Plumbing SEO

Plumbing Ads: Game-Changing Strategies to Attract New Clients and Book More Service Jobs

Learn the fundamentals of plumbing ads that will help grow your business (both offline and online)

The plumbing industry is experiencing a boom in times with more than 70% of plumbers saying revenues are growing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for plumbers is expected to grow by 16% between 2018 to 2027. Thanks to its growth, the plumbing industry is also competitive. In fact, there are more than 480, 600 plumbers in the United States.

With such cutthroat competition, how do you keep your plumbing business’s name in front of potential clients?

That’s why you are here: to learn about plumbing ad strategies to help your business stand out in the industry.

Clogged toilet

If you want to attract new clients, re-engage clients who booked a one-off service job and scale your plumbing company, ads are a great place to begin.

Digital ads for plumbers help you target a particular audience, make the most of your budget, and check what works and what doesn’t to develop a marketing plan for your plumbing business.

This post will help your master the fundamentals of plumbing advertising for search engines, social media, and more.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What is Plumbing Advertising?

Plumbing service advertising

As a plumber, you provide an essential service. And your clients require that service.

Plumbing advertising or plumbing ads revolve around how you connect their demand with your supply (your plumbing services).

Go back five decades, and plumbing advertising was in print – whether it was a billboard, newspaper, or magazine. But nowadays, the majority of plumbing ads are conducted online since that’s where your clients spend most of their time.

The major types of plumbing ads are run in the form of:

Plumbing ads

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Ads
  • YouTube Ads

In this post, we are going to discuss the ad types listed above, showing you how to make the most out of your ads and tons of tips to manage your plumbing advertising campaigns and book more plumbing service jobs.

But first, let us first answer this most important question:

Do I require plumbing ads if I have work coming in?

With the plumbing industry booming, more and more plumbers are identifying the potential to make good money. And with the stiff competition, the ability to attract clients will break or make your plumbing business.

Benefits of Plumbing Ads

Online plumbing ads can bring your business a consistent stream of leads.

What if someone told you, you could advertise your plumbing services online to clients within 1 mile of your plumbing company? Or that your business can reach prospects or clients who look on Google for “plumbing business near me” when they are close by?

This is the power of digital advertising. Modern marketing tools help plumbing companies to reach clients at the right place and time. With advanced analytics, digital marketing for plumbers isn’t a game of guesswork but a correct strategy that helps you achieve high ROI.

Simply put, online plumbing ads can bring your business a consistent stream of leads, thus reducing your cost of acquiring new clients, greater engagement with current clients, and consequently help unprecedented growth of your plumbing company.

The four main types of online advertising are paid search, native, display, and social media advertising. All of them reach your target market in a measurable and cost-effective way while increasing client loyalty and increasing your sales online.

Without further ado, let’s dive into how Google, Instagram, and Facebook work for plumbing companies.

Google Ads for Plumbers

Google Ads are the most common kind of ads that plumbers use.

Modern customers turn to Google to find solutions to their plumbing problems. Therefore, internet marketing is all about being available whenever consumers look for information about your plumbing service business.

Google Ads are the most common kind of ads that plumbers use. It is a beneficial advertising platform for plumbing contractors. You can use Google Ads to drive traffic to your plumbing website and establish your reputation, which can help you book more service jobs.

Related: The definitive Google Business Profile for plumbers

Google Ads is an efficient way to get your plumbing website seen in the top organic results on Google. This increases your chances that someone who requires a plumbing contractor will see your site first, which makes them more likely to call you about their plumbing needs.

But what are the actual advantages of Google Ads to plumbers? And is it worth it for your plumbing business? Here are some of the main advantages for your company:

  • Get more customers: When prospects see that Google ad is always among the prominent results, they will begin associating with your brand with reliability and quality.
  • Increased Visibility: With Google Ads, you can ensure that your plumbing website will be among the very first search results. This will significantly boost the chances of prospects finding you while they look for the plumbing services you provide. Additionally, when prospects come across your plumbing Google Ads repeatedly, they will remember your brand and become familiar with it.
  • Build Your Reputation: Online reputation management is really crucial for any type of home service business nowadays. Potential clients do not look at the quality of work or a professional portfolio.

Here are some strategies that will help you make the most out of Google Ads for plumbers:

Choose the Right Keywords

Search bar template

Google ads are one of the most potent tools in any plumbing marketing toolbox. Why? Since they place your ad right in front of your target client while they look for exactly what they require. But selecting the right Google ads keywords is always a daunting task. There are a lot of things that goes into it, and if you don’t know what you are doing, it can be a waste of money and time. With the right keywords, you can drive insane amounts of traffic who require specific plumbing help – and you will be the plumber to offer it to them. In order to choose the right keywords for your Google Ads campaign, you need to understand your target audience and their needs.

Competitors Bidding

Two men using laptop while running

A competitor bid is an ad that focuses on the search terms your rivals use to get new clients. It often appears identical to the original company website but with quality links going back to your website. This strategy has become more common as plumbing brands try their hand at paid search ads on Google.

Select the Ad types

Google provides numerous ad types, and it is incredibly crucial to select the right ones for your plumbing business. Here are some of the Google Ad types you may want to consider:

  • Responsive Ads: Responsive text ads instantly optimize themselves depending on what target market they are displayed to. They help you to include several descriptions and headlines, which can be combined in a manner that makes sense of every member’s search query. They are designed to make the most out of your screen space, so they are great for mobile users.Responsive Ads gif
  • Display ads: Google display ads utilize text and images to target prospects as they browse apps or websites in the Google Display Network. This network is comprised of more than 2 million websites, reaching more than 90% of all internet browsers all over the world. Display ads are particularly useful when it comes to reaching new clients but also work perfectly as part of your plumbing retargeting strategy.Google display ads gif

Use Negative Keywords to Avoid Wasting Your Advertising Dollars

Negative keywords are a great tool for plumbing Google Ads.

Negative keywords are a great tool for plumbing Google Ads. They can help to prevent your Google Ads from showing up for searches that are too narrow or too broad for the service you offer, phrases that people may search for when they are ready to book a service, or even searches for services that are similar but not identical to yours.

Create and Optimize Your Landing Pages

Plumbers landing page

For your business to succeed in Google Ads, you must place your ads on high-quality landing pages that can transform a prospect into a client. To make a quality landing page, you need to include relevant content, use high-quality images, use a compelling and clear call to action and make sure your site loads super-fast.

Setup Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking

If you are running a plumbing Google Ads campaign and not monitoring, you are throwing away your advertising dollars. Conversion tracking is the only way to know whether your Google Ads campaign is working or not. There are different types of conversions that you can track including sales, phone calls, and more. You can monitor all these things with Google Ads and understand how well every ad campaign is performing for the type of conversion.

Google Local Service Ads for Plumbers

Business overview

Just like the conventional pay-per-click plumbing (PPC) ads, Google Local Service ads show up at the top of search engine result pages- above organic listings.

These ads assist more local prospects to find your plumbing company, learn more about your plumbing services, and call you to take the next desired step.

Local Service ads for plumbing contractors typically feature three businesses at the top of the organic search results.

Prospects can pick these three plumbers or select “more plumbing businesses” to see their other options.

After clicking on more plumbers prospects will see a whole page filed with local plumbing contractors. At the top of this page, they can filter plumbing businesses by selecting the service they require.

This filtering option makes it hassle-free for users to identify the right plumber that suits their needs. Once a prospect finds the appropriate plumber, they will click on the listing to obtain more information.

On this page, they can see your areas and the services you offer. Prospects or visitors will also see a bio section of your plumbing company with a bulleted list of essential company characteristics. You offer your target audience crucial information here; the number of years you have been in the plumbing industry or sharing that you offer free estimates.

If prospects love what they see on your business listing, they can call your plumbing company right from the advertisement, and you will only pay when people contact your company.

Investing in Google Local Service Ads for plumbers is a great way to:

  • Be found at the very top of Google search results on a tablet, computer, and mobile device
  • Increase online leads to your plumbing business
  • Generate more low-cost leads.

The other difference with these ads is that instead of targeting search terms or keywords, they focus on famous plumbing services like sewer line repair, fixture installation, drain cleaning, Garbage disposal installation, plumbing repair, refining, and more.

Does my plumbing business require local service ads?


One reason why Local Service Ads are the best type of plumbing ads is because you only pay after every lead who contacts you, as opposed to pay for every click, like under the pay-per-click advertising for plumbers.

Plumbing SEO services can take your website near the top of organic search results but you require Google’s Local Service ads to get to the coveted #1 spot on Google.

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads image

Google Display ads can help you promote your plumbing services when prospects are browsing online, watching YouTube videos, or using mobile apps and devices and more. Just like the conventional billboards along a highway, these ads are displayed to anyone who browses on the internet and gives your company greater online visibility.

Google Display ads for plumbers operate as your secret agent who goes out and tracks down your prospects, then displaying the ads that they think you are interested in viewing. You will better placed to persuade that client and drive them to your plumbing website.

Facebook Ads for Plumbers

Facebook Ads template

Social media for plumbers can be a great tool to advertise your plumbing business, and it helps you easily target your ideal clients and monitor your ad campaign results. Use social media to advertise specials or services, show off a perfectly done project or share positive testimonials or reviews.

There are numerous ways you can advertise your plumbing company on Facebook, including particular posts that are currently on your Facebook business page or developing catchy ads.

The best plumbing ads on Facebook are targeted to a particular audience, regularly optimized for numerous devices, and integrated with a larger internet marketing strategy.

Since prospects are not actively looking for services to book on Facebook (unless they are on a marketplace), the platform utilizes an interest-based marketing strategy. It helps you advertise to particular audiences depending on their online activities and interests.

Facebook’s sophisticated target audience selection tools allow plumbing ads to target the following:

  • Lookalike audiences: Reach new clients whose interests are the same as those of your best clients.
  • Custom audiences: Prospects who have already engaged with your plumbing company off or online.
  • Core audiences: Users grouped together by interests, geography, age, and income level among other things.

If you are not leveraging Facebook’s advanced targeting models, you are missing out on an important tool that can assist you to reduce your advertising dollars and skyrocketing your conversion rates.

Examples of Plumbing Facebook Ads

Photo Ads

Plumbing inspection and repair

You can utilize photo albums to advertise different plumbing services, as well as after-and-before images of successfully completed projects. Before and after images work especially well because they highlight your skills and show prospects what they can expect when they start working with your business.

Video Ads

Plumbing slide show

If you show your friend how to eliminate water from a flooded basement, then you will be the first person they will call if one of their water pipes bursts. Your friend will trust your company with their project because you have assisted them before. Video ads have emerged as one of the most efficient formats to promote your plumbing services or brand in multiple ways. With Facebook ads for plumbers, it’s possible to share a video from its Ad manager or boost a specific post that incorporates a video from your Facebook Page.

Story Ads

Facebook story

These full-screen experiences show up in between the stories prospects or clients regularly watch. Story ads provide more freedom than the typical image or video ads since you can experiment with different augmented reality and video effects.

And remember, simple posts on your Facebook page feed that display your expertise can be just as effective at reaching your plumbing ad campaign goals. If you follow an internet marketing strategy and create valuable content consistently that aligns with the needs of your target audience and inspires long-term relationships.

Instagram Ads for Plumbers

Instagram Ads

If you think that Instagram is only for brand influencers, think again!

Instagram has more than 1 Billion active users every month, and most of those users are in the market for plumbing repair, maintenance, replacements, or more. The primary benefit Instagram has over other advertising platforms is its visual nature. If you have a plumbing business that offers services having a visibly noticeable result (plumbing services), then Instagram is a good platform to advertise and showcase your plumbing business.

Visual appeal is a huge factor when prospects make a purchase or hire your plumbing services. In some cases, visual content generates more plumbing leads since it is easier and faster for the brain to process.

Moreover, Instagram Ads are fully integrated with Facebook Ads, so you can have some customization, targeting abilities, and diverse ad formatting. Instagram works perfectly when ads are designed to engage with your sales funnel and are simple.

Instagram is an image-based social media advertising platform for plumbing contractors. To outrank other posts from your competitors, you want to be sure that you use strong videos and images that tell a story of the projects you have completed for previous clients.

Just like Facebook, Instagram offers numerous plumbing ad types including:

  • Image ads
  • Stories ads
  • Collection ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads and more

Naturally, the kind of plumbing ad format will depend on your target audience and campaign ads.

Offline Plumbing Ads

As an internet marketing agency for plumbers, we always call for digital transformation and regularly underscore the value of internet marketing. But, we also understand that service-based businesses like plumbing contractors still benefit from conventional advertising techniques because their operations are mainly bound by their location or service area.

Ideally, your plumbing company should be doing both offline and online digital advertising to reach as many clients as possible. When it comes to offline plumbing ads, a few conventional strategies are still effective such as:

Sending postcards to homes or businesses in your service area

Postman putting a letter in a house mailbox

A postcard has the power to target your market with a concise and clear message. And it achieves by grabbing your potential client’s attention. A high-quality postcard cannot be ignored easily by prospects or clients.

Postcards are easier to create using the free templates from Mail chimp. They are also inexpensive to distribute because you can mail them in bulk quantities.

  • Putting Lawn Signs on the property of satisfied clients
  • Car van wraps
  • Business cards
  • And more

Plumbing Pay Per Lead Generation Sites for Plumbers

Lead generation websites normally connect clients in need of services (such as plumbing) with the right plumbers. These platforms help plumbing contractors to connect with prospects who are actively searching for their services online:


Thumbtack website

Thumbtack for plumbers operates in two ways:

  • Homeowners can look for plumbers who may be well-suited for their projects.
  • Plumbers can select the type of leads they wish to pay for by tweaking their target audience preferences.


Nextdoor website

Advertising your services on Nextdoor can assist your plumbing company to get found by local businesses or homeowners that require your services.

You can use Nextdoor to launch your business to your local community, establish your reputation, and post ads.

Plumbing Ad Ideas to Help You Get Started

Know Your Target Market

Target Market

Whether you use Google ads, Facebook ads, or postcards, you will need to first understand your target market.

List down every detail you know about your best and current plumbing clients, including:

  • What kind of neighborhood do they reside in?
  • What type of businesses or homes do they have?
  • How old are they? Do they have a family?
  • What are their income levels?
  • When do they frequent most during their leisure time? (Online? Instagram or Facebook? Or at a local community center or library?)
  • What type of plumbing services do they normally need?

The responses to these questions will assist you to create ads that resonate with your target audience.

Know What Makes Your Plumbing Company Unique

Plumber screwing nut of pipe in the heating system in the boiler room

Figure out why your current clients choose your company to solve their plumbing needs. What makes you outrank your competitors?

This is what is known as a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Write down the USP in a few words and incorporate it into your plumbing ads.

Related: How To Create A Strong Brand Identity For Your Plumbing Business

Define Your Plumbing Advertising Goals

Plumbing technician finishing kitchen sink pipeline installation

Knowing your plumbing marketing goals will assist you to craft an effective plumber advertising campaign and select the right platforms.

Here are a few examples of plumbing ad goals you may have:

  • You have a new service to promote
  • You have just launched your business and require plumbing leads urgently.
  • You have expanded your plumbing business in a new neighborhood and want to outrank well-established competitors.

Then figure out which plumber advertising channel will be most effective to achieve your goals. For instance, if you want to improve brand awareness, Google display ads will be a great option. If you need plumbing leads urgently, Google’s local Service Ads or search ads may be a great fit for you.

Develop Your Ads

Content ads creation

Make utilize these tips to design a professional ad for your plumbing company:

  • Keep your ad design simple by concentrating on one message (e.g., testimonial, service, or before and after photos).
  • Add a compelling and clear call to action that encourage clients to visit your plumbing website or contact you to book your plumbing services.
  • Select your brand colors and utilize them for all your ads to remain memorable and consistent.
  • Use professional templates to design great plumbing ads to reach more clients.

Allocate Your Advertising Budget

Financial planning for your advertising

To set your advertising budget, you should be able to know the amount you are likely to spend in acquiring a new lead.

Next, figure out the number of clients you require consistently every month.

Do this to know your monthly advertisement budget:

Client acquisition cost X the number of customers per month = Monthly ad spend.

Remember to stick to your budget once you have set it. Internet advertising can be very expensive and you don’t want to spend more dollars than you can afford.

Monitor Your Ad Campaigns

Track your ad’s results and performance

To make the most out of your plumbing advertising strategy, you need to track your ad’s results and performance. This will help you know if you are attaining your goals and what advertising channels or platforms generate more results for your plumbing company.

Related: 10 Important Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking In Your Business

Frequently Asked Questions About Plumbing Ads

question marks gif

What is the best platform to advertise your plumbing company?

Facebook remains the most famous social media around the world. It is a great start for plumbing advertising, as the platform recommends local plumbing businesses in the neighborhood to clients seeking out plumbing services.

How can I market my small plumbing business?

Here are our best ways to begin some marketing in ways that you have never imagined before including:

  • Creating a professional plumbing website
  • Conduct SEO to make your website get found by prospects online
  • Use paid search engine marketing to make your website get found on the first page of Google search results
  • Foster online reviews
  • Start a customer referral program

How do you get more clients to your plumbing business?

Here are some marketing strategies that you can use to attract new clients to your plumbing services business:

  • Optimize your Google Business Profile
  • Use Google Ads
  • Try Google Local Service Ads
  • Create helpful and informative content
  • Submit your plumbing website to online business directories.

Plumbing Ad Services from Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Plumber with laptop

Blackstorm Design +Marketing is home to plumbing ad experts. We have many years of proven experience advertising plumbing businesses like yours.

We often realize that plumbers that we have worked with are not experts in generating leads and sales online, a skill their rivals have easily honed.

We understand that you are dealing with real and urgent issues such as unblocking a clogged sink in your client’s homes. Let us deal with all the crap online so that you can focus on what matters most-serving your clients.

Schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how digital advertising for plumbers can improve your marketing strategy or read on to know more about our digital marketing services for plumbers

Marketing services your company might be interested in

Plumbing SEO Septic

How to Pick the Right Plumbing SEO Keywords for Your Business: Tricks and Tips

Plumbing SEO Keyword Research for Plumbers of All Sizes

It was not many decades ago that if you wanted to promote your plumbing business, you placed an advert in the local newspaper and hoped that homeowners would call you to book jobs. Let’s face it. But this conventional marketing was super expensive (unless you provided a coupon) there was no proven process of monitoring its results or return.

In modern online marketing, your small plumbing business can create an internet marketing campaign with measurable results for little or no money. One of the effective ways to lead clients to your website is to choose the right plumbing SEO keywords – which our experts can help you easily do!

A plumber installs a new water tap

When it comes to generating plumbing leads online, you need to know what prospects are searching on Google, Bing, and other search engines first. Picking the right plumbing keywords is one of the crucial steps in creating a successful search engine optimization strategy.

Driving traffic to your plumbing website is a priority, but attracting the right prospects is a necessity. But choosing the right keywords for your plumbing company content is only half the battle when it comes to attracting online traffic to your site. (The other half of the battle is creating killer plumbing SEO content.) But don’t feel intimidated! This post will provide everything you need to know about choosing the right plumbing keywords for your business.

Do you want to know what plumbing keyword list your business should be ranking for? Read on!

First things first.

What is a plumbing SEO keyword?

Plumbing SEO keywords

Keywords are phrases and words that people type into search engines such as Google or Bing to find your plumbing services or products. For example, if they are looking for a plumber to repair their toilet, they may type something like “toilet repair contractor near me.” Although that phrase contains more than one word. It is still a plumbing SEO keyword!

Implementing an intent-based plan for your plumbing SEO and content marketing efforts could be the change you require to differentiate your website from the competition.

To create your plumbing marketing strategy around intent, you will require to begin with keyword research that helps you understand the different types of plumbing keywords.

Most plumbing SEO experts agree that four types of keywords can be used to classify intent:

  • Navigational keywords – here is where people are intending to find a particular page or website.
  • Commercial plumbing keywords – searchers are looking to investigate plumbing services or brands.
  • Transactional plumbing keywords – searchers are intending to hire a plumber to offer services.
  • Informational plumbing keywords – people are looking for an answer to a particular plumbing question or general information.

Why is Plumbing Keyword Research Important?

Plumbing Keyword Research

Keyword research assists you find which phrases and terms are best to target and offers important insight into the queries that your prospects are actually looking at on Google. The insight that you can obtain into these plumbing keywords can assist inform content marketing strategy as well as your larger plumbing marketing strategy.

Prospects utilize plumbing company keywords to find answers when performing research online. So, if your plumbing content is successful in getting in front of your audience as they conduct searches online, you stand to obtain more organic traffic. Therefore, you should be focusing on those keywords. Here are some advantages that you can leverage from doing plumbing keywords properly:

  • Plumbing marketing trends insights: Researching keywords will give you insights into your prospect’s buying behavior and trends. Keep updated on what’s famous and crucial to your target market and utilize that to keep your content relevant.
  • Increase Conversion: If you are creating plumbing content, your potential clients find it helpful and interesting they will want to learn more. But how do you understand if your plumbing content is reaching the right target audience? After you begin ranking for the plumbing SEO keywords, check your Google Analytics.
  • Prioritize your time: When you understand what plumbing keywords to target, you can create content strategically relevant to your objectives. This assists you remain focused on the task with your efforts.
  • Customer Acquisition: If your plumbing business has quality content that people are searching for, you can meet their requirements and offer them a call to action that will direct them into the buyer journey from the awareness stage to the point of booking a job. By researching plumbing keywords for their search volume, popularity, and general intent, you can handle the questions that most prospects or clients want answers to.

Tips on How to Select the Best Plumbing SEO keywords for Your Business

The keywords you select can break or make your plumbing SEO campaign. So how do you pick the right plumbing keywords for your SEO campaign? If you want to know, then read on to get our tips on picking the right keywords for your plumbing business below:

Think Like a Customer

Identify your target market

Identify your target market and put yourself in the shoes of your prospect or client when you develop your first plumbing keywords list. Ask yourself, “if I wanted to find a nearby plumber, what would I type into search engines like Google or Bing?” You can also ask others, such as family members, friends, or even clients to obtain their opinion on terms they would use when looking for your plumbing services.

Analyze User Search Intent

Your plumbing keywords will target different pages

Search intent assists you know what plumbing keywords to pick based on why prospects search. Based on why people search, keywords can be classified into three major categories namely: commercial, navigational, and informational.

To select the right plumbing keywords with the best results you need to put yourself in the shoes of your customer.

Searches like “purchase low-cost water heater’ differ from “water heater repair” queries. One is a commercial plumbing keyword and the other one is informational.

Ideally, you should provide content on all three main areas with the objective of completing your call to action. Your plumbing keywords will target different pages dedicated to those search terms.

Transactional plumbing keywords are easiest to focus on but are also more competitive. That’s why hiring an experienced plumbing SEO agency to write your content to match those search phrases when Google crawls your plumbing website.

Analyze the Competition

Studying your competitor’s plumbing SEO keywords

Another great way to know the best plumbing keywords is by checking at what your competitors are doing. Read the content and see the metatags to assist you to know the keywords they are focusing on.

Studying your competitor’s plumbing SEO keywords will not only assist you to see what you could be missing or forgetting but also help expand your plumbing SEO keyword list. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz explorer, and more help you analyze traffic on your plumbing website, including for your competitors. But most of these tools are not free. That’s why many plumbers hire an SEO agency to do keyword research for them.

Understand the Long Tail Plumbing SEO Keywords

Long Tail Keywords

Long tail plumbing keywords are a combination of three or more phrases or words. While long-tail keywords tend to have low search volumes, they generally attract relevant traffic, are generally less competitive, and are easy to rank higher on Google. Select long-tail plumbing keywords that assist to specify your service.

Monitor the Results

Track the results

After selecting your plumber keywords never fail to track them and track the results. There are trending plumbing phrases or keywords along with new search terms your competitors may be leveraging.

Don’t forget to use your keywords where possible! Use your plumbing keywords in social media posts, blogs, web content, and meta descriptions. The more you use your keywords within your posts, the easier it will be for prospects to find your plumbing company online.

Let Blackstorm Design + Marketing take a look at your plumbing SEO strategy and give recommendations.

Top SEO Keywords for Plumbers

Targeting and identifying the best keywords

There is no beating around the bush, any SEO campaign you run for your plumbing business, regardless of how brilliantly it is implemented, fails, or succeeds depending on your target keywords. If you have picked the right plumbing keywords, you will obtain more and more organic traffic from search engines as time goes on. Select the wrong search terms, your competitors will snatch your prospects online and leave you begging for mercy. But there is a lot to be happy about! Did you know that more than 300,000 online searches for plumbing contractors in U.S. every month?

By optimizing your website with the best SEO keywords for plumbers, you are rewarding yourself with online leads that will not only complement the ones you generate through conventional advertising strategies and referrals.

Improving SEO strategy for plumbing contractors requires targeting and identifying the best keywords. The keywords that we use throughout our website assist us to rank higher in search engines like Google or Bing and offer us higher online visibility, increased organic traffic, and more leads.

While it may appear simple just to plug in a few keywords and relax, the reality is that your competitors are implementing plumbing SEO keyword research into their marketing strategies. So, you need to invest in comprehensive keyword research to get an advantage over your plumbing business competitors.

At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, our goal is to target various Plumbing SEO elements to rank your website higher in search engines like Google or Bing. We achieve this by focusing on your content, website design, coding, social media, and other search engine optimization strategies to obtain more success for your company. One of the most crucial things we invest in best plumbing keywords for an SEO campaign.

Knowing what keywords are commonly searched by clients looking for plumbing services, will offer you a good understanding of what a client looks for in your company. Below are the 200 frequently searched keywords for plumbers and their monthly search volume:

Plumbing SEO Keywords

  • Plumbing – 70,000
  • Plumbers near me – 368,000
  • Plumber – 65,000
  • Emergency plumber – 18100
  • Toilet repair – 12,100
  • Local plumbers – 14,800
  • Plumbing companies near me – 12,100
  • 24-hour plumber – 13,100
  • Clogged drain – 3, 600
  • Hot water heater repair – 8,100
  • Plumbers in my area – 6,600
  • Plumbing repair – 5,400
  • Plumbing pipe – 5,400
  • Superior plumbing – 4,400
  • Precision plumbing – 5,400
  • Emergency plumber near me – 6,600
  • Pipe repair – 720
  • Leak detection services – 480
  • Septic tank cleaning – 21,000
  • Water heater installation – 16,000
  • Sink drain – 13000
  • Drain cleaning near me – 13,000
  • Water heater replacement cost – 11,000
  • Toilet installation – 7,500
  • Bathroom sink drain – 6,900
  • Running toilet repair – 250
  • Drain company – 200
  • Sewer cleanouts – 150

Location-Based Plumber SEO Keywords

Location-based keywords

Some of the most popular keywords in the commercial and residential plumbing industry revolve around general plumbing terms + adding a state or city locale.

Some of the most popular keywords in the commercial and residential plumbing industry revolve around general plumbing terms + adding a state or city locale. These ate what we would call “money terms” in plumbing SEO. That said, they are going to be the hardest keywords to rank for with plumbing SEO and also the most expensive more often than not when bidding them on PPC networks such as Google AdWords.

Here is a list of common location-based plumbing keywords:

  • Your City + emergency plumber
  • Your City + emergency plumbing
  • Your City + plumbing service
  • Your City + drain cleaning
  • Your City + water heater repair
  • Your City + water heater installation
  • Your City + sewer cleaning
  • Your City + garbage disposal repair
  • Your City + leak detection
  • Your City + bathroom remodeling
  • Your City + shower installation
  • Your City + repiping
  • Your City + clogged toilet
  • Your City + clogged toilet repair
  • Your City + leak detection
  • Your City + sewer repair
  • Your City + rooter service
  • Your City + boiler replacement
  • Your City + boiler repair
  • Your City + backflow testing
  • Your City + septic pumping
  • Your City + septic cleaning
  • Your City + commercial plumber
  • Your City + water filtration system installation
  • Your City + water softener systems

Using the Best Plumbing SEO keywords in your Business

Making sure that your plumbing website is fast, secure, and mobile-friendly.

Since search engines utilize keywords when filtering results, it is incredibly crucial to ensure that you understand the terms in your content correctly so that your posts have a higher chance of getting found, ranked, and indexed.

The secret to ranking higher when it comes to the best SEO keywords for plumbing contractors falls into 7 major components:

  • Making sure that your plumbing website is fast, secure, and mobile-friendly.
  • Including your SEO keyword in the major search results related to plumbers
  • Claiming, verifying, and optimizing your Google Business Profile completely.
  • Filling and claiming your local business directory listing with the same consistent NAP citations.
  • Optimizing your blog posts/web content, headings, title tags, and meta descriptions for your plumbing keyword.
  • Utilizing videos and photos in your content that have been optimized properly with top SEO keywords for plumbers.

What do you need to do to rank your plumber website #1 on Google?

Rank your plumber website #1 on Google

Ranking your plumbing company website as the coveted #1 on Google or Bing in your service area involves a combination of basic components, and implementing those tactics correctly every time. As plumbers, we understand that our sites need to be indexed and optimized properly, but here are a few factors to consider:

Local SEO – Your plumbing website should be optimized for local Google searches. Local SEO for plumbers helps you to target prospects or clients within a particular geographical area. This is crucial because more than 30% of clicks, go to the top 3 search engine results on the first page of Google. So, if you have optimized your plumber website for local searches, you will be able to get a fair share of that 33% of searches for plumbing keywords related to your business.

Here at Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we will do all the heavy lifting to improve your organic rankings in 4 steps:

  1. Find high-ranking keywords your target audience is using to find your plumbing services.
  2. Create high-quality SEO content that will attract visitors to your plumbing website.
  3. Optimize your Google Business Profile to leverage local searches.
  4. Optimize your plumbing SEO strategy using your Google Analytics.

On-Page SEO – A huge part of our SEO services for plumbers revolves around on-page SEO. On-page SEO is the process of optimizing every page of your plumbing website to rank higher in search results and get more relevant traffic in search engines.

This implies optimizing every service you provide so that you can rank higher not only for your business name but for crucial searches related to the plumbing services you provide as well. We will also go ahead to optimize your meta tag titles and meta descriptions so that you can accurately describe what your business offers.

Off-Page SEO – Our off-page SEO services for plumbers focus on identifying high-quality sites to help link back to your website. This strategy of building links helps to make sure that regardless of where you are looking geographically, your plumbing website can be found in the top spots on Google or Bing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Plumbing Keywords

FAQ gif

How can I find long-tail plumbing SEO keywords?

Identifying your primary plumbing keywords and long tail search terms can be super easy, there are some tools that are available to help you out including SEMrush, SEOmoz, Google Adwords, and more.

How can my plumbing business rank for high-volume SEO keywords?

You require a professional plumbing website that is optimized for the high volume SEO keyword and quality content that discusses the subject in depth. In addition, you will have to prove the legitimacy of your plumbing business with an About Us page and display client reviews online. Lastly, increase the authority of your plumbing website by linking it to NAP citations.

What are good SEO keywords for plumbers?

The best keywords for your plumbing SEO strategy will be ones that will be authoritative, relevant, and have a higher search volume. Also, you can use the keywords to create content that surpasses the quality of what is currently ranking.

What are generic keywords?

Generic plumbing keywords are search terms that broadly describe your services or products. Typically, they have a wider reach and they can help a prospect who is searching for services without any plumbing brand in mind.

Ready to start ranking #1 on Google for plumbing SEO keywords?

Follow that plan from start to finish and monitor the results over the next months.

After compiling your plumbing keyword search data, you have to develop a plan of attack and rank for keywords that are crucial for your plumbing business. Follow that plan from start to finish and monitor the results over the next months. Plumbing SEO is time-consuming but with the right plan and patience, you will have qualified leads calling your company requesting quotes.

If you need help with plumbing an SEO battle plan or keyword research, schedule a free profit session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how our services can help your business grow today.

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