Plumbing SEO

Plumbing Ads: Game-Changing Strategies to Attract New Clients and Book More Service Jobs

Learn the fundamentals of plumbing ads that will help grow your business (both offline and online)

The plumbing industry is experiencing a boom in times with more than 70% of plumbers saying revenues are growing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for plumbers is expected to grow by 16% between 2018 to 2027. Thanks to its growth, the plumbing industry is also competitive. In fact, there are more than 480, 600 plumbers in the United States.

With such cutthroat competition, how do you keep your plumbing business’s name in front of potential clients?

That’s why you are here: to learn about plumbing ad strategies to help your business stand out in the industry.

Clogged toilet

If you want to attract new clients, re-engage clients who booked a one-off service job and scale your plumbing company, ads are a great place to begin.

Digital ads for plumbers help you target a particular audience, make the most of your budget, and check what works and what doesn’t to develop a marketing plan for your plumbing business.

This post will help your master the fundamentals of plumbing advertising for search engines, social media, and more.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What is Plumbing Advertising?

Plumbing service advertising

As a plumber, you provide an essential service. And your clients require that service.

Plumbing advertising or plumbing ads revolve around how you connect their demand with your supply (your plumbing services).

Go back five decades, and plumbing advertising was in print – whether it was a billboard, newspaper, or magazine. But nowadays, the majority of plumbing ads are conducted online since that’s where your clients spend most of their time.

The major types of plumbing ads are run in the form of:

Plumbing ads

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Ads
  • YouTube Ads

In this post, we are going to discuss the ad types listed above, showing you how to make the most out of your ads and tons of tips to manage your plumbing advertising campaigns and book more plumbing service jobs.

But first, let us first answer this most important question:

Do I require plumbing ads if I have work coming in?

With the plumbing industry booming, more and more plumbers are identifying the potential to make good money. And with the stiff competition, the ability to attract clients will break or make your plumbing business.

Benefits of Plumbing Ads

Online plumbing ads can bring your business a consistent stream of leads.

What if someone told you, you could advertise your plumbing services online to clients within 1 mile of your plumbing company? Or that your business can reach prospects or clients who look on Google for “plumbing business near me” when they are close by?

This is the power of digital advertising. Modern marketing tools help plumbing companies to reach clients at the right place and time. With advanced analytics, digital marketing for plumbers isn’t a game of guesswork but a correct strategy that helps you achieve high ROI.

Simply put, online plumbing ads can bring your business a consistent stream of leads, thus reducing your cost of acquiring new clients, greater engagement with current clients, and consequently help unprecedented growth of your plumbing company.

The four main types of online advertising are paid search, native, display, and social media advertising. All of them reach your target market in a measurable and cost-effective way while increasing client loyalty and increasing your sales online.

Without further ado, let’s dive into how Google, Instagram, and Facebook work for plumbing companies.

Google Ads for Plumbers

Google Ads are the most common kind of ads that plumbers use.

Modern customers turn to Google to find solutions to their plumbing problems. Therefore, internet marketing is all about being available whenever consumers look for information about your plumbing service business.

Google Ads are the most common kind of ads that plumbers use. It is a beneficial advertising platform for plumbing contractors. You can use Google Ads to drive traffic to your plumbing website and establish your reputation, which can help you book more service jobs.

Related: The definitive Google Business Profile for plumbers

Google Ads is an efficient way to get your plumbing website seen in the top organic results on Google. This increases your chances that someone who requires a plumbing contractor will see your site first, which makes them more likely to call you about their plumbing needs.

But what are the actual advantages of Google Ads to plumbers? And is it worth it for your plumbing business? Here are some of the main advantages for your company:

  • Get more customers: When prospects see that Google ad is always among the prominent results, they will begin associating with your brand with reliability and quality.
  • Increased Visibility: With Google Ads, you can ensure that your plumbing website will be among the very first search results. This will significantly boost the chances of prospects finding you while they look for the plumbing services you provide. Additionally, when prospects come across your plumbing Google Ads repeatedly, they will remember your brand and become familiar with it.
  • Build Your Reputation: Online reputation management is really crucial for any type of home service business nowadays. Potential clients do not look at the quality of work or a professional portfolio.

Here are some strategies that will help you make the most out of Google Ads for plumbers:

Choose the Right Keywords

Search bar template

Google ads are one of the most potent tools in any plumbing marketing toolbox. Why? Since they place your ad right in front of your target client while they look for exactly what they require. But selecting the right Google ads keywords is always a daunting task. There are a lot of things that goes into it, and if you don’t know what you are doing, it can be a waste of money and time. With the right keywords, you can drive insane amounts of traffic who require specific plumbing help – and you will be the plumber to offer it to them. In order to choose the right keywords for your Google Ads campaign, you need to understand your target audience and their needs.

Competitors Bidding

Two men using laptop while running

A competitor bid is an ad that focuses on the search terms your rivals use to get new clients. It often appears identical to the original company website but with quality links going back to your website. This strategy has become more common as plumbing brands try their hand at paid search ads on Google.

Select the Ad types

Google provides numerous ad types, and it is incredibly crucial to select the right ones for your plumbing business. Here are some of the Google Ad types you may want to consider:

  • Responsive Ads: Responsive text ads instantly optimize themselves depending on what target market they are displayed to. They help you to include several descriptions and headlines, which can be combined in a manner that makes sense of every member’s search query. They are designed to make the most out of your screen space, so they are great for mobile users.Responsive Ads gif
  • Display ads: Google display ads utilize text and images to target prospects as they browse apps or websites in the Google Display Network. This network is comprised of more than 2 million websites, reaching more than 90% of all internet browsers all over the world. Display ads are particularly useful when it comes to reaching new clients but also work perfectly as part of your plumbing retargeting strategy.Google display ads gif

Use Negative Keywords to Avoid Wasting Your Advertising Dollars

Negative keywords are a great tool for plumbing Google Ads.

Negative keywords are a great tool for plumbing Google Ads. They can help to prevent your Google Ads from showing up for searches that are too narrow or too broad for the service you offer, phrases that people may search for when they are ready to book a service, or even searches for services that are similar but not identical to yours.

Create and Optimize Your Landing Pages

Plumbers landing page

For your business to succeed in Google Ads, you must place your ads on high-quality landing pages that can transform a prospect into a client. To make a quality landing page, you need to include relevant content, use high-quality images, use a compelling and clear call to action and make sure your site loads super-fast.

Setup Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking

If you are running a plumbing Google Ads campaign and not monitoring, you are throwing away your advertising dollars. Conversion tracking is the only way to know whether your Google Ads campaign is working or not. There are different types of conversions that you can track including sales, phone calls, and more. You can monitor all these things with Google Ads and understand how well every ad campaign is performing for the type of conversion.

Google Local Service Ads for Plumbers

Business overview

Just like the conventional pay-per-click plumbing (PPC) ads, Google Local Service ads show up at the top of search engine result pages- above organic listings.

These ads assist more local prospects to find your plumbing company, learn more about your plumbing services, and call you to take the next desired step.

Local Service ads for plumbing contractors typically feature three businesses at the top of the organic search results.

Prospects can pick these three plumbers or select “more plumbing businesses” to see their other options.

After clicking on more plumbers prospects will see a whole page filed with local plumbing contractors. At the top of this page, they can filter plumbing businesses by selecting the service they require.

This filtering option makes it hassle-free for users to identify the right plumber that suits their needs. Once a prospect finds the appropriate plumber, they will click on the listing to obtain more information.

On this page, they can see your areas and the services you offer. Prospects or visitors will also see a bio section of your plumbing company with a bulleted list of essential company characteristics. You offer your target audience crucial information here; the number of years you have been in the plumbing industry or sharing that you offer free estimates.

If prospects love what they see on your business listing, they can call your plumbing company right from the advertisement, and you will only pay when people contact your company.

Investing in Google Local Service Ads for plumbers is a great way to:

  • Be found at the very top of Google search results on a tablet, computer, and mobile device
  • Increase online leads to your plumbing business
  • Generate more low-cost leads.

The other difference with these ads is that instead of targeting search terms or keywords, they focus on famous plumbing services like sewer line repair, fixture installation, drain cleaning, Garbage disposal installation, plumbing repair, refining, and more.

Does my plumbing business require local service ads?


One reason why Local Service Ads are the best type of plumbing ads is because you only pay after every lead who contacts you, as opposed to pay for every click, like under the pay-per-click advertising for plumbers.

Plumbing SEO services can take your website near the top of organic search results but you require Google’s Local Service ads to get to the coveted #1 spot on Google.

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads image

Google Display ads can help you promote your plumbing services when prospects are browsing online, watching YouTube videos, or using mobile apps and devices and more. Just like the conventional billboards along a highway, these ads are displayed to anyone who browses on the internet and gives your company greater online visibility.

Google Display ads for plumbers operate as your secret agent who goes out and tracks down your prospects, then displaying the ads that they think you are interested in viewing. You will better placed to persuade that client and drive them to your plumbing website.

Facebook Ads for Plumbers

Facebook Ads template

Social media for plumbers can be a great tool to advertise your plumbing business, and it helps you easily target your ideal clients and monitor your ad campaign results. Use social media to advertise specials or services, show off a perfectly done project or share positive testimonials or reviews.

There are numerous ways you can advertise your plumbing company on Facebook, including particular posts that are currently on your Facebook business page or developing catchy ads.

The best plumbing ads on Facebook are targeted to a particular audience, regularly optimized for numerous devices, and integrated with a larger internet marketing strategy.

Since prospects are not actively looking for services to book on Facebook (unless they are on a marketplace), the platform utilizes an interest-based marketing strategy. It helps you advertise to particular audiences depending on their online activities and interests.

Facebook’s sophisticated target audience selection tools allow plumbing ads to target the following:

  • Lookalike audiences: Reach new clients whose interests are the same as those of your best clients.
  • Custom audiences: Prospects who have already engaged with your plumbing company off or online.
  • Core audiences: Users grouped together by interests, geography, age, and income level among other things.

If you are not leveraging Facebook’s advanced targeting models, you are missing out on an important tool that can assist you to reduce your advertising dollars and skyrocketing your conversion rates.

Examples of Plumbing Facebook Ads

Photo Ads

Plumbing inspection and repair

You can utilize photo albums to advertise different plumbing services, as well as after-and-before images of successfully completed projects. Before and after images work especially well because they highlight your skills and show prospects what they can expect when they start working with your business.

Video Ads

Plumbing slide show

If you show your friend how to eliminate water from a flooded basement, then you will be the first person they will call if one of their water pipes bursts. Your friend will trust your company with their project because you have assisted them before. Video ads have emerged as one of the most efficient formats to promote your plumbing services or brand in multiple ways. With Facebook ads for plumbers, it’s possible to share a video from its Ad manager or boost a specific post that incorporates a video from your Facebook Page.

Story Ads

Facebook story

These full-screen experiences show up in between the stories prospects or clients regularly watch. Story ads provide more freedom than the typical image or video ads since you can experiment with different augmented reality and video effects.

And remember, simple posts on your Facebook page feed that display your expertise can be just as effective at reaching your plumbing ad campaign goals. If you follow an internet marketing strategy and create valuable content consistently that aligns with the needs of your target audience and inspires long-term relationships.

Instagram Ads for Plumbers

Instagram Ads

If you think that Instagram is only for brand influencers, think again!

Instagram has more than 1 Billion active users every month, and most of those users are in the market for plumbing repair, maintenance, replacements, or more. The primary benefit Instagram has over other advertising platforms is its visual nature. If you have a plumbing business that offers services having a visibly noticeable result (plumbing services), then Instagram is a good platform to advertise and showcase your plumbing business.

Visual appeal is a huge factor when prospects make a purchase or hire your plumbing services. In some cases, visual content generates more plumbing leads since it is easier and faster for the brain to process.

Moreover, Instagram Ads are fully integrated with Facebook Ads, so you can have some customization, targeting abilities, and diverse ad formatting. Instagram works perfectly when ads are designed to engage with your sales funnel and are simple.

Instagram is an image-based social media advertising platform for plumbing contractors. To outrank other posts from your competitors, you want to be sure that you use strong videos and images that tell a story of the projects you have completed for previous clients.

Just like Facebook, Instagram offers numerous plumbing ad types including:

  • Image ads
  • Stories ads
  • Collection ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads and more

Naturally, the kind of plumbing ad format will depend on your target audience and campaign ads.

Offline Plumbing Ads

As an internet marketing agency for plumbers, we always call for digital transformation and regularly underscore the value of internet marketing. But, we also understand that service-based businesses like plumbing contractors still benefit from conventional advertising techniques because their operations are mainly bound by their location or service area.

Ideally, your plumbing company should be doing both offline and online digital advertising to reach as many clients as possible. When it comes to offline plumbing ads, a few conventional strategies are still effective such as:

Sending postcards to homes or businesses in your service area

Postman putting a letter in a house mailbox

A postcard has the power to target your market with a concise and clear message. And it achieves by grabbing your potential client’s attention. A high-quality postcard cannot be ignored easily by prospects or clients.

Postcards are easier to create using the free templates from Mail chimp. They are also inexpensive to distribute because you can mail them in bulk quantities.

  • Putting Lawn Signs on the property of satisfied clients
  • Car van wraps
  • Business cards
  • And more

Plumbing Pay Per Lead Generation Sites for Plumbers

Lead generation websites normally connect clients in need of services (such as plumbing) with the right plumbers. These platforms help plumbing contractors to connect with prospects who are actively searching for their services online:


Thumbtack website

Thumbtack for plumbers operates in two ways:

  • Homeowners can look for plumbers who may be well-suited for their projects.
  • Plumbers can select the type of leads they wish to pay for by tweaking their target audience preferences.


Nextdoor website

Advertising your services on Nextdoor can assist your plumbing company to get found by local businesses or homeowners that require your services.

You can use Nextdoor to launch your business to your local community, establish your reputation, and post ads.

Plumbing Ad Ideas to Help You Get Started

Know Your Target Market

Target Market

Whether you use Google ads, Facebook ads, or postcards, you will need to first understand your target market.

List down every detail you know about your best and current plumbing clients, including:

  • What kind of neighborhood do they reside in?
  • What type of businesses or homes do they have?
  • How old are they? Do they have a family?
  • What are their income levels?
  • When do they frequent most during their leisure time? (Online? Instagram or Facebook? Or at a local community center or library?)
  • What type of plumbing services do they normally need?

The responses to these questions will assist you to create ads that resonate with your target audience.

Know What Makes Your Plumbing Company Unique

Plumber screwing nut of pipe in the heating system in the boiler room

Figure out why your current clients choose your company to solve their plumbing needs. What makes you outrank your competitors?

This is what is known as a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Write down the USP in a few words and incorporate it into your plumbing ads.

Related: How To Create A Strong Brand Identity For Your Plumbing Business

Define Your Plumbing Advertising Goals

Plumbing technician finishing kitchen sink pipeline installation

Knowing your plumbing marketing goals will assist you to craft an effective plumber advertising campaign and select the right platforms.

Here are a few examples of plumbing ad goals you may have:

  • You have a new service to promote
  • You have just launched your business and require plumbing leads urgently.
  • You have expanded your plumbing business in a new neighborhood and want to outrank well-established competitors.

Then figure out which plumber advertising channel will be most effective to achieve your goals. For instance, if you want to improve brand awareness, Google display ads will be a great option. If you need plumbing leads urgently, Google’s local Service Ads or search ads may be a great fit for you.

Develop Your Ads

Content ads creation

Make utilize these tips to design a professional ad for your plumbing company:

  • Keep your ad design simple by concentrating on one message (e.g., testimonial, service, or before and after photos).
  • Add a compelling and clear call to action that encourage clients to visit your plumbing website or contact you to book your plumbing services.
  • Select your brand colors and utilize them for all your ads to remain memorable and consistent.
  • Use professional templates to design great plumbing ads to reach more clients.

Allocate Your Advertising Budget

Financial planning for your advertising

To set your advertising budget, you should be able to know the amount you are likely to spend in acquiring a new lead.

Next, figure out the number of clients you require consistently every month.

Do this to know your monthly advertisement budget:

Client acquisition cost X the number of customers per month = Monthly ad spend.

Remember to stick to your budget once you have set it. Internet advertising can be very expensive and you don’t want to spend more dollars than you can afford.

Monitor Your Ad Campaigns

Track your ad’s results and performance

To make the most out of your plumbing advertising strategy, you need to track your ad’s results and performance. This will help you know if you are attaining your goals and what advertising channels or platforms generate more results for your plumbing company.

Related: 10 Important Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking In Your Business

Frequently Asked Questions About Plumbing Ads

question marks gif

What is the best platform to advertise your plumbing company?

Facebook remains the most famous social media around the world. It is a great start for plumbing advertising, as the platform recommends local plumbing businesses in the neighborhood to clients seeking out plumbing services.

How can I market my small plumbing business?

Here are our best ways to begin some marketing in ways that you have never imagined before including:

  • Creating a professional plumbing website
  • Conduct SEO to make your website get found by prospects online
  • Use paid search engine marketing to make your website get found on the first page of Google search results
  • Foster online reviews
  • Start a customer referral program

How do you get more clients to your plumbing business?

Here are some marketing strategies that you can use to attract new clients to your plumbing services business:

  • Optimize your Google Business Profile
  • Use Google Ads
  • Try Google Local Service Ads
  • Create helpful and informative content
  • Submit your plumbing website to online business directories.

Plumbing Ad Services from Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Plumber with laptop

Blackstorm Design +Marketing is home to plumbing ad experts. We have many years of proven experience advertising plumbing businesses like yours.

We often realize that plumbers that we have worked with are not experts in generating leads and sales online, a skill their rivals have easily honed.

We understand that you are dealing with real and urgent issues such as unblocking a clogged sink in your client’s homes. Let us deal with all the crap online so that you can focus on what matters most-serving your clients.

Schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how digital advertising for plumbers can improve your marketing strategy or read on to know more about our digital marketing services for plumbers

Marketing services your company might be interested in

Plumbing Public Relations

8 Reasons Why Plumbing PR is Crucial to Your Business

The plumbing industry is highly competitive, with every prospect seeking long-lasting results and the lowest prices. However, just about every property in your community requires the assistance of a plumbing company from time to time, so there are tons of people searching for plumbing services like yours. Plumbing companies face many challenges in the marketplace. Seasonal business patterns can be either famine or feast when it comes to generating plumbing leads. The services of an experienced plumbing PR agency can assist you to generate the attention required to power through lean times, too.

Every plumbing business, regardless of size, depends on its reputation for success. In one way or another, every plumbing business in the world depends on its reputation (offline or online) for success. PR is all about managing and building those reputations, and as such, it is always crucial for plumbing businesses. Public relations for plumbers is the gateway to boosting your public sentiment and perception.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What Is Plumbing PR?

Plumbing PR

Public relations for plumbers, also known as plumbing PR, is an important management tool for plumbers to help attain their goals and improve their image. As a crucial aspect of integrated marketing communication, public relations helps plumbing businesses to improve their brand message effectively and in an authentic manner.

It is a great management tool for plumbers to reach their company objectives and enhance their presence and image. However, publicity and public relations are typically neglected and underutilized as plumbers are unsure about what plumbing PR is and what it can do.

Benefits of Using Plumbing PR and How It Can Help Your Business

Public relation is about sharing the correct information with the right people and places to improve your plumbing brand’s reputation. A public relations agency like Blackstorm Design + Marketing works with plumbers and assists them to build a positive image.

Through effective plumbing marketing strategies, it enhances its customer’s agenda. Public relation is an area that can change the future of your plumbing business. When utilized appropriately, plumbing PR can make a business – offering it the power to overcome almost any challenge. PR is crucial for any plumbing brand, and for several reasons including:

1. Helps Manage Reputation (Offline and Online)

Plumbing PR helps in reputation management.

Plumbing PR helps in reputation management. How? There are numerous ways in which public relations nurture and grow reputations. Crisis communication is a famous example to utilize when it comes to this. However, reputation and image management is a long-term strategy and is not something that can be attained through a one-off marketing campaign.

It requires to be constantly looked at and maintained in order to boost its credibility. The longer a plumbing company’s reputation has been kept, the huge impact it will have on the target audience. That’s why PR for plumbers comes in a long-term process of managing your business reputation, where every achievement and event around a brand is created to help improve your brand’s image.

2. Plumbing PR Increases Your Brand’s Credibility

Plumber using a wrench to repair water pipe under the sink

Customers feel more comfortable with established plumbing brands. Publicity via public relations offers credibility to your plumbing company as the content is more informative and authentic. Studies indicate that PR offers more credibility and visibility among the customer market than plumbing advertising which is perceived as more promotional.

Being seen as a reliable and honest plumbing company in the client’s eyes is an important advantage. Public relations are a crucial component for establishing a credible plumbing brand that can be trusted by customers since it is driven by real reviews and opinions from the external world. Because these messages do not come directly from your business, these stories appear online and in the media are generally unbiased. This allows a more genuine dialogue with clients, which can help to boost your plumbing brand’s credibility.

3. Promotes Your Brand Values

Brand Values

In the plumbing industry, trust plays an important role in determining whether a company will hit the ground or become successful. A lack of trust can also cause you to lose sales. However, when they hire an agency that specializes in plumbing PR, those specialists can increase credibility by enhancing your business’s reputation through influencer connections, network strategies, and leadership pieces. With the assistance of PR, you can send positive brand messages to your target audience who are in line with your brand image by utilizing the tips that your target clients respond to more positively.

Public relations is mostly oriented toward communicating your brand values. After all, it is created with the objective to create added value. PR is about developing shared meaning, through connecting with the same values as the company/brand.

4. Plumbing PR Helps with SEO

SEO gif

Plumbing SEO has increasingly become crucial as technology continues to progress across the world. Good PR practices can improve your business’s online presence via being featured on various famous websites and other media platforms. This can help to strengthen your plumber SEO and help your company jump to the top of the search engine result pages. Tweaking your plumbing brand’s content for search engines improves online visibility, which also increases the number of prospects exposed to your business’s PR messages. Plumbing PR agencies are versed in ways to improve your company’s SEO, so you can work directly with one.

As your plumbing brand is mentioned frequently online and across various websites, the more likely people are likely to find and visit your website. This also implies that as authoritative sites link back to your plumbing website, your SEO rankings will improve. This will ultimately have a knock-down effect; as your plumbing SEO ranking improves, the number of sales and leads are likely to increase too.

5. PR Improves Your Online Presence

Online Presence

In this modern world where everyone is digitally connected, PR helps plumbers make the most out of their online review management and presence. Not only can PR agencies offer today’s plumbers the guidance and support they require to market their plumbing services online, but these plumbers can also be ready to step in when a problem arises or something goes south with the image you are attempting to build. With the assistance of social media, connections and press releases with promotional websites that regularly publish content, plumbing PR agencies can assist their customers to achieve desired things and overcome the hurdles that might prevent them from succeeding.

Using PR activities, the company monitors the interests of partners, employees and customers identifies threats, helps management to resolve different conflicts, and instantly creates a dialogue. Simply put, PR mostly focuses on public opinion. In the situation of the existing fast-growing plumbing market, PR is becoming a crucial part of marketing communications. PR impacts the performance of marketing as a whole.

6. Attract Your Target Market

Target Market

Plumbing PR is an easier approach to attracting and retaining your target market. A well written on your service offerings in the magazine can be more attractive and impact compared to an ad in that same magazine. First, by using several media sources from a PR agency, you can effectively communicate your brand’s message and help you get close to attaining your business goals.

7. Improves Online Activities

Improve your brand’s online visibility

Through PR, it is possible to improve your brand’s online visibility. The advantage is that digital content lives longer, implying that online posts can generate continuous exposure. It is also possible to obtain backlinks from other sources online (reviews, news articles or blogs, and more) for your plumbing website.

In PR, media relation is a crucial tool to have as part of your communications kit. Not only can great media connections help to improve your brand awareness, it also helps in managing reputations and boosting visibility. The media acts as the middleman between a business and its target audience earning media for its customers. This is why good media relations are crucial to plumbing company PR, to help in the process of obtaining important news to target audiences.

8. Social Media Management

Social media platforms

Although plumbing marketing teams normally focus their tactics on social media platforms for wider reach, there is no perfect for that kind of platform. Social media networks are meant for a back and forth communication with your target audience.

PR tactics incorporate a method of community building that helps the target market on social media to reply and react, thus going back and forth with engagement. This is a much more effective way of reaching your target audience.

Build an Effective Plumbing PR Strategy with Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Plumber holding wrench

Today, homeowners turn to Google to research your plumbing company before they pick up the phone to call your business. And social media or plumbing websites are one of the few ways to differentiate your plumbing business from the competition.

There is a disadvantage though, social media if not professionally handled can backfire against your company. Even successful and established plumbers have made huge mistakes with their social media platforms.

This generally occurs when your company’s online presence is handled by a newbie with little or no marketing experience. Plumbers can also have their online reputation damaged when they use an inexperienced relative to manage their online presence. In some cases, negative results online occur when internet marketing campaigns are built without a strategy and planning to determine desired results.

Digital plumbing PR has become a crucial part of every marketing plan and marketing campaign. The benefits that your plumbing business can get when online public relations are properly done are immense. Thanks to digital plumbing public relations, every business has an easier time developing and building its brand identity.

This is done through press releases as well as news stories that are regularly published and helps the target market know which brand has to provide to them. Digital PR is a great tool to increase their online visibility on all search engines.

Blackstorm Design+ Marketing understands how to execute and create internet marketing campaigns that can help boost your search engine rankings, increase sales, improve your brand awareness, and more.

Through effective and creative storytelling, Blackstorm Design + Marketing can effectively communicate your plumbing brand’s message on any online platform. We help our customers in executing and developing as well as managing multifaceted online media campaigns that regularly improve a brand’s visibility and help to create connections with your target audience.

At Blackstorm Design +Marketing, our professional plumbing public relation services will help you to:

  • Offer you data and statistics about your posts. This information is helpful when launching new campaigns and assessing which previous campaigns were successful.
  • Spy on your competition to remain current with plumbing service business trends. Understanding what your rivals are saying on social media is extremely crucial, and a professional PR agency will utilize those details to your advantage.
  • Manage your plumbing brand’s online reputation. Do you know what people are talking about your company on Google? Yelp? And do you know how to deal with each response? Professional plumbing PR agencies deal with such situations on a daily basis and can handle any problem before it gets out of control.
  • Plan posts around actual business activities, and events and create schedules.

These are just some of the reasons a professional PR agency for plumbers like Blackstorm Design + Marketing will help your plumbing company remain current and showcase an authoritative, professional online presence.

We offer the following digital plumbing PR services that can help you increase sales and outrank the competition:

If you are looking for digital PR services for plumbers that can help you make an awesome impression, Blackstorm Design + Marketing is here to deliver.

If the information above feels overwhelming for you, we got you covered. Many plumbers always find it daunting considering all the avenues they must manage to increase sales, gain clients’ trust, and create positive visibility online.

Schedule a free profit session with our skilled digital PR strategist and begin getting your brand all over the internet today.

Plumbing SEO

The Ultimate Plumbing SEO Guide: Best Practices and Tips to Get Clients Online

Improve Organic Rankings, Increase Leads and Profitability with SEO for Plumbers.

As a plumbing business owner, it’s not sufficient to only have a company website. Head over to Google and type “plumbing contractor near me” or “plumbers in [your city]. If your plumbing website is not ranking on the first page of Google, then you are losing new business to your competition, guaranteed.

There is no secret that ranking higher than other plumbers on search engines like Bing or Google is crucial. But what if you don’t know the plumbing SEO tips and tricks that will help your website rank higher on Google or Bing? If you are not getting more clicks on your website, you are losing sales/leads to other plumbing contractors online.

SEO is a short form for Search Engine Optimization.

Blackstorm Design + Marketing has come to be known as the best SEO for plumber’s destinations. Search engine optimization provides a unique advantage for local plumbing contractors. This post will provide an introduction and overview to search engine optimization and how you can leverage it to get a consistent stream of clients online.

In this ultimate SEO for plumbing guide, you will learn:

  • What is plumbing SEO, and why is it important
  • How does SEO for plumbers work?
  • What is included in plumbing SEO services?
  • Keyword research and targeting best practices
  • On-Page Plumbing SEO best practices
  • Information architecture best practices
  • Technical Plumbing SEO Best Practices
  • Implementation stage
  • How long plumbing SEO takes
  • How to track and monitor SEO results for plumbers

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What is Plumbing SEO and why is it important?

If you have ever discussed about internet marketing strategies, you might have heard the synonym SEO tossed around. You may have heard that plumber SEO is crucial and has something to do with Google or Bing. But what exactly is plumbing SEO? Read on to get an in-depth overview of SEO and why your plumbing business needs it.

SEO is a short form for Search Engine Optimization. At its core, plumbing SEO focuses on improving the visibility of your plumbing website in the search engine results pages online. This implies that more prospects visit your plumbing website, thus increasing your online traffic and giving you a higher chance of selling your plumbing services to many people on the internet. Simply put, SEO for plumbers aims to improve two things; rankings and online visibility.

"Plumbing Near You" keyword

A homeowner notices that they have a broken pipe or a leaky faucet. Understanding very well that they can’t fix the problem on their own, they turn to search engines like Bing or Google to look for nearby plumbers.

If you are not investing your time and effort to optimize your plumbing website for Google, then prospects or clients will not be able to find your business in the local search engine results. Worst of all, you are likely to lose new business to your competitors if you continue with an approach to plumbing marketing.

If a prospect or client types in a keyword relevant to what your plumbing business can offer, don’t you want to be on that first page of search results alongside your competition? Of course, every plumber wants to be seen at the coveted top position on Google.

There are several reasons why Local SEO is crucial for plumbing contractors. Plumbing SEO can be one of the most cost-effective internet marketing strategies when correctly done.

Here is why;

Plumbing SEO is Affordable

plumbing marketing

Do you know that SEO for plumbers can minimize other advertising markets? Figure out what you may spend on local magazine ads, direct mailers, and other forms of conventional marketing.

Plumbing SEO minimizes advertising costs when you start ranking on top of the search engine results page. When you rank high on Google, you don’t require to pay for clicks or advertise your page. Your ranking will show up above the rest as long as you continue to work on your SEO strategy.

Overall, this will bring more money into your wallet and less than you require to spend on conventional advertising and other forms of plumbing marketing.

Sure, time is money (and plumbing SEO takes time to master), but all factors are kept constant. Still, the process is less expensive compared to the revenue it generates for your plumbing business.

Local SEO Attracts Qualified Plumbing Leads

Local SEO

The promise of high organic traffic won’t be of great help if the traffic is irrelevant or of low quality. It’s crucial to attract clients who intend to hire your company for plumbing services, and those clients must be within your service area.

How do you attract leads who are interested in your plumbing services online? It starts with your plumbing SEO strategy. Incorporating a wide range of keywords on your plumbing website will generate the right kind of traffic for your business.

Based on your keyword choice and targeting options, plumbing SEO can generate qualified leads that are essentially more than 90% near closing when you talk to them over the phone.

Let’s say you are a plumbing contractor in Murfreesboro, TN.

Figure out the difference between cold calling a nearby homeowner versus a potential client looking for a “plumber in Murfreesboro, TN” and coming across your plumbing website.

They are looking for something specific-one that your business can offer them instantly, and it’s clear from the keywords they are typing in on Google search.

  • Consideration: Low-ranking plumbers will not even obtain consideration when prospects want to book plumbing jobs.
  • Discovery: Getting a higher placement on search engines like Google or Bing affects the ability of local homeowners to find your plumbing business.
  • Growth: Organic search impacts each aspect of your plumbing marketing, making it easier to spur growth.
  • Reputation: Ranking on top of organic search results affects the way potential clients see your plumbing brand.

SEO for plumbers Improves Your Visibility on Search Engines

Organic search

If you have not optimized your plumbing website for local search, now it’s time to begin. Plumbers who invest in SEO experience first page rankings on Google and the advantages that come with it.

There are multiple ways to optimize your plumbing website for local search. You can achieve that by including keywords on your website that contain geographical terms, and including these keywords with your plumbing services will assist enhance your visibility on Google.

Other optimization techniques include off-page plumbing SEO. You can improve search engine rankings by claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile and backlink strategies like guest blogging.

Other reasons why local SEO is crucial for plumbers include:

  • SEO improves user experience on your plumbing website
  • Builds local authority
  • It creates connection and trust with clients
  • Helps you remain on top of client’s minds
  • SEO helps you reach your target audience
  • It is trackable unlike other conventional marketing strategies
  • SEO benefits other plumbing marketing strategies like online reputation management or PPC.
  • Brings more clients through organic search.
  • Plumbing SEO helps you to stay ahead of the competition.

How Does Plumbing SEO Work?

Steps on how search engines work

What drives organic traffic from search engines? How do search engines like Google or Bing work? Search engines are utilized when they have a query and are turning on the internet such as Google or Bing for the answer. Google algorithms are computer programs that search for clues to offer prospects the exact results they are searching for.

Search engines depend on algorithms to find pages and determine which ones to rank for a specific keyword. There are three steps to how search engines work: crawling (otherwise known as the discovery phase), indexing (filling stage), and ranking which is the last retrieval stage.

Step 1: Crawling

The initial step is crawling.

The initial step is crawling. Search engines send out crawlers to identify new webpages and record details about them. These crawlers are also known as ‘robots’ or ‘spiders.’

The primary function of these crawlers is to help discover new web pages that exist and also to regularly check the content on pages that they have visited previously to check whether they have been updated or changed.

Google crawls web pages by following links that they have previously discovered. Therefore, if you have a blog post and it’s linked from the homepage when Google crawls your homepage, it will afterward search for another link and might follow the link to your new blog.

Step 2: Indexing

Indexing occurs after crawling.

This is the second step that search engines use when ranking plumbing websites. Google or Bing use indexing to store content from the Internet and showcase it via search results. Indexing occurs after crawling. Most pages will enter a Google index, but blocked, duplicate or spam pages cannot get indexed.

Once indexing and crawling happen, Google will analyze pages against its numerous factors such as:

  • Backlink profile
  • Speed
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Usage of keywords
  • And more.

Step 3: Ranking

Ranking only occurs after the indexing, and crawling phases are complete.

Ranking only occurs after the indexing, and crawling phases are complete. So once Google has indexed and crawled your plumbing website, your website can be ranked.

There are hundreds of ranking signals that Google uses to rank and sort content, and they are all classified under three main pillars: on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical optimization. Some of the factors that search engines use to rank plumbing websites are:

  • Presence of the keyword in the title tag – Whether the keyword was used on the page and within the title tag.
  • Page loading speed – Whether the web pages load faster and are optimized for mobile devices.
  • Website reputation – Whether the web page and site are regarded as credible or reputable for the topic being looked for.
  • High-value content on your plumbing website
  • Relevant links – from high-quality websites.

The good news is that you don’t have to look for a search engine expert to rank for crucial plumbing keywords in the organic search results. This post will take you through proven SEO best practices for optimizing your plumbing website that can assist drive targeted traffic through search without compromising the integrity of your website. If you want to learn how Google work, there are tons of valuable resources, including:

Now, back to the fundamentals of plumbing SEO. Without further ado, let’s dive into  Plumbing SEO tactics and strategies that will help your plumbing company obtain more clients and traffic from organic searches.

Best Plumbing SEO Keyword Research Practices


Without the right plumbing keywords, your plumbing SEO campaign cannot succeed. You can think of keywords as the vehicle of your marketing campaign, and internal links are synonymous with your fuel. Much of your results and success will be driven by every keyword targeted.

Simply put, keywords are the phrases and terms your prospects use when searching for plumbing services you offer online. They reveal crucial information, including the mindset of prospects when they attempt to locate what you provide, and can affect the success of your plumbing business.

Successful plumbing keyword research achieves two things, and it assists the right prospects to find your plumbing business and boosts the ranking of your pages and posts on search engines.

Poorly selected keywords, on the flip side, leave your plumbing website in obscurity. Worse still, they lower your rank if they don’t match the client’s intent.

Using the right plumbing keywords in blog posts, articles, or service descriptions can help you rank higher in search engine result pages and can generate new leads and traffic for months or years after you have published those pages.

The first step in plumbing SEO is knowing what you are optimizing your plumbing website for. This involves identifying keywords that people are searching for that you wish your plumbing website to rank for in search engines such as Google or Bing.

There are various elements that you need to consider when determining the keywords that you want to target in your plumbing website including;

Keyword Search Volume

search volume

Obviously, if no prospect is looking for a phrase or keyword related to your plumbing business, optimizing for it would not help. It is crucial that you research search volume and ensure your choice of keywords will generate the much-needed traffic.

You might end up ranking on the first page of Google for a particular keyword, but if no prospect search for it, it will not generate relevant traffic to your plumbing website. This is synonymous with opening a shop in a ghost town. Keyword search volume is measured using MSV (monthly search volume), which implies the number of times the term is searched per month across all the target audiences.


Your content must be the best guide or resource out there for the search query

Search engines like Google or Bing rank content based on its relevance to search queries. This is where the idea of search intent comes into play. Your plumbing content will only rank for a search term if it meets the needs of searchers.

Furthermore, your content must be the best guide or resource out there for the search query. After all, why would search engines rank your content in the top spots if it offers less or no value than other posts that exist on the web?

Keyword Competition

You need to understand who your ideal clients are and what they will look for.

This is one of the crucial factors in keyword research for plumbers but is normally overlooked. You don’t want to target a plumbing keyword if you can’t handle the competition. There are two factors that you need to consider when you want to know how competitive a keyword is for a specific keyword:

  • How many plumbing websites are you competing against?
  • How strong are these competing web pages?

Just like with any other business opportunity, you need to assess the chances of ranking for particular plumbing keywords.

First, you need to understand who your ideal clients are and what they will look for. If you don’t understand who your potential customers are, think of this as a great place to start marketing your plumbing company in general and plumbing SEO.

Next, you want to know:

  • What kind of plumbing services are they interested in?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What type of language do they use when describing the services they need?


Google will offer more weight to content sources it classifies as authoritative.

Google will offer more weight to content sources it classifies as authoritative. That implies you must do all that you can to become an authoritative source by improving your site with informational, helpful content and promoting that content on social media platforms and backlinks.

If Google doesn’t deem your plumbing website as authoritative, then you can’t compete with authoritative sites unless you have exceptional content.

On-Page Plumbing SEO Best Practices: Tips to Improve Your Rankings On Search Engines

Tips to Improve Your Rankings On Search Engines

On-page plumbing SEO has the ability to bring countless wallet-out prospects and clients right to your plumbing website. Best practices for plumbing on-page SEO refers to tasks designed to assist improve your website’s ranking on Google or Bing.

We originally wrote this as a guide just for Blackstorm Design + Marketing customers, but later we figured out “Hey, who doesn’t love a great checklist for plumbing SEO? That’s why we decide to share it with the world. So here we come.

Here are our ten tricks on SEO best practices for plumbers that you need to know. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Title tags

You should have unique title tags for every page.

Assuming that you have successfully done your keyword research, this is one of the most crucial on-page SEO elements. Title tags tell search engines like Google or Bing what your page is all about and that the page on your plumbing website is relevant for the search phrase or keyword. You should have unique title tags for every page. In organic search results, Google will highlight the keyword if a prospect or client looks for those terms. This boosts click-through rate and visibility.

Let’s say you are trying to rank for “Murfreesboro local plumbers” your title tag might look like this:

Murfreesboro plumbers

Best Practices:

  • You should write your title tag like this: Primary keyword-secondary keyword|Brand name
  • Utilize a dash in between your keyword and a pipe at the end of the name of your brand
  • Avoid duplicating your title tags.
  • Make sure your title tags have 55 characters or less, including the spaces. If you want to know more about title tag best practices, read this post done by Dr. Pete.

Meta Descriptions

Include your keyword in the description.

Meta descriptions are typically the short page descriptions that show up under your title in organic search results. Although they are not classified as a ranking factor by Google, it can impact whether or not prospects click on your page-so-it is just as vital when doing on-page plumbing SEO.

Here is our list of best practices for meta descriptions:

  • Make sure that your meta description is under 160 characters
  • Include your keyword in the description.
  • Use a compelling, full sentence (or two)
  • Avoid alphanumeric elements like -, & or +

Image Alt tags

Image alt-tag is synonymous with SEO of your plumbing website’s images.

An alt tag is typically the name of an image, and your site images should utilize the correct alt tags. Image alt-tag is synonymous with SEO of your plumbing website’s images. It tells search engines what your image is about, which is crucial because search engines nowadays deliver image-based organic results just like they do with text-based organic results.

That implies consumers may discover your plumbing website via images. For them to do this, you need to add an alt tag to your images.

Here are some image alt tag best practices you need to follow:

  • Make it as specific and descriptive as possible.
  • Keep it short than 125 characters.
  • Use keywords in a sparing manner and avoid overstuffing them.
  • Make it relevant to your page content.

High-quality content with targeted plumbing keywords

The page content is typically the heart of your on-page plumber SEO.

The page content is typically the heart of your on-page plumber SEO, and it tells Google and readers what your plumbing business and website are all about. With all the recent Google Panda updates, it is extremely crucial that your page content is relevant and unique. If you have several pages that have the same content, then you are likely to be penalized by Google for duplicate content, and your Google rankings will suffer.

The initial step to crafting unique and relevant content is to select the right plumbing keywords and topics. Perform comprehensive keyword research by looking at Google phrases and seeing what works for your competitor’s websites. You can also use tools such as AnswerthePublic, UberSuggest, and Ahrefs.

Here are our surefire tricks for writing high-quality page content:

  • Include short and long-tail keywords organically
  • Add relevant and engaging visual content
  • Write content that resonates with your specific buyer persona(s)
  • Optimize for conversions with a call to actions (CTAs) to service pages and offers
  • Create content that people will love to share and link to.

Structured Markup

Structured markup is crucial if you want those knowledge panels.

Structured data or structured markup is simply the process of marking your plumbing site source code to help search engines like Google or Bing understand and find various elements of your content.

Structured markup is crucial if you want those knowledge panels, featured snippets, and other content elements you see when looking for something on Google. It’s also how your particular page information appears so neatly when a visitor shares your content on the social media platform.

Note: Structured markup is classified under technical plumbing SEO, but we included it here since optimizing it creates a good on-page SEO experience for users.

Keep your Page URLs descriptive but short

Page URLs

Your website URL is another prime place to insert plumbing keywords. According to studies, incorporating keywords in your site URL appears like a ranking factor.

But that doesn’t imply you should be crazy to add tons of search terms to your URL. Use the same restraint and discretion you applied with your meta descriptions and title tags.

In fact, it is common for a URL to appear shorter than that of those title tags.

Here are our best practices for your page URL:

  • Include your primary keyword in the URL
  • Keep your URL descriptive and short
  • Use hyphens to separate words
  • Use lowercase letters.
  • Remove the unnecessary, extra words
  • Use HTTPS if possible, as Google has already added security as a ranking factor

Internal Linking

It is the process of hyperlinking to other valuable pages on your plumbing website.

Internal linking describes any link on your plumbing website that links to another page on your site. It is essentially the process of hyperlinking to other valuable pages on your plumbing website.

Internal linking is crucial for on-page plumber SEO since internal links send visitors to other pages on your plumbing website, keeping them around longer and thus showing Google your plumbing website is helpful and valuable.

Besides, the longer prospects are on your plumbing website, the more time Google has to index and crawl your website pages. This consequently helps search engines get more information about your website and rank higher on the Google search results pages.

Make your plumbing website mobile responsive

Making your website mobile responsive is extremely crucial.

Google began favoring websites that are optimized for mobile devices even for those searching on desktops. So, making your website mobile responsive is extremely crucial.

It’s important to select a web hosting service, site theme, and design and layout of content that’s navigable and readable on mobile devices. If you are not sure about your plumbing website’s mobile readiness, utilize Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

Optimize your website speed

your website should load quickly

Whether accessed on a desktop or mobile device, your website should load quickly, possibly in less than three seconds. When it comes to on-page plumbing SEO, page speed comes in big time.

Google loves sites that have a good user experience. If your website loads slowly, it’s likely your visitors will not stick around for long, and Google notices that.

Information Architecture Best Practices

Information architecture is typically an overlooked area of plumbing website design.

Information architecture focuses on how you organize or plan the pages of your plumbing website. The way you plan your plumbing website and interlink your pages can impact how different content types on your site ranks based on user searches or queries.

Information architecture is typically an overlooked area of plumbing website design. Without having a good understanding of how information architecture work, you can end up building a plumbing website that is more confusing than they require it to be or worse still, make your plumbing content inaccessible.

Quality content is the reason why prospects visit plumbing websites. We all know how crucial it is to create quality content, but what is more crucial is to ensure that your content is easy to find.

Search engines like Google or Bing perceive links as “votes of trust” and a great way of understanding what your page is all about and how vital it is (whether credible or not).

Google also pays attention to the text you use to link to web pages, commonly referred to as the anchor text which helps Google to know what your plumbing website is all about.

Likewise, a link from CNN shows that your plumbing website could be important if you link specific pages for numerous areas on your site that portray to search engines that a particular page is crucial to your website.

Besides, the pages on your plumber site have more external votes (from credible sources) and have the ability to help other pages on your site rank higher in search engine result pages.

This idea is called “PageRank.” However, PageRank doesn’t operate the same way it used to when it was first introduced, if you want to understand more about it, read the following good resources below:

Information architecture can be a daunting topic, especially for large plumbing websites, and there are numerous resources that have particular answers outlined at the end of each chapter.

Some of the best practices for information architecture include:

Keep your most important plumbing search pages. This means linking to them occasionally in navigation elements and where possible linking them from a page that has the highest number of links.

You need to understand your most linked-to-pages (use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and Majestic SEO).

Generally, you need to adopt a flat information architecture for your plumbing website, implying that you keep any plumbing page and most linked-to plumbing web pages. If you want to understand how you can flatten your plumbing website information architecture, click on this video to read more.

Header Response

Header response tags are important technical plumbing SEO issues

Header response tags are important technical plumbing SEO issues, and this can be a daunting topic if you don’t have the skills and expertise. Still, you want to make sure that your plumbing website pages are returning the right code to search engines (200) such as Google, and pages that cannot be found are returning code (400), indicating that they no longer exist. If you get those codes wrong, you could be indicating a “page not found” as a functioning page, which may make it look like a thin or duplicated page. You can use a server header checker to know the status code that your plumbing website pages are returning when search engines like Google or Bing crawl them.

Link Building and Content Marketing

Link building is another important plumbing SEO strategy.

Link building is another important plumbing SEO strategy. Since Google’s algorithm mostly depends on links, having many valuable links is essential in generating organic search traffic. Links are generally like “votes of confidence”- the more quality links you have pointing to your plumbing website, the higher you will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are a few methods you can use to build links to your plumber’s website. One practical and sustainable approach to building links is focusing more on content marketing efforts like creating and promoting quality content that includes specific keywords you want to rank for and engage in conventional PR for your plumbing business.

As you write your content for your plumber marketing strategy, it is also essential to link to other credible websites to offer additional information on topics that you did not exhaustively cover.

The process of creating and promoting content that will offer you social links and shares is a challenging assignment. But, you will obtain a step-by-step guide to various aspects of plumbing content marketing below, and there are numerous ways to develop content, help it get discovered and rank higher in the organic search results.

Another way to get links to your plumbing website is through guest blogging. This process involves creating blogs in exchange for a link back to your plumber’s website. A third way is to develop plumbing resources (like eBooks and guides) and then contact plumbing blogs and request them to promote them.

Link building can be a time-consuming plumbing SEO strategy, but it’s helpful if you want to see results.

Identify and Understand Your Linking and Sharing Audience

Understand who is likely to link to and share your content.

The first important thing you need to do to obtain traction for your plumbing web content is to understand who is likely to link to and share your content. Several tools can help you know influencers with the plumbing niche, but the most powerful one is Buzzsumo.

Similar tools include follower wonk, little bird, and Ahrefs. The concept of leveraging such tools is to identify potential thought leaders and linkers in your plumbing space and understand what they link to and share. Identify what issues they are experiencing and the kinds of content they generally share, and start to figure out how you can develop something valuable to share with their potential clients (Who would regard it as vital too).

As you go through this process, start to think of how you can help out these influencers. What you can do to assist them to attain their objectives or what could you provide that can be valuable to their target audience? If you can consistently outsource smart content creators within the plumbing niche, you will no doubt start to establish a powerful relationship as you begin creating valuable content.

Choose the Plumbing Content You Can Develop and How You Can Promote it

Focus on creating various kinds of content that will have great value

The next step is to know the kind of plumbing content you can create that can be promoted and shared by others. Here are some tips to help you create plumbing content that will generate a high number of shares:

Develop plumbing content that identifies and resolves your client’s pain points or problems.

According to Mathew Woodward, you can identify great plumbing blog content by listening in on social media forums and media.

  • Check on what works by examining what already works and creating content that is of a similar level, you can minimize the risk and make your content as fail-proof as possible.
  • Make others appear great: state the type of tools you use daily.

Focus on creating various kinds of content that will have great value, promote such types of content, and don’t be afraid about informing people whose target audience would take advantage of such content if they knew it existed.

Map Your Content to specific Plumbing SEO keywords

Last but not least, don’t forget to plug in your keywords! That doesn’t mean that you need to stuff a keyword that is irrelevant any time you create great content. It implies that you can use keyword research as a way of developing the pain points (if prospects are turning to Google to search for services or products, they want plumbing content that responds to their queries).

Schema and Markup

After sorting all the fundamental plumbing website design elements, you will be able to go further and make it easier to obtain more traffic to your website using schema.

Schema is a code that helps search engines understand the meaning behind your plumbing company’s website. It offers them additional information about what your plumbing company does, where you are situated, and how people can reach out to you.

To add schema to your plumbing website, simply insert the code in the back end of your website. If you are not experienced to do this on your own, you can always hire a plumbing SEO agency or developer to do it on your behalf.

Technical Plumbing SEO Checklist

Technical plumbing SEO is an important part of your plumbing SEO strategy

Technical or off-page refers to the process of optimizing the indexing, crawling, and rendering phase of your plumbing website to attain higher search rankings on Google. Technical plumbing SEO is an important part of your plumbing SEO strategy, which is why the website needs to meet all the recommendations of search engines. It refers to search engine techniques that are not related to the content on your website.

Now that you know the fundamentals of plumbing SEO, here are some tricks you can utilize to improve your off-page plumbing  SEO and boost your organic search rankings:

Mobile Friendliness

Having a mobile-friendly plumbing website is more crucial than ever.

Let’s begin with this most basic off-page plumbing SEO tip.

One of the major Google algorithms in 2015 was to offer more preference to responsive, mobile-friendly websites. Back then, Google penalized websites that were not mobile-friendly. Fast forward to today, having a mobile-friendly plumbing website is more crucial than ever.

If your plumbing website is driving relevant traffic from mobile searches, this will impact your rankings on mobile devices, a fast-growing segment.

With the skyrocketing usage of mobile devices, a responsive website has become valuable. Your plumbing website must adapt to different mobile devices and operate optimally on each one of them. Many prospects looking for plumbing services conduct a search on Google using their smartphone.

Today, Google shows results based on the proximity of the user to your plumbing business location. Plumbers can enhance mobile SEO via the following tactics:

  • Seamless navigation: URL hierarchies and internal links are more important on mobile.
  • Responsive design:  A design tactic that helps plumber websites adjust to the accessed device.
  • Test your mobile plumbing website: You can use any of the following tools Google’s Mobile-Friendly test to make sure that your website is responsive.

Speed your plumbing website

Website speed is more crucial than ever.

When it comes to plumbing SEO, website speed is more crucial than ever. Make no mistake. If your plumbing website is slow and takes more than three seconds to respond, Google will put a penalty on your site.

That means even if your plumbing content is pure gold for that specific topic, your plumbing website will rank lower on Google than it would if your site had fast loading times.

This is an off-page plumber SEO aspect that you cannot afford to overlook. You can use any of the tools listed below to test your plumbing website speed:

If your plumbing website is taking more than three seconds to load, it can seriously affect your user experience. Fortunately, you can use the following tips to speed up your plumbing website:

  • Optimize your site’s images: Utilize a compressed image format such as JPG in most of your posts. Use tools like TinyPNG to compress your image files.
  • Enable browser caching: This will help you store visitors’ data temporarily on a computer so that they don’t have to wait for your site to load every time they visit.
  • Utilize a content delivery network: Utilize a content delivery network to boost your website’s speed.


Plumbing contractors should regularly explore ways to improve your off-page SEO. If you don’t implement redirects correctly, this can have great effects on your organic search results. Here are some reasons why your plumbing website may want to redirect to another page as discussed below:

  • Duplicate content: Say, for example, your plumbing website has a page about “drain cleaning,” but you want to upgrade to residential drain cleaning. You want to redirect the low-value page to the high-quality one.
  • Search Optimization: If one of your plumbing URLs is optimized for search engines, a 301 redirect will help you to achieve that.
  • Rebranding your website: If your plumbing business rebrands or obtains a new website, you need to redirect the top pages to their counterparts.

XML Sitemaps

XML sitemaps help search engines to locate and index your plumbing webpages.

XML sitemaps help search engines to locate and index your plumbing webpages. Ensuring that you don’t add irrelevant pages and submitting your page for sitemaps does not warrant that your website will rank high for a specific keyword. There are cons to having an XML sitemap, and implementing one can have a positive benefit to your plumbing SEO.

Sitemaps are particularly crucial if:

  • Your plumbing website is not well structured or linked
  • Your site has no external links
  • Your plumbing website contains a lot of archived posts

Migrate your plumbing website from HTTP to HTTPS

Google included HTTPS protocol as one of the ranking factors.

Back in 2014, Google included HTTPS protocol as one of the ranking factors. So, if your plumbing website is still HTTP, it’s time to make that switch. HTTPS will safeguard your visitor’s information to make sure that the data offered is encrypted for data leaks or hacking.

Avoid Duplicate Content

Duplicate content dilutes the value that your content offers to users.

Thin and duplicated content is another area that was solved by the recent Google Panda updates. Google aims to offer high-quality plumbing content. Duplicate content dilutes the value that your content offers to users, thus minimizing the chances of ranking for competitive keywords. Having large quantities of duplicate content makes your site show up like it is cluttered with low-value content in the eyes of search engines.

Meta No Follow, Robot.txt file, and MetaNoindex

You can instruct search engines on how to crawl and index your plumbing content.

Lastly, you can instruct search engines on how to crawl and index your plumbing content. For instance, you can tell Google not to crawl a specific section of your plumbing website in a robot.txt file. The file may exist at your plumbing website at file. You need to make sure this file doesn’t block any content that you want to be indexed on your website. You can utilize the meta unfollow or meta no index tags for similar purposes, although each operates independently.

Off-page SEO can be challenging on your own; you should seek assistance from a reputable plumbing SEO agency.

How Long Does Plumbing SEO Take?

Plumbing SEO campaigns can take several months before you begin seeing significant results.

It is normally said plumbing SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, which implies that you should not expect to see desired results in short term. Plumbing SEO campaigns can take several months before you begin seeing significant results.

This is because Google needs time to crawl your website and monitor users’ interaction and behavior with your plumbing website. A good plumbing SEO campaign leads to a high ranking in the SERP but more essentially an influx and steady increase of new clients. It can take a while before you begin to see the results of a plumber SEO strategy, but the average is normally between three to six months.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is SEO for plumbers?

SEO for plumbers is a systematic process of editing and creating the website content and code of your plumbing company to help it rank on search engines like Google or Bing. To help your plumbing website rank higher on Google, it needs to be secure, mobile-friendly, fast, and full of valuable content.

Do I require a plumbing SEO audit?

A typical plumbing SEO audit includes software and analytics implementation, which is designed for the plumbing industry, competitor analysis, keyword research, and evaluation of your site structure, code, and content. A plumber SEO audit review assists you to understand your campaign results.

What is included in plumbing SEO services?

In your plumbing SEO package, you will obtain an online competitive analysis, code optimization, local SEO, new website or blog content, tracking and measurement reporting, and continuous tweaking to refine your campaign results.

Should I work with a plumbing SEO campaign?

An SEO agency deals with the day-to-day tasks of boosting your plumbing company’s online presence. If your company doesn’t have the time or resources to go through stacks of rankings, analytic data, and traffic patterns, you need to partner with a plumbing SEO agency.

Is Blackstorm Design + Marketing a certified Google partner?

Blackstorm Design + Marketing is a Google premier partner. When you hire us, you work with a team of professional web design experts, SEO experts, and more.

Do your plumbing SEO packages include social media?

Yes, our experts will manage your social media accounts. We will make your brand get in front of your ideal clients and manage your social media presence on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Our team can assist you to capture the attention of your target audience with social proof, measurable goals, and social proof.

Grow Your  Business by Getting Your Plumbing SEO Strategy Right from Blackstorm Design + Marketing

We make your plumbing website visible on search engines by using our business expertise.

Search engine optimization is a sure way of getting consistent new clients, and if you want to compete in the local plumbing industry, you need to ensure that your plumbing business appears when potential clients look for a plumbing contractor in your location. Local SEO for plumbers can help you achieve that, which is why it is the most important investment that you can make in your plumbing business nowadays.

However, there are two ways to do SEO for your plumbing business including white-hat and black-hat SEO strategies. Black-hat Plumbing SEO is where you use illegal ways to trick Google or Bing to rank your website higher in search results without following the laid down best practices. While Black hat SEO strategies can seem effective in the short term, it doesn’t abide by the rules and can make your plumbing website to be penalized.

On the other hand, white hat plumbing SEO, which we practice here at Blackstorm Design + Marketing, plays by the rules and can last for many years, making sure that you obtain value for your money and time. By developing links from relevant and legit sites and improving your presence on social media, we can generate more leads and traffic to your plumbing business.

If you want to leverage all the benefits of plumbing SEO, we can help!

We make your plumbing website visible on search engines by using our business expertise.

At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we bring years to search engine optimization for plumbers. With our personalized digital marketing strategies, combined with our passion for generating real results, we will offer your plumbing business more phone calls, quote requests, and revenue.

We hope this definitive guide has offered important information to rank your plumbing website higher on the search engine result pages. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to book a free strategy session to learn more about our award-winning plumbing SEO strategies today.

Marketing Plumbing

Top 10 Plumber Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Plumbing companies like yours want to eliminate unwise, wasteful spending. I don’t know how many plumbing contractors enjoy spending dollars on marketing. They understand it’s important, and they might even allocate some advertising budget to it. But they don’t enjoy it. It’s challenging to put your hard-earned dollars out into the world without a guarantee of more clients, leads, and revenue. We get it.

The sad reality, though, is that are no real warranties in plumber marketing land. There are tons of variables, and too much that’s out of your reach. If you want to maximize your revenue or profits, then your marketing budget should be tightly reviewed and monitored. There are numerous ways you can waste their plumbing marketing dollars which we will discuss in this post. No plumber wants to see their hard-earned money going down the drain, and each plumbing contractor wants to tirelessly ensure their advertising budget is correctly utilized.

Biggest Plumber Marketing  Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)

Plumber Marketing Mistakes

Here are a few common blunders we see plumbers make when promoting or marketing their businesses. Get rid of those strategies, and you will generate consistent leads or revenue for your company every month.

1. Putting all their eggs in one basket

You have potential customers at various stages of your sales funnel and hanging out in all kinds of the spaces-at-home where they might come across your door hanger, performing research using Google, scrolling through Facebook, and out in the neighborhood talking with their family and friends. By spending too much of your advertising or marketing budget on one channel, you will risk missing a huge percentage of prospects searching for your plumbing services elsewhere online. A plumbing marketing plan crafted to drive more leads and therefore, more clients needs to be purposely diversified.

2. Improper Ad Spending

Not all ads should be focused on improving brand awareness

Not all ads should be focused on improving brand awareness, and a good advertising strategy should strike a good balance of non-lead generation vs lead generation spending. Yes, brand awareness is crucial, but further steps are required to get conversions.

Your ads must have a compelling call to action. Such CTAs like contact us form or link, phone number, or special offers will assist to skyrocket conversions. Brand awareness can’t be the only focus. If all you are doing is advertising-spending money on radio spots, print ads, and even internet marketing campaigns and not engaging in marketing- establishing relationship-adding value, gaining trust, and providing unmatched/superior customer service, you may as well as spend your plumbing marketing dollars and create a match for them.

3. No Tracking or Monitoring System in Place

Do you know where your plumbing leads are coming from? Do you know which ads or even which platform generates most of the best plumber leads?

You will never understand how your campaigns perform without proper measuring and analytics.

At a minimum, you need to have analytics connected to your advertising platform for proper attribution. As you scale the complexity of your internet marketing advertising, you might want to use phone call tracking, a customer relationship management tool, and marketing automation.

4. Targeting the Wrong Plumbing Keywords

Wrong Plumbing Keywords

If you are investing in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Google Ads for plumbers, make sure you are targeting the best keywords. If you are guessing, you are likely to waste money or at the very least, missing chances to leverage your ads for more leads.

Plumbing keywords work best when they are based on intent. Digital advertising is useless without targeting the right keywords, and these keywords are what prospects use when utilizing and researching search engines.

One good example is targeting the wrong geographical area. This could include focusing on an area where your target audience/clients don’t live. Don’t make the blunder of mistakenly targeting Murfreesboro, TN when your audience lives in Miami, Florida.

5. Lack of Consistency

Inconsistency can cause confusion.

Plumber marketing works best when you have a consistent message and strategy. Inconsistency can cause confusion. Ensure the key business information, such as name, phone number, and address, are all consistent wherever your plumbing company is mentioned online.

Likewise, dividing resources thinly or abandoning them too fast can lead to wasteful ad spending. Make sure your marketing campaigns, such as a newly launched Google Local Service ad for plumbers, have enough time to generate sufficient time.

6. Being Anti-Social

Anti-Social gif

Your potential clients are on social media. When they type “anyone who can recommend a plumber?” as their Facebook status, it would be great if people mentioned you, and it would even be more awesome if people mentioned you. It would be helpful if they would tag your Facebook page so a prospect could so check out, learn what kind of business you are, and see what other clients are saying about your plumbing company. But if your Facebook business page is dying or dead, that sends the exact wrong signals. Don’t underestimate the importance of social media advertising in your plumbing marketing plan.

7. Not Understanding Customer Behavior and User Intent

Knowing who your clients are and how they behave is the initial step to successful plumbing marketing campaigns. If you don’t know your clients, the campaigns that you run are bound to fail since you are targeting an audience that is in no way interested in your plumbing services.

As an example, we took an ad campaign for a plumbing contractor that had already spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on the keyword “Car AC repair.”

What a waste!

We fixed it by adding the term car as a negative keyword so our ads wouldn’t compete and display with the local mechanic. Actually, qualified clients use multiple keywords when they try to find plumbing services.

8. Poorly Targeted or Written Ad Copy

copying ad content from other advertisers

One of the most common blunders plumbers make is copying ad content from other advertisers. This can be an efficient strategy to save time, but if you are not keen on the ads shown, it may do more harm than good since they have the same keywords as yours, and their ads may not fit your business image at all.

Also, if you are not keen on the ad content you use, it may be too unclear or vague about what your company offers, so prospects will have a rough time understanding how your plumbing services actually assist them. The result? They are most likely to click through to learn more about your company.

Create a compelling ad copy by:

  • Using a unique selling proposition
  • Use special characters and numbers to stand out
  • Use keywords
  • Use a headline and question
  • Keep it reader-friendly and simple

Next, you will require to ensure your ads to the appropriate landing pages. If you have ads around plumbing services and point them to your homepage that begins off talking about who you are and the number of years you have been in business, you are likely to convert clients that you will be sending that traffic to a particular landing page about 24/7 plumber services.

9. Not Targeting Paid Search Ads

Demographic and geographic targeting in paid search advertising should be more specific.

Online advertising is an excellent way to improve conventional advertising (such as billboards, radio, print, and more) you may be doing (and internet marketing is often more targeted and cheaper).

Demographic and geographic targeting in paid search advertising should be more specific. Leads will not come if your targeting is left untouched or unclear. Know where your clients reside and what resonates with them. Target your ideal potential clients with purpose.

10. Broken Plumbing Website Pages

Broken site pages cause frustration to your prospects.

Broken site pages cause frustration to your prospects. If a customer lands on a site page (also known as a 404 page), they will normally click off your website. If a paid ad leads a client to a broken site page, that is even worse since you have just paid for the ad click.

If you are planning to run advertisements, ensure to send them to a working landing page. This page should have helpful and useful information, as well as a clear call to action so the customer can take a meaningful next step (like completing a form or calling).

Fix These Plumber Marketing Mistakes:  Find Your Perfect Clients with Better Internet Marketing Strategies with Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Promoting business within a particular industry calls for a specialized marketing plan for it to be effective. This is why investing in a plumbing internet marketing agency, like Blackstorm Design + Marketing, is crucial for plumbing businesses to attain successful advertising initiatives.

Blackstorm Design + Marketing‘s internet marketing professionals can assist assess your online assets and developing a custom marketing strategy to improve your online presence and get more service calls and more clients.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

plumbing SEO

The initial step to ranking your plumbing website in search optimization. Blackstorm Design + Marketing can help improve your plumbing SEO strategy, so you boost your online visibility. Our search engine optimization professionals will audit your plumbing website and recommend key SEO activities to help particular content and pages rank higher in search results.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising


Pay-Per-Click or PPC ads assist you to obtain targeted traffic that is likely to convert. Blackstorm Design + Marketing’s online marketing for plumbers has exceptional PPC professionals to help you in managing effective PPC campaigns for your company. With the assistance of plumber internet marketing experts, you can obtain more plumbing leads with pay-per-click advertising.

Website Design and Development

web development and design

We provide web development and design as the main feature of plumbing internet marketing services. Whether you want to create a new plumbing website from scratch or revamp an existing one, our talented web designers can help. We ensure that your plumbing website is easy to navigate, fast, and has calls to action that skyrocket conversions.

Social Media Marketing

Clients are now expressing their perceptions about local businesses like yours on social media

Clients are now expressing their perceptions about local businesses like yours on social media, so your plumbing business shouldn’t be left. Blackstorm Design + Marketing’s social media experts will assist you on how to have a great following and generate more sales.

Online Reputation Management

online reviews are vital for your plumbing company’s online reputation

Customers are nowadays looking at online reviews before making a hiring decision. For service-based businesses like roofing or plumbing, online reviews are vital for your plumbing company’s online reputation. With positive review ratings, your business has a higher chance of generating sales and leads.

SEO Content Writing

SEO content

Whether you require copy for your email marketing campaign, web pages, or blog. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we have experienced writers, copywriters, and editors who can help you with your content writing requirements. Publishing relevant SEO content for your company improves brand awareness, which is just as important as generating leads.

Developing a result-oriented, comprehensive plumbing marketing plan can be overwhelming as a plumbing contractor, after all, you are not a marketing expert.

If you are tired of wasting your marketing dollars, schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design +Marketing to get a plumbing marketing strategy that will help generate consistent leads or revenue every month today.

Plumbing Public Relations

How to Improve Online Reputation Management for Plumbers: 5 Things You Are Doing Wrong (and How to fix them)

The world of internet reputation management may seem overwhelming especially to your family-owned, local plumbing business, but it should not be overlooked as being crucial for millennials only.

If you are a plumbing contractor, your online reputation is something that you should consider with the seriousness it deserves. This is because your plumbing business depends on good reviews from clients. Gone are the days when plumbers would solely depend on word-of-mouth recommendations or advertising, and today it is crucial to consider the effects of online reviews.

Without further ado, let us dive into our post.

Why is Online Reputation Management for Plumbers Important?

Internet Reputation Management Impacts Branding


Your brand is synonymous with its message, and it helps prospects understand what your business is all about. Digital branding is a great trend that is typically beneficial as long as your branding encapsulates the value of your plumbing company. When you invest in online review management, by monitoring reviews about your business and responding to them professionally and politely (whether it’s positive or negative), you will also realize that you will also enhance your overall branding message.

Digital branding and online reputation management are two moving parts of a successful plumbing marketing and advertising strategy. Both require careful attention, and every element affects the other, for good or worse.

Name Recognition

Brand recognition

This is a huge one. The more well-known your plumbing business name, the more you can influence the opinion of potential customers. You can influence homeowners to hire your plumbing business with the right online reputation management and communication strategy. And if you begin working on a positive brand ahead of time, you will be able to maintain your name in the unfortunate event of a mistake or accident.

Increases Your Business Visibility Online

Online visibility

In the modern world, it’s more essential than ever for plumbing contractors to have a vibrant presence online. A well-designed plumbing website and business blog can assist to make sure that your company is obtaining the attention of your target audience.

Besides, social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook can offer excellent advertising or marketing channels. Utilizing these platforms, you can reach a wider audience and improve your brand perception. It is important to create exciting, engaging, and positive content. If you can achieve this, you will be well on your way to building a solid internet presence for your plumbing brand.

Boost Sales

Increase sales

Excellent online reviews are important for plumbers that want to attract more clients through search engines like Google or Bing. In the modern digital world, potential clients are more likely to peg their buying decisions on online reviews than personal recommendations. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that plumbing contractors with positive online reviews experience increased sales.

Online Reputation Management for Plumbers: Things That are Portraying your Business in Negative Light

When it comes to your plumbing online reputation management, there are things that you can do to enhance your presence, and there are things that can hurt it. Here are the five things that you should avoid when trying to manage your online reputation as a plumber:

1. Not Claiming Directory and Social Media Listings

directory listings

There are numerous social media and online business directory listings out there, and you must claim your listing on as many as possible as a plumbing company owner. One of the major reasons for such is that any listing is regarded as “real estate” for your company’s online presence. Additionally, by claiming your business profiles online, you are preventing your competitors from claiming your listing and utilizing it to their advantage.

2. Updating Your Social Media Platforms and Plumbing Website Once a Month

Update your website

One of the reasons that prospects and clients return to your plumbing website is because they desire to view or read fresh content. If you don’t create and publish new content, however, customers cannot return back which implies that you cannot make sales to those clients. By updating your social media platforms and plumbing website, you are keeping clients engaged and increasing the chances of booking more jobs.

It’s also crucial to remember that when you update your social media profile or plumbing website, you should do so with authentic content that is both relevant and interesting to your plumbing niche.

3. Allowing Unqualified People to Manage Your Online Profiles

error warning on web page

Whether we are discussing your business website or social media platforms, never let unqualified individuals in charge of your online presence. By so doing, this can lead to many problems, most of which cannot be solved easily. These include:

  • You can ruin your internet reputation by showcasing your plumbing business in an unprofessional manner
  • You can destroy your online profiles by deleting or editing the wrong thing
  • You can isolate customers and prospects if posts are shared that have a questionable theme.
  • You can deter clients by presenting your business as one that isn’t responsive or doesn’t care about clients’ needs.

Simply put, you should never give someone a chance to manage your online presence unless they have experience with online reputation management, as this could ruin your company.

4. Not Responding to Recommendations and Suggestions from Clients

It's important to listen to client's suggestions

One of the major keys to online review sites and feedback forums is that it offers you the means to gather client feedback and perform client research without incurring a ridiculous marketing budget. By listening to your client’s suggestions as well as their recommendations, you can enhance your company model and boost sales by paying attention to what your clients want rather than what you perceive they want.

5. Wearing Blinders When It Comes to Happy Clients

Wearing Blinders

There are numerous online review sites out there, and they act as a great avenue for funneling clients to your plumbing company. Unfortunately, many plumbers don’t want to leverage these review sites since they are busy focusing and responding to negative comments and reviews.

While it is crucial to respond professionally to negative comments and reviews, it’s equally crucial to respond to positive reviews as well. Clients who leave positive feedback will feel unappreciated if you only respond to negative reviews. What is the essence of leaving a stellar review if no one recognizes such a review?

Take time to thank the commenter for their review, and this can make a huge difference in your plumbing company. Responding to positive reviews also helps future customers understand that they are valuable.

How Can You Manage Your Plumbing Business Reputation Online?

The key to internet reputation management is prompt action. Bad or negative reviews can travel fast online, so you require to be just as swift to neutralize the negative news. These strategies will make it possible to keep your digital reputation intact.

  • Respond to Online Reviews in a Professional and Timely Manner

Online Reviews

A lousy review on an obscure website may seem harmless until a famous blogger gets to hold it and share it with the audience. If your reputation management software catches an unflattering article or review, respond to it the right way.

Address a customer compliant with an offer and an apology to resolve the issue. Reply to unflattering articles and blog posts with clarifications, an apology, and updates if you made an error. The sooner you respond to negative reviews; the less damage your online reputation will suffer.

  • Leverage Positive Reviews

Positive Reviews

When you don’t respond to negative press right away, it can ruin your brand’s reputation online. One story follows another, till such stories are the initial things that come to your mind when a homeowner thinks of your business. In fact, they can even appear when someone searches for your plumbing company-unless there are other reports or stories to counteract them.

If you showcase good reviews, glowing testimonials of recently completed projects, and other content that displays your business in a positive light, you can show that the negative stories are not representative of your company.

Is Your Plumbing Business in Need of Online Reputation Management Services? Blackstorm Design + Marketing can Help

Online Reputation Management Services

It takes time and effort to build a solid reputation for your plumbing business. One negative experience can cost your plumbing business, which is why it’s crucial to monitor your reputation and act promptly when a threat arises.

Don’t wait until something negative happens to your online reputation, be proactive and begin managing now. If your plumbing company is in need of online reputation management services, our professional and experienced team can help.

Schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to see how our public relations experts can help you today.

Marketing Plumbing

The Top 11 Reasons Why You Need To Partner With A Specialized Plumbing Marketing Agency

If you are a plumbing company owner, you understand that marketing is an important part of your business. No matter how good your plumbing service is, you will not have a consistent stream of customers if nobody knows about it. Many plumbers begin by taking care of their marketing on their own, but what if you want to level up your plumbing company?

You should and could hire a plumbing marketing agency for several reasons. Perhaps doing marketing on your takes too much of your time, your advertising campaigns are underperforming, you want to enhance the quality of your communication and marketing, or you just don’t like the creative process.

Like any other profession, you require continuous practice, learning, and exposure to master plumber marketing and understanding of demographics. Whether it is SEO, social media coordinating, articles, e-books, or copywriting will make you an instant authority on the subject; this is where plumbing marketing agencies come into play. Without further ado, let us dive into our post.

Definition of a Plumbing Marketing Agency

Plumbing Marketing Agency

A plumbing marketing agency is a B2B service that provides a wide range of internet marketing services. Some agencies specialize in two areas of marketing, and other agencies are large to handle any marketing task you could give them. Some of the internet marketing services could include:

Plumbers contract internet marketing agencies since they may not have the in-house experience to perform all these tasks to meet their client acquisition targets. Or they may have limited in-house experience and require help scaling up their efforts. Whatever the reason might be, an internet marketing agency can assist a plumbing company to attain goals such as:

  • Increasing sales
  • Building brand awareness
  • Driving traffic to a plumbing website
  • Establishing client loyalty
  • Engaging clients

Still not sure if outsourcing a plumber marketing agency is worth your money or how exactly it will benefit your plumbing company? Here are the 10 main reasons a marketing agency can assist you and why you require to partner with one.

10 Crucial Benefits of Hiring a Full-Service Plumbing Marketing Agency

1. Expert Guidance for Making Marketing Decisions Based on Scientific Data

Marketing Decisions Based on Scientific Data

Digital marketing for plumbers is all about numbers. Any reputable plumbing marketing agency understands that. So the agency you partner with should utilize analytics for the advertising or marketing campaigns they run. At BlackStorm Design + Marketing, we give you reports that are driven by proven, factual data. We also offer resources to plumbing contractors with tips to improve their online reputation.

2. Leverage Specialized Expertise and Skills

business expertise

When you hire an internet marketing agency for plumbers, like BlackStorm Design + Marketing, you obtain access to a team of professionals. Marketing is a wide term and incorporates a multidisciplinary approach. To help your business operate at its best, you should plan and utilize an integrated strategy to target your audience/market.

While working with a specialized plumbing marketing agency, you can tap into the knowledge and expertise of specialists. You can use the skills of SEO specialists, PPC experts, dedicated website designers, project managers, content creators and writers, and many more.

3. Helps you focus on revenue-generating campaigns based on your target audience

target audience

As an experienced plumbing marketing agency, BlackStorm Design + Marketing understands the essence of generating revenue for companies like yours and the right tactics to deliver successful company outcomes.

Acquiring experience partnering with plumbers of many sizes, a plumbing marketing agency will no doubt enhance the decision-making process concerning your budget-resulting in more efficient ad spending and a higher return on investment.

4. Benefit from the full skillset


A specialized marketing agency is equipped to deal with all aspects that come with an advertising campaign, including tasks that both indirectly and directly affect the success of your online marketing campaigns. A marketing agency generally consists of a team of experts in various fields of expertise including SEO, graphic design, social media marketing, website design, copywriting, and more.

It would come at a higher cost if you had to outsource these different services or profiles. Additionally, you may not require all these skills on a daily basis. A plumbing marketing agency can thus offer a great solution for the problem since you would obtain what you desire without the complexity of “people planning.”

Further to alleviating the complexity of managing people, a plumber marketing agency typically has an excellent understanding of plumbing industry trends. For that reason, agencies handle projects and campaigns in a more strategic and structured way providing a more streamlined approach with less trial and error.

5. Get Unbiased Perspectives on Your Marketing Campaigns

Marketing Campaigns

Home service marketing agencies work with various businesses across multiple sectors. This offers them a deep level of insights concerning the best practices for every kind of business, depending on your company’s size, objectives, and budget.

Hiring a plumbing marketing agency will provide you access to the vast expertise and knowledge possessed by the agency’s professionals, who as your trusted experts, will assist you identify the best platforms to grow your company.

In addition, a plumber marketing agency would offer you an independent, unbiased perspective.

6. Focus on Running Your Plumbing Business

business success

In most cases, internet marketing implies hiring new talents outright to run the campaigns. Plus, it will require some of your attention because you will be working with an in-house team. Remember, setting up the campaign and team will take time and resources.

This can be a tedious and time-consuming process, and an agency comes in handy to lighten this burden off your shoulder. You don’t spend months training your digital marketing team, and that time can otherwise be utilized for growing your plumbing company from the inside.

With a specialized plumber marketing agency, like BlackStorm Design + Marketing, you just need to share your objectives/ goals and their timeframe.

There is no onboarding, training, or managing of another team. All the aspects of your digital marketing are dealt with internally by the agency’s team, and this frees up your time to operate your business better.

7. Custom Cost-Effective Solutions

Cost-Effective Solutions

When deliberating over hiring an online marketing agency, many plumbers typically compare the cost of outsourcing an agency to that of an in-house operation. You will be amazed to learn that a plumbing marketing agency is less expensive over time.

Agencies work as independent contractors, so you reduce the need for payroll taxes. You also eliminate the recurring expenses of having full-time employees, such as salaries, benefits, and health care costs.

Some of the tools you require to manage campaigns also come at a hefty upfront payment or subscriptions. Most reputable plumber marketing agencies already have the crucial internet marketing tools, so you won’t require a dime to obtain one.

8. Boost Scalability

company scalability

One thing that makes a plumbing marketing agency your best bet for promoting your services online is their scalability.

In an ordinary setting, you will require to increase the size of your team whenever your plumbing company requires growth or want to start something new. This implies that your plumbing company will require extra resources to support and fuel its growth.

With a digital marketing agency for plumbers, that’s not the case. There will be no constraints on your team and no need to expand your team.

A good plumbing company should typically accommodate your requirements as your business grows. They provide several packages and plans that suit your business size.

Ideally, having a flexible and scalable agency is crucial, particularly when you are targeting new markets.

9. Always Have Access to the Latest Tools and Technologies

Digital Tools and Technologies

Let’s face it. Internet marketing requires the use of different technologies and tools to streamline every campaign. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all tool when it comes to digital plumber marketing.

Most of these tools are premium tier services, and the expenses increase with the addition of specific features or an upgrade. You will require keyword research, competitor analysis, paid search management, analytics, and automation tools.

The cumulative cost of utilizing these digital marketing tools can be expensive for small and medium-size plumbing contractors. Internet marketing services already have such tools in place to help you make the most out of your campaigns. You don’t have to fret about the recurring expenses that may come along with their use.

10. Niche Specialization

research is crucial to starting any campaign

As a plumber, you must know that research is crucial to starting any campaign. You must learn your plumbing industry well, the latest marketing practices, and your competitors in the segment.

The onus of plumbing-industry-relevant advertising strategies is on the agency. They will research your target market and identify your competition. Plus, they follow the latest developments in the internet marketing space to guarantee quantifiable results.

11. Brand Development and Public Relations

Online branding

Online branding is important for plumbing contractors to send the desired message of your company’s image to potential customers via positioning with visual identity services (logo or official printed materials) in addition to taglines and slogans and branding events to create a positive image about what your plumbing company represents in prospect’s mind. A full-service marketing agency for plumbers acts as a branding agency offering custom solutions to represent your company professionally to achieve desired brand positioning.

BlackStorm Design + Marketing Is Invested in Your Success

BlackStorm Design + Marketing

At BlackStorm Design + Marketing, we believe a plumbing marketing agency should be more than an online marketing vendor. That’s why we regularly invest in our technology, tools, and experts. When you partner with our digital marketing agency, you will have access to our team of professionals and benefit from our success within the plumbing industry, plus a dedicated success manager dedicated to your success.

Isn’t it time you partnered with a marketing team that specializes in your plumbing industry and wants your company to be a success?

Schedule a free discovery call with BlackStorm Design + Marketing to grow your plumbing business with our internet marketing services today.

Plumbing Public Relations

Tips That Can Make or Break Your Plumbing Business’ Online Reputation

Do you know what prospects or clients say or think about your plumbing business?

Whether you have been in the plumbing industry for a while or a new brand just launching your services, it is important to listen to what people say about your business (either offline or online). Every plumbing company should have an online reputation management strategy to carefully monitor how other people perceive your brand. However, you cannot develop a strong plumbing brand overnight.

Creating a good plumbing reputation requires time and effort, sometimes taking several months or even years to build. On the flip side, even if you offer the best plumbing service in town, one negative review can demolish your good reputation instantly. Negative reviews or comments can spread fast like wildfire, and it is crucial to create a plan to react quickly to solve your client’s problem.

This post will help you know how to manage your plumbing brand’s reputation so you understand what people are saying about your business, including the bad, ugly and good. We will also discuss how to set your brand management crisis strategy for your company so you can react quickly to address any problem.

A good online reputation means clients trust you and the services you provide. Thus, they feel more comfortable booking jobs with your plumbing company, even though they have other plumbers around. Without further ado, let us dive into our post.

What is  Online Reputation Management for plumbers?

Reputation Management

Simply put, plumbing reputation management is the process of improving and controlling how your business is perceived by the public online or offline. It is increasingly becoming hard for plumbers to safeguard their own image online. Social media allows every Tom, Dick, and Harry to say anything about your brand, and it feels like there is nothing you can do about it.

But there is!

There are even experienced plumbing reputation management agencies, like Blackstorm Design +Marketing, whom you can pay to handle this for you.

In broader terms, online reputation management for plumbers comprises three core principles:

  • Maintaining and creating a consistent, public personal of your business or brand.
  • Analyzing and responding to client’s feedback
  • Subduing negative plumbing brand crises.

How does Online Reputation Management for Plumbers Work?

Plumbing company reputation management

Two keys to any online reputation management strategy for plumbers. Plumbing company reputation management typically consists of the following tactics including the two main ones:

  • Monitor: Know what influencers, customers, and competitors say about your plumbing brand.
  • Respond: Take proactive measures to build a positive brand identity, and improve what prospects or clients say about your plumbing business.

Are you already doing this in your plumbing company? There is a likelihood you are not. We are going to discuss every aspect of managing the online reputation management of your plumbing company.

Here we go!

Tip #1: Monitor Your Online Reputation

managing your online reputation

The first step toward managing your online reputation is the most important. Without this, you cannot attain the rest. The idea here is based on the premise that you first hear what people say about you and then respond.

So, you first need to listen carefully.

What you monitor depends on where your plumbing business is present online. Do people talk about your plumbing brand on social media, on forums, or on review websites like Yelp or HomeAdvisor?

By researching the perception of your plumbing business on social media platforms, you will be able to identify the problematic aspects of your brand and improve them accordingly.

Tip #2: Develop a Response Plan

Reputation Management for Plumbers

It is all good to understand what is being said about your plumbing brand online. In fact, it’s important. But how you are going to enhance your online reputation will be courtesy of the action you are going to take and the steps you take.

Nowadays, prospects or clients look at your online presence before they decide if they want to book a job with you. And among the most important parts of your online presence are user-generated reviews and your responses to those reviews.

Follow these crucial tips for creating a response plan:

  1. Engage: Deciding to focus on your online presence is the initial step in making your online presence work for your plumbing company. Claim all of your plumbing company pages and turn notifications on so you are aware when clients are talking about your brand or sharing their experiences.
  2. Be Prepared to Respond: Regardless of whether you agree with an online review or not, having a response plan implies you will respond to every review no matter what. Responding to a review doesn’t have to be a back and forth conversation between your plumbing business and the reviewer, but rather show off your best customer service practices to all future clients. Keep your response short, thank them for their feedback, and then take your conversation offline.
  3. Be open to feedback: Having a strategy in place for responding to online reviews implies that you need to be open to gleaning learnings or insights from your clients who share their experiences online, negative or positive.
  4. Usually, Take the High Road: Your response is a reflection of your plumbing company. The only worse problem than getting a bad review is pairing it with a heated or aggressive response. Use your feedback as a plumbing business owner to remain professional and respectful.

Tip #3: Handle Negative Reviews Delicately

Negative Reviews

What do you normally do when you get that one-star review rating? You can be tempted to brush it off or assume that it never happened and wish that it gets buried in the sea of happy clients.

But you can’t just ignore negative reviews. They are public and remain online probably forever.

Responding to online reviews allows you to clear the air. A recent study found out that over 80% of unhappy clients were worn out with the right response.

So what is the right strategy?

Respond in a friendly, polite, and professional manner.

Tip#4: Build on the Positives

Positive reviews

Just as you should not ignore negative reviews, it pays to respond to positive reviews or comments. These are the reviews that actually improve your online reputation. Not only will you reward clients for saying nice things, but you will also motivate others to do the same.

So that’s simple. You appreciate clients for their kind reviews and hope they share your feedback with their network. But how can your plumbing business even generate more positive reviews?

  • Manage your online profiles actively: By managing your online review platforms like Yelp, Thumbtack, and HomeAdvisor you send signals to prospects or clients that you are responsible and trustworthy.
  • Simply ask for reviews: More than 70% of clients will leave a review if requested. Besides, most people will have a positive impression of a business that cares about the quality of the plumbing services they offer. So simply requesting reviews can enhance the customer’s sentiment toward a plumbing contractor.

Tip# 5: Monitor Your Results

Monitoring online reputation management

The last step is actually to implement changes you have committed yourself to. Did you provide a client with a discount as an apology for poor service? You are investing in online reputation management because you want to safeguard it. More likely, you want to enhance it. So you need to monitor whether it’s working. If it’s not generating desired results, then you need to partner with an experienced reputation management agency like Blackstorm Design + Marketing.

Get Started with Plumbing Reputation Management Services from Blackstorm Design + Marketing Today

Online Reputation Management Services

When it comes to finding innovative and new ways to install plumbing systems, prospects or clients only go to reliable plumbers they can trust. At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we amplify the success stories of your former customers by sharing that with the internet, thus improving your credibility and trust to the top of the search engine results pages.

Leverage Blackstorm Design + Marketing plumbing marketing strategies to expand your client base. Regarding online reputation, we work to:

Get Your plumbing company noticed

Secure Online Reputation

With all the cutthroat competition out there, it is crucial to stand out from other plumbers online. Blackstorm Design + Marketing reputation management professionals dig in and identify what makes your plumbing company superior to others by displaying board certifications, success stories, and credentials-then doing what it takes to obtain those 5-star reviews to the top of the search engine results.

Emphasize Testimonials


Homeowners want to find a plumber that is going to fix their pipes efficiently and quickly, so they regularly refer to friends, family, and online reviews for recommendations to identify which plumber is appropriate for them. So, we ensure that the highest number of positive reviews are boosted to the top of the search engine results so that your prospects can make an informed choice about who they will probably connect with and trust.

Showcase Your Attributes

keep your brand message consistent across all platforms

Through content generation, PPC, social media, and web design, we promote what makes your plumbing company stand out and keep your brand message consistent across all platforms so that your customers can be assured that they might have an educated decision in getting the assistance they require.

Establish Trust

Businessmen shaking hands

Along with finding the right online review websites to promote your plumbing brand and creating regular messaging for your website and search engines, Blackstorm Design + Marketing reputation management professionals look at your social media platforms to see where we can prove to your followers that you an authority in your industry.

Put Trustworthy Sources at the top

After finding your glowing reviews, success stories, and reputable colleagues, our reputation management experts work tirelessly to get that information to the first page of the search engine results page by utilizing it in advertising, SEO content, and website creation efforts.

SEO services

Schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how our experts can help your plumbing company improve its reputation online today.

Plumbing SEO

Why Your Plumbing Business Needs More Google Reviews (And How To Obtain Them)

10 Simple Ways to Get More Google Reviews for Your Plumbing Company

Testimonials, referrals, and online reviews (particularly Google reviews) are crucial to growing the plumbing business. In fact, Google reviews are the foundation upon which a plumbing company can establish a good working relationship with their community. Google reviews are incredibly crucial-more 80% of customers trust online reviews just like they do with personal recommendations, and 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a plumbing business.

More google reviews

More positive reviews = more qualified leads, higher search rankings, and increased revenue.

If you are struggling to enhance your online presence, read on, in this post, we will give you 10 ways to obtain more Google reviews and practical strategies on how to pull off negative reviews.

Without further ado, let us dive into our post!

Why Do Google Reviews Matter in Your Plumbing Business?

Google review gif

While the possibility of opening up your plumbing company to Google reviews can generally be daunting, it’s something that should not be overlooked. It’s true that you never understand how clients feel about the plumbing services you provide. However, it’s crucial to remember that people will review your plumbing company online regardless.

If you are hesitant to take the plunge and begin engaging with clients on review websites such as Yelp, consider this. Oftentimes, Google reviews found online can sway opinions, and they can lead to new clients that you may not have otherwise had-or they can turn people away and give your plumbing business a poor reputation. As a plumbing company that probably depends heavily on word of mouth, Google reviews are an important aspect of your online presence.

Here are three reasons why you should enhance plumbing company online reviews:

  • Google Reviews Impact Your Client’s First Impression

Client’s First Impression

Prospects or clients tend to perceive online reviews as a good indicator of how well your plumbing company has performed in the past. If your plumbing company has mostly great reviews, the one who reads your review sees that you have satisfied clients and is probably more likely to contact your plumbing business. Plus, if you have a higher star rating than other plumbers on a review website like Yelp, the user may instantly assume you offer better service.

Let’s face it: if you had to select between two similar plumbing businesses and one had a 3-star rating and the other had an average of a 5-star rating, which would you select? Probably the one with a higher star rating.

  • Google Reviews Impact Your Paid & Organic Rankings in Search

Organic Rankings

Do you know your online reviews actually affect how visible your plumbing business is at the top of the Google search results page? First, let’s examine the local map results. When you Google a plumbing service in a particular city, you will come across a map on the SERP with the top three locations. These listings typically the number of Google reviews and a high star rating based on your user experiences.

The better reviews your plumbing business has, the more likely it can be featured on the top of coveted three listings-as online reviews are a crucial ranking factor for your local SEO.

  • Google Reviews Help Attract New Clients

Attract New Customers

Once clients have clicked through your page, you are almost near the main goal. Prospects or clients who come to your plumbing website should be enticed to book jobs with your company. While a user-friendly website experience is crucial, Google reviews can be powerful alone to increase your conversion rates alone. For this reason, any plumbing company with a strong rating should be showcasing that review all over their website. This review will increase client trust even if they have never come across your reviews online.

Proven Ways to Get More Google Reviews and Rank your Plumbing Business Higher in Local Search

Local SEO

Any local plumber will tell you that launching and growing a plumbing company is hard work. Creating a unique plumbing service is challenging enough, but then comes the job of spreading the word about your plumbing company and building a client base. Word of mouth recommendations remains one of the best methods of plumbing marketing today.

The major difference today is that word about your plumbing business spreads faster through client reviews, and the most famous review website in the world is Google-particularly for local home service businesses like roofing or plumbing. The more positive Google reviews your plumbing business has, the higher you will rank in local searches. That said, getting online reviews is not easy, so read for the effective ways to get Google reviews that actually work.

Without further ado, let’s look at the proven tips for boosting your number of positive reviews on Google.

1. First, Understand the Process

It takes a few seconds for a client to write a Google review. Simple enough, right? Well, there is a process to get here. The client has to:

  • Open up Google Maps
  • Look for your plumbing business
  • Click on it to showcase your Google Business Profile
  • Scroll down to the reviews section on your profile
  • Click to leave their review

Homeowner: You have been amazing. How can I review your plumbing company online?

Would you rather say: A Google review would be awesome! Just head to our plumbing website, and there’s a link right there to help you leave a review.

2. Ask and You Shall Receive

Asking previous clients to review your plumbing business.

It is easy for clients to forget, especially in this modern and hectic world, so even a superior service doesn’t warrant a positive review on Google. They may leave smiling after service, but once they are out of your door, they have mentally moved on to other things. Find those clients who simply forgot how wonderful you are by reminding them.

A good plan starts by asking previous clients to review your plumbing business. This is normally achieved through an email in which you offer a direct link to your Google My Business listing. Keep the process as simple as possible, and the client will be likely to follow through.

To get more Google reviews going forward, figure out setting up an automated thank-you email to be sent to your clients three to five days after completing your plumbing project.

3. Add Your Google Review Link to a Business Card

business card

One of the best ways to ensure your clients know they can review your plumbing business is through a business card. You can post the direct link, but it is highly recommended that you create a separate page for online reviews on your plumbing website, and it will be easier for clients to type in the address.

4. Claim, Verify and Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Google Business profile helps obtain more reviews but also makes those reviews public. GBP is one of the most visited review platforms on the internet just by the virtue of being a Google service. Because Google owns a major share of the search engine market, more prospects or clients see Google Business Profile and normally read Google reviews more than other review platforms.

Google Business Profile

If you have not claimed your plumbing company on Google Business Profile, you should register for it ASAP. To help your business get more reviews on Google, ensure that you retrieve your Google review short link and add it to your email correspondence. Include it on your plumbing website and social media ads or posts as well. Visible links will make it easier, and more probably that people will leave a Google review.

5. Add a Review Button to Your Plumbing Website

Review Button

Most clients expect your plumbing business to have a professional website. So, one of the good places for a Google review is your plumbing website. Simply login into your Google My Business and click on the button to display your review link. Copy that link, and then include a button on your plumber’s website.

6. Respond to Reviews

Replies for reviews

Homeowners will be more responsive to plumbing companies that value their input. To obtain more plumbing reviews, make sure you reply to the reviews you already have. Replies will help gain the trust of more new clients, generate qualified leads, and earn new clients who can, in turn, offer your company more reviews.

Don’t just respond to the positive reviews, either, and replying to negative reviews is as, if not more essential.

7. Ask for Google Review By Email

Composing an email

Another way is that you can wait until you finish the job and ask for the Google review through email at the end of the day. Ensure your email request consists of links directly to the Google Business Profile and or your Facebook page reviews section.

The email is probably going to be less effective since you don’t have that interpersonal exchange with the client, and you didn’t obtain a commitment to write a review. Besides, emails are easy to park or ignore.

8. Post Your Review Link to Social Media Pages

Review Link

Social media is a great way to interact with your clients. Whether you are using organic social media (aka free) or using paid social ads (such as Facebook ads), utilizing social media posts to request feedback is an efficient way to obtain more reviews on Google.

9. Make it Easy for Customers to leave a review on Google

Google reviews

No matter how wonderful your customer experience is, making the Google review process easier will generally improve your chances of success.

Make the process of writing Google reviews as easy as possible.

10. Obtain Google Reviews from Partners and Vendors

Reviews from Partners and Vendors

Partners and vendors may not be clients, but they can attest to what it feels like to work with you consistently. They also may be more willing to leave a Google Business review if you leave one review for their business first.

Frequently Asked Questions About Google Reviews for Plumbers

Figure balances question marks

What is the best way to obtain Google reviews for my plumbing company?

Let your Google reviews bring in new clients while you operate your plumbing business. Blackstorm Design + Marketing will instantly generate new Google reviews from those new customers. Do this before your competition.

How do you get clients to leave Google reviews?

There are a few ways to get clients to write a review on Google but the simplest one is to:

Utilize an email campaign: send out emails to clients after you have completed a project, requesting them to leave a review on your Google Business profile.

How do I get negative Google reviews removed?

If you have a negative, defamatory or fake review on your Google Business profile, you can also attempt to have it eliminated:

  • Request the reviewer to remove it themselves
  • Requesting Google to eliminate it
  • Reporting it as spam

How do I get more Google reviews?

There are multiple ways you can encourage clients to leave reviews, such as:

  • Ask them outright in person
  • Send out regular follow-up emails
  • Include review links on your plumbing website or in email signatures
  • Running Google Ad campaigns
  • Create social media posts

Increase Google Reviews with Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Digital Marketing

Your plumbing business can benefit greatly from Google reviews. Such reviews not only inspire new and repeat business but also improve your search engine results and SEO. More positive reviews on Google will drive your plumbing company to the top. However, the process of creating a steady flow of Google reviews in your plumbing company isn’t easy. That’s why we highly recommend that you partner with a reputable online reputation management agency like Blackstorm Design + Marketing.

The more proactive you become towards collecting more Google reviews, responding to reviews, and also deal with negative reviews, the more confident your team will be in handling this crucial aspect of internet marketing.

If you would like to leave your Google review generation to experts, our team at Blackstorm Design + Marketing is here to help. Schedule a free discovery session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn more about our wide range of internet marketing services designed to help plumbing companies like yours obtain as many qualified leads and sales as possible.

Plumbing Public Relations

Effectively Managing Your Company’s Reputation Online Can Establish Consumer Trust, Attract Better Talent And Increase Your Profits

Plumbing Reputation Management: What It Is And Why It Matters To Your Plumbing Business

Today, most businesses and consumers scour the internet to find a trustworthy, reliable plumber reputed for offering superior services. According to research, more than 80% of consumers believe in online reviews as much as recommendations from family and friends.

Online Reputation Management

As you know, when a kitchen pipe or a bathroom bursts, the homeowner needs to find a reliable plumbing contractor stat. And where do you think that they turn to find a plumber in their neighborhood that can come and fix it quickly? The search engines like Google or Bing.

There are over 50K searches online performed every month on Google by users typing in the keyword “plumber” into the search bars and an extra 14k consumers searching “plumber near me” (and more searches looking for “emergency plumber”) keyword. So, as a local plumbing business in the area, you must do everything possible to show up on top of the search engine result pages.

As a plumber, the internet should assist you to generate new leads easily, but if you aren’t vigilant, it can instantly ruin your business. This is why it’s so crucial for plumbers to know why online reputation management matters and how to engage with prospects or clients online.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What is Online Reputation Management for Plumbers?

Online Reputation Management for Plumbers

Reputation management is the process of monitoring and improving what prospects or clients are saying about your plumbing business online. It is a strategy that involves molding and monitoring your plumbing business’s internet reputation.

Multiple strategies are used to improve your company’s reputation, including content development, search engine optimization, social media management, monitoring, review management and acquisition, and competitor monitoring to maintain a positive brand image.

Why is Plumbing Reputation Management Important?

Reputation Management

Maintaining a positive online reputation is necessary for your plumbing business with the increasing popularity of third-party reviews sites, social media, blogs, and other online platforms.

Your plumbing business needs to identify with what is said about it online and how they can improve clients perceive them negatively.

The importance of reputation management cannot be overemphasized for plumbing contractors. Here are some reasons that would clearly show why a plumbing company owner should take online reputation seriously.

  • Most Businesses and Homeowners Care About Online Reviews

Customer feedback

A huge percentage of business owners and homeowners are concerned about online reviews. In fact, most of them regard online reviews highly when looking for plumbers as they do with recommendations from family and friends. Most homeowners considering starting a home remodeling project go from searching ideas online to look for a plumbing contractor online. So, does a plumbing business have a way to manage online reviews that your potential customers see?

Do you have a process or strategy in place? What if you find bad reviews connected to your plumbing company unjustified? If so, you urgently need a reputation repair for your plumbing company because almost 80% of potential customers who see less-than-stellar reviews about your business will click off to another plumbing website within a blink of an eye.

  • Higher Search Engine Results Rankings


Online reviews can have a huge impact on your plumbing SEO strategy. This is because search engine algorithms know that clients place a lot of emphasis on online reviews of the plumbing company when making a hiring decision. Hence, a plumber who invests time and effort to handle their online reputation gets rewarded with higher SEO visibility.

  • Online Reputation Management Helps to Build Trust and Credibility

Trust and Credibility

Online reviews are not all about pleasing the Google or Bing algorithm, and it revolves around the way people perceive your plumbing business. With many consumers trusting online reviews (just like they do with personal recommendations from friends and family), getting clients’ trust is essential. Every plumber understands that a company’s reputation is important to its survival. Once the trust of the clients is obtained, the existing client would speak about your plumbing company to others.

A lot of emphasis is put on online reviews for homeowners or business owners to decide whether to trust your plumbing company or not. A good plumbing reputation implies that your company is deemed more credible than other plumbers in the area.

  • Higher Revenues and Sales

Golden coins stack and green growth arrow up

Before making a decision to use your plumbing services, homeowners tend to search on Google for a reliable plumber near them. And before they hire a specific plumber, they go through online reviews to see what other people say about them and their services.

Plumbers with tons of positive reviews always attract more clients. Plumbing companies that are perceived negatively or have a lot of lousy reviews miss out on huge opportunities and profits. That’s why your plumbing business should strive to have a lot of positive reviews.

  • Plumbing Reputation Management Helps You Build a Professional Image

Build a a Professional Image

Having a successful plumbing brand image is a very essential marketing tool for a business because it will be used to convince prospects or clients to use your plumbing services.

Potential and existing clients would attempt to learn a plumbing business differentiation by searching the name on Google. Since prospects don’t have a good idea about your business, they will search for the information available online and help them make a hiring decision. Hence, if a prospect finds a negative reputation, they won’t hire you for plumbing services. So, it would be advisable for your plumbing business to eliminate negative online reputation, if any.

  • Shows Customers That You Care

Online Review Management

Monitoring what people say about your plumbing business online and responding to positive and negative reviews shows them that you care. Naturally, all plumbers would expect to get positive reviews only, which are easier to handle. However, negative reviews can prove beneficial to your plumbing company in the long term. They are a source of invaluable response-consider what people say and repair the issues. Never ignore negative reviews as they may cause a social media crisis. Responding to negative and positive reviews will help you build good relationships with clients.

What are the Key Elements of Online Reputation Management for Plumbers?

We live in a digital world where people constantly communicate through the internet, blogs, forums, wikis, and telecommunications in general.

Online Reputation Management firm

In fact, we perceive online reviews as the fundamental building blocks of your plumbing company. Many businesses and homeowners first consult with trusted online review platforms such as Google or Yelp before making a hiring decision.

Knowing, monitoring, and attempting to control how people perceive your plumbing business on the internet is referred to as Online Reputation Management (ORM).

Here are some important elements to managing the online reputation of your plumbing business:

1. Online Reviews Acquisition and Monitoring

Nowadays, online reviews have become a reliable source of information that displays your plumbing brand, authority, and integrity. Reading online reviews is now an important part that informs their hiring behavior for many homeowners. Although plumbing contractors traditionally advertised through word-of-mouth, online review management is an important (and now unavoidable) aspect of internet marketing for plumbers.

If your business isn’t getting quality reviews from your satisfied clients, you are missing a lot of opportunities. Plumbing company reviews are a great addition to your plumbing website and appeal to potential customers and search engines alike.

The Major plumbing business review sites-platforms-such as Yelp, Facebook, Angie’s List, and Google My Business Listing –are full of consumer activity. Monitoring these online review websites is an important element of maintaining and managing your plumbing business’s online reputation.

But how do you get online reviews for your plumbing company? Here are our proven strategies:

Ask for a review for your company, product or services

  • Simply request (the right way): more than 70% of satisfied clients will give a review if asked. Most people will have a great positive impression of a plumbing business that cares about the quality of plumbing services they offer. So simply requesting feedback can instantly enhance the overall sentiment toward a plumber.

Providing symbolic, small bonuses for leaving an online review

  • Offer Incentives: Providing symbolic, small bonuses for leaving an online review can go a long way. Even as crucial as client incentives are staff incentives. Offering a reward or bonus to every service crew whose client leaves a pleasant review is not only an awesome way to motivate your employees to offer excellent client service but also make sure your employees never forget to remind clients to leave reviews online.

Customer pressing on smartphone screen with five star rating feedback

  • Make it easy for clients to review your business: Unless you have offered an amazing service or worked with a great client, clients don’t always seek out ways to leave positive online reviews. To encourage them to review your business, you must make it easy for them to complete this crucial step.

2. Monitor and Respond to Online Plumbing Reviews

Customer review satisfaction feedback survey

Every plumbing contractor loves tons of positive reviews on their business website or a review platform such as Angie’s List or Yelp. But the presence of a well-written positive review still needs your action. Following up with positive reviews builds customer loyalty and improves client satisfaction rates. Any plumber who has been in the industry for long knows that occasional negative reviews are inevitable. What differentiates those plumbing businesses is how they monitor and respond to them. Your responses to online plumbing reviews should be:

  • Professional: Polite in tone, grammatically correct, and establishing a customer-first attitude.
  • Solution-Oriented: Focus on resolving the problems at hand, that doesn’t imply automatic reimbursement to please the review but can involve some offers or discounts based on the issue.
  • Transparent: if mistakes were committed on your end, take responsibility, it will assist to humanize your plumbing brand and earn other clients’ trust.

As a plumbing company owner, negative online reviews are an integral part of your reputation management process. Instead of perceiving them like a death sentence for your plumbing business, change your thinking and see them as opportunities to resolve the current problem and to establish a positive reputation online.

3. Social Media Monitoring

Social media dashboard

Social media is a great tool that you can use to manage your plumbing company’s online reputation. Social media platforms can help you establish credibility, trust and puts your business in good standing within the plumbing industry.

They provide one of the most effective ways to connect or communicate with your potential clients. If prospects comment on your post, make sure that you respond to them with helpful information. Satisfied clients will typically share your posts to a larger audience and thus boosting your reputation online.

Social media monitoring offers a look at what your target audience has to say about you, your competitors, and the plumbing market, in general, there is a lot of activity on social media nowadays.

Monitoring this activity can help you understand your clients better and gives you details to enhance your plumbing marketing strategy, stay on top of competitors, build relationships and generate plumbing leads.

4. Deleting Negative Reviews

complain concept

Sometimes you need to request your web host provider to remove a nasty review on your plumbing website. Normally, they will comply if the review is malicious.

Shout out and let your concerns be heard. Write a post to explain what happened, post it on your blog, send it to a review site, and let your concerns known publicly.

Make Your Plumbing Reputation Management Easy with Blackstorm Design +Marketing Today

Plumbing contractors who have been in the industry for long will typically have a long list of customers who have possibly reviews on various platforms, such as Yelp, Angie’s List, Google, and Facebook. Blackstorm Design + Marketing can assist you to keep track of where your plumbing reputation is by combining them all in a centralized place.

Keep business at the top with our online reputation management services

Leverage our online plumbing reputation management solutions to grow your customer base. Regarding your online reputation, our experts will work to:

Get Your Plumbing Company Noticed

With all the stiff competition in the plumbing industry out there, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the competition. Our online reputation management specialists will analyze what makes your plumbing company unique to others by showcasing your credentials, success stories, and board certifications. Then, our team will do whatever it takes to obtain those 5-star reviews and ranking #1 on the search engine result pages.

Emphasize Online Reviews

Homeowners want to find a plumber that will fix their problems efficiently and quickly, so they regularly turn to friends, family, and online reviews for recommendations and advice to identify which plumber is suitable for them. So, ensure that most of your positive reviews are boosted to the top of search engine results pages to help your prospects decide which plumber they are likely to work with and trust.

Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition

Through content creation, PPC ad campaigns, social media advertising, and retargeting, we promote what makes your plumbing business stand out while maintaining consistent messaging across all platforms so that your clients can rest easy knowing that they have made the right choice in outsourcing your plumbing services.

Establish Trust

Along with identifying the appropriate review websites to promote your plumbing services and create consistent brand messaging for your website and search engines, our online reputation management specialists examine your social media platforms to see where we can position you as an expert in the plumbing industry.

Want to find out more about our online reputation management services for plumbers?

Contact us

As part of a comprehensive internet marketing strategy, online review management can help to improve your company’s authority and awareness. It has never been simple to take charge of your company’s online reputation, and with some assistance from Blackstorm Design + Marketing, you can instantly get the positive reputation you have always wanted.

For more information, please schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing. Our experts will be happy to offer any information you require about online reputation management services and discuss your unique needs.

Plumbing Public Relations

How to Improve the Online Reputation of Your Plumbing Company: The Ultimate Guide.

Online Reputation Management Tips Suitable for Plumbers

Your plumbing business depends on good reviews

Online reputation is one of the most crucial assets for your plumbing company.  It doesn’t matter how customer-focused and skilled your plumbing crew is if you cannot book more jobs just because you have not properly manage your online reputation. Your plumbing business depends on good reviews from existing or past clients. In the good old days, plumbers were more concerned with word-of-mouth advertising.

The internet is your friend and can make generating new leads or business much easier, but it can instantly become a foe if you are not vigilant. This is why it’s crucial for plumbers to know why online reputation management matters and how to engage with prospects or clients online.

But how can plumbing companies enhance their online reputation by weaving it harmoniously into their internet marketing strategy for desired results?

Blackstorm Design + Marketing gladly shares the surefire best practices and tips on how online reputation management for plumbers works, how to manage plumbing business reviews, and more.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What is Online Reputation Management for Plumbers?

Online reputation management is the refinement and monitoring of your business’s standing amongst target clients. In the world of internet marketing and SEO, managing your online reputation refers basically to channels such as Facebook, Google My Business, Yelp, and other third-party websites with which potential clients consult before forming a definitive decision about your plumbing company.

Why do Plumbers Need Online Reputation Management?

Manage online reputation properly

Reputation management has become an important aspect of any plumbing business in this modern digital world. Online reputation is all about your plumbing brand itself and how prospects or clients perceive it.

Any plumbing company that wants to grow needs to be conscious of its public image. A plumbing business image can break or make your company.  Here are some of the benefits your plumbing company can get by managing its online reputation properly:

Online Reputation Management Boosts Sales

Clients always read online reviews first

Before deciding to schedule service appointments, homeowners tend to search online. And before they book a job from a specific plumber, they first read online reviews to see what other homeowners say about a plumbing business and its services.

Plumbing companies with stellar online reviews attract more clients. Plumbers that are perceived negatively or have tons of negative reviews miss out on big opportunities and profits. That’s why plumbers should strive to have as many positive reviews as possible.

Online Reputation Management Helps to Build a Brand Image

Once a negative review about a specific plumbing brand is shared on the internet, its client’s loyalty normally gets ruined. Thus, it can adversely affect your plumbing business in the long run. The respect and trust they have earned over the years can go to waste within a few seconds.

But an effective online reputation management plan can assist plumbers when it comes to establishing their plumbing brand image. By constantly monitoring the reviews on any communication channels, plumbing companies can build the brand image they deserve.

Improves Visibility

Visibility on the web is crucial through a content-rich and well-designed company blog or plumbing website. These online avenues are taken into social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. All these platforms are great marketing channels.

But, they require proper management to handle user activities daily. Plumbers’ online reputation management can help monitor and control these regular user activities.

Builds Credibility and Trust

Invest in online reputation management services for plumbers.

The internet, particularly social media platforms, helps consumers to offer an opinion on anything. Homeowners tend to schedule service appointments with plumbing companies they can trust. Trust is important for any plumbing business. This is why plumbers must find ways to establish trust with their clients.

One of the effective ways to attain this is to avoid obtaining negative reviews. No homeowner wants to associate themselves with a plumber that is perceived negatively by other homeowners online.

Attempting to operate your plumbing company’s daily operations while handling online reputation and internet marketing is an impossible task. For your plumbing business to achieve its full potential, you should invest heavily in online reputation management services for plumbers.

At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, our SEO professionals monitor your online reviews on Google My Business, Yelp, and other online review platforms. Not only that, but we also produce more reviews by linking the corresponding profiles on your plumbing website.

9 Tips to Improve Online Reputation for Plumbers

9 Tips to Improve Online Reputation for Plumbers

Developing an excellent reputation is more than having a plumbing marketing strategy. It takes decisive steps to influence the client’s perception of your company. It goes from simple actions like the tone of voice when you conduct a job in their houses to implementing complex online reputation management strategies.

The good news is that you don’t have to become a professional internet marketer to improve your plumbing company’s online reputation.

Here are some steps you can take to get the most out of your reputation management for plumbers:

1. Understand What’s Going on with Your Plumbing Brand

The initial step to effective online reputation management for plumbers is knowing what is being said about your plumbing business. You should be aware of what is happening in your plumbing business and what other people are saying.  You can set up Google alerts to see what others post about your plumbing business online.

2. Set Up Your Online Review Profile Before You Obtain Negative Reviews

Invite your clients to review your plumbing business.

As a plumber, it is impossible to please all our clients all the time. However, bad reviews don’t have to adversely affect your plumbing business, given the right preparations.

So, instead of waiting to get a lousy review to appear and then struggling to repair your reputation online, the best thing you can do is to get in front of lousy reviews by developing and claiming your online reputation as soon as possible.

That way, you can fill out your contact details, showcase your business story through pictures and text, and invite some of your clients to review your plumbing business. Having a well-developed profile online on review websites can be a great tool to help generate new leads, but also, should your business obtain a negative review online, it can be read in the wider context of your plumbing company.

3. Ask for Yelp and Google Reviews

Online reviews are great tools, particularly attracting clients or prospects early in their purchasing cycle. If you are making homeowners happy, request them to post reviews to express their opinions and increase your online reviews. If you have a huge client base, develop an email marketing campaign to encourage clients to leave reviews online. More people will give an honest review when you request them. If you are experiencing challenges getting reviews online, try to offer incentives to those who review your plumbing company.

Customers searching for plumbing services value online reviews. Yelp and Google reviews are the most prominent since they usually appear in the search results, making your plumbing brand appear more valued and trustworthy by clients.

4. Check out your Competitors

Your online reputation gives you an advantage over other plumbers, but it can also offer you an insight into what clients care about.

Browse through the reviews of your competitors. What are the top criticisms and compliments being made about other plumbers in the field?

Maybe you hadn’t thought about concentrating on communication, but you have noticed that it’s one of the things that most clients complain much about. You can help your plumbing company stand out even more by going out of your way to being the best plumber when it comes to communication matters.

You commit to answering all voicemails by the close of the day, begin to send follow-up emails or even send a text message to customers letting them know that your technicians are on their way. Sooner than later, excellent communication skills become something that your plumbing company is known for.

By identifying where other plumbers are struggling, you can get an overview of what is going on in clients’ minds, as well as what bothers them most and what they value most.

You can also know where your company is outshining the competition. By flipping through the reviews, you may also see that you are the only local plumbing company that keeps obtaining compliments about your ever-friendly crew.

5. Make Your Plumbing Company More Visible Online

Your plumbing company must show up on top of the search engine results pages when a property owner searches for contractors in the plumbing industry. In fact, studies have shown that more than 70% of people never click past the first page of the search engine results page!

If you don’t appear on the first page of SERPs, it is as bad as not showing up at all. If you are attempting to get to the top with paid ads and keywords, get ready to shell out your huge bucks.

An easier and significantly effective way to improve your plumbing company’s online visibility is through online reviews.

Your plumbing SEO efforts are boosted when you offer fresh, original content, and new client reviews are forms of content that help give you precious feedback and help the Google algorithms push your brand to the top.

6. Communicate with Your Clients

Offline or online, regular communication is much valued in the plumbing industry.

Online reviews offer you a unique platform where you can communicate with your client base publically and quickly.

If a negative review comes up, you can instantly address the problem, showing prospects that you are not only responsive but that you also value client feedback. In some instances, you can convert a negative review by addressing the client’s concerns and showing them that you care about their experience.

7. Show Your Trust Badge

Trust badges are excellent for multiple reasons, and one is to skyrocket conversion rates and give confidence to clients that they can trust you. They go hand in hand and can assist you in building an excellent reputation online.

8. Respond to Every Review

Plumbers that respond to each review tend to obtain stellar reviews

Plumbers that respond to each review tend to obtain stellar reviews over time.  We highly recommend that you publicly thank all the reviewers no matter how they have rated your plumbing company since it communicates to potential and existing clients that you care, and it doesn’t appear like you are controlling the damage when you respond to a bad review since you have been engaging with all your clients all along.

9. Respond to Bad Reviews Professionally

Write a polite and short public feedback

Negative reviews can feel particularly personal and painful for a plumbing company owner. However, if you respond to such reviews the right way, it is possible to avert the damage to your reputation online and enhance it.

By establishing a human connection and engaging a reviewer, you can typically resolve the problem and even change your customer’s perception. You will be amazed how a polite and professional response to a negative review can lead the reviewer to give your plumbing company a second chance.

But if you cannot address your client’s problems or concerns, write a polite and short public feedback, appreciating them for response and continued business support.

Major Online Review Platforms for Plumbers Explained

At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, everything our experts do contributes to your bottom line. Our goals are to monitor, respond and generate online reviews with our knowledge of online reputation. To generate online reviews, we put links in your plumbing website’s footer so that clients are encouraged to review your company.

To monitor online reviews, we enable online reviews and activate notifications, so we are notified whenever a new review gets published. Our objective is to generate reviews on the platforms below:

Online Reputation Management Services for Plumbers from Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Blackstorm Design + Marketing offers online reputation management services

An excellent online reputation is an asset that costs time, money, and expertise to maintain and build. Plumbing online reputation management is our specialty. Blackstorm Design + Marketing provides a wide selection of years of know-how on the plumbing market as well as online reputation management tools. As part of a comprehensive internet marketing strategy, accurate online review management can help to improve your plumbing company’s authority and awareness.

Schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to offer you the online reputation management services your plumbing business needs to succeed today.


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