offered, choose to verify by email
  • Tap to verify. When you get an email in your inbox, follow the steps outlined to complete the process.
  • Remember to check whether you can access the email you want to use for the verification process.
  • Verify Your GBP using a Postcard

This is the most common method. Google will send your plumbing business a physical postcard (normally via a snail mail). You will then use the code in the postcard to verify your Google Business Profile.

Verify Your GBP by Phone

If you choose this option, Google will send a verification code to your plumbing company phone number. You will then enter the code to verify your plumbing company on Google. This will be instant and will help you enjoy the benefits of your Google Business Profile faster.

Google Business Profile Optimization Tips for Plumbers to Rank Higher in Local Search

Any plumbing business today requires targeted and higher visibility on Google. Most plumbers know that this needs optimizing their Google Ads and website, but what they fail to understand is that there is a third entity that should be optimized; their Google Business Profile. When properly used, your Google Business Profile can assist your business to generate new plumbing customers and leads. Consider it this way, right now homeowners are searching Google for plumbing services, and they will either find your business or your competitors.

To improve your chances of being found by prospects or clients, this post will discuss proven tips that will boost your visibility on Google. Without further ado, let us dive in.

Use Your Legal Plumbing Company Name

Name of your business

Your company name is one of the most crucial aspects of Your Google Business Profile. It is highly recommended that you strictly follow Google’s guidelines when it comes to the company name that you want to use in your Google Business Profile.

There are multiple ways you can attempt and trick the system for higher visibility and rankings. Don’t do them. One thing plumbers try and do is place their geographical location in the name on the GBP. For instance, Bryan owns a plumbing business and the legal name of the company is Bryan’s Plumbing. Bryan services Murfreesboro, TN area. The name he should use in his Google Business Profile is Bryan’s Plumbing, not Bryan’s Plumbing Murfreesboro.

If the name of the region or city you serve is part of your legal company name, then go ahead and include it. But, if your legal business name doesn’t have the name of the region or city, don’t add it to the name in your Google Business Profile. This is a strategy that might give you short-term results but can also make your profile to be suspended by Google.

Choose the Right Primary and Second Categories


Selecting the right category is a must for optimizing your plumbing Google Business Profile. This is because the categories you select for your GBP can assist Google to connect your plumbing business to customers based on what they are actively looking for. There are two kinds of categories- a primary category and numerous secondary categories, and you choose your secondary categories and primary category from a predefined list.

We highly recommend that you choose the right category. In our case of a plumbing business, the primary category you choose should be “plumber.”

If you provide more services other than plumbing, for instance, electrical and or/HVAC, you can include these as secondary categories- “Electrician” and “HVAC Contractor.” You may add other categories depending on the services you provide accordingly.

Focused Plumber Marketing: Define Your Service Areas

A service area depicts a geographical area or perimeter where you can deliver your plumbing services. You can choose up to 2 service areas where you offer plumbing services. Service areas can be defined by cities, postal codes, or by provinces. It is important that you choose the right service areas because the service areas you select will determine how your business appears on the search results when prospects search a geographical location.

For example, if you provide plumbing services throughout the Middle Tennessee area, you may want to choose Murfreesboro, Franklin, Manchester, Nashville, Smyrna, and more. Choose all the areas you serve (up to 20). If you only serve five areas, then choose those five-no more.

Set Your Operating Hours Generously

Hours of operation

Spelling out your business operating hours helps Google inform customers if you are closed or open. If your plumbing company is closed, then Google can alert customers when you shall reopen for business. Besides, setting your normal business hours, you can also indicate your special hours for public holidays like Christmas or Easter.

Give Your Correct Phone Number

Set up Google Business Profile

One of the crucial elements of your Google Business Profile is your company’s phone number. Your number will prominently have displayed on your Google Business profile and helps customers to contact you directly from your profile without necessarily having to visit your plumbing website. This is particularly applicable if customers are accessing your GBP on a mobile device like a smartphone.

All they need to do is click on the phone number to contact your plumbing company. It is convenient and faster for customers. The reverse is also true, it can be overwhelming as a client if you are trying to contact a plumbing business but you cannot easily and quickly locate their phone number. You can give a secondary and primary phone number in your Google Business Profile.

Use Google’s Appointment Booking Function in Your Plumbing GBP

Google’s appointment booking

Google’s appointment booking button can help your plumbing company outrank the competition. If your plumbing company requires clients to schedule appointments and you utilize built-in scheduling software, clients can book appointments with your business right from your Google Business Profile. This can make it hassle-free even to attract new customers they don’t have to click off from Google to book an appointment with your plumbing business.

Using your appointment booking links, clients can easily book your offer anywhere can find your business. Plus, you can also share your appointment booking URL link on Yelp, Facebook pages, and Instagram Profiles. Take advantage of this feature of Google Business Profile when you hire booking providers to get new clients.

Add Attractive but Real Photos and Videos to Your Plumbing GBP

Manage photos or videos to your Plumbing GBP

Sharing videos and photos of your plumbing company and those tagged by your clients is an effective and easy to boost engagement and traffic to your site and place of business.

To leverage the benefits of this feature, use good-quality photos, ensure high resolution, and upload new photos regularly-don’t use stock photos. Real photos help Google differentiate your plumbing company and thus represent your brand.

As one of the hacks here, we highly recommend taking quality photos of your office, photos of your staff at work, and the before and after photos of completed projects. Such photos and videos can help to increase trust and build brand awareness in your target audience.

List Your Plumbing Services

The services section of your Google Business profile helps you list all the services you provide. You can add the service name, a description, and a price for every service.

Unlike products that are shown up as part of your GBP, services are normally visible on mobile devices. On such devices, a service tab is shown along with your listing. When a client clicks on the tab, they will have a chance of viewing all the plumbing services you offer.

Including your plumbing services is an efficient way to differentiate your plumbing company from the competition and may help to skyrocket your local search rankings.

Add a Questions and Answers Section in Your Plumbing GBP

Questions and Answers Section

Google Business Profile help prospects or clients to answer a question about your plumbing business. It is advisable that you answer such questions preemptively on your own. Go to the knowledge tab of your Google Business Profile, and you will come across an option for “Question & Answers.” Fill it with potential questions that clients may have about your plumbing company and answer them in advance to make sure that they have accurate information about your business.

Add Attributes


Highlights or attributes help you share with the world about specific attributes or services of your plumbing company, and including them can assist you to stand out from your competitors. To know what attributes you can add to your GBP listing, click on the “info” tab in the dashboard of your listing. By clicking the pencil icon, you will know the kind of services or attributes you can add to your plumbing company.

Accurate Description of Your Plumbing Business

Your plumbing business description is one of the crucial places you can utilize to target the “business or money keywords.” But you should not overdo it- keep your customers in mind and highlight the best things about your plumbing company.

In business for more than two decades? Your clients will no doubt love this.

Veteran-owned? Make sure to include it.

Before you go ahead and write your plumbing business description, be sure to read Google’s business description guidelines.

Get Online Reviews for Your Plumbing company

Online Reviews

Before a homeowner contacts you for a plumbing repair or service, they will first go through your reviews on Google. Even before that, they will have made up their mind on whether to choose you or your competition based on the quality and quantity of your online reviews.

One of the most crucial things you can do to help your plumbing company rank higher in local searches is to ask for more reviews on Google. Customers’ reviews are great for improving your social proof, and they make it easier for prospects or clients to trust your plumbing business. You can add as many client reviews as possible to your Google Business Profile.

Review Your NAP Information

NAP Information

The initial thing to do is go through the “info tab.” Make sure that you review your NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) citations on the tab.

First, review your plumbing company name. Is your name listed correctly? Is it consistent with other review platforms such as Yelp? If you note any errors, update the information here properly. Check also that your address is entered correctly in your Google Business Profile.

Lastly, review your business phone number. Ensure everything is correct and that you are using your plumbing company’s primary phone number. If your company has multiple numbers for employees, make sure to utilize the main phone number for your office.

Use the Google Posting Feature to Grab More Eyeballs

Google Post

Regular posts are like free display ads for your plumbing company. You should post promotional offers since browsers can see posts before they land on your plumbing website.

Posts display a brief description and a thumbnail image that shows up to a full-size image and more information when clicked. They are displayed at the bottom of your Google Business Profile on desktop and in a dedicated tab in the Google Maps app.

Frequently Asked Questions about Google Business Profile for Plumbers

Question mark

1. Is Google Business Profile for plumbers free of charge?

Yes, Google Business Profile is absolutely FREE. This means any plumbing contractor can claim, verify and optimize any listing Free of charge.

2. How can I get my plumbing business to show up higher on Google search or Maps?

here are some steps you can take to ensure that your plumbing company shows up on Google as illustrated below:

  • Step 1: Go to Google Business Profile
  • Step 2: Find your plumbing company
  • Step 3: Add or select your plumbing business
  • Step 4: Choose your category
  • Step 5: Verify your plumbing company
  • Step 6: Set up a connected Google Plus Page
  • Step 7: Request Google reviews

3. Does my plumbing company need an optimized Google Business Profile?

Yes, your business should be taking advantage of the power of an optimized Google Business Profile customized for your company. By offering your opening and closing hours, services, reviews, address, and latest business address, you will be able to successfully manage your online presence across Google properties from its local maps to its search engine.

Let Blackstorm Design + Marketing Team Manage and Market Your Plumbing Company on Google Business profile

A well-optimized Google Business Profile is an important component of a a winning local plumbing SEO strategy. Knowing how to claim, verify and optimize your Google listing as a plumber can help boost Google rankings and assist you to reach potential clients on a local level.

We trust that this definitive Google Business Profile optimization guide for plumbers will assist you.

Talk with an expert

But if you are still unsure of how to claim, verify and optimize Google Business listing as a plumber, we got you covered.

At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we specialize in helping plumbing businesses of all sizes optimize their local SEO and outrank their competitors. We achieve this by helping you claim your Google Business Profile. We are a team of internet marketing experts dedicated to helping you skyrocket the growth of your plumbing services company.

Schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn more about our services and how we can help you grow your plumbing company online.

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