Marketing Plumbing

8 Important Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

Increase your clients base, and maximize profits in your plumbing company with digital marketing KPIs

Do you have an idea of what makes your plumbing company’s marketing or advertising campaigns a success? Clues why is your business not generating enough leads? Why is a plumbing company doing so well?

KPI gif

Well, suppose you are not closely monitoring your plumbing marketing efforts online. In that case, you will never understand what is working or not, and that’s where digital marketing Key Performance Indicators come in. Using KPI, you can measure and track metrics that matter most to your plumbing business growth.

Before internet marketing was introduced, a plumber would only establish how a specific campaign was fairing based on office visits and the number of new clients acquired. However, such results rarely displayed an accurate calculation. But with the right plumbing marketing KPIs, you can know your weak areas and conduct the much-need tweaks in your strategies for maximum results.

That said, here are a few things to understand before selecting and monitoring your digital marketing for plumbers’ KPI.

What Are Plumber KPIs?

Portrait of plumber

A Key Performance Indicator is a measurable attribute showcasing how ineffectively or effectively your plumbing company reaches its desired goals. Plumbing marketing KPIs are quantifiable measures or metrics employed to assess the performance of your company’s marketing objectives. These metrics can be traced to different aspects of your plumbing business, ranging from employees and leads generated to sales.

Internet marketing KPIs go hand in hand with your company’s online marketing strategies regardless of sales growth, brand awareness, SEO strategy, and lead generation. Examples of such metrics include details on conversion rate, engagement rate, sales revenue, page conversion, marketing qualified leads, and SERP. Any measurable figure in your plumber marketing plan that can be acted upon constitutes a KPI.

KPI comes from Google Analytics, lead conversion tool, Google Ads, Google Analytics, or even from your plumbing sales representatives.

Why Track Your Plumbing Marketing’s KPIs? 5 Reasons

When properly used, plumbing marketing KPI tracking can be an incredible tool for growing your company. Some of the key advantages of measuring metrics and acting on data include but are not restricted to:

1. Monitor Your Plumbing Company’s Health

A plumber checking water management system.

Only a few KPIs are required to measure the health of your company. Plumbers who monitor metrics in categories such as employees, customers, processes, and revenue find it very easy to remain on track while keeping their income high.

2. Measure Processes

A plumber in the kitchen installs a new water tap.

KPIs are typically applied to show if your company is attaining its strategic goals set by the top management. Numerous KPIs are utilized to measure processes, such as productivity indicators, profitability indicators, and quality indicators amongst others.

3. Client Metrics

A man looking on a client metrics for his company.

Besides employees and processes, client metrics are also of utmost importance. They can help your company know the number of customers, the revenue generated, and even the cost of acquiring those clients.

 4. Operational Metrics

Plumber fixing problem with faucet in the kitchen.

Operations metrics are a good way to help your operations department enhance its day-to-day operations. You can use such metrics to make sure staffing, finances, and marketing are on the right track.

5. Measure Progress Over Time

measuring your business progress

 A good strategy for measuring your business progress is to set targets at the beginning of the year, such as revenue, gross margin, number of locations, and even number of employees. Then, you can use weekly, quarterly and monthly reports to remain on track with the KPIs and progress towards set goals at the start of the year.

In a plumbing marketing campaign, tracking your KPIs is the only way to understand what is working or not. For instance, if you make good money from a specific marketing campaign, but you cannot show what generated that revenue or profit, then you will never know what you need to improve and where you need to invest more. Your site traffic, for example, could be the one driving all your qualified leads and your marketing crew or department is busy investing a lot of dollars on unnecessary channels.

Top 10 Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

1. Cost Per Lead (CPL)

CCPL formula

CPL is a plumbing KPI used in lead generation to know how much each lead costs your company. In simple terms, it shows you the cost of bringing in a lead from your advertising or marketing campaigns. Leads help you understand which contact or user is a potential client. It is normally the initial step into knowing how your internet marketing is performing beyond simple reach from metrics like unique visitors to your plumbing website.

Cost per lead helps you understand where your brand awareness efforts in marketing are most crucial. They tell you whether your campaigns are generating desired results at an affordable cost or not. They assist you to understand the amount of money you need to get a particular set of leads for your plumbing company. Because leads are the starting point of your sales processes, improving and benchmarking your cost per lead is an important metric for your plumbing marketing efforts or campaigns.

2. Conversion Rate (CR)

Conversion Rate gif

In plumbing marketing, a conversion happens when a prospect or client completes a particular activity, such as booking a job or subscribing to your newsletter. It can also be any action that helps meet your plumbing company’s objectives. On the other hand, conversion rate measures how regularly a client completes a particular set goal,

Conversion rate is a crucial metric that shows you if your marketing campaigns are on track. They tell you how effective your strategies are in terms of attaining a set goal. A higher conversion rate implies more likelihood of prospects or clients converting after coming across your piece of content. This also means low costs in terms of acquiring customers, which saves you money in the long run.

Consequently, the more conversions, the better your plumbing gets in Google rankings. Thus, if you want to skyrocket your bottom line, make minor but worthy tweaks to your plumbing website. Use Google Optimize together with Google Analytics to test various elements of your website to increase your revenue without necessarily increasing your ad spend.

3. Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI gif

ROI denotes the amount of profit your plumbing company will earn from the money spent on a particular activity or investment like a marketing campaign. As an online marketing metric, ROI helps you know whether your company is profitable or not. It shows the expenditures as well as activities connected with them that are creating revenue and those that are not.

So, it is an important tool for planning your marketing or advertising budgets. While it is not possible to capture the total money spent on marketing activity, say a Google Ad campaign, it is crucial to make sure that your ROI is comparable to other internet marketing activities.

4. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate from website traffic

Simply put, bounce rate refers to the number of clients or prospects who visit your plumbing website and leave right away without completing any meaningful action. If your site has a high bounce rate, this is a good indication that there are flaws in your online marketing strategies, and some of them could be irrelevant traffic sources, weak landing pages, or poor targeting, amongst others.

A prospect visiting and clicking off your website also implies they didn’t find what they were searching for and the only way to make sure that they spend time on it is by auditing your content and identifying what they are looking for. This way, you will craft relevant content that will attract them.

5. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)


CPA revolves around revenue after a lead becomes a paying client. It gives you a rough idea of how much you will spend to get a client to open his or her wallet. CPA is a deal for paid search marketing campaigns like Pay-Per-Click campaigns.

5. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR image

CTR is another internet marketing metric that quantifies the number of clicks on a specific content over the number of impressions it achieves. It is the percentage of prospects that click on a campaign after coming across it.

CTR is the simple form of engagement rate because the only engagement counted is the one that matters the most and clicks on a link. This metric shows whether your site content is interesting to grab people’s attention and lead them to click on the link and be redirected to the plumbing website.

In Google ads, CTR boosts your quality score each time a user clicks on an ad, and when this occurs, your ads are ranked on top of SERPs, which has other advantages, such as increased traffic and more conversions.

6. Lifetime Value

A higher customer lifetime value indicates that your plumbing business is doing well and often signals a profit.

Customer lifetime value refers to a KPI used to measure the amount of revenue you can expect from a specific client for the entire period of doing business with your company.

A higher customer lifetime value indicates that your plumbing business is doing well and often signals a profit. It helps you understand how valuable different customers are and thus allocate more resources to them.

 7. Business Growth

business growth metric

Another important KPI for plumbers is the business growth metric. This can be calculated in numerous ways, but estimating your annual gross profit margins is the most effective is the most effective. This is where you bring things like cost of operation like salaries, and cost of equipment into the equation. To find your gross profit margin, calculate your total sales revenue and subtract your total cost of operation, divide the figure you obtain with sales revenue again.

8. Customer Satisfaction

Woman thanking plumber

Lastly, client satisfaction. Do you know that it is much cheaper to keep an existing customer than to try to get a new one? This is why customer satisfaction is an important KPI for plumbers; since client satisfaction leads to retention.

You can assess your customer satisfaction levels by developing a questionnaire form and asking clients to fill it out. Keeping your eye on online reviews is also crucial. You can improve customer satisfaction by responding to all reviews (whether negative or positive) promptly and professionally.

Top Channels for Local Plumbing Contractors to Generate Qualified Leads

By analyzing your overall plumbing marketing strategy and how every lead source generates qualified sales for your company.

Then you can begin to work on the different marketing efforts with every channel to obtain more qualified leads, increase sales growth and reduce client acquisition costs.

While monitoring plumbing marketing KPIs your sales crew should come in to see how your collective advertising or marketing efforts generate results across the following channels.

Organic Search

Organic Search gif

Homeowners and property managers use search engines such as Google or Bing to find information about a local service business and click on the organic results shown to them. No advertisements. Organic site traffic will be one of the cheapest in terms of acquiring leads but will take the longest time to develop and achieve realistic results.

Paid Advertising

Google Local Service Ads

There are multiple ways paid advertising is showcased to your potential clients to boost website traffic, and here are some examples. But, if you want to increase your chances of increasing traffic to lead ratio, landing pages are a perfect way to achieve this.

  • Google Local Service Ads
  • Text ads from Google Ads
  • Display advertising on other sites
  • Paid ads on social media websites
  • Click to call ads from Google

Social Media Marketing

Go viral

Social media is one of those platforms that can help you in various ways. Not all resulting to direct sales, but offering you an opportunity to build and get:

  • Brand awareness
  • Potential client referrals
  • Client support channel

As you can see, a lot goes into each plumbing marketing KPI, and together they show a clear picture of how your company is performing online. Every monthly report combines it all and makes sure we continually drive revenue in the best ways possible. At Blackstorm Design +Marketing, we are in the business to create lifelong partnerships, and such plumbing business marketing KPIs hold our team accountable.

Let’s work together to create a strong online presence for your plumbing company so you can book more jobs on the web.

Schedule a free strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how we can help your plumbing business grow today.

Marketing Plumbing

Why Should You Invest in Digital Marketing for Plumbers?

Digital marketing for plumbers provides your company with a variety of strategies for driving sales, attracting leads, and generating leads online.

If you are searching for innovative ways to attract more clients to your plumbing business, then you cannot understate the essence of digital marketing strategies for plumbers. According to plumbing marketing experts, digital marketing is one of the most important assets for your business in the modern world.

Digital marketing for plumbers

When you own a business in the competitive plumbing industry landscape, there are countless opportunities to generate more qualified leads and scale your business growth. But to achieve this, you need to reach the most important leads while making the most out of your return on investment with digital marketing for plumbers. Without further ado, let us dive into our post.

What is Digital Marketing for Plumbers?

Digital marketing for plumbers

Digital marketing for plumbers is the promotion of plumbing service companies through online platforms, including mobile applications and the Internet. Examples of online platforms include search engines, text, emails, social media apps, and websites.

A few decades ago, marketing your plumbing services was achieved through word-of-mouth referrals or advertising. If you got a call to repair a flooded basement and did an awesome job, chances are that clients would call you back if their drain was clogged and recommend you to their family or friends when they experienced the same problem.

But nowadays, the most effective place to begin marketing your plumbing services is online. It is very simple to scale as your plumbing company grows, and you can reach a wider audience with less effort and cost than with offline plumbing marketing (billboards, print advertisements or door-to-door canvassing).

As a plumber, digital marketing is one of the cost-effective ways of marketing your plumbing services online, as most of your prospects or clients are already online.

9 Digital Marketing Strategies for Plumbing Companies

The world is moving towards technology and innovation in all segments. As a result, many services and products you get nowadays could be because of online platforms.

The basic concept is the theory of marketing. While plumbing marketing has been with us for some time, you may have begun more and more plumbing contractors transitioning to digital marketing.

More plumbers reinvest in digital marketing because they understand that they must go where their target audience is to book jobs online. As such, the right plumbing digital marketing strategies normally focus on one important element, the aspect of attention and attraction.

Digital marketing for plumbers is a formidable force and has impacted how people make purchasing decisions. You can market your plumbing company digitally to persuade more people and help them to leverage the benefits your plumbing services have to offer.

The marketing tactics and digital strategy for a plumbing company will differ from those of other types of companies. The following are some strategies you can better use in digital marketing for your plumbing company.

  1. It All Starts with Your Plumbing Brand

Plumbing service logo

When you thought about creating a successful plumbing company from scratch, you did not anticipate that you will be spending much of your time repairing a sweating copper pipe and all night analyzing your ad traffic and plumbing website traffic.

But you understand way more about internet marketing for plumbers than you think. You have created a company name and plumbing logo. You have spread the word about your new business to your family and friends. You have requested all your existing clients for referrals.

Guess what? These are all regarded as standard plumbing marketing practices.

Now, let’s go back to your plumbing brand.

To make the most out of your marketing efforts, we recommend that you start with your branding activities.

Related: The Ultimate 5-Step Plumbing Branding Strategy For Your Business

Your brand is the promise you make to clients. It is what distinguishes you from the competition and the reason that clients will hire you from dozens of other plumbers when they type in “plumber near me” on Google search.

Here are some questions that will guide you to establish your plumbing business brand:

  • What unique offering or service do you bring to the market? What makes your business unique?
  • Who is the ideal client you are attempting to reach?
  • What are your company’s values and beliefs, and how do they reflect in your day-to-day operations?

Use your answers to the questions above as the basis for coming up with your plumbing company tagline.

For instance, if your plumbing business is committed to offering superior customer services and top-notch craftsmanship, you could create a tagline such as “Once a client, always a client.”

  1. Create and Optimize Your Plumbing Website

Plumbing Website

A plumbing website is your 24/7 sales representative, which offers information to prospects or clients round the clock and helps them to schedule service appointments from anywhere, anytime. Your plumbing website is an important part of digital marketing for plumbers. It is essential to make sure that your plumbing website as those who know your business will look for it online and expect to get accurate information. Furthermore, prospects who are not aware of your plumbing company will be able to learn about your business if it has a properly optimized plumbing website.

A plumber’s most potent digital marketing arsenal is their plumbing company website. Your business claims some digital real estate on the web by buying a domain name and creating a quality plumbing website.

Prospects will want to know more about your plumbing professionals, experience, overall knowledge, and values in the plumbing industry.

However, having a plumbing website is not enough.

Your plumbing website should be updated and remain competitive with other new plumbing websites. Simply put, you want to ensure that your internet marketing partner or agency can continue updating your website to load faster, is visible, and aligns with the best search engine optimization practices.

Your digital plumbing marketing partner should know how to update your website, optimize it and make sure that simple details such as your NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) and plumbing services are easy to find.

At Blackstorm Design + Marketing, we understand that building a website is both a science and an art. Therefore, we use our skills, expertise, and knowledge to create a website that helps you achieve your goals.

  1. Optimize Your Plumbing Website for Local Search

Ranking your plumbing website

One of the most effective digital plumbing marketing strategies to increase your organic traffic is search engine optimization (popularly known as SEO). It is the process of ranking your plumbing website at the top of internet searches. This process is attained by creating a well-structured and optimized website for the target keywords relevant to your company.

The idea here is to make your plumbing business visible online so that more will discover and explore your services. When doing so, clients will be able to discover you more quickly when they specifically look for the name of your company or search for plumbing services within their neighborhood.

For example, let’s say you are a plumbing business in Murfreesboro, TN and you want to obtain qualified leads. Your plumbing search engine optimization strategy should revolve around targeting keywords to this specific area and performing website optimizations to increase your organic rankings.

If your digital marketing strategy contributes to local search, you account for those homeowners searching for your plumbing services in your area. Putting your plumbing business on a local search feature like Google Business Profile for plumbers or a similar feature for Bing will consequently lead to more online visitors.

Related: The Ultimate Plumbing SEO Guide: Best Practices And Tips To Get Clients Online

It can assist you to start a great flywheel that encompasses clicks, sales, and visibility. However, kindly note that these results cannot be achieved overnight. You must partner with a plumbing marketing expert who can apply the right digital marketing strategies for your business.

Remember that marketing for plumbers does not have to be challenging, but it does require the right activities done in a consistent manner so that you can achieve your goals. Work with an agency that understands search engine optimization for plumbers and has experience applying the appropriate plumbing marketing strategies to increase opportunities for their customers.

  1. Publish High-Quality Content

Premium content is essential to digital marketing for plumbing companies.

70% of customers prefer to obtain information about your business through an article or blog post instead of an ad. As a result, premium content is essential to digital marketing for plumbing companies.

Content marketing for plumbers is another excellent SEO tactic that can scale the growth of your local business. It is the process of sharing and creating important digital content to help drum-up interest in your plumbing company.

There is no steadfast rule as to the kind of content you must create. If you want more plumbing leads, you need to create content that your prospects or clients are interested in (tip: keyword research helps) and publish it on the platforms they use.

Content marketing solidifies your plumbing company as not only a service but as a valuable resource that helps with all plumbing-related topics. The greater amount of quality content you offer to the public, the more you appear as an expert.

Related: Plumbing SEO content

And naturally, clients always want to hire professionals to solve their plumbing problems, which leads us to our next point. Your digital plumbing marketing strategies must have measurable and clear goals.

For instance, let’s say you want to invest heavily in blogging. Publishing and creating content is not actually sufficient to generate exclusive plumbing leads. You need to understand who your target market is and tailor content to their search intent and interests.

Once you identify who your ideal client is, you will want to request, “How does this content relate to my plumbing company?” “Does this offer value” “Am I utilizing plumbing keywords effectively?” “Does this resonate with the user intent” and more.

  1. Manage Your Online Reputation

Online Reputation

Online reviews are the new digital word of mouth. Favorable online plumbing reviews can break or make your business in the digital age. Not only do they impact your reputation as a business, they also generate qualified leads.

Managing your online reviews is crucial for all kinds of businesses. You can partner with a reputation management expert at a digital marketing business to maintain its reputation online.

Besides this, it is important to approach the aspect of feedback differently. Remember that local plumbing businesses that can engage with their customers will help to enhance experiences and help prospects see that your company is transparent and honest.

See how your customers feel about your plumbing services and make sure that they see what went wrong in your service delivery.

It is advisable that you interact with your potential and current clients to make sure that you clear up any misunderstandings on review websites. This is where internet marketing services will play a critical role; the right online marketing agency can provide reputation management services and help you to enhance your internet marketing performance.

  1. Supplement SEO Traffic with Pay-Per-Click Ads

Pay-Per-Click advertising

Pay-Per-Click advertising is one of the effective methods to advertise your plumbing service company online. It is very popular among local plumbers because it can assist to generate plumbing leads fast. This is because pay-per-click advertising targets relevant market groups suited for your plumbing business.

Google Ads allows plumbing companies to rank their landing pages above organic search results via paid ads. Paying for a plumbing website early in your digital marketing campaign makes sense for plumbers. Furthermore, because plumbing SEO can take up to six months to adequately index, pay-per-click ad clicks can supplement organic traffic and generate leads.

Ideally, your plumbing marketing incorporates both.

But make sure that you perform A/B testing regularly. A/B testing is a great way to tweak your plumbing PPC ads to be more effective and guarantee a higher conversion rate for lower CPC.

  1. Use Social Media Marketing to Promote Your Plumbing Services Online

Social Media Marketing

In today’s era, marketing through social media has become one of the key ways to promote any kind of business. Many plumbers have taken their business to a whole new level via social media marketing. Thus, you can utilize social media to improve your plumbing business reach.

Partner with a digital marketing agency for plumbers to create customized messages and profiles for every social media platform to market your business. Remember that social is all about being engaging and active. Respond to your clients who contact or message you about your plumbing company details.

  1. Claim all Plumbing Business Citations Online

Host of directories online

Local plumbing companies will have a host of directories online to submit their citations, creating no follow backlinks to your plumbing website. NAP citations can also distribute your contact details throughout the internet, making it easier for Google to identify your company as a specific entity.

Most plumbing contractors know important directories like Better Business Bearue, Angie List, and Home Advisor. Still, thousands of more exist for plumbing companies. Investing in a citation service can help you instantly submit citations to a wide range of directories.

  1. Build a Strong Customer Base with Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email marketing offers the highest returns compared to others forms of digital marketing for plumbers. What makes email marketing for plumbers so effective is your message is delivered directly to your prospects in their inboxes. However, for email marketing to be effective, you need a list of email addresses. Rather than paying for these, we highly recommend that you implement a lead capture form on your site to create a mailing list of web browsers already interested in your services.

From there, you send quality content regularly just to ensure that you are not overwhelming them to a point that they hit the unsubscribe button.

Some email marketing campaigns include promotional emails, crucial company announcements, and newsletters. Email marketing offers amazing marketing opportunities to personalize messaging, build relationships and reshare content with loyal clients.

Measuring Digital Marketing Results for Plumbers

Every internet marketing campaign for your plumbing business should have a goal, and you should track the results. Using tools such as the Google Search Console, you can monitor your digital growth and appropriately attribute certain campaigns to the leads. But before you can track anything, you must identify your objectives as a plumbing business. For instance, you wish to generate X amount of leads each month while spending Y dollars on marketing or advertising. The ROI will be Z, and the quarterly income will be Y. Also, the best digital marketing agency for plumbers will offer these reports on demand.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console website

Search Console is a free tool by Google that can help you track technical errors with your website and search engine performance. Through GSC, plumbers can be able to visualize queries that attract the most traffic to their website and which pages are popular for search engine users. Based on this data, plumbers can tweak their site content to satisfy user intent better. For instance, if a search query has many impressions but fewer clicks, you may wish to change your page titles to gain more clicks.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics website

Google Analytics is a tool that helps plumbing contractors to track site visitors, engagement, and behaviors. If you don’t know how to set up a Google Analytics account, click here to learn more. Once you create your GA account, you can start creating goals and monitor your success over time. For plumbing SEO in particular, it is crucial to wait for about two months before analyzing the accumulated data.

Google Business Profile Insights

Google Business Profile

GBP offers plumbing contractors an in-depth portrait of how Google Maps users locate their company. For instance, it shows which queries (such as plumber near me) cause users to click on your Google Business Profile listing and how regularly the user contacts the business through the GBP listing. Based on your results, you want to improve your GBP with more Google posts, Q&A’s, and photos.

Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights

Facebook audience insights offer plumbers detailed information about general Facebook users and followers. Based on the statistics, plumbers can create content for their Facebook page, boosting engagement and contributing to sustainable plumbing business growth.

Work with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to Obtain More Plumbing Clients Through Digital Marketing

Digital marketing agency

Conclusively, you can utilize numerous strategies when marketing your plumbing business. The right digital marketing agency for plumbers will present a comprehensive strategy that will assist you to gain online visibility and obtain leads. Whether you are searching for plumbing leads or want more from your current marketing efforts, our plumbing marketing team can assist.

We have assisted many plumbers to improve their online presence, use social media platforms to meet goals, and increase search engine rankings while optimizing their marketing costs.

If you are searching for help with taking your plumbing business online through effective digital marketing strategies, schedule a free profit session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to help you optimize your inbound marketing, social media channels, and the lead generation today.

Marketing Plumbing

10 Important Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

Increase your clients base, and maximize profits in your company with plumbing  marketing KPIs

Do you have an idea of what makes your plumbing company’s marketing or advertising campaigns a success? Clues why your business is not generating enough leads? Why is a plumbing company doing so well?

Well, suppose you are not closely monitoring your plumbing marketing efforts online. In that case, you will never understand what is working or not, and that’s where digital marketing Key Performance Indicators come in. You can measure and track metrics that matter most to your plumbing business growth using KPI.

increase customer base

Before internet marketing was introduced, a plumber would only establish how a specific campaign was fairing based on office visits and the number of new clients acquired. However, such results rarely displayed an accurate calculation. But with the right plumbing marketing KPIs, you can know your weak areas and conduct the much-need tweaks in your strategies for maximum results.

That said, here are a few things to understand before selecting and monitoring your digital marketing for plumbers’ KPI.

What Are Plumbing Marketing  KPIs?

Key Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicator is a measurable attribute showcasing how ineffectively or effectively your plumbing company reaches its desired goals. Plumbing marketing KPIs are quantifiable measures or metrics employed to assess the performance of your company’s marketing objectives. These metrics can be traced to different aspects of your plumbing business ranging from employees and leads generated to sales.

Internet marketing KPIs go hand in hand with your company’s online marketing strategies regardless of whether it’s sales growth, brand awareness, SEO strategy, and lead generation. Examples of such metrics include details on conversion rate, engagement rate, sales revenue, page conversion, marketing qualified leads, and SERP. Any measurable figure in your plumber marketing plan, one that can be acted upon, constitutes a KPI.

KPI comes from Google Analytics, lead conversion tool, Google Ads, Google Analytics, or even from your plumbing sales representatives.

5 Reasons To Track Your Plumbing Marketing’s KPIs?

When properly used, plumbing marketing KPI tracking can be an incredible tool for growing your company. Some of the key advantages of measuring metrics and acting on data include but are not restricted to:

1. Monitor Your Plumbing Company’s Health

Company’s Health

Only a few KPIs are required to measure the health of your company. Plumbers who monitor metrics in categories such as employees, customers, processes, and revenue find it very easy to remain on track while keeping their income high.

2. Measure Processes

KPIs are utilized to measure processes

KPIs are typically applied to show if your company is attaining its strategic goals set by the top management. Numerous KPIs are utilized to measure processes, such as productivity indicators, profitability indicators, and quality indicators amongst others.

3. Client Metrics

KPI metrics

Besides employees and processes, client metrics are also of utmost importance. They can help your company know the number of customers, revenue generated, and even the cost of acquiring those clients.

4. Operational Metrics

use operational metrics to ensure staffing, finances, and marketing are on the right track

Operations metrics are a good way to help your operations department enhance its day-to-day operations. You can use such metrics to make sure staffing, finances, and marketing are on the right track.

5. Measure Progress Over Time

business progress

A good strategy for measuring your business progress is to set targets at the beginning of the year, such as revenue, gross margin, number of locations, and even number of employees. Then, you can use weekly, quarterly, and monthly reports to remain on track with the KPIs and progress towards set goals at the start of the year.

 In a plumbing marketing campaign, tracking your KPIs is the only way to understand what is working or not. For instance, if you make good money from a specific marketing campaign, but you cannot show what generated that revenue or profit, that is, then you will never know what you need to improve and where you need to invest more. Your site traffic, for example, could be the one driving all your qualified leads and your marketing crew or department is busy investing a lot of dollars on unnecessary channels.

Top 10 Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

Cost Per Lead (CPL)


CPL is a plumbing KPI used in lead generation to know how much each lead costs your company. In simple terms, it shows you the cost of bringing in a lead from your advertising or marketing campaigns. Leads help you understand which contact or user is a potential client. It is normally the initial step into knowing how your internet marketing is performing beyond simple reach from metrics like unique visitors to your plumbing website.

Cost per lead helps you understand where your brand awareness efforts in marketing are most crucial. They tell you whether your campaigns are generating desired results at an affordable cost or not. They assist you to understand the amount of money you need to get a particular set of leads for your plumbing company. Because leads are the starting point of your sales processes, improving and benchmarking your cost per lead is an important metric for your plumbing marketing efforts or campaigns.

Conversion Rate [CR]

the more conversions, the better your plumbing gets in Google rankings

In plumbing marketing, a conversion happens when a prospect or client completes a particular activity, such as booking a job or subscribing to your newsletter. It can also be any action that helps meet the objectives that your plumbing company has. On the other hand, conversion rate measures how regularly a client completes a particular set goal,

Conversion rate is a crucial metric that shows you if your marketing campaigns are on track. They tell you how effective your strategies are in terms of attaining a set goal. A higher conversion rate implies more likelihood of prospects or clients converting after coming across your piece of content. This also means low costs in terms of acquiring customers, which saves you money in the long run.

Consequently, the more conversions, the better your plumbing gets in Google rankings. Thus, if you want to skyrocket your bottom line, make minor but worthy tweaks to your plumbing website. Use Google Optimize together with Google Analytics to test various elements of your website to increase your revenue without necessarily increasing your ad spend.

Return on Investment (ROI)


ROI denotes the amount of profit your plumbing company will earn from the money spent on a particular activity or investment like a marketing campaign. As an online marketing metric, ROI helps you know whether your company is profitable or not. It shows the expenditures as well as activities connected with them that are creating revenue and those that are not.

So, it is an important tool for planning your marketing or advertising budgets. While it is not possible to capture the total money spent on marketing activity, say a Google Ad campaign, it is crucial to make sure that your ROI is comparable to other internet marketing activities.

Bounce Rate

bounce rate refers to the number of clients or prospects who visit your plumbing website

Simply put, bounce rate refers to the number of clients or prospects who visit your plumbing website and leave right away without completing any meaningful action. If your site has a high bounce rate, this is a good indication that there are flaws in your online marketing strategies, and some of them could be irrelevant traffic sources, weak landing pages, or poor targeting, amongst others.

A prospect visiting and clicking off your website also implies they didn’t find what they were searching for and the only way to make sure that they spend time on it is by auditing your content and identifying what they are looking for. This way, you will craft relevant content that will attract them.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)


CPA revolves around revenue after a lead becomes a paying client. It gives you a rough idea of how much you will spend to get a client to open his or her wallet. CPA is a deal for paid search marketing campaigns like Pay-Per-Click campaigns.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)


CTR is another internet marketing metric that quantifies the number of clicks on a specific content over the number of impressions it achieves. It is the percentage of prospects that click on a campaign after coming across it.

CTR is the simple form of engagement rate because the only engagement counted is the one that matters the most and clicks on a link. This metric shows whether your site content is interesting to grab people’s attention and lead them to click on the link and be redirected to the plumbing website.

In Google ads, CTR boosts your quality score each time a user clicks on an ad, and when this occurs, your ads are ranked on top of SERPs, which has other advantages such as increased traffic and more conversions.

Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value refers to a KPI used to measure the amount of revenue you can expect from a specific client for the entire period of doing business with your company.

A higher customer lifetime value indicates that your plumbing business is doing well and often signals a profit. It helps you understand how valuable different customers are and thus allocate more resources to them.

Business Growth

business growth metric

Another important KPI for plumbers is the business growth metric. This can be calculated in numerous ways, but estimating your annual gross profit margins is the most effective. This is where you bring in things like cost of operation, salaries, and cost of equipment into the equation. To find your gross profit margin, calculate your total sales revenue and subtract your total cost of operation, divide the figure you obtain with sales revenue again.

Customer Satisfaction

client satisfaction

Lastly, client satisfaction. Do you know that it is much cheaper to keep an existing customer than to try to get a new one? This is why customer satisfaction is an important KPI for plumbers since client satisfaction leads to retention.

You can assess your customer satisfaction levels by developing a questionnaire form and asking clients to fill it. Keeping your eye on online reviews is also crucial. You can improve customer satisfaction by responding to all reviews (whether negative or positive) promptly and professionally.

Top Channels for Local Plumbing Contractors to Generate Qualified Leads

By analyzing your overall plumbing marketing strategy and how every lead source generates qualified sales for your company.

Then you can begin to work on the different marketing efforts with every channel to obtain more qualified leads, increase sales growth and reduce client acquisition costs.

While monitoring plumbing marketing KPIs your sales crew should come in to see how your collective advertising or marketing efforts generate results across the following channels.

Organic Search

Organic site traffic will be one of the cheapest in terms of acquiring leads

Homeowners and property managers use search engines such as Google or Bing to find information about a local service business and click on the organic results shown to them. Not advertisements. Organic site traffic will be one of the cheapest in terms of acquiring leads but will take the longest time to develop and achieve realistic results.

Paid Advertising

Increase your chances of increasing traffic

There are multiple ways paid advertising is showcased to your potential clients to boost website traffic, and here are some examples. But, if you want to increase your chances of increasing traffic to lead ratio, landing pages are a perfect way to achieve this.

  • Google Local Service Ads
  • Text ads from Google Ads
  • Display advertising on other sites
  • Paid ads on social media websites
  • Click to call ads from Google.

Social Media Marketing

SMM illustration

Social media is one of those platforms that can help you in various ways. Not all resulting to direct sales, but offering you an opportunity to build and get:

  • Brand awareness
  • Potential client referrals
  • Client support channel

As you can see, a lot goes into each plumbing marketing KPI, and together they show a clear picture of how your company is performing online. Every monthly report combines it all and makes sure we continually drive revenue in the best ways possible. At BlackStorm Design +Marketing, we are in the business to create lifelong partnerships, and such plumbing business marketing KPIs hold our team accountable.

Let’s work together to create a strong online presence for your plumbing company so you can book more jobs on the web.

Schedule a free strategy session with BlackStorm Design + Marketing to learn how we can help your plumbing business grow today.

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