Plumbing SEO

Plumbing Ads: Game-Changing Strategies to Attract New Clients and Book More Service Jobs

Learn the fundamentals of plumbing ads that will help grow your business (both offline and online)

The plumbing industry is experiencing a boom in times with more than 70% of plumbers saying revenues are growing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for plumbers is expected to grow by 16% between 2018 to 2027. Thanks to its growth, the plumbing industry is also competitive. In fact, there are more than 480, 600 plumbers in the United States.

With such cutthroat competition, how do you keep your plumbing business’s name in front of potential clients?

That’s why you are here: to learn about plumbing ad strategies to help your business stand out in the industry.

Clogged toilet

If you want to attract new clients, re-engage clients who booked a one-off service job and scale your plumbing company, ads are a great place to begin.

Digital ads for plumbers help you target a particular audience, make the most of your budget, and check what works and what doesn’t to develop a marketing plan for your plumbing business.

This post will help your master the fundamentals of plumbing advertising for search engines, social media, and more.

Without further ado, let us dive in!

What is Plumbing Advertising?

Plumbing service advertising

As a plumber, you provide an essential service. And your clients require that service.

Plumbing advertising or plumbing ads revolve around how you connect their demand with your supply (your plumbing services).

Go back five decades, and plumbing advertising was in print – whether it was a billboard, newspaper, or magazine. But nowadays, the majority of plumbing ads are conducted online since that’s where your clients spend most of their time.

The major types of plumbing ads are run in the form of:

Plumbing ads

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Ads
  • YouTube Ads

In this post, we are going to discuss the ad types listed above, showing you how to make the most out of your ads and tons of tips to manage your plumbing advertising campaigns and book more plumbing service jobs.

But first, let us first answer this most important question:

Do I require plumbing ads if I have work coming in?

With the plumbing industry booming, more and more plumbers are identifying the potential to make good money. And with the stiff competition, the ability to attract clients will break or make your plumbing business.

Benefits of Plumbing Ads

Online plumbing ads can bring your business a consistent stream of leads.

What if someone told you, you could advertise your plumbing services online to clients within 1 mile of your plumbing company? Or that your business can reach prospects or clients who look on Google for “plumbing business near me” when they are close by?

This is the power of digital advertising. Modern marketing tools help plumbing companies to reach clients at the right place and time. With advanced analytics, digital marketing for plumbers isn’t a game of guesswork but a correct strategy that helps you achieve high ROI.

Simply put, online plumbing ads can bring your business a consistent stream of leads, thus reducing your cost of acquiring new clients, greater engagement with current clients, and consequently help unprecedented growth of your plumbing company.

The four main types of online advertising are paid search, native, display, and social media advertising. All of them reach your target market in a measurable and cost-effective way while increasing client loyalty and increasing your sales online.

Without further ado, let’s dive into how Google, Instagram, and Facebook work for plumbing companies.

Google Ads for Plumbers

Google Ads are the most common kind of ads that plumbers use.

Modern customers turn to Google to find solutions to their plumbing problems. Therefore, internet marketing is all about being available whenever consumers look for information about your plumbing service business.

Google Ads are the most common kind of ads that plumbers use. It is a beneficial advertising platform for plumbing contractors. You can use Google Ads to drive traffic to your plumbing website and establish your reputation, which can help you book more service jobs.

Related: The definitive Google Business Profile for plumbers

Google Ads is an efficient way to get your plumbing website seen in the top organic results on Google. This increases your chances that someone who requires a plumbing contractor will see your site first, which makes them more likely to call you about their plumbing needs.

But what are the actual advantages of Google Ads to plumbers? And is it worth it for your plumbing business? Here are some of the main advantages for your company:

  • Get more customers: When prospects see that Google ad is always among the prominent results, they will begin associating with your brand with reliability and quality.
  • Increased Visibility: With Google Ads, you can ensure that your plumbing website will be among the very first search results. This will significantly boost the chances of prospects finding you while they look for the plumbing services you provide. Additionally, when prospects come across your plumbing Google Ads repeatedly, they will remember your brand and become familiar with it.
  • Build Your Reputation: Online reputation management is really crucial for any type of home service business nowadays. Potential clients do not look at the quality of work or a professional portfolio.

Here are some strategies that will help you make the most out of Google Ads for plumbers:

Choose the Right Keywords

Search bar template

Google ads are one of the most potent tools in any plumbing marketing toolbox. Why? Since they place your ad right in front of your target client while they look for exactly what they require. But selecting the right Google ads keywords is always a daunting task. There are a lot of things that goes into it, and if you don’t know what you are doing, it can be a waste of money and time. With the right keywords, you can drive insane amounts of traffic who require specific plumbing help – and you will be the plumber to offer it to them. In order to choose the right keywords for your Google Ads campaign, you need to understand your target audience and their needs.

Competitors Bidding

Two men using laptop while running

A competitor bid is an ad that focuses on the search terms your rivals use to get new clients. It often appears identical to the original company website but with quality links going back to your website. This strategy has become more common as plumbing brands try their hand at paid search ads on Google.

Select the Ad types

Google provides numerous ad types, and it is incredibly crucial to select the right ones for your plumbing business. Here are some of the Google Ad types you may want to consider:

  • Responsive Ads: Responsive text ads instantly optimize themselves depending on what target market they are displayed to. They help you to include several descriptions and headlines, which can be combined in a manner that makes sense of every member’s search query. They are designed to make the most out of your screen space, so they are great for mobile users.Responsive Ads gif
  • Display ads: Google display ads utilize text and images to target prospects as they browse apps or websites in the Google Display Network. This network is comprised of more than 2 million websites, reaching more than 90% of all internet browsers all over the world. Display ads are particularly useful when it comes to reaching new clients but also work perfectly as part of your plumbing retargeting strategy.Google display ads gif

Use Negative Keywords to Avoid Wasting Your Advertising Dollars

Negative keywords are a great tool for plumbing Google Ads.

Negative keywords are a great tool for plumbing Google Ads. They can help to prevent your Google Ads from showing up for searches that are too narrow or too broad for the service you offer, phrases that people may search for when they are ready to book a service, or even searches for services that are similar but not identical to yours.

Create and Optimize Your Landing Pages

Plumbers landing page

For your business to succeed in Google Ads, you must place your ads on high-quality landing pages that can transform a prospect into a client. To make a quality landing page, you need to include relevant content, use high-quality images, use a compelling and clear call to action and make sure your site loads super-fast.

Setup Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking

If you are running a plumbing Google Ads campaign and not monitoring, you are throwing away your advertising dollars. Conversion tracking is the only way to know whether your Google Ads campaign is working or not. There are different types of conversions that you can track including sales, phone calls, and more. You can monitor all these things with Google Ads and understand how well every ad campaign is performing for the type of conversion.

Google Local Service Ads for Plumbers

Business overview

Just like the conventional pay-per-click plumbing (PPC) ads, Google Local Service ads show up at the top of search engine result pages- above organic listings.

These ads assist more local prospects to find your plumbing company, learn more about your plumbing services, and call you to take the next desired step.

Local Service ads for plumbing contractors typically feature three businesses at the top of the organic search results.

Prospects can pick these three plumbers or select “more plumbing businesses” to see their other options.

After clicking on more plumbers prospects will see a whole page filed with local plumbing contractors. At the top of this page, they can filter plumbing businesses by selecting the service they require.

This filtering option makes it hassle-free for users to identify the right plumber that suits their needs. Once a prospect finds the appropriate plumber, they will click on the listing to obtain more information.

On this page, they can see your areas and the services you offer. Prospects or visitors will also see a bio section of your plumbing company with a bulleted list of essential company characteristics. You offer your target audience crucial information here; the number of years you have been in the plumbing industry or sharing that you offer free estimates.

If prospects love what they see on your business listing, they can call your plumbing company right from the advertisement, and you will only pay when people contact your company.

Investing in Google Local Service Ads for plumbers is a great way to:

  • Be found at the very top of Google search results on a tablet, computer, and mobile device
  • Increase online leads to your plumbing business
  • Generate more low-cost leads.

The other difference with these ads is that instead of targeting search terms or keywords, they focus on famous plumbing services like sewer line repair, fixture installation, drain cleaning, Garbage disposal installation, plumbing repair, refining, and more.

Does my plumbing business require local service ads?


One reason why Local Service Ads are the best type of plumbing ads is because you only pay after every lead who contacts you, as opposed to pay for every click, like under the pay-per-click advertising for plumbers.

Plumbing SEO services can take your website near the top of organic search results but you require Google’s Local Service ads to get to the coveted #1 spot on Google.

Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads image

Google Display ads can help you promote your plumbing services when prospects are browsing online, watching YouTube videos, or using mobile apps and devices and more. Just like the conventional billboards along a highway, these ads are displayed to anyone who browses on the internet and gives your company greater online visibility.

Google Display ads for plumbers operate as your secret agent who goes out and tracks down your prospects, then displaying the ads that they think you are interested in viewing. You will better placed to persuade that client and drive them to your plumbing website.

Facebook Ads for Plumbers

Facebook Ads template

Social media for plumbers can be a great tool to advertise your plumbing business, and it helps you easily target your ideal clients and monitor your ad campaign results. Use social media to advertise specials or services, show off a perfectly done project or share positive testimonials or reviews.

There are numerous ways you can advertise your plumbing company on Facebook, including particular posts that are currently on your Facebook business page or developing catchy ads.

The best plumbing ads on Facebook are targeted to a particular audience, regularly optimized for numerous devices, and integrated with a larger internet marketing strategy.

Since prospects are not actively looking for services to book on Facebook (unless they are on a marketplace), the platform utilizes an interest-based marketing strategy. It helps you advertise to particular audiences depending on their online activities and interests.

Facebook’s sophisticated target audience selection tools allow plumbing ads to target the following:

  • Lookalike audiences: Reach new clients whose interests are the same as those of your best clients.
  • Custom audiences: Prospects who have already engaged with your plumbing company off or online.
  • Core audiences: Users grouped together by interests, geography, age, and income level among other things.

If you are not leveraging Facebook’s advanced targeting models, you are missing out on an important tool that can assist you to reduce your advertising dollars and skyrocketing your conversion rates.

Examples of Plumbing Facebook Ads

Photo Ads

Plumbing inspection and repair

You can utilize photo albums to advertise different plumbing services, as well as after-and-before images of successfully completed projects. Before and after images work especially well because they highlight your skills and show prospects what they can expect when they start working with your business.

Video Ads

Plumbing slide show

If you show your friend how to eliminate water from a flooded basement, then you will be the first person they will call if one of their water pipes bursts. Your friend will trust your company with their project because you have assisted them before. Video ads have emerged as one of the most efficient formats to promote your plumbing services or brand in multiple ways. With Facebook ads for plumbers, it’s possible to share a video from its Ad manager or boost a specific post that incorporates a video from your Facebook Page.

Story Ads

Facebook story

These full-screen experiences show up in between the stories prospects or clients regularly watch. Story ads provide more freedom than the typical image or video ads since you can experiment with different augmented reality and video effects.

And remember, simple posts on your Facebook page feed that display your expertise can be just as effective at reaching your plumbing ad campaign goals. If you follow an internet marketing strategy and create valuable content consistently that aligns with the needs of your target audience and inspires long-term relationships.

Instagram Ads for Plumbers

Instagram Ads

If you think that Instagram is only for brand influencers, think again!

Instagram has more than 1 Billion active users every month, and most of those users are in the market for plumbing repair, maintenance, replacements, or more. The primary benefit Instagram has over other advertising platforms is its visual nature. If you have a plumbing business that offers services having a visibly noticeable result (plumbing services), then Instagram is a good platform to advertise and showcase your plumbing business.

Visual appeal is a huge factor when prospects make a purchase or hire your plumbing services. In some cases, visual content generates more plumbing leads since it is easier and faster for the brain to process.

Moreover, Instagram Ads are fully integrated with Facebook Ads, so you can have some customization, targeting abilities, and diverse ad formatting. Instagram works perfectly when ads are designed to engage with your sales funnel and are simple.

Instagram is an image-based social media advertising platform for plumbing contractors. To outrank other posts from your competitors, you want to be sure that you use strong videos and images that tell a story of the projects you have completed for previous clients.

Just like Facebook, Instagram offers numerous plumbing ad types including:

  • Image ads
  • Stories ads
  • Collection ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads and more

Naturally, the kind of plumbing ad format will depend on your target audience and campaign ads.

Offline Plumbing Ads

As an internet marketing agency for plumbers, we always call for digital transformation and regularly underscore the value of internet marketing. But, we also understand that service-based businesses like plumbing contractors still benefit from conventional advertising techniques because their operations are mainly bound by their location or service area.

Ideally, your plumbing company should be doing both offline and online digital advertising to reach as many clients as possible. When it comes to offline plumbing ads, a few conventional strategies are still effective such as:

Sending postcards to homes or businesses in your service area

Postman putting a letter in a house mailbox

A postcard has the power to target your market with a concise and clear message. And it achieves by grabbing your potential client’s attention. A high-quality postcard cannot be ignored easily by prospects or clients.

Postcards are easier to create using the free templates from Mail chimp. They are also inexpensive to distribute because you can mail them in bulk quantities.

  • Putting Lawn Signs on the property of satisfied clients
  • Car van wraps
  • Business cards
  • And more

Plumbing Pay Per Lead Generation Sites for Plumbers

Lead generation websites normally connect clients in need of services (such as plumbing) with the right plumbers. These platforms help plumbing contractors to connect with prospects who are actively searching for their services online:


Thumbtack website

Thumbtack for plumbers operates in two ways:

  • Homeowners can look for plumbers who may be well-suited for their projects.
  • Plumbers can select the type of leads they wish to pay for by tweaking their target audience preferences.


Nextdoor website

Advertising your services on Nextdoor can assist your plumbing company to get found by local businesses or homeowners that require your services.

You can use Nextdoor to launch your business to your local community, establish your reputation, and post ads.

Plumbing Ad Ideas to Help You Get Started

Know Your Target Market

Target Market

Whether you use Google ads, Facebook ads, or postcards, you will need to first understand your target market.

List down every detail you know about your best and current plumbing clients, including:

  • What kind of neighborhood do they reside in?
  • What type of businesses or homes do they have?
  • How old are they? Do they have a family?
  • What are their income levels?
  • When do they frequent most during their leisure time? (Online? Instagram or Facebook? Or at a local community center or library?)
  • What type of plumbing services do they normally need?

The responses to these questions will assist you to create ads that resonate with your target audience.

Know What Makes Your Plumbing Company Unique

Plumber screwing nut of pipe in the heating system in the boiler room

Figure out why your current clients choose your company to solve their plumbing needs. What makes you outrank your competitors?

This is what is known as a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Write down the USP in a few words and incorporate it into your plumbing ads.

Related: How To Create A Strong Brand Identity For Your Plumbing Business

Define Your Plumbing Advertising Goals

Plumbing technician finishing kitchen sink pipeline installation

Knowing your plumbing marketing goals will assist you to craft an effective plumber advertising campaign and select the right platforms.

Here are a few examples of plumbing ad goals you may have:

  • You have a new service to promote
  • You have just launched your business and require plumbing leads urgently.
  • You have expanded your plumbing business in a new neighborhood and want to outrank well-established competitors.

Then figure out which plumber advertising channel will be most effective to achieve your goals. For instance, if you want to improve brand awareness, Google display ads will be a great option. If you need plumbing leads urgently, Google’s local Service Ads or search ads may be a great fit for you.

Develop Your Ads

Content ads creation

Make utilize these tips to design a professional ad for your plumbing company:

  • Keep your ad design simple by concentrating on one message (e.g., testimonial, service, or before and after photos).
  • Add a compelling and clear call to action that encourage clients to visit your plumbing website or contact you to book your plumbing services.
  • Select your brand colors and utilize them for all your ads to remain memorable and consistent.
  • Use professional templates to design great plumbing ads to reach more clients.

Allocate Your Advertising Budget

Financial planning for your advertising

To set your advertising budget, you should be able to know the amount you are likely to spend in acquiring a new lead.

Next, figure out the number of clients you require consistently every month.

Do this to know your monthly advertisement budget:

Client acquisition cost X the number of customers per month = Monthly ad spend.

Remember to stick to your budget once you have set it. Internet advertising can be very expensive and you don’t want to spend more dollars than you can afford.

Monitor Your Ad Campaigns

Track your ad’s results and performance

To make the most out of your plumbing advertising strategy, you need to track your ad’s results and performance. This will help you know if you are attaining your goals and what advertising channels or platforms generate more results for your plumbing company.

Related: 10 Important Plumbing Marketing KPIs You Should Be Tracking In Your Business

Frequently Asked Questions About Plumbing Ads

question marks gif

What is the best platform to advertise your plumbing company?

Facebook remains the most famous social media around the world. It is a great start for plumbing advertising, as the platform recommends local plumbing businesses in the neighborhood to clients seeking out plumbing services.

How can I market my small plumbing business?

Here are our best ways to begin some marketing in ways that you have never imagined before including:

  • Creating a professional plumbing website
  • Conduct SEO to make your website get found by prospects online
  • Use paid search engine marketing to make your website get found on the first page of Google search results
  • Foster online reviews
  • Start a customer referral program

How do you get more clients to your plumbing business?

Here are some marketing strategies that you can use to attract new clients to your plumbing services business:

  • Optimize your Google Business Profile
  • Use Google Ads
  • Try Google Local Service Ads
  • Create helpful and informative content
  • Submit your plumbing website to online business directories.

Plumbing Ad Services from Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Plumber with laptop

Blackstorm Design +Marketing is home to plumbing ad experts. We have many years of proven experience advertising plumbing businesses like yours.

We often realize that plumbers that we have worked with are not experts in generating leads and sales online, a skill their rivals have easily honed.

We understand that you are dealing with real and urgent issues such as unblocking a clogged sink in your client’s homes. Let us deal with all the crap online so that you can focus on what matters most-serving your clients.

Schedule a free discovery call with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how digital advertising for plumbers can improve your marketing strategy or read on to know more about our digital marketing services for plumbers

Marketing services your company might be interested in

Plumbing Social Media Advertising

Plumbing Facebook Ads to Get Ahead of the Competition

Plumbing Facebook ads is an extremely powerful tool to promote your services or business online.

The plumbing industry has experienced unprecedented demand in recent years. In turn, this has caused the industry to experience a surge in growth for plumbers.

This high demand, coupled with the changes in weather patterns, only increases the urge for reliable plumbing companies.

Plumbing Facebook ads

While it may seem like this is an ordinary scenario for plumbing contractors, there is cutthroat competition for this kind of business. This is where plumbing Facebook ads come in.

When the housing market hits up, or a storm hits, a plumbing company requires to differentiate itself from its rivals. But what do Facebook ads for plumbers look like? Is it possible such ads can assist you in differentiating yourself in the crowded market?

Why Do Facebook Ads for Plumbers Work?

Facebook Ads

Facebook is now one of the most famous plumbing marketing platforms under the sun. With more than 2 Billion active monthly users, Facebook has become a critical tool to advertise plumbing businesses across the globe. Plumbers see it as a basic social media platform to interact with their clients and market their services to a vast marketplace. If you normally use Facebook to complain about politics and share memorable family photos and random thoughts, then your plumbing business may be missing out.

First, let’s discuss why plumbing Facebook ads are an effective marketing strategy for anyone who markets or owns a plumbing company. Facebook ads have several benefits, and these features make them a good choice for the plumbing industry. Of course, there is the undeniable power of Facebook.

So, it still pays off to advertise your plumbing services on Facebook, but let us discuss what precisely makes it a great platform to market your company. Here are reasons why you should invest in Facebook ads for plumbers:

  • Plumbing Facebook ads provide robust analytics: Facebook has no limits when offering you analytics and reports about your ads performance. You are given metrics about your post engagement, weekly reach, page likes, and which posts have the best performance. Best of all, you also gain insights on things such as conversions, sales, and even clicks. By seeing such information, you can tweak your ads based on what is required.
  • Ability to Micro-target your exact target audience: Facebook’s targeting abilities are super amazing. This means you can target based on behaviors, age ranges, languages, location, and demographics. This is what sets Facebook apart from other advertising platforms.
  • Facebook ads for plumbers are easy to set up and generate fast results.

Types of Plumbing Facebook Ads

Plumbers have tons of campaigns and targeting options to select from.

Plumbers have tons of campaigns and targeting options to select from. It is no wonder plumbers of all sizes, use Facebook ads.

While having access to numerous advertising options is a plumber’s dream come true, it is also makes getting started a daunting task. If you are feeling overwhelmed, look at the following types of plumbing Facebook ads to see how you can use them in your Facebook ad strategies.

Image Ads

Image ads also known as photo ads feature a still image and an accompanying text and a compelling call to action. You can utilize boosted posts or create new ads for your plumbing company. Plumbers can use image ads in their newsfeed section to showcase their services online. Branded images showcasing your staff and team create the most clicks and engagements.

Video Ads

Plumbing Facebook ads are much similar to image ads, the difference being the content format. They feature motion or video graphics, while image ads are graphics or still photos. You can create video ads on Facebook or boost organic posts that incorporate video. Plumbers can use video ads in their newsfeeds to showcase their services online. The most encouraging videos include your staff at work accompanied by subtitles and audio.

Instant Experience

Instant experience ads, formerly known as canvas ads offer mobile ads that can grab the attention of your target audience. They are multimedia, full-screen ad types that deliver quality content to your target audience. Prospects or clients can engage with photos, videos, or carousel in one ad.

Carousel Ads

Plumbers can go with carousel ads for several images in the News Feed. You can include up to 1o videos or photos for your ad, and each possesses a separate link. They are ideal for promoting several plumbing service types in one ad.

Collection Ads

Plumbers may not require collection ads because they mainly focus on product-based sales, which most plumbing contractors avoid.

How to Get Started with Plumbing Facebook Ads in 8 Steps

Before we jump in, it is crucial for plumbers to think about why you are advertising and the goals they want to achieve. By understanding your measurement of success ahead of going live with plumbing ads, you will be able to know which ad objective is suitable for your requirements.

1. Set a Clearly-Defined Goal

A plumbing contractor must set a goal.

Before creating a Facebook ad, a plumbing contractor must set a goal. Your goal should reflect how you want prospects or clients to do after seeing your promotion. For example, if your objective is to showcase your new plumbing website, you can launch and that generates traffic to your URL. Read on to understand the list of goals below:

a. Awareness

Awareness goals help to create an interest in your plumbing services among prospects. Creating more awareness showcases your plumbing brand and the value it offers. One instance is a plumbing contractor looking to expand its service area to a nearby neighborhood. By utilizing the brand awareness objective, you can launch a Facebook ad campaign that inspires local homeowners to select your plumbing business.

b. Consideration

Consideration goals get prospects or clients about your overall plumbing brand. One example might be a local plumbing contractor with a new site who utilizes a traffic goal to streamline new browsers to the site and help you with on-site conversion optimization to achieve the rest.

c. Conversions

Conversion goals are more aligned with a storefront business. A conversion goal generally generates store traffic, but plumbing contractors can still use them to obtain more online sign-ups and other amazing engagements.

When it comes to plumbing ads, there are numerous ads you could be working on, so you need to scale down to one per campaign.

Examples of plumbing Facebook ads may be:

  • Introduce your company to new homeowners in the neighborhood
  • Educate property owners on the dangers of an aging plumbing system
  • Show photos of hail damage after a major storm has hit the area

The objective becomes especially crucial when you begin to select your campaign awareness goal as you set up your plumbing Facebook ads. If you understand your goal beforehand, it assists guide you as you make decisions regarding targeting and awareness.

2. Choose Your Target Market or Audience

Target audience

Finding the right target audience is the most important part of creating quality Facebook ads for plumbers. To research your target audience, there are crucial questions to remember before knowing who your target audience is for your plumbing Facebook advertising strategy. The responses to these questions are not necessarily complex, but it takes time to collect and verify the responses. Remember, the right target audience plays a vital role in determining the success of your plumbing Facebook ads.

Since it determines who Facebook will show your plumbing ad to, a strategically defined target audience is important for the success of advertising campaigns. As stated earlier, the target audience for your ad can be customized based on all the following demographics:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Behaviors
  • Interests

3. Address Your Prospect’s or Client’s Pain Points

To effectively target your client’s problem, research your target audience.

Most of your potential clients don’t care about the materials you use or the process. They care more about the benefits of your plumbing services and they want to know how your company will add value to their lives.

You might think that clients can deduce the advantages of selecting your company just by hearing about your plumbing services, but most of your potential clients aren’t plumbers. As a plumbing company owner, your role is to help homeowners understand the benefits of your services.

So, how do you show the benefits of your plumbing services? Begin by assisting homeowners to understand the “pain” of ignoring their current problem. As a plumber, you want to leverage the emotional part of their pain points. This way, you are creating an urgent need that your plumbing services will solve all while encouraging leads to invest in their home.

To effectively target your client’s problem, research your target audience. Remember that problems will vary depending on your target market and not all plumbers will target the same pain points.

Related: Top 6 Social Media Marketing Strategies For Plumbers

Once you have identified some common plumbing problems, create a unique Facebook ad copy around them. Using your ads to address your prospects’ pain points is an effective way to showcase the value of your plumbing services and distinguish yourself apart from the competition. Best of all, you highlight the value of your services, the actual expense becomes less of a concern for homeowners when booking a job. Ultimately, you are showing homeowners that investment is crucial to resolve their problems.

4. Create a Quality Plumbing Ad on Facebook

Design your Facebook ad.

This is where plumbing Facebook ads get really fun! Now it is time to design your Facebook ad. There are two ways to design your ad: by using an existing post that will be published on your page or from scratch.

Utilizing an existing post

For specific kinds of ads, like boosted posts you can design your ad using a post that had already been published on your Facebook page.

To do this, choose the “use existing post” option. From here, you can select your page from your linked accounts and choose the post you want to use as your ad.

Creating a new ad

If you want to create a new ad from a blank canvas, the initial task is to choose a format. You have probably come across numerous Facebook ad formats on your news feed, but your options vary depending on the goal you set for your ad during the third step. Facebook has about eight ad formats and it will recommend one or more to you based on your plumbing marketing goal.

5. Consider Your Facebook Ad Placement

You cannot get into the specifics about where your Facebook ads will be displayed. For example, you will not be able to request them only to appear on your Facebook groups. But, that doesn’t imply you have no control whatsoever. There are numerous options for plumbing Facebook ad placements.


Facebook stories

Because Facebook has recently acquired Instagram, users can now show temporary pictures in their “stories” section. Story plumbing ads occupy the whole screen and appear momentarily between images.


Facebook feed

Whenever you scroll through your Facebook feed and realize a sponsored post you are viewing a plumbing feed ad. These ads can be effective when they are focused on the right audience. These Facebook ads will appear on both desktop computers and mobile apps.


One of the numerous options for plumbing Facebook ad placements.

If you have ever connected with a prospect or client on messenger, then you can send them a sponsored message on Facebook. Perhaps a prospect reached out to your business requesting your available services and you want to follow up a month afterward with an offer.

Right Column

You can also publish ads on the right-hand column of your Facebook page.

You can also publish ads on the right-hand column of your Facebook page. Such ads will not interfere with your user’s news feed so they will be less irritating. They are restricted to desktop computer users, so you will not be able to reach prospects who are on mobile devices.

6. Create the Right Offer

Give people a good reason to pay attention to your ad.

When Facebook users are viewing their posts and news feed, you have to do everything possible to grab their attention.

This doesn’t imply adding some random picture or video for shock value. It does imply offering prospects a reason to stop and look at your plumbing Facebook ad.

One way to achieve this is via an offer. Give people a good reason to pay attention to your ad. Make a unique value proposition that outranks the competition, whether it is an offer for more details, financing or perhaps obtaining a free quote.

Make your target audience understand right away what your plumbing company is providing and what they require to do in the next steps.

7. Set Your Facebook Ad Campaign Budget

Now it is time to decide how much you want to spend on your Facebook ad.

Now it is time to decide how much you want to spend on your Facebook ad. When you allocate a budget, it is crucial to remember that this cost represents the amount of money you want to spend on your ad. You can allocate your budget daily or as a total amount for the whole campaign.

Daily: A daily budget gives you a limit on what you spend daily on your ads. Facebook will utilize the criteria you set to identify the right time and place to show your ad to your target market. Once your set budget has been depleted, the ads will stop running for the day. The cycle will repeat the next day.

Lifetime: A lifetime ad budget is the maximum amount of money you want to spend during the whole period of your whole ad campaign. You give Facebook a specific number and the date you want to end the campaign, and it will utilize the money based on your ad performance. Once your budget is depleted, the ad campaign ends.

8. Track Your Facebook Ads Performance Metrics

Facebook Ads Performance Metrics

Once your plumbing Facebook Ads are running, you will want to keep a keen eye on how they are performing. To see these results, you will want to monitor their performance in two major places: your plumbing marketing software and the Facebook Ad Manager.

Some of the primary metrics to look for include the level of engagement, videos, and performance. Clicks, settings, and events.

No matter the kind of metrics you use to assess the success of your plumbing advertising efforts, you can get all that data in the Facebook Ads Manager.

Need Help with Plumbing Facebook Ads Management?

Schedule a free profit session with one of our Facebook Ads experts to get started today.

If you are like most plumbing contractors, you probably don’t have the resources to hire an expert full-time and time to mess around with Facebook ads. Do your bottom line, your family, and yourself a favor and get a free social media analysis from Blackstorm Design + Marketing.

Schedule a free profit session with one of our Facebook Ads experts to get started today.

Plumbing Social Media Advertising

How To Grow Your Plumbing Business With Facebook Advertising

Attract The Right Clients, Increase The Visibility Of Your Business Online And Stand Out From The Competition With Facebook Ads For Plumbers.

Finding new clients is much different than it was three decades ago. Conventional marketing strategies such as Yellow pages ads are long gone, and you won’t have much success with printed business cards or flyers today. A recent survey showed that more than 90% of consumers conduct an online search to find a local plumbing business.

Facebook Ad

It is easy to figure out Facebook as a social media platform where people go to check the status of their former schoolmates and maybe post a photo of their favorite pet. While we are all for pet photos, it is crucial to remember that Facebook has over 2.2 billion users nowadays. As a plumbing company owner, there are high chances that most of your clients (if not all) have and use a Facebook account. Therefore a plumbing Facebook advertising strategy is crucial.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the details of Facebook Ads for plumbers.

What are Plumbing Facebook Ads?

facebook interface

Plumbing Facebook ads are advertisements that appear in the right-hand column of the Facebook Newsfeed.

Why should plumbers advertise their services on Facebook?

The power of facebook ads

As a plumbing business owner, you might not consider Facebook as a viable to invest some of your marketing dollars to get your services in front of potential clients, but what if we told you you could get in front of homeowners requiring plumbing services in your area? To help you make an informed choice, let’s start with what a great ad can do for your plumbing business. A great plumbing Facebook ads should assist you:

  • Find the Right Customers

Customers find some brands irresistible

Facebook has a lot of information about its users. You can take advantage of this and target prospects who are most likely to become paying clients.

Facebook lets you specify criteria such as gender, age, job title, industry, marital status, location, and interests. It also gives you the option to filter connections (for example, friends of prospects who already liked your page) and behavior, which includes life events and recent purchases.

  • Facebook Ads for plumbers increases Brand Awareness

Website Branding Company

Facebook advertising will no doubt improve your brand awareness, and it provides an effective way to make prospects or clients aware of what you offer.

The more familiar people are with your plumbing brand, the higher the chances of scheduling service appointments with your company when it’s time to make a final decision.

  • Plumbing Facebook Ads Help to Generate New Leads

Generate New Leads

Creating and increasing some brand awareness is one of the reasons for using Facebook ads for plumbing contractors. But a great Facebook ad will do more than spread your good business name out there- it will help you obtain some qualified leads. Ensure that you link your ad with a lead form or Contact Us page so that prospects or clients can communicate with you promptly and later, you can include them in a client database.

  • Plumber Facebook Advertising is the cheapest form of marketing that generates a high ROI

High ROI

When you compare Facebook plumbing advertising vs. conventional media, one major advantage of Facebook ads is that they are cheaper than others form of plumber marketing.

For instance, you can spend just $5 to reach over 1,000 people, and it doesn’t add up to spend more money on TV commercials, radio ads, billboards, and other conventional media to reach the same target audience.

Another great thing about Facebook ads for plumbers is the ability to track your campaign results. You can see how many referrals are sent to your plumbing website, the engagement it is getting, and other important metrics.

  • Your Competitors Are Already Using plumbing Facebook Ads


Other plumbers in your area are using Facebook ads to scale their businesses.

In fact, you are making life easier for them by not utilizing Facebook advertising to reach your target audience.

Let’s face it: if you are not using internet marketing strategies like Facebook ads for plumbers to grow your company, you will not have a plumbing business soon.

If your clients spend a lot of their time on Facebook, then you should use it as a tool to grow your plumbing business online.

  • Plumbing Facebook Ads Increases Referrals to Your Business

Refer a friend

The social aspect of Facebook makes it a more preferable option than any form of plumbing advertisement strategy that exists.

Facebook ads can sometimes go viral. If your ads are reaching the right audience, they will highly recommend it to a friend.

The ability to spread referrals and word-of-mouth will be a huge benefit your plumbing business can capitalize on using Facebook ads.

  • Facebook Ads can Help Your Plumbing Business Get Repeat Business

Happy customers stay with you gif

Plumber Facebook advertising strategy can help drive repeat business from clients who had scheduled service appointments from your company in the past.

Utilizing their audiences feature, you can import client emails into your plumbing Facebook ad campaign. This will help you to promote your plumbing services directly to the audience that is most likely to schedule service appointments with your company.

  • Facebook Ads Complements Your Plumbing SEO Efforts

SEO campaigns

Paying ads to reach your target audience can complement your SEO strategy, particularly when you spend money to boost posts. This works well particularly when considering some posts that will later be used as ads.

For example, ads give you a perfect chance to target specific users who will find a specific post hyper-relevant. There is a higher probability that a huge percentage of these readers will share your content, implying that your post will be visible to more users without having you pay a dime.

What Types of Facebook Ads are Available to Plumbers?

Types of Facebook Ads

As a plumber, the crucial thing you need to know about Facebook ads is that there are different formats and type of Facebook ads, and they are all unique. Here are some of the most commonly used types of Facebook ads:

1. Image Ads

Facebook Image Ads

These simple ads provide an excellent way to get started with Facebook advertising. Plumbers can utilize image ads to portray their services. Branded images showcasing your team with a uniform will generate more clicks and generate a huge engagement.

2. Video Ads

Facebook Video Ads

Video ads normally run in the stories and Newsfeed section or they can pop up like in-stream ads in longer Facebook videos. Plumbers can use videos to showcase their services to prospects or clients, and the most effective video can showcase your team at work accompanied by subtitles and audio.

3. Carousel Ads

Facebook Carousel Ads

Carousel ads can display up to ten images in a single ad, each coming with its link. You can use them to highlight multiple benefits of one service or product. Besides, they are effective in helping promote multiple kinds of plumbing services in a single ad.

4. Instant Experience

Facebook Canvas ad

Plumbers can utilize Facebook Instant Experience ads (popularly known as Canvas) to display instant mobile ads that capture your target audience’s attention. Users can engage with carousels, photos, and videos within one ad.

5. Collection

Plumbers may not require collection ads since they focus on product-based sales, which most plumbing contractors avoid.

6. Offers

Facebook Offer ads

As a small plumbing business owner, you might also want to look at offer ads. These get the attention of homeowners who may not been thinking of hiring a plumber, but we are open to suggestions if the offer is right. Offer ads are excellent tools to boost sales and find new clients. The main disadvantage is you will create a system for clients to cash in the offer.

7. Lead Forms

This is an ad that comes with an instant form attached to it to help you learn important information about future prospects. You can use them to collect contact details to research your target audience and drive engagement with your business.

3 “Must Have” Facebook Ads for Plumbing Contractors

Plumbing social media advertising has come a long way, with platforms like Instagram and Facebook giving you direct access to your target audience in front of where they are hanging out.

Several studies have shown that an average American adult spends approximately 2.5 hours each day on social media!

The number of social media users continues to increase each year. And while younger generations and teens may be migrating from social networks such as Facebook, we understand that more than 70% of millennials still turn to Facebook to connect with family and friends, get news and obtain solutions to their problems.

When we begin to develop an advertising strategy for plumbing contractors on Facebook or Instagram. It is essential that we pay attention to the buyer cycle-or where your client is on their journey to booking a job with your company?

There are three primary stages in most customer buying journeys so you will require three kinds of ads and posts to meet your target audience where they are at and establish trust, nurture them, such that when they are ready to hire a plumber near them you are the contractor they want to partner with.

Step #1: Awareness plumbing Facebook Ad Campaigns


First things first. Before any action can happen, your future client needs to know about you. How does that occur on Facebook?

  1. A friend or family member may refer you to them for plumbing services
  2. They may read a review posted by a person on their network
  3. A person in your network engages with your post, so it is displayed to them.
  4. They come across your ad.

For the purpose of this post, we will focus more on ads-but it’s essential to understand the role played by the ads in the entire awareness stage.

For awareness ads, we highly recommend that you keep it on a low budget and broad. This is about getting in front of as many homeowners as possible (who fit your target audience of course). We highly recommend running a “likes” campaign showing Facebook that you are ready to pay when a person likes your page. Once they have liked your page, you can engage them further with trust-building posts and nurture them along their buying journey!

Step #2: Consideration Plumbing Facebook Ad Campaigns


In this stage, we are simply re-engaging with homeowners or property managers who already understand who you are and have interacted with your plumbing company. Either they have already visited your plumbing website, followed your Facebook page or you have their email address.

This implies that you aren’t advertising to a cold audience. But it is crucial that before you begin this phase, you have a huge audience to advertise to. It is recommended that you spend some time improving your brand awareness first.

Types of Facebook posts and ads that will work well in this phase are helpful tricks and tips, show photos of projects that you are working on, and sharing testimonials. The sole purpose of this phase is to establish and build trust!

Modern homeowners are smart- they know an ad when they come across it, and they merely trust conventional advertising. Thus, you should invest your time and effort to build enough trust with your target audience. We see great results with home service clients who post diverse and consistent content.

If you are spending too much time thinking about what to post on your plumbing company Facebook Page, then schedule a free discovery call with Blackstom Design + Marketing today. We take the guesswork out of what type of posts by offering you a monthly social media advertising strategy and crafting posts! It is so pocket-friendly.

Step #3: Decision stage Plumbing Facebook Ad

Decision stage

Finally, your potential client is ready to schedule a plumbing service job with your company. And you want to make it as easy as you can for them to schedule a service appointment with your team. You can show these ads to people who visit specific pages on your plumbing website or have followed your Facebook page longer. With decision stage ads and posts, we highly recommend that you be focused more on closing a sale. But don’t make such ads too prominent on your Facebook schedule.

Lastly, consider your target clients and how your plumbing company interacts with them at every step along the way. If you are searching for help in diversifying your social media posts or ads, schedule a non-obligation session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing today.

How to Create a Successful Plumbing Facebook Ads Campaign in five simple steps!

Homeowners see numerous ads when they scroll through their Facebook profiles. Your ad must be appealing enough to attract them and make them pay attention. Here are some of our best practices for creating plumber Facebook ads that generate desired results. Start advertising your plumbing company on Facebook by following the simple steps below:

Solve a Client’s Problem

customer service concept

As states out, one of the most crucial purposes of creating a great ad is that it should address your target audience’s pain points. You want to maintain that potential benefit to the client, not just praise your plumbing company. And you need to understand the fact that most homeowners don’t turn to Facebook when they have a plumbing emergency. You will snatch those hot leads using Google Ads.

For Facebook, the aim is to find homeowners who want general information about bathroom restorations or plumbing. This will help you to follow up with high-quality newsletters or blogs so that you stay on top of homeowner’s mind whenever they have a plumbing emergency in the future.

Include Quality Visuals in your Ad

online promotion service

Posts and ads with visuals will be remembered more than ones with texts. For plumbing contractors, you can include after and before photos. Any homeowner in a kitchen or bathroom renovation is likely to stop for photos than an easy text saying, “Searching to renovate your home?”

Define Your Target Audience and Budget

Target Audience

This step is extremely important for the success of plumbing Facebook Ad campaigns. The target audience for your ad can be customized based on the following demographics:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Interests
  • Languages
  • Location begins with a country, state, address or zip code.
  • Behaviors – Things like buying intent and behavior, as well as mobile device usage
  • Connections – select to display your ad to all people

Once you have selected your target market, the next step is to choose how much you want to spend on your ad. When setting a plumbing Facebook ad budget, it is crucial to consider the maximum amount of money you want to invest in your ad. You can either set your ad budget for a lifetime or daily:

Campaign Budget Optimization

Lifetime: A lifetime ad budget refers to the maximum amount you want to spend during the time your ad is set.

Daily:   This refers to the average amount that you are willing to spend on Facebook ads every day.

Create Your Advert

This is where the rubber meets the road, and it is where all the fun starts. It’s time to select the headline, images (or video), body text, and where your ad will be displayed above your ad will be shown on Facebook. For the ad text, you obtain 90 characters to share a quick brand message that will pop up above your video or image(s).

There are two ways to create Facebook adverts: creating a new advertisement or using an existing post. Here is a quick look at the two options:

Creating a New Plumbing Facebook Advert

Woman login into facebook website on laptop

If you want to develop your ad from scratch, then the first task is to choose the format you would like to use in your advert. Facebook adverts depend mostly on the results you want to get. Facebook offers 5 different formats for adverts:

  • Carousel: Create an ad with two or more scrollable videos or images
  • Single Image: Develop up to six variations of your advert using one image.
  • Canvas: Tell a more compelling story by combining videos and images
  • Slideshow:  Create a looping video ad with about 10 images
  • Single Video: Create an advert with a single video.

Use an existing ad or post

For specific types of plumbing ads, such as boosting posts, you can develop an ad using an existing post that had already been shared on your Facebook page.

Provide a Compelling, Call to Action

Click Here gif

Homeowners should know what you want them to do next. They would click to know why their toilet may be wasting water? Go to your plumbing website to obtain a discount code for their next service appointment? Homeowners who are confused won’t follow you. Ensure that your ad incorporates at least one action phrase or word, such as “Go to”,” Click” or “Fill out.”

Where to Place your Plumbing Facebook Ad?

You can’t get into minor details about where your plumbing ads are displayed. For example, you won’t be able to demand they only appear in Facebook groups. But that doesn’t imply you have no control whatsoever. There are main options for plumbing Facebook Ad placements.

  • Stories

Since Instagram was acquired by Facebook, users can nowadays display quality photos in their “Stories.” Such story ads can occupy a full screen on mobile and show momentarily between photos.

  • Feed

Facebook newsfeed

When scrolling your primary Facebook feed and bump on a “Sponsored Post,” you are viewing a feed ad. Such ads can help to target the right people, and these ads will pop up on both desktop computers and mobile apps.

  • Messenger

If you have interacted with a homeowner on Messenger, you can also send them a sponsored post. Perhaps they asked you about the plumbing services available, and you want to follow up later with a compelling discount offer.

  • Right Column

Facebook displaying right hand column ads

You can also post your ads in the right-hand column. Such ads don’t interrupt prospects’ feed, so they may not irritate them. They are restricted for desktop use, so you can’t view them on mobile devices.

Plumbing Facebook Advertising Services with Blackstorm Design + Marketing

Facebook Advertising Services

Nowadays, social media plays an important role in how plumbing companies and clients interact. Over 500 million active users spend more than more time on the website. Your plumbing business will be missing a lot of opportunities by not advertising your plumbing services on this platform.

Ready to start advertising your plumbing company on Facebook? If so, we are ready to help! Blackstorm Design + Marketing social media experts can help with all aspects of your plumbing social media advertising- from setting up your account, managing bids, tracking, posting, to banner, and more.

Our Facebook Advertising Process for Plumbers

Social Media Advertising

Our process for advertising on Facebook is almost the same to our approach to internet marketing in general: Measure>Test>Tweak>Repeat

Our simple philosophy is always: You can’t optimize what you fail to track and measure. More data results in great results.

When you come to us, here are some steps we take to create an appealing plumbing Facebook Ad:

Conducting a Competitor Analysis

Competitive Analysis gif

  • Finding local plumbers currently outranking you in audience engagement and size.
  • Analyzing messaging and content that performs well in your plumbing industry.
  • Conducting a market analysis for your plumbing industry and service areas.

Creating an Engaging Organic Social Media Campaigns

Organic Social Media Marketing

  • Creating imagery and copy for high-performing social media ads
  • Split-testing ad copy
  • Improving and reporting paid social ads
  • Creating custom target audiences to best target your plumbing company and brand

Track Your Social Media Campaigns for Plumbers.

Monitor your reach and audience.

  • Monitor your reach and audience
  • Tracking engagement rates
  • Tracking leads and click-through-rate

Frequently Asked Questions on Plumbing Facebook Advertising

Carrying question mark gif

How do you advertise your plumbing services on Facebook?

Facebook advertising provides a crucial way of connecting with your target audience. The first thing you need to promote your plumbing services on Facebook is to have a vibrant presence on the platform. Secondly, you need to adapt to your client’s buying cycle, actively manage your page, and target ads to your ideal customers.

What is the best way to promote your plumbing services company online?

There are several online marketing strategies you can use to advertise your plumbing services including creating a professional plumbing website that converts, optimizing your Google My Business Profile, managing and gather online reviews, obtaining more plumbing leads via work requests, and using Google Local Service Ads.

How do you name a plumbing business?

Here are a few tips to help you choose a name for your plumbing company:

  • Select a name that is easy and short to pronounce
  • Choose a name that reflects the plumbing services you offer.
  • Ensure your name is easy to remember and spell
  • Make it memorable, simple to pronounce, and positive

Plumbers: Get a non-obligation Social Media Advertising Analysis

Social Media Marketing Agency

If you are like most plumbing contractors, you probably don’t have time to mess around on Facebook and don’t have money to hire a full-time professional to do it. If so, why not contact us to get started with plumbing Facebook advertising today?

Schedule a free discovery strategy session with Blackstorm Design + Marketing to learn how you can advertise your plumbing business on social media today.

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